■ p . * HU ^ I... ................. .... . .....................,M>Sl, H'>,y.̂<~. >-ii.-̂̂i7 * ?,̂C«"<W'3*v,?I'Si!̂">5lf.". "s MS f'-•)'« ^ ll*W>liWI|ill^^ '\%v <lftV«'-'H»<®'>'f̂b a i*t i8t c a w i i c a ̂ Mialttor H*t, W. L. McKtf, RA^ R » '■"^^^h'^SlIsdUMF^SsyiitSiB 10:00 •.m^--Church School InHj<ouxcn ocBww^ u«- dodisg Adult Clftis 11 n.m. & 7:80 p.m.--Prwchinir SonrieiMi. A hw rty weloom# to all '•r»t Atrain Itutrouf, soft and managoable with our Bcientiflic treatm ent, Stoil failure in your fall permanent by consultini^ u« now, I t , paya to before, not after, your permanent. Then you are euro of a beautiful lasting wave without dry brittle ends which are impoaaiblo to remedy after the poymanent i i once given. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBDRN HAU 14th and Ducheai Sunday, Sept, l a f a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening a t 7:30 (iospel Address .Speaker: Mr Chemairius, B , T. Crawford, of C, , ' Tuesday a t 8 ; p.m. J'rayer and miniatry of, the Scriptures by Mr. John R6id. W E S I^ F A N C O U V E R Cbriftian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20Ui and Bbqaimalt, HoUybam Thla Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F im t Church of Christ, ScienUst, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. , Sunday, Sept. 1st SUBJECT: "CHRIST JESUS" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. ̂ TesUmony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The'^ public is cordially in vited to attend our services and I meetings. ]KE.i(AJ8fcii A.T.C.M. SpcdA l' tNideiiiii -It Teacher of mane and Theory Pupils prepared for Recitals, Ejtaminationa, Festivals 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 1056.L MRS. F. KN16HT*H0DGE (Cert.) (In Union with tlie London CoUego of Music, Eng.) p ia n o f o r t e , v io l in ̂ and THEORY . " • Pupils prepared for Exams, B. 0 . Festival and Recitals Latest successes, June, July, 1940, 17 Students gaining exceptionally high m arks ' Theory and Orchestral Classes Weekly ̂ p j ll Term Commencing Sept. 9th, 1940 Residence and Studio: 13.12 Duchess Ave. Phone West 624.R DEATH OF SHEILA-MAY HAKKISON Miss Sheila M ay Harrison, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Harrison of 209S Fulton Ave., Margaret Richarddon, A.T.C.L. 2094 Haywpod Avenue Residence Phono West 705-L SPEECH TRAINING ^ - ORAL READING - RHYTllMlC Exercises Pantomime and Children's Plays ■ For Particulars call her a t Residence Telephone West 7'95-L Creators of Exclusive Permaneala, 104i M arini. Drive West 117 DR. G. D. H. SE A LE D.D.S., L.D.S, D E H T U T ■' . xiR ay ■ ■ If ay Block, 14ln and Marine Dr. OiTioe Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Evenings .by appointment. Phoiie West 72 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. DR. McRAE D E N T 1 S T formerly of 706. Medical-pentai Building i :==JExenings^y- anpe 1860-Marine- Drive -HQura::^9-to-B_ mintment. West-482- Rev. Fath<^r Van ?astor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 la.m. High Mass and SeWnon -- 10:15 „ .r-Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechisih and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. X , Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction -7-r45r passed away la.st Sunday ip her 15th year. Besides her sorrow ing parents she leaves to mourn her loss one sister, B e t t y t w o brothers,'Alan and Richard, all a t home. Funeral services were .held a t 3'vp.m. Wednesday from the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. F., A. Ramsey officiating, followed . by interm ent in Capilano View Glemetery. Penguin D airy Lunch ' 1583 Marine Drive , LIGHT LUNOtosS - FOUNTAIN SERVICiE )ur pelicious Hamburgers -Saturdays _m Confessions; 7 ^ 0 . to 8 :30 p.m. ■| i r ■ - ■ 1,1 f srr^ .-^ ■ 1 3I' Vf H': vl wlem: Established on North Shore 25 Years ^Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Birertnrs Hollyburu' Funeral Home- 18th and Marine . West 184 Vancouver Parlors WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. P asto r: Robert H. Birch Services: Sunday^~Schoolr~9:45. North 122 West Sixth Street -- !^HPhomHSforth-184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 11 a.m. andSunday Services '7:30 p.m^ _______ _ _ ^ Wedhesday--Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:30. IvsngeJieah-- l!---- Jndependent. MRS. JOANNA MATHERS , ■ ,PASSES Mrs. Joanna Mathers, widow of the late J. B. Mathers, pass ed away last Tuesday in a priv ate hospital'in the city after a -long~illness.-The-deGeas€dr-w-ho~ was aged 76 years, is survyied ' by one son, Homer; three daugh ters, Mrs. J. J. E. McCague, Mrs. Ella Telford, city; Mrs. J. D. Donovan, resident- here; ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Funeral services - were held a t 2 p.m. today in the city, the Rev. D r.