,,......,......... . Wmww#« tim̂ im mmmrnM* mM i*** & iiJ 9 4 0 , w,w<-' / •̂-i»-MlŷMic ftev̂k P lu m W « t 41 A . H a r r Q r S m i t h m t ^ v m i m . f tm .th U fm tf 8«rffc« ,• " llwitliJy A a » « « t PRICES <KK)D FOB FBI. & SAT.. ^ U S T 23pd & 24th MEATSIM & Whlt< OKEEN CUT B E A N S - Tender green 1940 psck* Tull tin 9c Standnrii PEAS--Sieve S, t«ll tin „9c Red & White GOLDEN BANTAM . COHN--Tell tin f̂ . 4. »..««*>.#.< a4+«««»««»#441c APKICCXrS --luivee 2 Ull tins ,.20c Singepere PINEAPPLE CUBES-- Tltt ' '"'" " 12i* Aylmer BONELESS CHICKEN-- T-^oi, tin 44 *« 44 *»«4*«4'442(IC Red (& White Brand 1940 Pack Pure ̂ STRAWBERRY JAM--4-lb. tin 49e CORN FLAKES--Quaker, 2 pkU. 16c (Send 25c and Two Guarantee Seals to The Quaker Oats Co., Peter borough, Ontario, for Two genuine Tudor Plate Teaspoons.) CORNED BEEF--Tin ....................16c Order now for Canning Went 370 Free Delivery BK£F PORK LAAIB XBAL All Grade A & A1 .Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily August 20th, 1940. ^Editorr«Wwi**Van.^ Newav..-+..v̂ v.-.̂ Dear S ir: - ' In view of the conflicting aj> . counts which have the local press a t various times, I feel it m ay.be of ratepayers to present the fol lowing information taken from the. Municipal auditor's state ments and covering a perioa from 1980 to 1938 inclusive: Cash transferred from t o n ^ portation Department to Muni cipal savings account,^after pay ing operating costs $80,940.00, SASH A DOOBS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH p a in t BUIU)BES> BWPLUa NO SUBSmUTE SPOriNQ ^ FORQUAUTV Wm.BOABD CANiUJA PA w SO TW A in'lO Ti WEST VAIfCOOVE* LUBBER CO. LTD. 16th & Marine Brive Phone West 115 ing operating w^uo v*--- new equipment purchased ouM f revenue, $44,731.60; total, $125,- - ^ 6 7 1 .6 0 .. - V IN C E . Manager. IÛ d & White FLOUR-- , 49«Ib. Hack 124'* lba HflClC n*(.n<a-.»Aa*na*a.*.e*#***a*«*«**a*n-*»*89C 7-il), Buck..... ;....... ........................ 28c ELRKItTA p e a c h e s -- ' No. I, per crate .....................,.$1.15 ' No. 2, per crate ...... .................... 99c WOEKSHOPS EOIlMfcB^ TO SEBVICE VEHICLES IN CANADIAN DIVISIONS CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Classified Advortlaeiueiito fa 2 centa per word, idulmum 25 ceiSa, Sw ept in the case of thoae hay inf regular accounta, all dasal- ^ ^ R e m e S ^ C u S in tfe w S t Van- News get Im m ^iate rcaulta. rrr COMMUNICATION Mechanization' is the . key note o f modem warfiire.., Wars of movement are f<fi&ht on heavy rubber tires and<steel caterpillar GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor. 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t " West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 408. ^ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marino-- Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup. plies, Baby Garments, Notions, Chinaware, Hardware, SUNLIT LODGE - Summer Guesta,. Transient and Permanent. 3^7B Marine Drive, West 889-L2^______ i l l 141 period of 80,520. During July our b read s p f g X f e and r ^ '^ ( r / 6t i 64 340 and our " z e " d t t ^ ^ ^ be bu.so.s 10,166, a total qf 64,50b . gj^^jj^ess at all times to pa«»ewers.. T h i s proportion "^ V t r » M across"all types of- speaks for itself. terrain; ranging from smooth 4. Duplication of existing .highways to brush . .'4... Inn-.] 4-/Y n Inaa Vtv , « i .1. _ j Atnl-Ir. A i is ■ 1 * I j 2094 Haywood Ave., Hollyburn,, B, C. q'o the Editor, West V ^ . News, • v concrete 'Iukj»wayo 14V V Dear Sir: . facilities would lead to a loss by ploughed fields. . The Taxpayers of ̂W^ both parties. , All & is m e p s service. Armies centive to progress. The Muni- pp wayside gw ^ cipal overhead is much lower a ta tlo n s to d o their repair and than that, of a private com pahy, re-fuelling job A To meet these and with efficient nianagement needs the Department of Na- should ensure a continuance of tional Defence has introduced tier a low fare policy, j specialized units and equipment is one t h a f r s l e r p r o m i n e n t - 5. s L p f •*' ly- before the c i t i ^ f i„ the field Vancouver io r the : past . 