r West So^tty^ Doors open 3 OLEWOOD SCHOOL Admission Free Oharlos E. Burbridgo, who has been spending* the school holi days here at his home, 2809 Marine l>rlve/left on Monday to assume his duties as principal of the schools at'lJcluelet, B.C. ' JBpJRSii JH i.iJIp'̂ .]Jilk;;L«...:,̂ yMHMi' JRMKVwMr̂ "V'""' ttllhiM iHMli ̂ lâ ia MlldiMttsa WMIJI iiî iIURh IICCS ^W PUIIIlil^ West Vancouver Branch Classes resume Wednesday, September 18th, in the Legion Hall Ballet. Tap, Aicrolia^icfl, Classic and Ballnoom Dancing" for Children and Adults 10% discount to all pupils enrolled before October 1st Residence Phone West 308-R2; sEy. 862S. e Mr. and'Mrs. Hobihson and son have returned to their home at 1669 Duches^ Ave., after spending two months at White Rock. B. C. Mrs. F, E. Arhistrong, 1185 Esquimau Ave., has returned to her home after a six weeks' visit with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs.̂ Earl Arm strong and her daughter May, who reside in Kamloops. u n v 'V 'V R T T llM ' ' MiVTCWlihafvCfil ' . ̂ . 14th and Marine Hrive . (Above* McNeil's Rexall Drug Store) F A L L H » A f N O W I N S i S S I O N General Business C our^, Stenography, Bookkeeping, etc. Students Prepared for Civil Service Exams. Tdephone West 341 S t P a tric ia ; Slchool^ ' Residential and Day Pupils " Girls - Grades / Boys - Grades I, II. „ Nursery .'School and Kindergarten -- Boys aiB'GiH 2=6'~yeai*r Principal: Mias Marjorie R. McGilUvray.i PHONE: W. 516 2667 Haywood Ave., A tte n U O ii^ ^ SA N D , GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK , A ^ P H ^ ^ K M E f c ------- -- - - R O A D M A T E R I A L S U a O T E D Phon6 North il41 . . or' ̂ AUP £LIiXS« Wost 828-L t . jR E Y O lJ m O N A I t l l M K i n i T g A f - r n a Eitiyto-apply-^--V arielyofeoloH __.*^*^TT* ,.̂ * * . -. ___________ .Try-this-effective_and economical__ CEMENT P A IN T S Wall Finish for old or new plaster.North Shore Agents TEAROE Sc S O N S W EST 4 « ......... ■ ' •■ ' f ■ >■ ■ i '» p Dobson---Kliipe A home in India will be the end of a wedding journey for Miss Una Margaret 'Knipe and Rev. Arthur W. Dobson, who wore married on Monday after noon in I West Point Grey United Church by the groom's father, Rev. Hugh Dobson, assisted by Dr, D. H. Telfer. The bride is the younger daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. Ŵ Knipe wjiile the gr(wm is the ̂ ond'son of Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Dobson. A turquoise blue crepe jacket dress and navy hat touched with fuchsia were worn by the bride, whose' corsage boUquet was of gardenias and bOuvardia. She was attended by her sister, Miss Nora Knipe, whose Voyal blue frock"was"accented with white.- Her hat was navy and her flow>- ers pink roseS and bouvardia.' JVIr._AlbertiJClobsoii_w.asJbfisL man, and ushers were Mr. Hugh Dobson, Mr. Roger Knipe, Mr. Bei^nard Knipe and Mr. Hubert Watson. A reception was held at the -home of the bride's parents, Mrs* Knipe. receiving f iii a queen's blue gown with wine hat and accessories; She wap assisted by jthe groom's mother, wlio .̂chose a red earth chiffon epsehlble.; For a brief honeymoon on Gabriola Island, the bride don-, ned a dusky pinkjhat and dress with .heavy blue topcoat. On Saturday they will leave en. route for India:----------- -- ------ Mrs. Derome,%th ismd Water- front. liasIeft'ttr'WctWto. Mr. and Mrs. WUson have moved from 224 14th Street into a house at 886 20th Street. Mrs. Young, who has been cupying a suite in the Keith Block, 16th and Marine' Drive, has left for up coast. A ,A V Miss Beale, who has beep spending the summer at Gar*, row Bay, has returned to Van- oouver. A A A Mrs. D. M. Smith with her family, 14th and Marine Drive, has left to join her husband at Ramsey Island, B.C. ......................................... * . ; Mrs. Douglas, who has been spending the summer at 2686 Bellevue Ave., has returned to Vancouver. 4i 4< ' A. ; W. E. Thomson, 3247 TraVers AVe., won honorary mention for a photo in Class A in the photo graphic display at the Vancou ver Exhibition. ' A A A ■ ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie, who have been occupying a suite at "The Gables," West Bay, haye gone back to the city.A A A Among the successful ex]bibit- ors from West Vancouver at the Hobby Show in the Vancouver Exhibition were' the following: Class 1 (b). Boats sailing mech- anical-and mantelpiece-working^ models, 3rd. Model submarine, Sidney WoodsUModel Engineer-^f ̂ ing. 3rd, working Itnodel of steani ' Bennett's BAKERY r ISD 444wISS.MlElirl9rS: SATURDAY SREOrAL- CREAM CAKBS-25c a dot; Scotch PancahNi* Scones, Scotch Meat Plea 6c each 6 for 26c UtllAAdi 'tiVaSAhll̂ Î AfcjE iHliAAkOklJl9UCMI W MppM Mwmm U68 HnrlnA Dr. PIiaiia W. 27 . Holiybnm Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND « SATURDAY Sept. 6th, 0th And' 7th RDWAUD G. R0IUN80N ^Tr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet" (A Btory along tho Hnos of Louis Pastour) also a list of soloctod short , subjects IdONDA^Y, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Sept. 9th, 10 and 11th JUDY GARLAND BEll LAHR BILLIE BURKE »The W izard o f Oz'* [The outstanding fantasy of tho ' year, all in colQr)u..i( " Twice each evening at 7:20 and 1' 9:30 " also news and short subjects ^ ^ " W r T r W a f s ^ 7 b f " t l i e West