-F . W. Nor- -wood-offioiating, and committal-- was made in. the Masonic Plot, Mountain View Cemetery. DRIVE OUT--^DINE OUT at LABOR DAY CLIFF HOUSEWEEKEND - - '• Whytecliff Park Overlooking beautiful Howe Sound, a t the terminus of : West Marine" D riv 'e"^ ^ ^ Delicious Steaks - Salads ' Tasteful Luncheons Aftem ooi^^feas - Diimers Music available for after-dinner dancing Reservations and Menus for Banquets, - Club Luncheons and Ck>nventions given personal attention UNION -ESTATiS-^LTD .̂ ------ Telephone Whytecliff 7S-M, T R inlty '1321 or MA rine V38 1 J.ggg|jyati0lii8 ̂ teefiflF-Bowen Island Ferry Service will be operated up'.to and including Tuesday, Sept. 3, and Withdrawn after tha t date for the season MiMnmwi I Visitors cotdially welcome. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST t- 1! .■ i f 8urrard4iaimdry-btdr w ell know n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North ,1810,or_/W«at 691L THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue RevrWilliamVance,-Minister ; "CHRIST JESUS" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, -on-Sunday-. Labor Sunday H i '? Mm m Ur' - / tZ X f c Z Z l : Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts Bathing, Boating, Fishing Tea-rooms, Homo-Cooked Meals Sandy Beaches Cattages for ren t by month or week 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject: "Launch Out." 7 :30-_p.m.--Evening Service, ."I am the Way, the Truth, , and the Life."-^ e su s . _ The m inister has returned from holiday and will preach a t both services. The Sunday Shcool will re sume its sessions on Sunday September 8th. ST-STEPHEN*S-CHURCH__ The Golden Text is: - 'God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the w orld; bu t that the world through him might be saved." (John 3:17). Among the citations which comprise" tK^ Lesson-Sermon-is the following from the Bible: "Let your light so shine before men, tha t they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 5:16). ■ The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science-i;e^=^ J k t t e n t i o n B u i l d e r s ! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY-JACK, ASPHALT PR EM IX . ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALP ELLISi West 823̂ L 'Sl'l ,, '"5 -i ■ *, / 'r y~' BROWN & MUNTON «i4t MaatNt oaiva . w nv ace Afrinheni A.R.T. of B,(\ -Rev. E.-A//Ramsey,- R e^or- Sunday, Sept. 1st l!ri m iJ III' " i k St i - 4 - /'§ '■ 'b/st ■ I?' q i & t I IPPr > r ^ i lS ? ' 'J «.!<,} * I- J q « ' - i v a / .4 .L i-'.' SPECIAL 83.50 par unit -- 85.00 per cord Sawduat Dry Blaba lasida Fir:-- from abed :::-- 8il*00 per cord ̂from mill ....--8^.60 per cord jilaba with Bark 84.00 per cord Biaba A Edgings 88.75 per cord PKITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 8 a.m.-- Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. 7 :3 0 .p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 8 p.m.-- ^Evensong and Sermon. book,'" Science an^-"Healfh with Key to the Soriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Implicit faith in the Teacher and all the emotion al love we can bestow on him, will never alone make' us ipiitat- ors of him. %e must go and do ilikevvise, else we. are not im proving , the . great blessings which our Master worked and suffered to bestow upon us." BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. REFUGEE COMMITTEE Sunday, Sept. 1st I /'I'fli I THB West Van News Pabliahed B rery Thuraday mm r V4 ¥-•'§ s 't i ' * /< "' ^ ' ' I r r '1/ 'I -'f 4 U ' i ' J ■ >PabliBher P , F. LOVEGRQVE Phone West 363 Buaiaaaa and Editorial Office: 1764 Marine Drive Phone West 55 v 10 a.m.-- Church School, ■11 a.m.^--^Morning Service. 7q3p p.m.--Evening Service. Rev. W. L. McKay will be back again and he will takeJ>oth services. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.--Pray e r meeting. A s. the children are now ar riving from overseas and are finding homes in West Vancou ver, others expecting relatives who- have" not already done so, are asked to get in touch with Mrs. F. A. Walker a t W. 487-L or Mrs. R. Fiddes, W. 193-R. Kindly n o t e Mrs. Walker's change of phone number. Mrs, and Miss C arter of Van- > $®uyer have taken a suite a t the Fortune Cup Inn. . . RED CROSS NOTES North Vancouver Office: 128 Lfmsdale Ave. ". Glenarbour Unit will meet on Wednesday, September 4th a t the home o f Mrs. F, W. Smith, B ^m y Beachi a t 12 o'clock, > - 11.60 a year by carrier: 82.00 a year by tnafi ^ ' Help to make W est Vancouver 100% W ar Savings conscious. MISS NAxVCY CAMERON Certificated by London College of Music ' Teacher of Piano and-Tlieocy _1671, Duchess*Ave. - West 280-R This is a picture you can see any night at Pacific Stage garage when every bus in the fleet gets a nianicure and a facial. Powerful cleaners suck out ̂ every bit of dpst. Window ledges^are wiped clean. Side wmdows are washed.' Floors are acrubbed. Gleam ing. r exteriors are polished. -̂,And* -. next morning, you ride to work in a cleanj fresh, airy bus. Take advantage of these premium s. It costs no more to ride the Pacific Stage, way. n C I F I e s TilC E S P.S.-9