J 14 I i wmwi ---------------- 1 ' *'-* ' "-IB ?«t' •> t̂<'̂"«-«W!- -̂'O-̂ f v» v~̂̂ -.ft- M̂StWSî-, : i St l-lf II" I'i-:! ' [',' ' '.J T H l IWS8T YAK NEWS .-4wnif2aad.-lft4ft.. ............ . ii"k|tUUJ«»S .M G IO E ,,lfiA t. X0MM.IMI?41?O|i., theThe general meeting of Women's Auxiliary will he h e l ^ To the Editor, West Vail. News. " ih ""the "'UegioiT'Hall "on'^Mimci«y'* "̂""|"dd^ ndrth!hlc '"thrT at6^yew afternoon, August 26th, preceed* west Vancouver are going to ed by a luncheon. All membeirs , f^j. j^ranted the arguments are asked to be present and all produced by the Pacific Stage those having raffle hooks on the Lines, published in the press coffee Silex are asked to he sure njratnst the Bus By-law. The to bring them in as the drawing motive of the Pacific Stage Lines will take place on tha t day. An obviously very dear. Their executive meeting will be held in present argument is only a part the Legion Hall on Friday even- of the carefully prepared argu ing a t 8 p-m, nient produced a t the public In- ----------------------^ ^ uuiry before the Public Utilities JOHN MCGILLBMITH PASSES Commission, and the decision by the Public Utilities - John McGill Smith of Van couver passed away last Mon day at the homo of his daugh ter, Mrs. H. Roden Smith, Cy press Park, in his 8(M:h year. Besides his daughter, he is sur vived by two sons, James, resid ing here, and John McGill, and mo JL'acinC Dmgc ttuvci,notjmwMv. grandson, Kenneth, of Lulu paragraph one stated th a t the larid. Imnera sem ces w^^ property owners will be taxed ut d p.m. today from thfeTIolly- rnnro heavilv to nay for . the burn Funeral Home of Harron given _ Commission in favor of West Vancouver Municipality should be considered as a sufficient answer to every paragraph of Uu* l»aoiiic Stage Lines^ article. In brief I may answer a, few of tli<' important questions asked in the Pacific Stage advertisement. the Rev. F. A. Ram-Bros. Li sey officiating, with interm ent transportatoin losses* This is not so becau^ the transportation in Capilano View Cemetery* CHILD EVACUEES TO BE REGISTERED School^ Trustee Howard N. Walters, Chairman of the W est Vancouver Evacuee Committee, has asked us to give notice tlfiiat the names of all child evacuees, losses are decreasing consider ably, and the profit from the new bus operations will no doubt abolish the.present defic?it. ' Paragraph two stated that the estimates of profit are based on important errors whereby, the Council had not provided $2,000 for the interest charges on $40,-> 000. The Municipal auditor has whether coming to relatives or wil]i"be more nol, must be regietored before e t rT o f arrival with the Provincial Child a ls" t h ^ i n ^ t rges will be reduced every year as the. debenture of the :$40,00Oi-will--be_^paidJ)y^ye^ installments qver a period of seven yearsv . A careful. cheok- iiig by the^Tinimpal-audH^ arrival with the Provincial i>mid VVelfare Department a t 410 Sey- mour Street or with Mrs. F. A. Walker, West 25-M3 or Mrs, Robert "Fiddes," W est 198-R. " IS o n ffiu S from page 1) able to the City service (not jug- gennauts .o r ,dra wing rooms on wheels) and if sound judgment is used in the operation of the IVansporiation Department, we can prove to Utilities Commission thht we can m time run a t lower rates and still al low for a reasonable profit. 3. In 1939 the public endor^d the plebiscite giving the munioi- pailty permission to extend i the bus service to tlu* City, and we cannot give' a proper service that is a credit to the municipal ity and of praclcial use without suitable equipment. 4. The 1939 and 1940 Councils have been battling with the Pub lic Utilities Commission to ob tain a franchise, and while, over many months, they were engag in g in lengthy arguments oii ..be half of the taxpayers' rights, not one word was lieard from any citissen in oppo.sition to their action. Every evidence th a t , the, public' supported their con tention. 5. Having finally obtained per mission, the Council having as sured the Commission that West Vancouver was solidly behind municipal ownership and control and th a t this would undoubted ly be proven by the passing of a Bus By-law, surely it is now up to us to "make good." Any other course will have a most unfavor able,reaction in view of the pub licity th a t haj3 been given to this problem. • 6. The arguments in Number 5 were also given to the Prov incial Government (Department of-Muhicipal -Aff^rs), the - Van couver City Council, the City 'Traffic Commission, and the I I m p o r t a n t U s e r s S a y " B u y B . C P r o d u c t s " 'B ritish Columbia thrives by its In- dustries, and its Industries are gen erous users of *' B:C. Products.'*. I.ogging and Mining Camps were never busier than they^'ari? to-day. Employment and Purchases are; steadily increasing, and Industrial demands for goods j* made in British Columbia" are on a rapidly ascending! scale. The Provincial Governmen'l invari ably specifics " B.C. Products " for the numerous Institutions which come! under-its-care.'