»-Vi-"' "' - <-V\, I Wl-«t 'V W 't̂ ' 3M* m , '3!(3r̂JV3, iiiii»MWi>i<»j<̂^ Bî iitiliilii «lMW m M i« «'tî7f- l"-,r7f̂*̂'»'«T' - C fir y s a it f t j^ fU M tH ' Show HoUyburii Pavilion Wednesday, Oct. 30 •■ Thursday,O ct. 31 and Persofial Corporal D. C. Williams, R.C. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Gruchy of A.P., loft Monday ovening for Woat Vanoouivor entertainod i:o '.:.'»• ing with her parents, Mr. and ' *U" Bigger Hall, B ettor Plants, Best Blooms Ticket prices the same Calgary, Alta., where he will be cently in honor of Dr. and Mrs stationed.................................. h her pare , Mrs. F. J . Lettner, in West Van- i„ the 43rd casualty list of 1 a.aw., i»w wi« WC WUUUy *11 llUllUr UJl JUl. *»I*U Mrs. Williams is stay^ A. G. Gruchy of Maryland hijar nn ron fa Mi« nnn ' * * ^* , Bargain Prices on a ll ' I West Van, Stationers & L ilirary 1644 Marine Drive. Open Until 8 p.m. , West 687 2397 BELLEVUE AVE. PHONE WEST 867 r OfTerinif: Training for Njursery Nurses. Babies' and Children's Hotel, Molhcrcruft; Nursery School, Kindergarten and Primary Grades. Supervisor--Miss Ruth Elliott Head Teacher--Miss Elizabeth Keeling _ Registration Date---September 3rd . couver.tShe Will join her husband the Royal A ir Force last Sun . in the near fu ty e . day there was I'eported killed in mu 1 i t .. . action Pilot Officer J. P. E. An- The sale of Mrs. Hastings drews whose mother lives on home on Haywood and 25th to 2Cth Street. He was reported. Mr. Crockett of Vancouver, was missing in June negotiated through P. T. Master- a « k man, acting for to th parties. ■ Norman Littell o f Wash- Mr anrt Mrs Noel Han-k re jj?*'*®."- S'"®®.*n f w T. A. SpencBr a n d David Spcnccr,at their home, .W est- mg a weeks vacation with then dean, West Vancouver, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. C. ' ♦ " * Harris, 2145 Bellevue Ave. a* o* i-» i> tt 4 ' i'.........* ♦ ♦ At St. Paul's Hospital last Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Master- man, 2508 Bellevue Ave., left on Tuesday for Powell River, where Mr. Mastetman has ob- P^oery Ave.,^West Bay. tained a good position.♦ * ♦ Bcnnetfi BAKERY BUTTERCRU8T BREAD •SATURDAirSt^E'CrAIr* CREAM'CAKES 25cadoat. Scotch Pancakee, SconeSp Scotch Meat Pies 5c each 6 for 25c Sliced Wrapped Bread 1468 Marine Dr. Phone W. *7...... "' '* ..... ....................... ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL PIANO STUDIOS Classes conducted by Miss Marjorie R. McGiniyray_ Associate teacher of Mr. J. D. A. Tripp STUDIOS: W est Van.; 2667 Haywood Ave., -Caulfeild.------------------------------------- PHONE W. 516. Dittle Aletha Ann Rayner- . . Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy have Healy, aged 2'A years, and Yo- moved from North Vancouver It^nde Jane Rayner-Healy, 8 into a house a t 26th arid Marine the two daughters .of Dyive. ■ Mts. Rayner-Healy (stage name, • ' ♦ ♦ ♦ Aletha O rr), of Wolverhampton, . Mrs. Pollock,' who has been Erigland, arrived in Vancouver spending the summer at the yesterday morning from the Old Fortune Cup Inn, is leaving a t the end dP th is month to return to Vancouver. e . 2337 Lawson^ Ave. * ♦ »« with whom they will stay during Mr. and Mrs. Allen, 25th and the duratipn of the war, the ir. Bellevue, Ave., have moved to ^ niece of Mrs. the oity. Walker. They were accompan- ' . ♦ ♦ ♦ . ied by their nurse; Mrs. Evelyn Mrs. W. C. Robinson of Central her d au g h ^ r Anna, Park, spent a week at the Black who is 3 ^ years-old. The whole Cat, W est Bay. P^rty arrived a fte r th e ir long ____ !______________jic__________ :__jo.maiey_in..-theJi€j3.t_of.LJheaR Hollyburn Theatre THU USD AY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY r August 2Uth, 30th and 81st "That's Right You're Wroag" MONDAY, 'TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Si^itcMubor 2mi, 8rd and 4th "His Girl Friday" with CARY GRANT ROSALIND RUSSELL RALPH BELLAMY ROSCOE.KARNS HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE 4 4 th aifd Marine Drive (Above McNeil'b Rexall Drug Store) FAL^ERM STARTS SEPT. 3rd (general Busmess OquKies, Stenography, Be ^ {eeping, et€^ Students Prepared for Civil Service Exams. Telephone W est 341 A son was born on Friday, a t St. Paul's Hospital, to Mr. and Mrsi Norman M. MatNeil, 31st and W aterfront. ♦ * ♦ and spirits. Manley-rrSimpson». The wedd a t St. Stephen's Churbh at 2:30 T\/Tv. w P-bi* Saturday of Miss LennaMr. and Mrs. W. H. Sanders, - j VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARlis Phone Weqt 9 Fertilizers o f All Kinds, ------------ --------------------- Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies \XT 4. XT r. ««« 4-uJi -Lilley, daughter o