t.ir*--■-'■.• S'*-" '*s«-i WWiiNriiMilllfaHllfl «Ml T H b WEST VAN NEWS w i W - . X A W » y y j s t ^ B i l j W A U - , . f * » i ^ „ ' ' - .:'H oaesesn^ Msty^ ̂ . --'™jS^pfiCiill"®PlpS""^ -- ^ E v e i^ 'W fi^ ll^ ^ and-S atun lay ' in "^UglUt Leav« City Dddcr >|'fil|l«̂ Vk̂ ̂A n t».n. »rr. IlorsKMilioe Bayf 3:30 p .n .; L«av« H orseslun Bay» 7:30 p. arr. Ambl«»t^'Pd<^;3ll$^ 'j|[>.tn«̂ 'iirr«'0iy ̂ l>n^'0i;tS p.n. Fares from tho City-- , . Adults, 50c roturn; children up to 12 years, 85c. retum j Single, adults, 86c; children, 26c. Fores from Amblesldo-- . ' ' > Single, adults. 80c; children, 16c. Return, adults., 40c; children up to 12 years, '2pc. tu« Local and Personal m Robert Crdckahank, Stanley Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Graham, Owen, Mrs, William Moffltt and 1848 Esquimalt Ave.. have had Rand Vernon of New West^ their son and daugnter-in-law minsterj and Mis.s Betty Flower from th e city as the ir guests and Miss ,I>orothy Taylor, of during the past tw o weeks, also Vancouver, were recent guests a visit from their nieces of Tp- a t Sunlit Iiodge, West Bay. ronto, Montreal and Midland. Mrs.uWilHam, of Vernon, who Mrs. Eoy Borthwick, 1466 Ar- IS speadmgr some time a t S u ^ it gylo Ave., is spending a holiday. Lodge, was in Victoria visiting with Mrs. Howard Crane of Vic- BennettV BAKERY BUTTfiRCHUST ^pR A n CREAM CAKES 35c a dor. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Plain Layers, large 20c small 10c Sliced Wrapped Bread 1468 Marine Dr. Phono W, 27 HQIXItBURN BUSlNEi» COLLEGE 14 th and Marine Drive t"' / ' ' ' (Above McNeil's Rexall D rug Store) ' FALL TERM STARTS 3 rd . ' ' ' V ' . if '(« , Students Prepared for CJivil ^eryice Exams. - Telephone W est .341 friends over the last week-end. * * « . ' j Angus MacLeod,. who has made his home a t Sunlit Lodge, Sherman, fo r some yqars, is now " in tra in ing a t Camp Ver non with the 6th C.M.R., a t Ver non, B. C. , Grimes--McDougall was solemnized by Rev. H. C. Phillips, of Vancouver, Aug. 12 a t the home of the bride's moth er, 1484 E. 27th Ave., Vancou ver, when Lucy Ada, only daugh te r of Mrs. L. M. McDougall and the late D. G. McDougall of Vic toria, became the bride 'of Wil- toria. The Misses Page of Winnipeg are leaving for the ir home a t the end of the week a fte r vifeit- Ing their aunt, Mrs. Jt Harman, 1466 Argyle Ave. ♦ * _ * ^ A daughter was bom on Sun day a t the Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and ' Mrs. Roy Drew, 2250 Nelson Ave. . 4i 4i 4i '* Salmon and grilse are plen tiful in the waters of the iBay, and Horseshoe Bay is full of them. The salmon are being held up from their spawning grounds Ham H. Grimes, youngest son of by the lack of w ater in th e Cap- , Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grimes of Hano. • St. P atricia School Residential and Day Pupils Girls ■^GradeB-- -- Ploys'^ Grades !," IL" , Nursery School and K indergarten --. Boys and Girls, 2-6 years Transportation Medical Supervision ' Piano. Dancing. Dramatics, Supervised Gaines, e tc ,. B .C ., EJducation Dept. Curriculum. Principal: Miss Marjqrie R. McGillivray ^ PHONE: W. 516 . - 2667 Haywood Ave., K E rr. 3629-R , ; W est Vancouver, B. C. 3271 Maplewood Rd., Victoria, The .bride, who looked charming in a stree t length dress of pink crepe with corsage of gardenias and carnations^ was given away __________ _ __ by Mr. D. S. McDouga.il of Van- E states property a t Caulfeifd. couver. • ♦ ♦ ♦ , Of particular in terest is the announcement that. H. A. Rob erts Ltd. have been appointed direct sales agents for Caulfeild Mr. and Mrs. Grimes will make heri home in Victoria, B.