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ThoHo attractions are guaranteed lit the Gwendolyn s Beauty Shoppe Creatora of ttacluaiTa Parmaiutl*, 1646 Mulno Drlfo West 117 HOLLYBDRIY HALL 14th and DucImss Sunday. Sept. 8th, at 10 a.»i. Sunday School and Young People'rt lllble Class. Sunday Breulng at 7 AO Gospel Service, Speaker: Mr. J. R. E, McLaren. During September Mr, John Keid of Vancouver, will conduct «peclal Bible readings eachr-* -•*■«•* Ip* **•» QTuesday evening at ,8 o'clock. Tuesday--Subject, "A Cbm ing Moment." . WEST'VAKCOUVBE -^ C Iu n itiiB SciEiCB Society edifice ,̂ 20ih and Kagtlwalt. HoUybum This Sodoty is a Branch ui •n»o Mother aurch ' 'sCNT..Tha Firtl Church of Christ, Sdontiat, in Boston, Ifaasaehtisetts 11580 a.mSunday Service Sunday September 8th SUBIBCT: «M A N " Sunday School at 10:00 a.na. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The pnbUe is cordislly in* vited to attend our services and meetings. _ . l y p y m > ig |||r J | flin# W lyPlJPiyi m, "* cn tjufteheir of ' PIANO ' atid TOB0EY' ' Studios* E e ^ H . S«|iteitili«r. $Oi and" University HtU < Phone West 744.̂ M rs. CliarlcsE V urbridge Teacher o f 1 ^ 0 an d Tiieory Students prepared for Examinations and the B. C. Musical Festival, if desired. Complete success<ĵ in Toronto Conscrvatoiy examinations for the last two years, 90% of them being first class honor.s or honors. Re-opened Tuesday, September 3rd Studio;--2309 Marine Drive. • . Phone West 88-M THE imiTBD CHURCH 21st and BaquiitmH Avenue Rev. WlUiam Vance, MiniBt4W Sunday, September 8th *( f! U| D R, G. D, H, S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. D E N T I S T ./•-■ " X-Ray Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. ^ Office Houra 9 to 6 p.m. nings by appointi Phone West 72 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. :r'̂ : j > ri^"j ' il- ' DR.McRAE D E N T I S T - formerly of 706 Medical-Dental . Building. Hojura: 0 to 0 --. Eveninga by Rev. Father Van ?astor . Sunday Services < Low Mass --: 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:46 A day of Special Prayer. 10 a.m. -- Our Sunday School begins its sessions for the Fall term. Let all our boys and girls be on hand. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject, "The Call to Pray.", 7.30 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject, "God Wrestles with. Us while We Wrestle , with ■ Him." Today our King calls us to pray. I^t all go(^ citizens re spond. Join with some religious NELLIE HARRISON . A.T.C.M. Special Diploma. " < 1 ' ' ' - Ir 1} i I -- j *1,,^ ,.f> j , t , , ' u < . T e a c h e r o f n a n o w n id T h e o r y Pupils propared iot Bedtals, .Examinations, Festivals 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 1056-L appointment 1860 Alarine Drive West 482 ill • :r̂ •; -Rotabllihed oh Ndrth~ShOTV 26 Years " (Lady Asaiatant) HARRON BROS. LTD. fu n e ra l i i r e r to r * - Catechism and Bible Class-- 2̂:00 group somewhere to offer up a p.m.. . i ' prayer to' God. Week-day Services ' • , The first Young People's party -Mass -- 8 a.m;-------------------------of the-season-will be held Mon- Fridays--Rosary, Benediction day, September 9th, in the 7:45. . United Churoh Hall. All mem- Saturdays -^ Confessions; 7:80 bers and friends cordially invit- MRS. F. KNIGHT-HQIIQE (Cert.) (Jn Union with the London College of Music, Eng.) , PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN, and THEORY . Pupils prepared for Exams, B. 0. Feativ^. and Recitals Latest successes, June, July,'1940, 17 Students gaining exceptionally high marks - Theory and Orchestral Classes Weekly " Fall Term Commencing ̂ Sept 9th, 1940 u. Residence and Studio: 1332 Duchess . Ave. Phone West 624*11 to 8:80 pTmr ed~ WEST VANCOUVER' ' TABERNACLE Marine ^^2_6th S t _ Tastorniobert H. Birch i i r ' : : ' € i / 'a i|/4 . ■ N -- -------£| 1 , ' Holljbum Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 -----North--Veneourerr-.-Parlore 122 WeBt Sixth Street Phone North 184 ____ ..Vaneourer Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 y s i : i . - V , Burrard Laundry Ltd.1 .. ----liK-------- i w ell know n-- ------- •fc ' "iv ̂ . r-7 ... -S. ^ 4, E* 1 aivv V 1 a V T afT \nv> T ■ -if . r ' i ' • FAMtlLY^LAuNDRi. Phone North 1310 or West 691L I'-.l ̂ _ ̂ -i-. - i ̂ '" e• ,r ---- ____X---._. -- ̂ i . -• - "?