f,• Mrj./ E. LWest Vancouver, announce the iaha a,...vvesL^vctncuuvei, amiuuiicc tiic sim pson,' 1494 Duchess Ave., fengagement of t o i r only daugh- ^ Simpsdn, K.C., of ̂ ter, F l o r e y Bernice, to C o^oral Edmonton, to Mr. Newell Wal- I ^ o n a ^ F re ^ , R.C.K^ lace Manly, son of Rev. J. D. Mr. a n d ^ ^ s . Spencer F r ^ r , _ V i c - _ o P Vancouver. toria. The w ^ ^ n g w ̂ a church was beautifully dec-. place on Septem l^r 18th orated for the occasion with o clock m the Churd^ - summer ' flowers, and the Rev. cis-in-the-Wood,^ Caulfeild. E c r t l ^ a X ick Mr. and Mrs. Douglas organ. The bride; who was given __away by her father, looked left on Thursday to spend two p^rnvTnirur'in a <4rf»«a rtf -nDT̂ Klnp weeks a t Alta Lake. charming' in a dress o f pale^blue wool crepe with hat and accesr S t P atricia School , Residentisl~and~Day-Pupils G;irls ,- Gr;ades __ Bpys_- Grades I, II. Nursery School'and K indergarten -- Boys a n d '. Girls, .2-6 years Principal: Miss M arjorie R." McGillivray PHONE: W. 516 2667 Haywood Ave., AT ' V „ __ _ u sbries"in'-navy blue, and"wore a ^ corsage of gardenias. Her at- Couned for the running h ^ e tendant,, her sister Kathleen, an automatic com and amuse- ..A. , . . . . ----- ment game. B A T i^ ir-p iC N ie was attired in- rose, wool crepbi with hat and accessories in black. Mr. Harrington Manly, brother~^br"fhe grocp[;7acted~a^ W E S T % A N a > i r V E R COLLEGE 1425 GORDON AVEL Day & Boarding S ch ool/or Boys Grades 1 to 12 Special Kindergarten. Class. Physical- Education, Music, etc. TERM OPENS SEP^FEMBER 6th For particulars kindly call or phone the Principal W est 637-M The Vancouver Business School 709 DUNSMUIR STR EEt (One block from W est Van. Bus Stop) A short and intensive course in all/ subjects a t the ; ' minimum cost All instructors, have-had actual experience in business Ferry No. 6 had a full bomple- best mab. ment of passengers when she A reception was held follow- pulled out a t 9:15 a.m. Saturday ing the ceremony at the home from Ambleside Dock to ta k e - of Mr._:and Mrs. Michael Bruton, the-^West Vancouver. Boys' Band 2642 Haywood Ave., the happy and their relatives and friends couple leaving later on a honey- up to Keats' Island, where the .moon motor trip.-On their return band boys are . holding- their_. they wilj. take up_re_siden_ĉ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ninth annual camp. The first Mission City. , part of the trip was dull w ith :..... .......... ..j-.:__ ^ vheavy m i^ over the mountains . RUTH PARNUM but by time the No. 6 was skirting^ the north shore of Bowen Island the sun came nut and remained for the rest of the day. The boys received a royal welcome a t the^ island, and were soon busy getting set tled , in "their cabins, while the remainder of ' the passengefrs had lunch in the pavilion, after wards strolling round the canip and enjoying themselves |until_ boat time. The re tu rn , trip was made in perfect weatjher, the. -ierry reaching Ambleside Dock about 6:25 p.m. SOCCER __3__ ' The annual meeting of the West Vancouver 'Football Club will be held at 8 p.m, tomorrow (Friday), August 30th, in the Ferry Rooms. All' players, and supporters are asked to attend. *^bu C a n .;^ e The Difference" i NiXSGNS LAUNDRIES LTD. ^LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS c . C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phime :WEST 782 ESPERT Watch and Clock BEPAIBING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birka Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive '.'wiO" anxious moments . . . i f you call home by 44 long distance" Don't let those ̂ away- -frpzn-home-blues rspbiLy our.̂ hoiidlays/ You can elimin ate anxiety by keeping in touch with home by long distance telephone. The pleasure of hearing ItTielvbiceZ tbOiM a^^ ones makes happy holidays happier. Banish those away-from- home blues. Call home by long-distance telephone. ^ BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. . Mr. Watson of the West Vkn- collver Machine Shop, 44th^arfd Marine Drive, has a model steam shovel made by him in the hob-' by: show a t the Exhibition. I t is . a perfect soale model of a shovel, and..through the use of cerUin hidden electrical devices arrang ed by Mr. Watson works away cutting out a bank of earth in A ■ exactly the same way as a full. Talented daughter of Mr. and sized shovel. . " Mrs. W. E. Parnum, 1768 Ingle- wooii Avel, wHoT obtajine"d "4;h6' ' A"A son was born last Sunday highest m arks in Vancouver, in to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rolston, the recent Toronto Conservatory 1158 21st Street, a t the iVancou- examinations. Grade 8. ver General Hospitel. ::K