*■ #f«fw TOB WBBT VAN NEWS 5 t,2 9 th . iMt> SMITH'S M A RK ET pkM« w«rt 46 A . i i a i T i T S m i t l l H « t* - w « tm Fr<« D«Uy«r)r StrrAe* • Monililjr Aeeoiint SWIHMIHG GALA AND b q n fx h e s Fl^IDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 301h and Sint vl- fT PICKLElH*~<lfappyv«le SwMrt Mixed w Chow«< 2B'OZ. botUe ...... ~...<.28e SALMON--Chum. Tell tin ...'....... I0« Hcd ik White Brand 1940 Pack JAM-- Pure Strawberry. 32«ox. Jar ...J3c QUICK OATS--Oueker nou-premlttm. jyg Pkffe. ............ WAX PAPBIl--1«K lOO.fU roll, only ......................... *..... ......... ....47c lied & White JELLY POWDERS-- H Fruit Flavora. 3 pkt«...............14c Red & While Brand Irradiated COFFEF-- Lb....................... .....48c SuV(f the coupoiiB for valuable fretniuttiB TO N O U B - „Illjf 12-0/, tin ............................. 27c IJedlund'H MEAT BALLS-- No. 1 tin ............................... :..... 24c lied & White PEA S^Tnll tin ..... l ie Nnbob RED PLUMS--Tali tin ....9c- lUd & White SPAGHETTI-- 2 16-01. t in s ................................... 17c We«t 370 MEATS Free DeMrery BEEF ' POKE LAMB yBA L AH GrwJe A & A1, DeHcaiessett Fresh Pl»h Dally JUICY LEMONS--Lorge, 4 for lie Bunkist ORANGES--• I.argv Hiie, dozen ,...'........ 39c .Medium size, dozen ....... .....26c (.'.Tuning I'eaches - Pears • Apples , • Grapes Nabob TUNA FISH--B. C. Pock^ No. jJ/j- fin .............................. 19e TPJNNIS C L U B N O T E S SCHOOL BOARD NOTES■j-'k, The fmalB of the North Shore OiMjn Tpurnument were held Sunday, August 22nd, on the Mo.st of the Board's time at Die last meeting whs devoted*to consideration of accommodation W est V ancouver T e n n is . Club for an expected in c re ase in en- C o u rts , re su ltp b e in g as follows: rollm ent. West Vancouver/vas en fete Saturday fo r the Water gala at Dundarave Pier and the bonfires in tTie evening, both sponsored by the West Vancouver Lions Club in aid of the Red Cross, which wilJ benefit to the extent of about $600. The gala, which was largely attended, was opened by Reeve J. B. Leyland and Mrs. J. R. Mltcheli presented the prizes. Principal J . R. Mitchell acted as announcer, while Gordon Gilles pie, schools physical training director, arranged the program. The committee in charge of ar rangements was composed of Jack Chappell, Eileen Body, Maureen i Martin, David Bird, John Hailstone and Tom Sewell. During the afternoon an exhibi tion of diving was given by. Ed. jKelter and two of his boys from the Pro-Rec department. In th e evening at 8 :30 the fir ing of: rockets was the signal for the whole ' shoreline between Ambleside and Horseshoe Bay to be lighted up with a chain of bonfires. Around every c>ne,pf these residents of that vicinity community Service LUMBER f Quality SA6 H & BOOKS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH ^|j||M0ga ||» 3rAJtWjT-' • ■ THERE IS. . BiriLDEES'^ KUPPUEs^ 'IRJOFIKa W i^LBOARD 'ASWtttii ' ̂ ' i CANADA FAINT IXBIPANt L m HO SUBSTITjUTE FOR QUAUTY w e s t VANCOUVER l u m b e r C O - ltd . 16tli & M arine D riv e u F lio n e W e«t 115 C L A S S I I F I E D A D S The rate for C iassilia Aivertlaenjente U 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of .those having regular accounts, all daaaP fleds ore poyable strictly in advance. ^ Remember ClossiflodB in the West Van. News get immediate rcBult* GORDON ROBSON -7 ^ U c i t o r , 510 W. Hastings, Soy, 4199 a t West Voncouver any time by appointment. West 408. ... i H. A.. ROBERTS I/TD. Complete R ealty Sorvico 1429 Marine Drive West 646 WOMAN WANTED - For general housework; sleep Jn or out. . West 9B6-L. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- icitort 1(^96, Marine Drive; Ph^» W est 21. V West B53*.R-1. ' 1 Ladies',; singles: Mrs. Clare beat Mrs. Searle 6-0, 6-4. Men's sing fe : Cox beat Grif fiths 6-3, 6-2, '6-0. Ladies' doubles: Mrs. Clare collected to sing songs, piny games, and also to , , _ ,, partake of hot dogs and coffee, - The response to the Boards all the'net proceeds going to thfe advertisement for applicants for iQ^al Red Cross. The ferries ran Senior Matriculation was not ^ special boat up-to Point At- WANTED TO RENT end Sept.,^option purchase, modem cottage, 2 bed rooms, full plumbing, firoj^ace, basement. N ear'bus. Box.: 4 , 'W est Van.'.News.: „ ■ CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Sawdiui burners installed; furnace repolrg G. Meldrum, 1108 Lonsdale. North 822. FOR RENT -- Furnished room with kitchen facilities in priyate home ' n ear ' Pauline Johnson School. . W est FLOOR SU RFA CIN G -J. Sutheriani .W est 483 or-N orth 678. . 1095. PAINTING AND DECORATING- Estiihates free. J. H. Wedley. West 1022-L. ' ' sufficient to justify such a class kinson, and those who took the doubles: ' Ji^s. _ ar the fee required. A delegation Jj.jp a.wonderful view and Mrs. Lane beat Mre.^Searle, students and parents urged FOR RENT--2 room suite in private home, fuihiished "or unfurnished, excellent view. W. 448-L. GORDON. GRAYr--Insurance, all rlab, . one, policy, all locations. SEy, 4991 or w est 92-R2. and Mrs. Parkes 7-5, 6-3. Men's doubles: Cardinal and Cox beat Wyard and Coy . 5-7, 6-2, 7-5. Mixed doubles ; Caroline, Dea con and Blake beat Mrs. , Searle and Cox 6-2, 8-6. the Trustees to continue the class regardless of the costs, but the Board oould not be prevailed upon to carry grade XIII unless it is substSantially self-support ing. On the possibility, howeyer, Prizes for all"fburnaments will be presented a t a dinner open to club members and them friends to be held at Whytecliflc on Sep tember 6th. th_aJ;__^additional__appjjoations. r---f ;r 1 1 1 ¥ 4 Miss Suzanne Blackwood and her niece, Miss Jean F<>rsyth, 1591 Haywood Ave., have re turned from Red Roofs whhrA they spent their holidays. woiiU} be received before the end of August the Board authorized the Management Comniittee to institute a Senior Matriculation class and engage a teacher as soon as the requisite amount in fees is guaranteed. Advices were received o f Gala winners were as follows: Boys and girls under 10 yfs., 26 yds. free style: 1. Mary June Jordan; 2. Bruce Shellard. Girls 12 and under, 25 yds. free style: 1. Sally Magoun. 2. Peggy Beat- tie; 3. Anita Jay. Boy's 12 anci underr25"ydsrfree-style-:-dr-Arl=- bert Symes and Bo1^=dPurrie ( t ie ) ; 3. David Jay. Girls 50, yds. free style, open: 1. Ethel FOUND--Canary. W. 97-'M. CAPABLE GIRL with proper- train ing wants dressmaking, sewing, alterations a t home or out; or job . in store. W est-1095. - ■ . - --------- WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Stor* and house fixtures, turning, jjl glazing. W est 740, West 443-R. SCHOOL s u p p l ie s :- Notions - Wool Knitting Needles - Writing Pads, _______ h a S d y 1a n n _ sH qjb:__,____ _CA SH J!Cm JUNK -- Bottles, rap, . Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. 2442 Marine Symes; 2. Betty Marentette; 3. Gloria Bosquet. Boys 16 and under, 50 yds. free style: 1. Don Penn; 2. Victor Vaughan; 3. Tom Powell.' Girls 10 and under, 25 w o u l d y o u l i k e t o t r a d e your . present home fo r something smal ler ? We have a client who wants a larger home with 3 or 4 bed rooms and will pay the difference in cash. Phone Sharpe Realty, 1395 Marine Drive, West 719 CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn, try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, ..Capilano, North 811-R-2. ^ LAWDj; MOWERS SHARPENED - Special - machine; repairs, parts- W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. h! ' ' , about a. score of arrivals :^om yjg fj.gg style: 1. Anita Jay; 2 * 4'.' ?5 W M u f J iy I t . : . i l i f i 1: f i f mmi / 1 i ni:- 'I'd a .M ' .r i lls ; f-;1 W&l: , ' P p , ' H' i i i ' ■'ft MUNICIPALITY OF WEST VANCOUVER the old country, half o f whom would enter elementary sbhools. kThis number alone created no problem" of acjcommodationrbut with increase through transfers from the city. added. to normal Barbara Nield. Boys 10~and under, 25 yds. free style. 1. FOR SALE--McClary Range, double bed complete, walnut dresser^- col lapsible day -bed -complete^-- drop-- Bruce Shellard; 2. Philip Balden. NimiRR OF__ _ PUBLIC HEARING Backstroke relay; 1. Team 3; 2. Team 5; 3. Team 5; 4. Team 2; , -5. Team 1. Boys 15 and under, growth more class-room space diving: 1. Bob Currie; 2. Don would be required All class- Thompson;- 8. Bruce Gibson, rooms a t Pauline Johnson School (3(^ 5. diving: 1. P at Brooks- bank; 2rP eggy Milner; 3. Saily leaf kitchen table, 9x12 CJongofeum rug, new. 160 24th Street, Holly- ■ burn; Friday lortLSaturday. -- ------- PAPBRHANGING, Painting, Kabo- mining; fin^f class work, at reason- able ra te s .H . 6aineB7Wesr982^Er ̂SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer Guests, Transient and Permanent. 3673 Marine Drive. W est 889-L2. WANTED LISTINGS of houses. We -have- seyeral clients ~we-have- not- been able to suit. LAWSON, WALKER & RRIDE 1704 Marine JDrive West 65 PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 60 years) __418 Howe St._________TBin. -1271. term and the classes were then Local Agent,J^agoun. -B oys^iv ingr- open-:-!^-- F-Bayllss-(Notary-Piiblie)T RE-ROOFING^QENUINE DUROID Shingles,. attractive, permanent '^Haye roof measured now; free ,estl- ■raates. R. B./Cnpps, West 88iR." Don Penn; Neil B em ays; 3. Bert Dudfield. Girls 14 and under, 50 yds.' free sty le: 1. Bev erley Ellis; 2. Loma Lang; 3. Joan Brooksbank. Boys 14 and under, 50 yds. free style: 1. Bert too. large, while at Hollyburn Ko Propped Anumdinont to-the . School twio additional class- Noticc is hereby gfvon that pursu- ■ POOii'S could be used. , ; unt to the provisions of the Town The possibility of dividing the Planning Act a meeting of the Coim- children, within walking dist- d l of the Corporation of the District hetwPPn th e tw o elpm PTit'of West Vancouver will be held in oetween me two e lu e n t- ----------- ------------------ the <^u«cii Chamber a t the Municipal afy schools Was considered but Baker; 2. Gord Shellard; 3. John