I - ̂ r «' * r̂k ̂ fr«- ' y-f ̂ # r,*̂frVŷ r̂fr '•" * , - ̂ <. f ■'-r ' .s<-- * ' - (_ " •' - Jftyĵ ia, ' - " ' "■■<■ ' ̂ ■' Ĵ*- ^iv -̂4 imA ̂ttikOif.t̂il n i*#S'f*mVAr«viS>Ma<"l'̂'" « iŴi«̂& ihr Oft , PH f -tv* rt-, i, ■f ■>S#»«SM*®W4«s®a;aiSS&?̂^̂^............>ti#imM ...... . .. .... „,........ ............... .... ..............................................' t...........L. 'j>'„<* .>*,........ ,.. 7 , V , . - ,. .-, o. n * s ,̂ i ■ jteblished arm U jm $ J Established over 16 years. C i r c u l a t i n g in the D i s t r i c t of W e s t yancouver^Amjbkside, H o l l y burn ̂ W e s t o n . , D u n d a r a v e (1 ,0 0 per y©»*'« C y p r e s s P a r k , C a t t l f e i l d , W h y t e c l i f f , E t c * 5c per copy Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P .O ., WEST VANCOUVER; B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd» 1940 No. 19 M B ':B ir-s:iA w a v-.'!f'>s';,:;' • ►«>!.'««( -ftSBT'4W;sv4. ¥inÂ*»»WM.h nn Saturday of th is week the ratepayers will go to the iia?o vote on two money by-laws, the % st for f 160,000 for fhP construction, reconstruction and ^ of the W ater v X system, the second fo r $40,000 fo r motor buses t o ^ «n5̂ 1ri connection with the proposed enlargem ent of the S c ip a l bus system to and from the city across the Lions Gate Bridge, ci W ater By-law ThP reason in a nutshell for the submission of this by- io«; ifl that West Vancouver has outgrown its w ater supply. n.mWi he last year or two the population has m aterially in- S e f b u t n a to ^ ^ not the flow from the stream s on the S e which are the main;source of water, rendering it more fhafever necessary to ca ll .w pon^t^resen^e supp^; which f t municipality has drawn wheii required from the Capi- io«n Thp nresent pipes from the W te r . source are not large nough fo ru fe n̂ ^^̂ also the Keith: Road Bridge; which parries them across the Capilano Canyon has been condemn- ^ iendering it necessa'ry: e ither to build a new truss or re build the Keith Road Bridge, the la tter a p ro je c t^ t^ c<gt of which would be shared by North,.Vancou^^^^ and the Prov- Sial Government, if the last two are willing. Incidentally, fither alternative would cost , about the same, so fa r as West Vancouver is concerned. In addition about nine miles of old wooden pipe in the municipality have more than reached the bursting point through age, and m ust be replaced w ith»cast iron pipe. An adequate supply of water, being a prime neces- ii.„4t~is difficultAo understand.anyone,not..yQting fo rJ h is bv-law more especially in view of the fac t th a t i t only_. really represents a net increase of $36,000 in the bonded ̂ d e b te d - nesS~a's^^he7municipality-on-Januai^--lst-of-this-yeai^j4:!edeem=_ €d $125,000 worth of , w ater debentures. The Bus By-laiw ■ is probably the most contentious by-law th a t has ever been submitted to the^ ratepayers, representing, as it does, the climax of a b itte r dispute which has disturbed the peace and well-being of the niunicipality ever since the Lions Gate Bridge was opened. ' Indeed, the controversy has been waged so long and.,bitterly/,that we fear i t will still go on. Among a perfect welter .:of'hneertam ties one thing is admitted by all, nam ely,. th a t there., is not sufficient traffic offering at present, whatever the fu tu re may hold, for two bus transportation systems,; the. more so ^that so many ^ e using their own cars -and those of the ir friends to commute to ^ d from the city. Which^means; of .course, th a t sooner or later either the municipality, o r , th e Pacific Stages m ust cease operating across the bridge. The Reeve has stated th a t it this by-law is defeated, i t spells ,the;.end of_ jthe municipal system both for buses and ferries. n A"ccording"iro^'ifigures;Tnubnutted'7by--th^ -munioipnl- -their--bus--service to and from --th e -c ity -- is--th e . only ■ vr; , 1' Tm:} COMMUNICATION SPECIAL NOTICE Office of th e Reeve, Municipal Hall, August 20th, 1940. The Editor, West Van. News, 2227 Lawson Ave., Hollyburn, B. C. Dear Sir: , . Om Saturday, the electors of West Vancouver will be a ^ e d to The ninth annual excursion tp Keats' Island with the Boys' Band will leave Ambleside Sat urday at 9 a.m. instead of 10 n.m, ns previously advertised and returning will leave Keats' Island a t 4:15 p.m. This will give everyone ample time to vote on the by-laws also to attend one of the many bOn fires being ar-YVtJBU V ttiiuv/uvoi. wiMiMv H iwv.-.--- ■ . V4. m a n y u i/u xuvjb iLnjJuits u i - vote on the $160,000 W ater Im- raiiged by the Lions' Club in aid provement By-law, and on the of the: Red Cross. $40,000 Bus By-law, and I have This yeai/s band camp will no hesitation is recommending be the largest yet undertaken. , A 1. .. i their passing. The W ater By-law: Following upon the opening of " " X there hfthe Lions' Gate Bridge there has been a very substantial growth Arrangements are being made by Mr. Condon to take otire of a t least eighty boys for the week. With Mr. Ddamont in camp this year regular band ««« « *• 1 1 R. W. TIMBRELL DISTINGUISHBD in population, as evidenced by' practices will be held each day. the new homes being erected lU: The rest of the time will be nearly every part of the IMunir spent playing baseball, tennis, cipality. The main w ater pipe on volleyball, badminton, hiking Marine Drive has outlived .Ite ' and swimming, usefulness, and our smaller dis- , Tickets for the excursion tribution pipes, while .having should be purchased before Sat- sufficed during the earlier years urday and may be had. from any when_ houses were few and fd r of the band boys" or^fro^m--Mr: between, and when W est Vap- "Coridbn. couVTe was known as a delight SERVICE CROSS CUUVXO W«.0 M-K. ---- ----------------------- - ful-sum m er_caipping_i)Jace,3re_^Ij|jM Ij^^^^ now woefully inadequate. IA . FIRES NIGHT chain is only as strong as its Sub.-Lieut: R. W. Timbrell,! R.C.N., celebrated his first ap ; pointment to comiiiand by , ning the coveted Distinguished .'Service Cross for his gallahti^ cnaiii 18 uiiiy ao DUiw**© ~ -----a-- weakest link, and in ® xception^ Commencing at 2:30 o'clock ly dry years, such as the Saturday aftemoon a swimming one. with practically no snow, op ^yndarave Hollyburn' Ridge during t^ne u<.T.ov»+-a wiii v»i3 m!n fnr all w inter months, the situatioP isw inter months, the snuation is ^ special features will be really senous. We need a P |e n ^ .provided bythe^Royal Life'Sav- fu l supply,of. w ater a t for domestic services,-adequate . aordon Gillespie- a practically useless compass, out-of-date' charts . and no tide tables he took a 100-ton-yacht from Ramsgate and soon found himself in the hell off the beaches. Yet in spite of having his ship ashore for . five hours -dne-te-lts-cable-being-broken^Ay- in c h ^ g e of Gordon Gillespie who is now receiving entries'°in opf^eration vrith th is pap^ sic is being provided by courtesy of the Imperial Oil through Mr. .xi x̂ ecvxv. V., . Corkill and refreshm ents will be ich is for the.P" rc» f se of four pn the Pier. Admission' ses, may I point out th a t $40,- p^„ifq gKr qnd /»hi1drcn. fire protection, health protection, apd the encouragement of beau tiful gardens. The Bus By-laW: In regard to th is By-law, which buses, a bomb, he finally, got away, m ade three trips carrying 350 part of the whole systeni ^which/ is , P^y^^® way, and