4 'I 2: U v - i p w t The chiirmiM wedding took place at d p.m, laat Saturday In St. Stephen'H Church, the Hev. F. A. Kamsey officiating, of Vera Joan Platt, eldest daughter " Of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Plat^ 1078 Jeflferson Ave., to AHhur Morris Lc'ar, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Lear, of North Vancouver. The bride was given away by her father, and the best man was Harold Lear, brother of the groom, the ushers being Gordon Glover and Robert Larson. The church was beautifully decoral-, ,^ed with gladiolas, sweet peas'; and baby's breath. 'rhe pretty bride was gowned In a dress of white net over taf feta, with lace veil embroidered with silk and orange blossoms. Her sister, Muriel, who was bridesmaid, wore a yellow voU dress over white taifeta and yel low roses in her hair, and car ried a bouquet of pink carna tions and pmk and white sweet peas, while another sister, Hapn- «e, acted as llower girl in a pmk tatfeta dress with pink rosea in her iiair and a bouquet of pink sweet peas. The maid of honor, Mjss May Kosenburg, was attir ed in a mauve net dress over taifeta and mauve flowers in her hair. Mrs. Harold Perkms was the soloist. liic .same decorative scheme of llowers as in the church was carried fUt in St. Stephen's Hall, where a reception was held foi- Jowing the ceremony, when th e ' mothers of the bride and groom received, the former in a navy blue coat dress with paisley trimmings and matching «.acce ̂ sories, the latter in a flowered voil dress and accessories to match. Mrs. T. Cotter played for the dancing, which was en joy ed. later, . ^ t The honeyithoon was spent m 1 Victoria, the bride going away in an air force blue novelty suit with matching accessories. On their return the happy couple will take up re.sijlence in West Vanoouver.,, I _______ The News DRIVE OUT.--HBWE OUT at ' C L Iiy H 00SE -; Wli|tecUBr'I>afk.* The absent-minded professor who sent his w'ife to the bank and kissed his money good-bye wasn't BO far olT at that. O v e rlo o k in g beautiful Bowe Sound, at tlie ternUimii of Weal Marine Drive, 30 wlnutos from town > DeMdonŝ 'Rtealui ■̂ Sabuis > - > Tasteful Luncheona •!*" Aftomooti Teas - Dinners Music available for after-dinner dancing Regular Ferry Service connecting for Bowen Island ReservaUons and Menus Tor Bamiueta, Club Luncheons and Conventions given personal attention UNION iS TA TES LTD. Teleuhono WhytecUff TE Inlty 1821 or MA rine 5438 for reservations ' I M II ■■ II ■■ II -- IX ... ■. ■ ,"V.4 :r .'1 !r'; "-s; M:- Iifli, •'(n ' /) | . Sr.; ■ f - t/ ' I :: ; ' F '• ̂ '4IS#' y V' f"' Jl̂vj M "i I!i:V *■ y * ' .i * it ̂"r>j lift i - lias1,4 t'-'tt 4's - ! lliif f e ' S ' ■j. 1 ■̂1' " fit u #1 -XV-; (•H'W; "i Hi l ! ' 1 1 1 -'ivl 1 S7<-'v < .'i -Ts 1 -fJ » \ J * /c |.' fi S I'-rJ® ,' IIIhi ' r,_'» ) /,-v5/ "hi I; I S H S t'llilllLM ...t ' NATIONAL STOCK TAKING h' NEEDS NATIONAL REGISTRATION CANADA CALLS upon all her citizens, regardless of nationality, male and female, over'16 years o f age, to register on August 19th, 20th, or 21st. Registration offices will be open from 8 a.m, to 10 p.ni. 'The object of this registration is to ascertain the human resources of the nation so that they may be mobilized to enable Canada to make her maximum effort in the defence of this country and towards the . successful prosecution of the war. Here are the questions you will be asked to answer. The card for women will be similar.; but subjec^ to certain~nc^^ Study the questions carefully now s^fhat^j^u may be ready to give full and complete answers to the registration officer. REGISTRATION DATES:- AUGUST 1 9 th , 2 0 th and 21st 1. Surname.......................;............ .................................... Given'Nomei., ............... ........................................... ,..... , (P»int In block lm ec») , ' .U . ■ 3, Permanent Pojtiil Addre«* (if away from u»ual residence when filling in'card give name of usual rcsiden(/e!i 13. Class of occupation: (a) Me you an.cmploycr of labour other than domestic?.. If so, state business........................................... -...................(^) M e you working on own account. " . i r~f - r ' I. but not employing labour?..............;......... If so, state business.'......;...,; ;̂.'........ ........................... S tm t ami Nunilw, R ural Route und P o tt Office Town or C ity -Province 3. Age lost birthday,.......... ................. Date of birth., Yeftr ? M onth .D a y 4. Conjugal conditions: S i n g l e , M a r r i e d ..... ......... ..........Widowed. ....................Divorced......;.......,-.......;. 5. Of what dc|>e^cnts (if any) nre you the soic^support:-- ■ j (a) .Fother............... „.,',..,.(b) M other............ .(c) Wife......!........................(d) Number Of children under (c) Are you an employee? h ) working at usual occupation.,;........-................ (2) working a t Other than usual occupation........... ......-.........(3) unemployed.,,,..,,..,,.,.,.,..'...;;..;.;., (d) Not working because penaoner, dependent, retired, independent means is - s sa is s tS s sa isM ia is isa s s -B (Specify) kaaaasaaavaaaaaaaa^t 14. Occupation or Craft:-- (a) Present occupation?.........................!...........................^ ......;..f........................ (b) What is your regular occupation?...................................................... Years of esperience in (b)..... >aa*aaaa*«as partial supiiort to any one,.... 