3 ^ accompanied by two complete years. With the opening of the . __a« fv./i van-iofAvo/i mnf.nr trAnsnort lOiTies.* Each is PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 60 years) . 418 Howe St. TRm. 1271. Local -Agent, F Bayllss (Notary Public). ' * 2486 Bellevue. West 52fi-B WOOD, COAL. E arth for Fills and gardens, blacktop for roadways; ' rock, sand and gravel. Steve Lowrie W est 2B6-y. H. A. ROBERTS Iti'D. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive______West B46 oouver will vote on two by-laws 0 n Saturday, August , 24th, Transportation a n d W a t e r , Briefly I would like to submit a few points in answer to the dis cussions tha t have boon held under both heads recently. MARCEL SHOP --: Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials useA Expert operators, Phone West 304. Royal Bank Building. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol- ' icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone' ̂ W est 21, or West 658-R-l. PAINTING. PAPBRHANGING. stttc- ■ CO spraying, first class work, m a^ erials guaranteed. Terms arranged., F. Gaines. W. 974-L. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; fuim ce repairs, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. FLOOR SU RFA CIN G -J. Sutherland. W est 483 or North 678. FURNISHED ROOM, hot and coM water-; $15.00. Especially good radio for sale. West 916, 1702 Marine Dr. PAINTING AlND DECORATING - Estimatesffree. J . 1022-L.- H. Wedley, West t I I f . H 4 ■ I'"* years. With the opening of tne Ai'pnrdinc- to the reciatered motor transport lOiTies.* Each is Lions Gate Bridge the prob^m T e eq u i^ lek t of a modern city assumed new, proportions- TTie opinipn of the taxp^y s^^^ g a ra g l Designed by the Depart- ferry passenger returns recejv- to stay This simpU- ment's technical staff, each unit cd a severe set back, principal^ the problem for our com- has a specia l s tee l body mounted t o to competitive bus se^^ petitors- ~ on s ix wheels with four wheel qirtis condition still exists ̂al- Pv i r» --.*1 drive and heavv duty chassis, though our limited rriunicipal 6. The Mummpal Council d d E a c h workshop lorry is equip- bus service .has been " to tfo n T n ' ped with its owmeIectrioaLplant,_ goodtocount of Itself, grinders, p(jyers are now to decide whether; - ra e 1940 Council tacKieti tne refacers lathes; brake se r- the-municipality shall continue problem as they found t. W hat d r ^ s ^ w ta c e ^ w ^ ^ to - develop its transportation the 1989 Council did could not be^ system or the only alternative undone, l ^ e -prograimne sub- Lubrication battery 'service 4 ^ retire fr-oro-thc t r ansports- mitted is .m line with the ex- tion business. Some months ago pressed wish of the taxpayer. If and overnauiing lau u u es . ANY ROLL 8 exposures Developed, Printed, one 6 x 7 enlargement faee, 30c. Barclay's Photegfaph 1618 Marine Drive. GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, 4 one policy, all locations. SEy. 4991 or W est 92-R2. . - 1 GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister ■ * Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey.'4199 a t West Vancouver any time by , appointment. West 408. ̂ WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store and house fixtures, turning, gl ŝs, glazing. W est 740,-West 443-R;-- - FOR SALE--5 room foUy modem CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rsfs. Sacks, M etals,' Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co.. West 91. house nearly new. Best -- CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- ^ guaranteed; brick and ..North 811-11-2.-------------------------- FOR-^ALE--Close in r 4-room house a very low price and easy terms. LAW30N, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. W est 55 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special '.m achine;' repairs,- parts- • We^t Vanconypr Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. tion business. Some ™onths ago p r e s ^ ™ oi u.e - - - of cylinders, the Council was given the man- the taxpa>^i wants tne service fittinc of nistons, valve date to maintain the Muniepial and supports^ it its future suo: 0 1 pistons, m........... ........ . ^.nfViinnr O0aa lo OnMIirfin. iftfe Transportation System; nothing cess is assured, has happened in the interval to 7. This is a time to look at w arrant th a t - attitude - being - realities o f costs and taxes, not changed. ̂ « a t the theories of m unic[gaL^ It is s ta ted : private ownership. 1. That the property owner, The Municipal Council has grinding and welding are provid- ed in this modem garage on wheels. All tools required, specially de signed by the 'Department's t^hnical experts with a view to WANTED--High School girl vicinity Cypress Park, light chores, evening ' meal, young business couple. Mrs. S. G. De Bou, Cypress Park Tea Rooms. -- PAPERHANGING,^^Paint.ing, Kalsih. mining; firat class work, at reason able rates. H; Gaines, West 962-R. -WANTED--Capable woman, general housework, small family. Phone West 32-R. WANTED USTINGS of houses. We have several clients we have not been able to suit. LAWSON. WALKEE_& PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West 65 1. lh a t the property owner in e iviunicipai uouncii nas poi-tabiuty are p a r t of each lor will be taxed more heavily for been closely scrutinizing costs J:* , . i.------------ o..,. anjd with-equipm ent suited to ^ " ~Tt { 1 -'V' losses on a tranaportatfon-ser- and w iw ;equipm ent suiiea to -According to ;the Department ' 'H . "°n. '***■ 4 i needs, we are confident we National Drfence, Canada's l i is the firsLaemy to_adaptJuoh-pdmre-pirtTOnize^theirown^yS4--a5Swlabie-brT)rwate-c<mip.eti--=jg;j^ r e g u l a r d i v i s i o n s . WANTED BY GARDENER, a few more gardens to take care of; Phone - North 609-L2. : J tern fhei^ is no need to shouldqr tion. any loss. A private company will F o r the foregoing reasons I not operate a service which is a submit the by-law should be lo.sing proposition for any length supported. __------- of time. The possibility for pro- When we come to consider WANTED TO RENT--O ttag e , small _h^ga]ow---or iSuitei^unfurnished^f^ furnished. RE-ROOPING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, . attiractive, permanent Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps,"West 88-R. F. V.-Findlay. W est 494-R. A;.partly_ 1520-L2. Phone North. fit must be apparent or such a the Water by-law the need for strong bid to control it, would overhaul li.. self-evident to our See that the organization to which you belong gets right be hind the War Savings Campaign. Your help is n^ded . WANTED--Congenial elderly busi ness or professional w;6man to share small home. W. 1110-R. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents dravm and executed. ■ \ Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals E. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405- Marine Drl, Wfest Vancouver Phones: ' ^ e A - 2 1 , 204-M, 913-L " siis n o rb e ^ a d e I l f ' i^ a l" residents;-- In - practically WilHng_To Take a Chance- FOR , SALEr--Mftffat i electr^ -range, 4 elements, oven and warmer. Good condition, $15. W. 66. f i lv 111 I V w • * * M U ■ ,■ ■■ * V» WW** ■'/. • w . . . . gm w.» w; w ---w -- ^ .. 2. The Municipal Council's es- every section of the Municipality tinmte.s of profit are based on there has been a clammering important errors. call fo r an additional water sup- All statistics covering the op- ply, eration of the Stages, and the .The first essential to make Municipal Service were submiitt- th is possible -is the renewal of ed to and analysed by, the Pub- the main which follows Marine lie Utilities Commission. In Drive from Keith Road to 27th A little boy a t ' a party had been eating steadily-- without stopping. When he asked for more the hostess thought it was time to stop him. "Willie," she said, "if you take an other helping of trifle you'll burst. I mean it." Willie listened, alarm spreading over his face- He hesitated, FOR. SALE 1928 Erskine'" Sedan; economical to nm ; good condition; good tires. W. 457-R3. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels,, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West - 700. ~ ^ ----- FOR SALE^--4 hole Fawcett ' ranges complete with Imperial oil fittings. ,$15. W. 218-R.- GENERAL HAULING--Manure, Sep tic Tanks and Rockpits installed and c lean ^ . Dump truck work. West 187-R.. ' ____ ^Ik 'lit ' our service to cover the rush this mam has outlived its use- i.__ *.__ x- BEAUTIFUL GOLD BRACELET, 30 pearls and large ruby, worth $30, will sell for $15. Phone West 29-L. BOUGHT, SOLD -AND EXCHANGED Sm all; pieces * good used furniture, dishes, draperies, glass, linens, et& Mrs. Maxwell, 2435 Marine. West 332.M. _____ FOR RENT--Two-room suite; fully VACATION TIM E--Make use of the or partly furnished. West waterfront. West 233-R3. .Bay ̂'11 ■ i i IfM I' s .* *5: ill? V.VVV..>, |.f. V.UX4..V-.4U WV4V., _ and after hearing all arguments wooden one. ̂ pro and con., We enn rightly as- The new main will be of suf- sume that the decision of the ficient diam eter to effectively Commission is an endorsement supply the commercial section of the correctness of the costs and the lower residential area, submitted. for, a considerable-^^number of 8. Passengers carried by pub- . years ahead* I t will serve a two- --Have your cup read. Ambledene, 1368. Marine Drive Wednesdays, Fridays. 2 to 6:30. W est Vafli. N ight Patrol. Courteous and efficient service. P h o n e West 726-R. ____ FIR E HAZARD Protect your home ' and contents. Rates less than % of 1 per cent. .Percy ,T; Masterman. Real Estete, N otary ,-2446 M arine . W est lO??!., War Savings Stamps make splendid' prizes.' WANTED--Carpenter and strong man ter ^ n e ra l \v6rk. Apply Box 91, West Van. Nev;^, stating wages, etc. ^ This subject will be further lie oarriers betw ^n West Van- fold purpose,ensure an adequate developed' a t a public meeting oouver and the City are decreas- onrmiv an/i in/*r>Afiea ■fViA' .n... mu-----1-- -xu. *vr, . -- ----------v. . 4 . > , . v * ,v . aa a v i t ; u i « « u n g water-supply and increase the being held oitThursday the 22nd much needed fire prot^^tion de- inst. GOOD IDT close to 25th and Palm- MARRIED.-no family, wUl take care of snnuner home, highest references. Phone Gardiner, care of "this pap^- Tsr i l l iiiiifiS? « IS mg. ___ _ The figures show this to be manded by a growing munici- correct but .they also show that polity- - the Municipal ^ rv ic e in spite of La addition the proposed cross- its present handicap is register- ing, <xf the Capilano by a larges ing a reasonable increase in pat- .^^ized m«un will provide the ronage. This can be further ex- foundation fo r the extension of panded if rush hour business is a* higher ley^ main which ulti- catered to. ' . matwy:' will s&ve the fa st ex- . For example, for the first five pandm g development on our months of 1940 total num b^ of upper hillside a r ^ , besides creat-«Hrfcĉinrjrw«ii Jl ' mAWYTIAa A' -T«yAr¥4̂ Y^ours truly^ JOHN RICHARDSON, Councillor. WANTED -- Cook general, fond of _cluldren, small family. W. 233-R3. WANTED Kind, capable g i r ro r invalid lady. . Box 93 West Van. News. BOARD ROOM available for ladiejs and students. Mrs. Urqubari, ^ W est 633-L. ' ' » __ _ aerali iionekWANTEID -- ̂ 'Experiencedplain cooking." Sleep out, $20. Pho evenings. West 1161-L. passengers carried is quoted as in g a d irec tso rv icefo rth ew est- 402,607i' ' This is a monthly em section , of the m unicip^ity average for the five month when such is needed. S K A ^ G AT THE ROLLERDROME Week Nighfa. 8 to. 11 10c honr^ ^Saturday, 2 sessions 26c per session ^^^^TED -- 4 or 5 room bnngi^w , viT^oo furnace preferred. Modem. W. 830-R. . ' "Y Furnished fonr-room • Marine- Drive. Oil bwner range, bath. Phbne BAyView oKCj-x, evenings. FOR R E N T -- Famished suite near feriry. Apply 1358 Clyde. W ANTED^Furnmbed house, three bedrooms, near Pauline Gchool. W est 233-R3. _ Johnson W est Vancouver WANTED-TO RENT or BUY - ^ i^oom faonse, within block Drive;; Box^ 90. W est Van. _lM^War_Savingg-consciou8. f o r REN T^lfiJ^ ebntaineid suite; W. .759Y L