Vancouver Machine Shop; merit award,, model steam tract or, Sidney Woods; Toys and Play Articles, 1st, miniature western town, J. H. Smyly. A A ' A V E R N O N ^ FEED STORE A. C. SBARLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Mr. and Mrs. B, R. Berrick, with their daughter, Mrs. Ham? ish Morton and her̂ thr^ chi«J4 ren, Margaret Ann,' Elizabeth and Patricia, who; spent the summer months in Caulfeild, left .' last Friday fcfr Victoria, where they plan to remain for; .the winter months. BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Boys' Band Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs: A. H. Jones, 33̂ 96 Marine Drive, at 2:30 p.m. bn Wednesday, September 11th. ĵThe meeting will take the form of a shower .for the Fall Bazaar. All mothers of band boys are invited to attend. REFUGEE COMMITTEE Every night, every-nut on eyeity massive wheel of ' the. Pacific S^ge fleet gets an individual cH^lkiip. Mechanics seldom find a loo^ wheel'nut, but there is always ̂ remote chance, do mght after night th ^ keep checldng, that Pacific Stage passengers can know they are riding in the safest, su ^ t b ii^ on the road. This is oi^y one of many safety checks performed mghtly. As wdB, each ̂ bus is/tiioroughly washed ^®d cleauediWhenJPacificBtageJ)nses go ba^k into service next morning,,, p'atrons are'assured that eve^. mechamcal saf^y device, every feature designed for passenger coinfort, is operating at/ ®A3anium efficiency. It costs no more to ride the Pa<^c way. sti*Bs Several; "Orphans o f the Storm" have found refuge in' WeairyVancouverr-TwQ-bhildren- have been placed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leishman, Caulfeild, and one in the home of Mrs. J. Gibson. • Three little girls have arriv ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Walker from Wolverhamp ton. England.' To all young guests the Refu gee Committee extends a wel come and offers all its services to the foster parents., Phone Mrs. F. A. Walker W..487-L or Mrs. R. Fiddes W. 193-R for in formation. ' , „ The meeting of the Refugee Committee has been postponed until further notice. . " Mrs. Richard Ml-Irving) Jr., arrived - in̂ the cityL_.early_ Jast week to join her husband, who had preceded her, and is^at pre sent the guest of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell-Irving, at their home in the British Properties. ,l The ^uple plan to leave shorts ly to reside dn Esquimalt, where Lieut. Bell-Irving is attached to the navy. His- wife" is the for mer Sally Reid of Lincolnshire, England. A • A ' . A daughter was born on Au gust 28th at the Vancouver Gen eral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James H. Pearcy (nee Dora -Davies) ,iof:2859-rB_ellevue Ave. A A A M mvMNI •# MItllN CfiVMi* Iniportaiit Users Say "Buy B.C Products" West Vancouver « Townswomen's JGidld m eetin g at 7:45'p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in the Clachan) ' ■ 'A EXPERT Watch ahd Clodk b e p a ir in o T.^CHRISnOVEON ̂ (formerly with IMrks .Ltd*, M onbm i: 1522 Mmriae ■f-- Three were hurt at Whyte- cliff, at 9:40 p.m., on Sunday when a car driven by Norman Keech, 20, of Vancouver,. crash ed into a power pole at Nelson Ave. and . Chatham Street, The . car travelled 30 feet off the road. The injured are: Miss Di- aiia Pickett, 14, cuts about face and lip; Miss Vivian Munro, 15, bruises; Norman Keech, frac tured leĝ all of the city. All were taken to St. Paul's Hos pital. A . A A The approximate numbers of students in the schools here are as follows: Senior High; 228; Junior High, 333; Elementary, . 514; beginners at Pauline John son 29 and at Hollyburn 50. COMMUNITT PRAYER _ SERVICE ; In response to the King's re quest for a-national d^yV of ' prayer, an open air servioe\ is being arranged by the pastors of the local churches in* Amble- side Park next Sunday at 3 p.m, if the weather is fine. The choirs of the local <?hurches are being invited to lead in^he singing. In ; case of rain, the service will be hdd in the High ^hool Audit- lO p A itn ^ .......................... ....... 'British Columbia thrives by its In* dustriM, and its Industries are gen* •ibus useiii of " B.C. Products.*' Logging and Mining Camps were n̂over : busier than they are to*day> Employment and Purchases are' steadily increasing, and Industrial ■ demands for goods-** made-in-British- Columbia" are on a rapidly ascending scale. _____ The Provincial Government invari ably specifies ** B.C. Products " for the numerous Institutions which come' under its care. No, housewife buys more carefully than the Purchasing Agents for these important users, who have found by long investigation and patient test that ** B.C. Products " compare very -favourably, with imported merchan* dise. Support the Product of our own Farms and Factories. Encourage the British Columbia Producer to develop and expand. Give employ* mimt to more of our own people. By far the major portion of your domes tic needs can be supplied within the Province. "Bny B.C. Products" THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Parliament Bldp.~ VictoiflarB7C; m «. BowssoiTMf, Hon. W. J. AsssuMnaa mpitfr NMrtor. Mr. and Mrŝ Kennedy of Smithers, B. C., hsve moved into a hodse'at 1109 Clyde Ave. The former has joined the teaching staff of the Inglewood Hi^h School. ____ .4