6. Country! («) Yourself........................................................... ......................... Place.. birtli ̂ Your father..-.;....,................... .................................................. Place , ;;of-' 4f-)-Y o ur mother- ,.Plaee..f.. (d) i f an employee, who is your present employer? Name.'...................................... ;............._____ Address...................................... ...................................................Nature of business where employed? (state precisely)'...................................................................... .......................................................... (c) If experienced in a skilled industrial occupation or profession, describe specifically the type or types 7, Nationality or country of' allegiance ;~Dritish subject (a) by ■ birth?.: (b) by natiiraliration?............- .... ;............(c) Foreign citiicn?..,....................... ........(d) If natur.aliied, in J ' ■ 'I , _ ■' ------ what year?:.;,T.."~ ..........'...„.,T„?;'.T;:;(e)'~ln-what placc?.~::r:;;::.~;,X." .;!Tr!;:7,'Trr7r;"7..""^ I f hot Brltiih' subject, to whflt couiitry do you owe allegiance?.. (g) If an immigrant, in what year did you enter Canada?.. 8 . 'Racial origin ........ . of work in which you are spccidly equipped by training or experience.. ,13. Unemployment: (a) How many weeks "did you work in the past 12 months.'...!............................................* (b) If out of work now, state number of weeks since last employed in any occupation other than .work ~ it* for direct relief............. ........... .........(c) Are you totally incapacitated ......... '....................................... • 9. Langti.ige or languages; (ri) Do you speak English?.. (b) F r e n c h ? . . . .... (c)Wl>at'othrHanguage can you .speak, read and write?.. 16. (al) Were you brought up on a farm?.:........... ...............(a2) UntilWhat age?......... .............(b l) Have you 10. Education: (a) Primary only.............................(b) Primary and Secondary.'................. r .Jc j Vocational Training (Busiivi;ss College, Technical. High School)!.. (d) College or Unls'erslty Degree?.......................... . worked on a farm?................... (b2) How long....................(b3) In what province or country...:.__ (cO Can you handle horses?..................... (c2) Drive a tractor?.,...................... (c3)Use farm machinery? ..... ............... *̂̂ 1 ^^ti you milk?..̂ .............- ......(c5) Are you able to do other farm work?.'...;.................... 17. Is there any particular occupation in which you would Uke to be speciaUy trained?......;. I I , I t your general health (aX good?.....;..i;..;.............(b) fair?.,....... .(c)- bad? deaf, dumb, crippled or otherwise physically disabled, state nature of disability.. 12. If blind,, If permanently disabled, are you in receipt of a pension?............... ...................... ....... In respect of War Service?,....................... .....Workmen's Compensation?........................ Old Age or Blind.'................... . Othisr? (SpecifS)............................................................................... .......... . . '....................................... 18. Defence Services: (DJHave you previously served in any Naval, Military or Air Forces?...... ............... If so, state: (a) Forces of what country... ~ T-'- (b) Approximate dates between which services performed. „ *■ " " r r r . T . ■ ......... .............. ............. ■■ • ••. . • - • • • •# • ...................... .......................... •"•W) Rank held..'.............................. --........ ...... ;.;(2 ̂If retired or _ discharged, give reasons therefor................................................... (3) Have you been rejected for military service in the present war?............... (a) Why?................................................... .... .......(1̂) Where?......................... .................... >-«****M*-H** ■********' Thi^is Your Opportunity to Help in The National E«ort. To keep the cok of this reeistratioa at a mminium the Gov|rmt,^t .s asking the co-operation of all public-minded citizens in the work of registration help by gettilig in touch with your local registration officials and offering your services. ® stration. You can W H ER E TO REGISTER Registration,offiMS ate being set op by electoral districts in the same manner as in the'last Ddmioion election. Registrants ate tequited to tegister in the rej^ar polling subdivisions- of their own constituencies. But should a registrant be in some other Erovince or district out of the tegular polling subdivision on Registration laj-s, he or she may tegister at any registration office convenient, upon sati$faaor> .cxplaibattoa to the local dcput>' registrar. , Your Registration CeEtificate^ To every person answering the'questionnaire fully and satisfactorily a certificate of registration w ill'be issued by the local deputy registrar. This is a' small card which must be carried on the person at all times. P enoltY fO» K on -B ® gistlfatioa -- Failure to register will make any male f I • . excee^g Two Hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding Thltee months. Tr or single, over the age of 16 years, liable to a fine not exceeding Ten dollars for each day, after the day u>on which he should have wWA h ^ l ^ ^ and tn o re o v ^ ^ T k ^ e J ' . . o - > 6 uc snail continue to be unregistered., unregistered. Published under th e au thority of HON. lAMES G. Minister o f National Wav