Hall, 17th Street and Esquimau Avo- dismissed on account of the dis- Barbour Bov*; o v e r 16 50 vd<s fi-eq styie: l . W h CokIuiiount prepZd "m m .d L n tv m tVo districts and the distances 2. Neil Bernays. Girls medley, law No. 478, a» set out In the copy final decision of open: 1. E thel Symes and Betty of the proposed 'Amendment By-law the Trustees was that, as the Marentette (tie) • 3 G Bosquet W o r t 'W S ™ "Zoma: B y i : *'5 " Girls 1 2and under, 25'y d ^ p i k " $78, iS ." caused those ch ldren (beyond stroke: 1. Pat Reid; 2; Pat Amendment By-law No. 877, 1940. the t h r ^ mile limit) who are Brooksbank; 3. Sally Magoun. WHEREAS after considering the conveyed to school, all element- Boys m edley o p e n : 1: Dnti P e p p • JF.J?.JEindlayt_West-494-K. 2436 Bellevue. W est 522-R FOR SALE--Drophead Singer $17.50; ... Box Top Singer, $9.00. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. • 1529 Marine Drive West 1041 SECOND GROWTH DRY BUSH FIR --16 and 24 inch lengths, $5.50 a cord.., Steve, Lowrie, Phone West "̂ 256:Y. ̂ ■ ' - ■ " ■ COMPLETE NOTARIAL-SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed. ' Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. ̂j 1405 Marine Dr.,, West Vancouver" Phones: W est-21, 204-M, 913-L WEST iVANCOUVBR MESSENGER WANTED--Girl for housework. One baby. Very good-home: Wf^l74-R. SERVICE--^Parcels, Baggage, transfer work, prompt service. West 700. FOR SALE----'Cello, in good con- dition, $30. (cost $125). W. 311-M3. monimendatimia^ffThy^ children residing west--2~K^th Colouhonn • VlTin Vnir couver To™ Plonmng Con,m,...on It <,f W est Bay would be enrelled g h a ^ Boys and^rUWfedfo^^^ LOST--Will person, who picked up tackle on beach opposite -- 2690 Bellevue please feturnTto same - address. Reward.' -------- GEWERAL-HAULING--Manure, Sep tic Tanka and Rockpits installed and cleaned. Dump truck work. West 187-R. , appears advisable and expedient to amend "Zoning By-law No. 478, 1931,': as follows: - NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Council of the Corporation of the District of Wo.Ht Vancouver in open meeting oascmbled ENACTS AS FOL LOWS: , rac^: 1. John Barbour; 2. Roy ^^ ' -- . - J' turnished. New home. Good view. Central. W. 956-L. onaSoptember 3rd at Hollyburn School. r Jordan. Free style relay; 1: The local Chapter of the I.O. Team 3; 2. Team 4 and 'Team 5 D.E. will ag^in this year conduct (tie). . a Book Exchange at the High • Team results-- . School. Much saving of time and "Team 2, 42 p ts .: Gord Gillies, 1. This By-law may be cited for all mopey Js made possible by the Anita Jay, Bert Baker, Joan ?ENT--Furnished cottage on uurposes ua-"W eat-W ladie^ of the chapter through Brooksbank, ' Don Pehn Lois w. 398-R. "'"law No. 877? lV(i!» v th is service to the students. New Minkley. - ' ' -VACATION- TIME--Make use of the __W est 'Van. N ight Patrol. Courteous j and efficient service. Phone Wssi 726-R. . B()ARD RESIDENCE for two young ladies in West Bay, Box 3^ West Van. News. FIR E HAZARD Protect- <your home and contents. Rates, less than % of 1 per cent. | Percy T., Masterman, Real Estate, Notary, 244R. Marine, West '1077.i* t l l i t - ' f 1 1 1 I ' ' ? ' I l* ;;1 'i? f w ; ; , ;■ lurposes ing By-law 2, The following lot to be rezoned permitting the erection -of a tele phone Exchance Building thereon; Lot 1. Block "B'*, D.L. 775 E p t PASSED by the Council bn the 29th day of August," 1940. I t ' - 1 t 1 ' for SALE--Uood clean snring OlleH b o o ^ niay be ordered a t the . Team 3 , 41 pts.. Albert Symes m attress, 4x 6, $7.00. w. 1059-L. ° ETTOhange. Beattie, Bruce Gibson! wanted -- Capable girl generni Ghmrman McTavish was ,ab- Mary Symes, Neil Bemays, Ethel ^o^^sework. p la in cooking, bnf child sent from the meeting through Symes. sleep m. References, $15 to start! W.. 862-R'. GORDON. ROBSON -- Barriater R Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 41M j > a t W est Vancouver any time ty appointment. IWest 403. . 4m ̂ i, iw iiL f ■ I- r- RECONSIDERED'and FINALLY ' ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED - ----------- -̂---------------- by the Reeve and Clerk, and SEAL-- Mrs. Mary Cameron Riddell of illness and Mrs. O'Donnell pre- Team 4, 39 p ts .: Bob Currie FOR RENT --Furnished four-room house, lovely view, fireploce, sawciusi burner, $30. W est S U M S .___ Eva Reed, Jack Glover, Ina At- wanted--Reliable girl or woman water, Vic Vaughan, Betty Mar- ^ children and general ED with the Corporate Seal of .the said Corporation nil on the day o f. , 1940. entette. work, w. 23.3-R.q Caulfetld, accompanied b y her niece, Gail Cowan, has left by ' . t 'r/ Reeve. , » u i. • -.L i ^ ^ letter was received from theplane for a short visit to Seattle Department of Lands, Water -T ThennlqBe Steam Permanents; only best , materials FOR SALBr-Cldse in. 4 room IimM a t a very low-price apd easy tern ■ LAWSON, WALKER & Opp; Hollyburn P.O. West W ffj Acting CJlerk, I hereby certify the above to be a and Portland. w J i operators. "Phone Rights Branch, 'advising ' u j ; Council that a license had not ® ^P®sraes Developed, PAINTING. piPERHANGlNGjj^J; CO spra;i^ng, first class work, ^ erials guaranteed. Jerms arrang ^F: Gaines, .W. 974-L. ' - W I true copy of "Zoning By-law No. 478, 1931, Amendment By-law No. 877, „ -------se n a a not PrinfA/1 K , weveiopeu, -------------------- --- ==-- --------- ,1 lifiss. Kathleen Taylor will been issued in rqspect to the ap- soc, ^Vdav's FURNISHED ROOM, i»ot/ iand cjW leave on BVit^y to visit her pheation of the B ritish Pacific Marine iWve. ™^«*^Pbers, 1518 - water, 116-00.-Especially good ^1940._ ■'S"'Kirti ts .... '.Mi:.' Vi - ' ' W ' I ' - tm ̂ ■ " R. A. HARRISON, Acting Municipal Clerk. All .persons who deem themselves affected by the proposed amendments will be afforded- an opportunity to be fa ther, "A. J. T» Taylor, in New Properties Ltd. for water license Torfe^^-- r ------------- :---------------- on-Lawson-Greek.- ' Alan Irpung, comedy s ta r of "Stagr(Ba^ty,*',has received a re quest -from .Carol Landrum, Am-. p y j f A M I ' S ... ..: heard by the Council, on any matters . >Rriq|m' d ^ ' ^ ' noW l^playiniy in Illinois,' foY this "29th ,day of August, 1940. ® % n K. Ar HARRISON, PRper-hang- ' Acting Municipal Clerk. er." ̂ ̂ ^ SKATING AT THE ROLLERDROMB Week Nights, 8 to 11 l̂Oc per hour Saturday, 2 sessions 26c p e r session for sale., W est 916, 1702 Marine FERGUSON'S MOTOR TRANSPORT CO. OPENS NEW OFFICE ' ' at North Vancouver ' - ■ Also Agents for aP .R . Exi^es^^C o.. '1528lM^rir^ Vancouver .• •" North 1371l y s Manno Dnve, West Vancouver West .«5 1320 ' .TRin. 0429 1320 Steeet, Victoria Agents . Garden 7023 --______ WE CX)VER THE NORTH SHORE