- C. Mrs. Grimes and her m other - were- form er-residentsr of--W est- Vancouver. ■ -V )|t lie ♦ ■ Mrs. William Me Andrew of Homer--Hodgins A quiet wedding was celebrat- ed -at-9 -p .m .--Saturday--in--St.- M ark's Church, Kitsilano, by the Rev. J. Crissall, when Miss Fan ny Milbiirn Hodgins of Tisdale, WEST VANCOUVER 1425 GORDON AVE. Day & School for Boys Grades 1 to", 12 oweU~River'iFl:h(Ergues^t^f~Mrr" Saskatchewan~became"the"bride of Mr, Lawrence John Homer of 2422 Marine Drive, and formerly also e fT isda le i -T h e looked charming in a tailored suit in brown with corsage of taHsman roses white iac^ series, was given in m a n a g e by Mr. A. Webb of Saskatoon, there being no attendants. Following a reception a t the home of the groom's cousin, Mrs. H._ Tailing, of West 3rd Ave., the happy couple left by boat--for7-Vietoriaj-and-on-their- and Mrs. Kenneth Roblin, Math ers Ave., W est Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P ierrot entertained a tr t h eir home a t 1325 Haywood Ave., Tuesday honoring Miss .Lawson and Mr. r Howatson, whe^e -wedding, takes place Saturday, and Mrs- Ed ward Cuddy was a recent host ess a t the tiea hour a t the (Georgian Club ",, honoring the bride-elect. __J ___* ♦- * ' . __________ _ Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. August. 22ml, 28rd and 24 th PAUL LUKAS '̂The Mutiay of the Elsinore " I ' also TEX RIDES WITJI THE BOY SCOUTS" SATURDAY EVE. AND MONDAY • August 2<lth and 26th ' MARLENE DIEl'RICH - JAMES STEWART T e s try Rides Again' also carefully selfected short subjects .TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ' August 27th and 28th , ,| EDITH FELLOWS DOROTHY ANN SBE8B "Five Little - Peppers at-Home" (a t 8:15) also . "OH, JOHNNY. HOW YOU CAN LOVE" I • Special Kindergarten Class. Physical Education, Music, etc. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6th For particulars kindly call or phone the Principal \ ' -ijyest 637-M ■' V' ' Mrs. E. W. Noweir of Prince ton, B. C., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Fisher, of the Claoh- an.' ' ' Mr. and Mrs- G rant Atheiston return will take up residence a t ' 2422 Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones and their daughter, Muriel, were en tertained by Rev. and_ Mrs. J. P. V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A* G. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AH Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders^iipplie5~ ST. PA TR ieiA rSeH O Q k PIANO STUDIOS Classes conducted by 'M iss Marjorie R. McGillivFky Associate teachW of Mr. J. D. A. Tripp Class, Individual, Theory, Rhythm Band for all ages . with accompanying and conducting Work correlated with^^sihging and dancing classes Supervised daily studio practicei examinations,'■recitals, festival STUDIOS: Cityj.^03 W. Hastings. - - -- =s- ■ --Kerrisdale:~2128 W._44th7 West Van.: 2667 Haywood Ave.,. , Caulfeild. - ' ' .-.f fi" ^ PHONES: W. 516. K E rr . 