8Si#ii®ifS'""' ' T" «',<«»<W »flĴ-̂V(6V?W?f"84>f' '1. 4 ̂14 ̂ ' vtr,* .w ̂rW-' .J V̂* *.-•« - <J1'll»'̂-'JJ,»̂«r-*̂WSI, v-« 5»'̂(' mim 0 , V*| >V<h|i£̂ '6SlW Established over 16 y e i^ ." '■ ' " E S f i i a s r o T O n c r y i s i : : ' ^ '™ ^ ^ Circulating in the District o f West Vancouver-^ Ambleside, Hollyhurn,,Weston^ Dundarate $i,Mpery<w;"̂ "̂^̂ -̂ " "y.t'-;-'̂ y- "'Cy^ress'Park,^ Gattlfei^d, Whytecliff, Etc: i ' liopercopy 4Ac r.'̂ >M XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1940 |9 'o . 2 0 LAEGE MAJORITIES FOR BY-LAWS c h r y s a n t h e m u m s h o w West Vancouver ."ratepayers last Saturday demonstrated in no uncertain fashion their desire, fo r an adequate water svsteni and for control of their own transportation. In the larjfost poll on record in the municipality where only by-laws were being voted upon, both by-laws passed by large majori ties T hat'fo r w ater received 368 votes more, than required, while 187 votes in excess of the needed number were cast for the buses. Particulars of the voting were as follows: . Water I By-law Bus By-lqw t̂ or ......... i......... ........1.216 F o r .....................'............... 1.034 Against V....:..;.:............... 198 Against ............................. 379 Rejected ......:.................... 17 Rejected .............. ............ . 18 Spoilt ............ ......... 4 A Chrysanthemum Show will be held on Wednesday and Thurs day, October 30th and 31st- in Hollyburn Pavilion. A bigger hall, better plants, best blooms, the sam e. ticket prices.>5 VMUll chrysanthemum l o v ^ ' please keep these two. datesAn jmind. NGtriCE, MISS CAMERON TO TEACH PIANO & THEORY P.O. MAIL BOXES . TO BE INSTALLED Miss Nancy Cameron, teacher of pianoforte and theory certifl- We have ju st learned from Mr. James Sinclair, M.P., that xve Itjuteu J a m e g J R J B i i® principal, q „ iiu ........ ' " ' K West Vancouver Junior and ^ ...................................................Senior High Schools, will be in Required .......................... . 848 Required' 847 PROPAGANDA Propaganda is the most dangerous weapon in i H itler's armory. We B ritishers ' a re ' the finest- fighters in the worlds but we are not very subtle and sometimes fall an easy prey to that cunning which th e Devil gave the Hun to make up for his objection to cold steel. " , Take the peace propaganda which, by causing us to dis arm, was wholly responsible for th is w ar and oiir unreadiness for it. It was so pa ten t to, anyone who did not wilfully shut his, eyes and refuse to see. |Y et it was easy for a few polite enemy agents to persuade some of our religious and political his office a t the school, 17th Street and Inglewood Ave., on Friday and Saturday, August 30th and 31st, to interview .stu dents (Grades VII to X III), who are newcomers to the District "of W est Vancouver. cated by the London College of the Post Office Department have Music, announces in this issue agreed to install P.O. mail boxes that she is open to receive pupils at Marine Drive and 14th, 22nd, for the fall term, Any interest^ 29th, and 31st, to be served ed are asked to kindly call a t her after October 1st by the new studio, 1671 Duohess Ave., or mail service via the Lions' Gate phone her a t West 280-R. '■ Bridge arriving in Vancouver -- ------------------ . at 8:15 a.m., 2:40 p.m. and STUDIO REOPENING 5 p.m. Mr. Sinclair stated tha t --------- . -1 ho was particularly pleased to Nellie Harrison, A. T. C. M., have obtained this service in a Special Diploma, announces the year \yhen P.O. estimates have reopening of ..her Residence been generally curtailed and Studio, 1955 Inglewood. Ave., on that with this as a, s ta rt he was TRANSPORTATION CO. OPENS NEW o f f ic e AT 61 LONSDALE AVE. Friday, September 6th. Since taking up residence in this district last October, Mias Harrison has established her position by the splendid results obtained by her pupils in pub lic performances, examinations, and competitions. sure that an increased service would be given each year. ■ / COUNCIL NOTES Twenty years ago the Fergu son M q f^ Cô enter- mjLtJxxiy agv;xii/o. tu v/jl ,vrvtx wxxvx, od thc,' 'transpoifution field, glV- lea"der;s~that"th e "G em anTnation w as-just-cry ing to-be loved --ing^ to the- residents and-busi- and keep the peace/- Thus- th a ball was set rolling which, ness firms of TOst and North pushed by our. national objection to haying our moneymaking ^-Vancouver th e /f i r s t scheduled distur-b€d-by-thought&-o£-waiL_and--especially_by-i:he_effortS-bf----^a ily_ fre igh t.^erv ice_ -------------- our pacifists, brought the Empire nearer to. the brink of ruin The b b s i i^ s .was conducted than_had_ been -the case- for hundreds -of years. Incidentally,-- - from th e ' residence -with one _ .... . a >i i V < A ; n U x ^ . a ^ . 