................ .. ... III! .........î î itiipippfiilptf̂ rij !«ft}*#Sl Wp#WM>|lli l>̂ ^ *»»llll>iWil»»̂ wmm 2 » V M -^0>» v.|«w fi ̂ 41 A > S...V ■' fi4-»4 ^ w w r tAM. v m r m chi Cm* M3t A ]^<ia|fa«lt A m ' EW. W. V A H C % B J L , Mttfcit^ 'm s 'F if ltf irA m tfr '* ^ "" Phone W««t 244.R SttnAiy Servieee: Utum* A *H$QpM* & trm g § rM end VJeltora »r« w elem # hW >< fi t<' '< t BAPTIST CEURCH Miniitef ■ R«y. W. I* McKey, B,A** B .D Suiidey SeiTieiii 10:00 e .m ,-^hurch Sebool in- d n d ii^ Adult Cl««» 11 B.tn. A 7:80 p.m^Preechin«r , , Senices. ■ •A hearty welcome to ell S im - . D a m a ^d Hair Again lu»trou«, apft and manageable with our scientific treatment. Stop lailuro in your fall permanent by conauJtlng us now. I t pays to trea t your hair before, not after, yourvaveev jrwee* ̂ »»*.» p. ^ »r pcrnuinont. Then you aro sure of a beautiful lasting wave without d**y brittle ends wliich are imposBiblo to remedy a fte r the permanent la once .given- • ' G w e n d o l y n Is B e a u t y S h o p p e * e ttk tn HOLLYBDRN HALL 14th and Duchess Sunday, Aug. 2fith a t 10 a.m. •Sunday ̂ .School and Young i*<;op)e's Bible Class., Sunday Evening a t 7:30 Mr. John Keid will preach the Goapel, Tuesday at B p.m. Prayer and Bible study. .Subject: "The Psalms." *~wiei4'*'vAiJcouvER Christian Science d o c i l i ty , CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Bstiuimslt, Hollybura This Soddy i» a Braimh of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday,Service: 11:80 a.m. S u n d a y . A u ijust 25 th SUBJECT:....... - -I /•• "M IN D " I Sunday School at iP;00a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t . 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. NINiTH -ANNUAIi- ̂ «'r '5,>»?»'» ̂ f ¥ Picnic and E xcursion W I U Ito W e s t Vancouver Boyp* Baud. SATURDAY, Aiig. I4th DISHES, TEA, CREAM. SUGAR FREE L e.v« . Amble,ido Pler9,.m , •' ' T IC K ETS 5 0 C, ^ -7S i L -- K.P. HALL, NORTH VANCOUVER FRIDAY, August 2 3 rd , 8 p.m. ptEM lEE ABERHART W ill d e liv e r a n I l l u s t r a tea Lecture. Under ihe auspices B. C . SO C IA L C R E D IT LEAGUE. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Creators,, of Exclusive Pcridoiieiita, 1646 Marine Drive West 117 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOUC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. D R . G. D . H. S E A L E D.D.S., L..D.S, d e n t ist X-U«y Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 J)R._McRAE D E N T̂ l S T foiTtiierly of 705 Medical-Dentel Building "Hour8i-'9-to-6^-----iSvening8-by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 I Rev. Father Van .» . '^aetor Sunday Services Low Mass --- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :46' p.m. I Catechism and Bible Class--2 :u0 _j.__,__p-ynT---y------ -̂-------:------------- ------ -Week-day- Services -> -- .'■MIND'̂ will be the .■jubject of,, the X,essOn - Sermon in all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday. , ' . , , The Golden Text is : "Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: . . . he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to t o m 'th a t know understanding" (Dan iel 2: 20, 21). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is. SUNDAY NIGHT HOLLYBURN THEATRE at 9 o'clock , ^ "THE STORY OF VERNDN , AND IRENE CASTLE" . ■ ■ , ■ , ■ .1 ̂ ' . .. .'1 . ' and Suitable Short Subjects. Silver Collection to Canadian Red Cro^s, W est Vancouver Branch the following'ft'o u i /# e Bible: "0 wretched mariAhat I am!. who shall deliver me from the body of th is death? ! thank God through Jesus Christ our &1JL_ M ass-- !8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction "7t457 Saturdays-- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. So-then-with-the-mind-Imyse serve the-law-of- God ;--but__with the flesh the law of sin" (Ro mans 7: 24, 25). " T K enC essem ^^^ North Vancouver Boarding and Day School fo r 803̂ 5 PRIMARY AND JUNIOR MATRICULATION SOUND INSTRUCTION GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP Bstabllshed on North Shore 26 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. f uitsral l ir re ta rs Hollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 T enth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 WEST VANCOUVj TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. P astor: Robert H. Birch eludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary B aker.Eddy: "Mortal mind is the worst foe of the body, while divine. Mind is its best friend." -------- -- HEAXTET^------- --------------- For Prospectus apply to THE HEADMASTER, Phone North 1702 Transportation Provided. ! Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:30. Evangelical. Independent. Visitors cordially wplonmA CO M M U N IC A TIO N August 20th, 1940: The Editor, West Van. News. . Dear Sir: I notice tha t Counoillor J. E. -Sear& staled hi t he August IStlT l i Borrud taundryi t t d r well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phono N orthT S lO 'o rgeat 691L BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay T344 Gordon-ATe. issue, of the Lions' Gate Times that, "several years ago the B.C.M.T. (or its predecessor) ^hrichr had beeiT furntshing'traT i^ Sunday, August 25th 'portation to ^n d from-GauIfeild Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts Bathing, Boating, Fishing Tea-rooms, Home-Cooked Meals Sandy Beaches / Cattages for rent by month or week 11 a.m.--Mr. Gallaher. 7 :30 p.m-- Mr. W. Alexander. Wednesday evening,' 7.45--̂ Bible and prayer meeting. Mr. -- HoW ^bfti=^ ------ '------- - in the early morning suddenly withdi'ew this service because it was unprofitable, end the Muni-^ cipality h^d to put on a bus ser vice for the residents of tha t district. A:^er some time the. -RCdVI^Tr--reopened--its--service WEST VANCOUVER \ BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES CHILD EVACUEES -Residents of West--VaifcottverT-whfy-are-reasoiiahly assured, that they- will receive evacuated children, either by private arrangement or,, as relatives coming o u t ,under the government scheme, are asked to notify the School Board, stating the number of children, their age and where THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday. August 25th BROWN & MUNTON «8«t MS RINK ORIVK WEST SOBAlnnltwii A.n.T. cT B.C. 11 a.m.-- George Lake will > be __the _gues_t_preacher._ S.ubjcet:_:_ ̂L ^ h e Value of Christian Wit- mess." Soloist: Miss Mary O'Donnell. 7:30 p*m.--^Will be in charge of the Y.P.U. of the church. Let Us make this our ̂ banner service for August, All are welcome. / and the Municipality then left the field to the private com pany." . I think this is 'very unfair criticism of a bus-line which a t all times has done its utmost to give an adequate service, to the public west of West Bay. SPEUAL a t Sawdust --------- .l$3.60 por unitDry Slabs ....... $5.00 peje^^cord luaido F ir:-' from abed ........$6.00 per cord from snill ....... $5.50 per cord Siaha with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Edgings $3.75 per cord -PKITAM'S F U E L ----- Phone North 620 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev.'P. A. Ramsey, Rector "̂4 M' 1 i m h i : fe I,Hi t --■ i I 3 ^ i § ,1 ■ '» '1 r* , a .t i t M i ' '1̂ :i T&B West Van News^ PnUished Every Thursday Sunday, August, 25th 8 a.m.---Holy Communion. 11 a-m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.ra.-- Evensong and Ser- . - mon, S t, Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 9:46 ami,--Holy Communion. „_The facts a f^ ~ th a t Paoific_ Stages were operating one trip to Caulfield that carried practi cally no passengers for m onthsr They gave, notice th a t they would have to withdraw it for the balance of the winter. Pres sure was'put on the Municipality to extend one of their West Bay buses to Caulfeild. This they did but found themselves in exact ly the same position as Pacific Stages and. they 'withdrew this one schedule after about two weeks' operation. A t least let -us be fa ir to Pacific Stages who are the only ones wlio have given a bus ser vice between West " Bay- and Horseshoe Bay. Y'ours for fa ir play. "TAXPAYER" HOLLYBURN HALL ""f; Publisher- - I- ̂ P. P, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Baaineaa and "Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 N orth Vancouver Office: ' ; 123 Lonsdale Ave. Sunday School and Y'oung People's Bible Class will be held a t 10 a^m. mext-Sunday^-August- 26th, in Hollybum Hall, and a t the 7:30 p.m. service th a t day, John Reid will preabh th e Gos-' pel. Tuesday, a t 8 p.m., prayer and:Bible study, subject /T he Psalms," , , BRITISH-ISRAEL The regular meeting of the Federation-will-lake^place a t S p.m. next Monday, August 26th,. in the B.-I. Hall, 25^6 Marine Drive. The speaker will be C, Gladwin, who -has always an interesting message. All wel- come.*** 11.00 8 year by carrier: S2.00 a year by mail Mx. .and Mrs. H, Stone' of Clifford Tearoe of H. Tearoe W est Bay .have le ft to spend a & Son^ has joined the^R.C,AJF., holiday in Victoria. leaving Tuesday for Toronto. Every powerful engine, in every, Pacific Stage bû , is checked every night by expert mechanies. Every bus in Jhe fleet is washed and thoroughly cleaned every night. Air pressure in tires is checked. Wheel nuts are gone over one by one. . Every possible precaution is taken/ to ensure perf^t" performanee"~and perfect jpassenger" safety and , comfort.' «< way we translate the meaning of service. Ride in sure, safe, spotl^s rel^ation the Pacific Stage way. It costs no more. " , Pic If It STIMS 9m P.S.-8