3629-R. Taylor-of-Toron^ have purchas- Dingle Sunday a t West Vancou- ed the residence .of Mr. and M rs. ver. John Anderson, Southborough ♦ * Drive, Capilano Estates, and are Miss EtheL White of Ottawa taking up residence there a t the jg visiting .her brother and sis- end- Of -the- mojith.JMr._ahdJVirs. -ter-in-lawr-Dr-^and-Mrs^ Harold W hH eJn Caû ^̂ i|c i|c A runaway horse ridden by ( ^ r g e Cook of the city dashed out from an intercestion Sunday morning and collided head on with a car driven by James Pur- c]^se, 2609 Lawson Ave., as the la tte r was drivincr alonff the Extra Special Fir Slabs and Inside Fir, mixed b o fifl cord, G .O .D .W *^ P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 Anderson are tem porarily re moving to an apartm ent in the city. F. Bayliss of th e Pemberton Realty Corporation acted for all . parties in the transaction. A isavings bank departm ent has now been established a t the H oll^b^n^Postal Station, Van- latte r was_driying along Gouver,-formerly known-as -Hoi-- ^pilaiTo Roadr"' Ar"Womair--oc- lybui^n Post Office. v cupant of the car was badly cut ^ -J---------with--broken^^glass^-- while--the AUSPICES W EST V A N C O W E R LIONS' CI^UB Sw im niinje Gala and SATURDAY^ AUGUST 24th '^'GALA'̂ ' 2:30, Dundarave Pier. Admission^ adults, 25c; Children, 10c BONFIRES . 8i30 ,p.m. on beaches FERRY CRUISE at 8:30 p.m. from Ambleside Dock to Point Atkinsou to view , the fires. Fare, adults., 3£»c; children, 15c -Entirenet-proceeds^'-to-Rod-Cross------------------ NOTICE :, James R. Mitchell, jmncipal. West Vancouver Junior and Senior High Schools, will be ip his. office a t the ^hool, 17tli S treet and Inglewood Aye., on Friday and Saturday,; A ugust 30th and 31st, to interview stu dents (Grades V ll-to XIII) „ who are newcomers to the D istrict of West Vancouver. BABY CLINIC horse was so badly injured he had to be destroyed. The rider was catapulted th irty feet over the top of the car, which was shoved half aerdss the road^ but fortunately landed in the brush and was uninjured. M rs.. Effie W hite and her niece. Miss Lulu Ray, West Van couver, le f t on Friday morning to .sp en d 'a week at Banff. "FRUIT SAIT" d f B • • r*̂ r§ S3* 29* McNEIL & McGUE 14th and Marine West Vancouver He: "Let's play bridge." She: "I don't know one card from another." ' ~ . "So w hat? You can argue^and scream, can't you?" n o r t h VANCOUVER ARMY &■ NAVY VETERANS a m b u l a n c e fund The monthly Victorian Order WelLBaby Clinic will be held _August 29th in St. Stephen's Hall from 2 to 4 p.m. ^Mrs. Jones, the relief nurse, ̂ will gladly welcome all m others w ith babies and pre-school children. For fu rther infoim ation please phone W. 1065-L2. : Horseslioc ̂ Dancing 9**! ̂ Hollingswor'ths 7-piece band. DRAW P R IZ E S . A D M IS S IO N SO C . " EXPERT Watch and Clock r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON .. (formerly with: Birks &Ltd., . Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE j ^ A m eeting to explain the* provisions of W ater Works Construction, Reconstruction, and Extension Debenture By-Iaiw No. ■ 872, and Motor Bus Purchase Debenture By-law No. 873, upon-which the Electors are bejing requested to vote on Saturday,, 24th August, will be held a t the ./ ' ORANGE HALL, 22nd and MARINE DRIVE a t 8 p.m., THURSDAY, 22nd AUGUST, 1940 R. X. HARRISON, - - ft , , Acting Municipal Clerk.