1Y4*4-1 A : . wv'Ut a VTArl U1A U »A 1 ■ /, . T 7-- ." TT.'r .T r T ,T -- V we are:still kind to the pacifists, Ibig and little; who betrayed ; us, when we should have long ago placed them in th a t limbo of unbalanced minds, th e lunatic asylum. For even the Master whose doctrines they m isinterpreted,'had no illusions about peace among th e nations .^and said so; Eneiny. propagan(to isJdesper^tely busy .a ll over tbe. Empire to-day and, as?b€iore' th e if is tliose who in nocently repeat the talk of tiie fifth columnists in bur m idst who are the chief .danger to the state. All defeatist talk, in -whatever-shape it comes to us, has its .origin in enemy propa-, ganda. • Let us be warned in time, because it is righ t here in West Vancouver. I f i t were, not so deadly serious a m atter, one would be almost tem pted to sayr th a t we should take care lest "propaganda make a proper goose" of us; 7 : There are certain fac ts / Firstly,^ no nation having domin ion over the seas has ever been defea,ted, there being so much more water than land.,Secondly, nO element can be controlled' from another element, meaning th a t it is impossible to control The sea from the air, w ithout- w hich-Hitler cannot get into England. And he has almost lost control'already of even that. Thirdly, Germany's lightning war in which \yith her limited resources lay her only hope,'of victory is badly, stalled: Fourthly, her Temporary gains of territo ry have been won by treachery and not by force of her arms. ■ F if thly, why should -Hitler-have-triedTo~mahe"peace"ifvh^ was winning? No, all defeatist ta lk is merelj^'another version of "kam- erad." The Hun is again try ing tol save himself from paying the price of his war guilt,-for already he sees the handwrit ing on the wall. Let us pray th a t bur eyes may be opened so that we, too, may see. as clearly. : s truck , giviiig' one trip daily, to and from Vancouver. I n ' 1925 w ith increase of business .a - fu rthe r truck .was added, and office arid 'warehouses, were established in. Vancouver, with a h ^ firc r€ 3 ised r:^ ^ v ^ ^ ^ ' daily trips.' With the opening of the Lions' Gate Bridge the ser-^ vice was again augmented, and tfie motor equipment increased, until today the companylis op-- erating six vehicles, giving five-- MRS. P. KNIGHT-HODGE ___ TO RESUME TEACHING Va n c o u v e r b u s in e s s t ___ SCHOOL_ tn p s daily between the North 'Shore and Vancouver. The new office in North Van couver will wofk in ex ju n c tio n with those in operation in th is municipality _and /Vancouvejr city. . For fifteen years the Cana dian Pacific Express. Co. has used this service fo r parcel delivery, and have now appoint ed the company as fheii/ N o rth " Vancouver agents for incom ing and out|o ing express. ̂ ___ --An up-to-date moving and storage service is operating in . conjunction with the general freight business, and all; por tions of the North Shore from east to west are served by their trucks. The Council have requqstqd the P.G.E. to clear the* d^Xfe,/ etc., from Ifheir right-of-way, a r / included among thd outsfaiid- the same is not only detrim en ta l ing pupils of the last six inpntHs to property owners,* bqt also a are J^an.McKellar, silver thetfal- menace to public health'. ist with highest marksTn:,;B. C., ,--------- ' ; . . 87-%,-Toronto-Conservatory ex------ The-Reeve and Council-will-at--- aminations. Grade 5 , 'also?Vi^in- tend the U.B.G.M. Convention To ner .Of second place Tii^ B^ch be held a t Revelstoke, Septem- -piaho-iunder--42,-JBJI!.--IMdisical--ber/L6th,-17th_and-18th.---- --̂ ~ Festival.' . ' v --------- "Dorothy"Mae:Arlttst'rong, win- The Council ordered a obn- ner-of first^place in piano under tribution be made' of $25 to the 10, B. C;, Musidal Festival, and maintenance of the Vancouver second place in piano under 12, archives. The department in Carnbrian Festival. \ charge of th is work is under the Ruth Parnum, daughter of , control of Major J. S. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. W- E. Pamum> wbo kqeps a complete record of "1768 Thglewood "AVe.7 ̂In s h ^ t "'7 Greater'yaMCouv&r"and^most of marks in Vancouver in Toronto the province. ' ^ o n s e r v^a 1 0 r y examinations, ----- =-- g ra d e s . " - * In a l a s t effort to impress the Beverey Brown," second place " Federal authorities with the - in piano under 10, B. C. Musical necessity of the waterworks loan Fcntivnl. --- V -------- --------------- being grant ed--on-- -- self- Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge will re sume her teaching of pianoforte, ^ o lin and theory on Septeniber yth following the summer re cess. Pupils are prepared for exams, B, C. Festival and re citals, and theory and orchestral classes are held weekly. Among ner latest successes seventeen students gained, exceptionally mgh marks in the exams held in ^ne and July of this year. 