the Council wish to demonstrate,] their ability to run an enlarged city-service a t a cost which would call for cheaper rates being granted by the Public.] Utilities C oii^ission. Whether this' is possible or hot remains to be seen, but. it is -evident ^herPacific S t e ^ s --cohsider->the.,7Pi^sent and f u t i ^ possibilities of the trsfffic w ell worth while. troops, and salvaged . two Siore yachts before returning h is com mand to Portsmouth.. Not only his mother, Mrs. E. H. Jupp of 2015Jnglewood Ave,. but all West Vancouver have great reason to be proud of his m ition-and-Fthe^ay-i" The whole question simmers down to a m atter of public ownership or not. If. the r a t^ a y e rs w ish to and their own transportation system, then they will vote for the by-law and will for the sake of th e ir own pockets use the ir own buses. They have ngitated fo r over a year for the very opportunity, which the Council is offewng. them by way of this by-law. It is now up to them .to decide, always remembering that they may not have.another_chdnce'to do so. has won the first decoration to come to the municipality in th is war. We also take a certain perr sonal pride in the fact th a t he was, a t one time connected w ith this newspaper. 000 spread over 7 years ia lor a under the spon- comparative y small amount, and ggj.ghip of the Lions' Club of -is less-thanJia^j3.een_r.e q u ^ ^ -W est-V ancouver-and-the-cntire- .provide.a new proceeds-go -to - th e -R e d . ately there has been an eff ort to Q^^gg make transportation a political- A t 8:30 p.m. signalled by the issue, with a view criticising rockets a t Ambleside past Councils. May I say that ^nd Dundarave Piers, a spec- past Councils, have handled tnis g^ri^g of bonfires will be nroblem as honestly and as ei- lighted along the beach from -pos&ible:ri:n;icieffl..., -- . - , the light , of swiftly changing circum stances,. and _ there is no ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL . PIANO STUDIOS room for pblitios in municipal affairs wheih affect the pocket of_every individual taxpayer. Let us be frank and admit th a t transportation is a very difficult p ro b le m a n d one that ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL St. Patreiia School located the healthful atmosphere °bf ' West Vancouver, provides edu cational -facilities ]pf distinct' ad vantage to the needs, of pupils in. Nursery School, K indergarten and the Grades. ' , In the pre-schp"ol classes, Lllripon oy*/\ V\̂ r #%%% School re-opens September -8th~Transportation-js:provid€d^ For fu rther information, tele phone or write Miss Marjorie R. MoGillivray, 2667 Haywood Ave. W. 5l6, HiOLLYBURN BUSINESS , / , COLLEGE viits pxt> • BCXiywl children ar^ fitted by an informal constriipf.ivp mii/io'Ti/>a-Pew' - the --- Ujr <l»ll constructive guidance fo r . tuc more forma! routine of- the.. M e s . Standards of the -B.C. I department of - Education are ' fellowed. ' s: - Class- workx ̂in rhythm band, i piano, singing, music apprecia- i Jjon, dramatiesrand dancing rin ?? he ^ rly stages, give a fo u n d a -: non for successful individual ac- ^mphshment in the . h igher . h ̂ aues, where examinations: re- festivals are used as a I _^mulating-rather-than-a-com-^' Pehtive factor. Ah the b j^n ess courses ayail- 3 ^ tyable /in the city can be obtained a t the Hollyburn Business Col- lege,F: 14th and Marine Drive (aboW McNeil's Rexall Drug Store). The fall term s ta rts on T ueitoy , September -3rd, and s tu d ^ ts are prepared for the Civil Service-exams.