__ No housewife buys more carefully thaiVithc Purchasing Agents for these ^<fttportant- use f8,-who-4iavc=foand- by - long investigation and patient test to the cost per mile "was fully confirmed by the government auditor which clearly shows th a t the Pacific Stage cost per mile is over 25% higher, than ours. This is a sufficient proof th a t the West Vancouver ratepayers will never have an opportunity of a Jow&* fare from the. Pacific Stage Company if our competi tion is removed. Paragraph five stated th a t Canada is needing every resource to win the wai% and this is no , time to waste monCy-(Canada is now .spending millions of dollars a year on war effort, surely it is not going to be handicapped by the fact that West Vancouver Municipality is spending $40,000 on-a profitable business, enter prise), and the most important of all is the fact that with West Vancouver continuing to operate litheir own transportation system this is the only check valve for protection of the West Vancou- -ver citis&en-from transportation City and local press. In conclusion let us hope that both By-laws will pass, in order that we may be given an op portunity to show just .what municipal ownership will do, and again I assure the public tha t transportation is a very diffioult and complex problem and th a t the Council deserves your sup port in their efforts to find a gradual solution, ^ Yours truly, ' " J. B. LEYLAND, -Reeve. TO a new Exhibition this year! Bigger; grander, more daring and' magnificent in the scope of its conception! Join the hundreds of thousands who will see and admire one of the finest Exhibition plants on the N orth AmeHcan continent. There's something new to thrill and surprise you at every turn: TWO M A G N IF Ic isN T N E W B u I l D IN G S . , * MONSTER HOBBY SH O W . ; 2000 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK. " * "WORLD FAIR" GAYWAY ATTRACTIONS. BANDS * CLOWNS ♦ . AERIAL TRAPEZE ACTS ANIMATED FIREWORKS ♦ ' OUTDO()R SHOWS C A N A D A P A C I F I C EXHIBITION 'i Vancoiiveir, Ai«g. 2 6 - Sept. 2 CANADIAN WOMEN'S PRESS CLUB ASKED TO SEND IN NAMES As evacuation from Britain is on the . increase, it is wiser to have homes for relatives nomin ated from this side and approv ed now, rather than m&ke it necessary to hold the children in the Receiving . .Centres longer than is essential. Foster-homes are also needed for evacuees and The Canadian Women's Press Club; as a nationally organiized Association, has offered to as sist in arrangements whereby children of newspaper men or won^n in Great fo ta in may be placed as non-paying guests in family homes of newspaper peo ple? in Canada for the duration of the war. The C.W.P.C- will receive and forward to England information on homes available, while the Society of Women their homes to British child guests will note th a t the C.W. P.C.'s scheme is a "group plan" ' as outlined by the Government authorities and working through recognized Child W^ifa^'e chan nel; .̂ 'The national officer of the ' Press Club representing British ̂ Columbia on the committee, is Mrs. Cromar Bruce, 3599 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, who wiU gladly give further- particulars to w riters out of touch with the Press Club. Journalists, overseas, will obtain names and oiher Tariiculars of those wishing to send Children here. W riters wishing to open Good impressions are made by the typewriter, but it's the adding that counts. that " B.C. Products " compare very favourably with imported merchan dise., Support the Product of our own Farms :knd Factories, Encourage the British Columbia Producer to develop and expand. Give employ- -rtrent to more of our own people. By far the m ajor portion of y our dom^- tic needs can be supplied within the Proviiice^ " B a y B .C . P r o d u c t s " THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Parliament Bldgs. Victoria, B.C/ E, G. RowioonvM. Hoh. W. i . Asscunaa Minittar. ? ! 'M \ .5) ' i - ' 7 ' - ' .'Isl r - .i '/'I ■ . m r j'.B' ■w* ■ monopoly. Looking ahead to the fu tu re I may say th a t West Van couver Municii^lity should have the full control of the trans portation business between Van couver and West Vancouver. W ith ail my respects to the Pacific Stage Lines as a good oompaiiy, I am sure th a t we can get along v e ry /w e ll without them. The theory th a t a govern m ent or muBlicipality can not operate a successful business should not apply to every case, because many cities and jmunici- palities throughout (Janada and the United States are operating transportation and other public utilities a t a profit. K .'A, RAY, -further offers-are requestecL Citizens offering foster-homes or expecting relatives are asked to send in their names to Mrs. F, A. Walker, W-est 25-M3 or Mrs. R. Fiddes,"West 193-R as soon as possible. . REVOLUTIONARY MEDUSALITE C E M E N T P A IN T S North Shore Agents Easy to apply Variety of Col§rS: Try this effective and economical Interior Wall Finish for aid or new plaster. TEA R O E & SO N S W E S T 4 THIS For . 0 0 Complete 4 Room Bungalow Afik Us For ^ GUARANTEED AGAINST ALL5 DEFECTS FOR "12 MONTHS. L a STEVENS & CO. LTD. AUTOMATIC COAL BURNER CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT NOTICE s .■ O '. , I If Residents arelhereby notified that a bianket Beach F ire Perm it has been issued for the series of Bonfires planned along the foreshore, between low and high watermarks-only, daring the hours of 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Saturday night, August 24th, 1940, under the auspices of the West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Bed Ctess'Sdeiety ;wd the Lions' Club. ̂ ' I t is respectfully requested that^all fires be pn l out b n leaving. / : A. W. KRUGER,.. CSiief Constable. j Residence P h o n e : 016 W. HASTINGS J/w^bnooUVervW^ B R m SH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. 1483 Marine West 41 A tten tio ii Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JA C K , ASPHALT PREMIX. ROAD m a t e r ia l s LIMITED Phone North 1141______ \ or, , AIJF ELUS, West S23-1 WEST, TANCpDTBR Sheet M^tal Works I^m aee and Range Riepaini, Sawdn^ Bumen . Phone Weot 39 r-i "Yon Gan See Tbo DifiEerence" I /• V * .. »» NEX.SONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE ' . Phone WEST 782 Hiliilllipiiif 1. i:,.'