'H er m o studio is,located a t Duchess Ave.,'phone* W est ^ -K ,' where parents and others nterested are asked to kindly or phone for full particulars. A t the Vancouver Business Sbliool,, located in the-Tunstall B idd ing a t 709 Dunsmuir ' S t i ^ t , one block from the West Vancouver bus stop, students cab obtain a short and intensive coiirse in all subjects a t the mifiimum cost. The curriculum ■ihchidbs secretarial work, book- ' kelping, comptometer, steno- , grbp'hy, typing, speedwriting, and high school Subjects.'Iwpid progress is assured by individual ....in^ruction. For. full particulars kindly call or phone. M Arine 74|6. - . MARGARET RICHARDSON TO RESUME TEACHING Miss M argaret, Richardson, A.T.C.L., 2094 Haywood Ave., is resuming the teaching of speech-training, oral reading, rhythm ic exercises, etc. She is an associate teacher of Anne Mossman, L.T.C.L., and a member 'o f the Dale Choric Vroup, who were winners fo r five years a t the B. C. Musical Festi val. Those interested are asked to kindly call or phone her a t W est 795-L. School Cbihtiieiiceineiit y * . * / * I ' " / Schools re^DM TuesdRy, Septeidhcff 3i'd IIGH SCHOOL---Principal Mitchell will * receive • High ■ School students other than-W est Vancouver-'schools in=. his -Office a t l? th and Inglewood Avenue, ,on F r id ^ and Saturday, 'Augrust 30th and 31st. ' . . i ' ' ' 'LEMENTARY Sc h o o l s -- B̂eginners Iwll be received w)io shall have attained their sixth birthday by December 31st, .,9.40.. , Pupils from yrest of W est B ay vwill be received ^at Hollyburn School only,' ■ ' § * " f . ^ v i a J ̂ ̂X / > y ** Iw T, --W est Vancopver Board of School Trustees. SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT The elementary and high schools will open fo r the fall term next Tuesday, September 3rd; Principal Mitchell will re-' ceive high school students from other ' than West Vancouver Schools in his office a t Ingle wood School tomorrow and Sat urday, August 30th and 31st. Beginners will be/received Jn the elementary schools who shall have attained their sixth b irth day by December ;/31st," 19-40, Pupils from West Bay 'will be received a t Hollyburn Stehool only. _ _ -u Diana W alters, daughter of , liquidating basis, the Reeve wir- Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Walters, ed the Deputy Minister of Fin- 1331 King's Ave., second highest ance in Ottawa and J. Sinclair, m arks in Vancouver, 83%, In M.P., giving the result of the Toronto Conservatory- examjna- ,poll, and showing the public fully__ tions, grade 1. i'ealize the necessity of immedi- Irene D'Aoust, third place in ate action. Bach piano, under 12, B. C. Mu- --------- sical Festival. Final readings were given the Amy Iwasaki third highest- w ater and bus by-laws by the marks in Vancouver, 80%, To- Council on Monday night, the " ronto ^C onse^atory examina- members of which were very tionS; grade 7. satisfied with the results of the Parents wishing to enrol their polling. Councillor Richardson, children for instruction with chairman of water, and Council- Miss Harrison are asked to kindT lor Ray, chairman of transporta- ly telephone West 1056-L morn- tion, were particularly pleased, ings, if possible. . feeling th a t they had a clear ^ -----,------- mandate from the ratepayers to ̂ - SCHOOL BOOKS , continue the policies they had The sale and exchange of new instituted. A committee meet- and- used- school-books-will-be-- ing-ofL.the-CopnciLw_ill^e_heId_ held a t the West Vancouver next Tuesday evening to discuss. High Schools under the auspices the various types of new buses.. of the Duncah Lawson Chapter; An opportunity will be given I.O.D.E.'-, This service, which . our residents to purchase the the chapter has carried on for vnew bus bonds a t par. - many vears .is for fhe benefit ----------------------- of every boy and girl attending HOLLYBURN HALL the Elementary, Junior and --------- High Schools in the community. Sunday School and Young POo- .liours for receiving of used , pie's Bible Class will be held at books: Friday, August 29th aii^/ 10 a.m; next Sunday, September Saturday, August 30th, from 1st, im Hollyburn Hall, while .at 10 a^m. to 1 p.m .; Tuesday, Sep-r 7 :30 p.m. service on that.day T. tem ber 3rd to Friday, September Crawford of Chemainus, B;C., 13th, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, . will give a Gospel address. Tues- Sale and exchange of new and ̂ day a t 8 p.m. prayer and min- used books: Tuesday, September * istpr of the Scriptures by John 3rd To Friday,, ^p tem b er 13th, Reid. 9.30 a.m. To 5 p.m. P lace: Lunch room-West Van couver 'High Schools,, Inglewood Ave. . X I * For fu rther information te l^ phone W est 638. Coming Back? Tourist-- want to buy an airplane ticket to fly around the world." ..T icket Agent-rr^Yes, sir., Qne way, s ir?" West Vancouver MninMpal Buses. ry ^ N ex t Tuesday an ex tra Municipal bus will leave West Bay for the City, at. 5:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m. from Ambleside; returning, leave City at 5 :45 p.m.