- Any inter- estea are asked to call or phone W est 341 for full particulars. ^ '5 'W/en's health is in .the ist ̂ ̂ leading, child special^ ^^nners and de- for insisfi^^^ circumstances, are insisted upon at all tim e s ., - ' t e s S f instrtiction: is. :Pro-, l^nt but non-sectarian. . , - ^ E S T VANCOUVER ]: ' COLLEGE West--Vancouver--College, day I and boarding school for hby^:. located a t 1425 Gordon Ave^,\ will reopen for the fall te iiu oh Friday, September 6th. The- curriculum includes/, Grades 1 tq 12, special kindergarten clasl, physical education, music, etc; For full particulars kindly call-or phbne the principal. West 637^M. ,St. Batricia School Piano Studiosconducted-by-Miss-Marj- orie R. McGillivray, associate, teacher of J. D. A. Tripp, ;have an established branch of ' the piano work in Kerrisdale and the city. Arrangements for p a rt time study with J. D. A. Tripp or his supervision at stated in ter vals may be arranged. Class work or individual for young children including rhythm band, and conducting,'correlated with singing and dancing, .gives a solid foundation for la te r work. - -Conducting and_acbompanying; in the band are a means of hold ing interest. Examinations, re- citals and festival work are used as, a stimulating factor ra ther than competitive. , Miss McGillivray will be pleas ed^to meet all interested in piano studv a t her West Vancouver studios, 2667'H ^ o o d A y e :rw r 516. Early registration ensures a choice of times. :Ambleside' to "Horseshoe Bay. - Members of *the Lions' Club have been busy on the waterfront w ith their friends. A blanket perm it is being issued by the F ire Chief for beach fires on this occasion with the usual proviso th a t all "fires will be extinguish- uiiiicuiu iixvwx-cxxx -- before they are left. The big- can only solved gradually ac- will-be eart' of Amble- cordifig t0 public use or demand. and other public fire§ We have our ferries with a very, Street, West -m uch--reduced passenger list, g Eagle Harbor and Horse- but still carrying half a million ^ • , a Sso Everyone/ will be welcome at Iwation of d ^ k g. these public fires where refresh- have f r i t v in ntiehts, entertainm ents, com- municipal buses , , munity singing and a jolly good order . „ ĝ ;iii tim e is guaranteed. Tide will be, and services, and there are s iii ^ . q.^g ,*„gf rjiTht fo r a others who " t h ^ S d f T h i s " m be '̂ an to any great ®̂ **.?*> occasion to be remembered so care what system ■*. ® . > jet'g gU tu rn out and make it a H*aXg Rea L etter Day fo r West Van- defioite « couver and the Eed Cross. For in.mmd these those who would like to see the T ® * speetaole- *he water, a to â^̂ arranged from v ^ich m l l K s ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ Ambleside to Point Atkinson, the-users of-differcn^^^^^ u " leaving W est Vanjjouver Dock at transportation w h e t o 8:30 ^m ., retunfing about 10 P-«i. The fare will be only 35c a J™® for adults and 15c for children through the generosity of, my c ^ e f ^ . nftrinir* the P erry Departm ent the pro:̂ !the-' Bus Bv-law and urging ^ .j j also be-turned-over-tr I t is useless to send men over*- seas without proper equipment. How about helping by lending the Government monOy through the purchase of W ar Savings certificates. others to do likewsfe: . fv,P Rpd rrc«B 1. I t is extremely likely th a^ , *" ® ^ ' X • . ^ .v ,... there is little possibility of a I f ram should interfere these .substantial reduction in rales aa events will bev ̂ t p o n e d until long as aTprivate company has a the following Saturday, . complete' monopoly. 2. Our own g r a t i n g records ' - S ta rt th e childre/i on the right show th a t 'i f : the i Municipality road to save by giving each a uses equipment,, such as is suit- W ar Savings form with a stamp (Continued on page 4) attached.