• -V;\ ■ ' ' -i / S i - ; 1:'* '5 ' _ _ _ WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works: Fumece and hange Repairs, Sawdnst Bamen Phone West 89 The regular ,monthly meeting of the^omen's Association will be ĥ lla in the Church Hall on Tuesday, September lOth, _ ^ 2:15 p.m. nHdstesses will be Mrs. M. B. Rush, Mrs. Milne and Mrs. C, W- Addison. .It is hoped there wfil be a large at- MARGUERITE vaa VOOjSHT HUMPHRIES ^ Teacher of Pianoforte and Theory , „,Pupils-prepared_for,alL.examsiancLFestiyal._Kindergarjten__ Studio: 2271 Lawson Ave,| " ̂ West 950-Y Services: Sunday School, 9:46. Suhday-Ser-vioes-*^ll_a.m.,and _ tendance o f ,, > members/ a n d ^ 7:30 p.m. friends.* ; Wednesday-- P̂rayer and Fellow- -----------:-- ^ ^ ship, 7:30.------------- ' CHURCHES OP CHRIST H . d e r i m A n q c z y TEACHER OF VIOLIN ' ̂______Beginners a Specialty _____ Appointments West 1023 In observance of the National Day of Prayer next Sunday the evening service will be devoted to prayer for the nation. SCIENTIST "MAN" wilDbe the subject of the Lesson - ^rmpn in - all ■Churches of Christ Scientist, on BAPTIST CHURCH ■ R e v rV F rE rM c K i^ Sunday. The Golden ̂Text is: **The 1344 Gordon Ave; Spirit itself toreth witness with our spirit, tHat .we are. the child ren of God: and i f children, thenU..J__ . i • 1 ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL PIANO STUDIOS Classes conducted by Miss Marjorie .R. Mc6Ulivray ■.Associate-teabher-of-Mr.-Jx-Dm-A»-T̂ ipp--------- STUDIOS: West Van.: 2667 Haywood Ave,, .. Gaulfeildv̂ PHONB__;W._516. -s I ' $ itufn m>'ji ::l iSIMi lUP;/I' ON NYMAKE BROWN A MUNTON IMS MARINI ORIVt WIST «ta >innl>«n A.R.T. of ll.<\ Ti heirs: heirs of God, and joint. t iS - n T y of Christ," (Romans 8 : Subject, -m e Soldier, the Na- XAong the citations which « tion, and Prayer." comprise, the ^n^deadS^thl following from the Bible: Lord, thou has searched me, 7 '30 D ^ '--^sSriect '̂'Stand^^ ̂ known me. Thou compassest MHS HELEN VANCE, A.T.C.M. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Pupils prepared for high schools credits ̂ other exams, and festivals 1953 Fulton Avenue . . . phene West 244-R nie Church Schoil and Adult i t g \ ®L Tlihir. niflOQ. meet at 10 -- ' aob. 1 and 3). tfelSdl The Lesson-Sermon aSo" i«: ^he^^^rst meeting of the and Health with Women's Mission Circle will be ' AJ t:s- 't S* |SS 8 s P I Mh ' SPECIAL Sawdust__ Dry Slabs .. ilisido Fir: .|S.60 per unit |6i00 per cord from shod...... 86.00 per cord from mill ___ |6.60 per ooxd Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Edgings $8.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 held at the home of Mrs. Faulk- ndr, 1328 Gordon Ave,, Tuesday, forever Septembe*r 10th, at 2:30 p.m. Members ̂are. urged to be pre- boiiTidl?«̂ hnQ,?*»̂ higher from a sent and a cordial invifation is basis, extended -to all-the ladies of the , '̂ You Can Bee The^PiflEerence"- - M E U iO N S ^ L A U N D I^ ^ T D . LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANe RS V By ERS \ C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPNESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 3m church and congregation. •ST. s4*EPHBm CHURCH Rev. E. A. Ramsey, Rector Mr. and Mrs. Whittakerj who have been up coast, have re turned to their home at 2184 Argyle Ave. _ / '1 i 'Y ,53 'M/v:.r '-/' t.'i.s .. Sunday, September 8th TiiT« i • u • Serviicfes of Prayer. Imnl; S 8 a,m.--Holy Communion. AV. ' 1® a.m.-iService for Children. woog Ave._______ 11 a,m.-^Intercessions and Ser mon. 7:30 p.m. -- Intercessions and\ THJB .'.t'ii'is '"I- Hi i iS; W e s t V q U N b Z V S Sermon. O..KIUK .. Tuesday, 2:30--W.A. PnWiihsd Bv«y Thurwiay SLiFrancia-iii-the-Weod ' Canlf^d Puhlishsr 9:45 -- Intercessions and S^mon; MISS nan cy CAMERON CertiUcated by London College ef Music Teacher of Kmo and Thmiy 1671 Duchess Avew - West 280-R Rttldenee Phone:. Weal Vaneouver, Why. $41 f o f . 0 0 Complete 4 Room Bungalow Ask Ub For DetaUs guaranteed' against ADI- DEFECTS FOR 12 MONTHS. I^(L STEVENS & CO. LTD. $16 W. Sly. 82$7 . . BAy. 66I7Y P. F. LOVEGROVE Phoiie West 363 A BuBinaM and Editorial Office: , 1704 Marine Drivo Phone Went 56 m tl; kf North Vancouver Office: * 123 LmuMlale Are. m I , M I $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by m*II„_-^ WX.T.U. The West Vancouver W.C.T.U; will Jiold its regular monthly meeting in the vestry of the Uijited' Church on Thursday, September 12th at 2:15 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to members and friends. Mrs. T. E. Shelgrove i ' ' ■" VIOLIN. PIANO & THJ^RY Pupils' successes in T^. koyal Sfchools Of Music Trinity CoIIego --- London _ and ' ' Toronto Qonslervatory Younger children visited at theiî home. Telephone West 210-1/