I ■T/: -.=»?-•'* '<. «" ^«»i-'J-"> tit 'N'MjffM-̂ ' -v *-,o mm m WSBT VAN NEWS rLUB AKB' CEAMBEE ̂ inif̂ wttli fiotml Hawaliftn m m U kept the audience entertained NO EBB CROSS SUPPLIES JiEOTmOiraSlBE-- EMPIRE Fifth columnists continue to J/kjcdTto its limit on the oc- Jhe presidents of each of the circulate J h e rumour that Can- th e auspices of the West hers briefly on matters concern- ing sen t"'to Gc V ancouver Chamber^ of Com- ihg.the acti vities and objectives oountries* . which in tuni givesVancouver merce coeporatiok of THE DISTIUCr OF ^WBST'̂ 'VANCOOVER-' BY-LAW NO. 878 Scptolubtt'r »|i tho yeura and amounts District of ® set out i» Schodulo "A" horoto an-motor busea within tho corporate limits of tho d is tr ic t of W est Van couver and within tho corpowto dobonturos coupons signod by tho of the 9 hoove and Ulork for each and ovory poab of convoying ..55®") payment of intoroat that muv bocomu bo thousand dollars (840,000.00) In tho whole shall bo .issued in such sums as may bo required of not loss than ono hundred dollars (SlUO.OU) each. Tho said dobonturos shall bo signed by ̂ the JIU'ovo and Clerk of tho Corpora- lion' and soak'd with ' tho Corporate' soul. Tho said dobonturos shall bo dated the llrst day of Soptombor, 1040, and shall boar interest a t tho rate of tlvo per centum (DVo) por annum, payable on tho ilrst day of March-, ami tho . ilrst day of Soptombor in ouch and every year during tho cun'oncy of tlio said debentures, or any of thorn, and * the principal of tho said dobonturos sliull bo puyablo on tho first day of r-onacity of Gliff House with piano accordion duets, etc inC ̂ i4wil4- jn.vt fliii /w»_ ' rkî oai/ljQ'nfKi nf ŷf fht german-occupied ih in turn gives .w.«*jlnd Lions Club recently of their respective, organizations, rise t«? the statement--"I . cer- m em bera and friends of ReĈ ire LCyland extended the of- tainly will not support the Red Kitsilano Chamber of Com- hcial <gc^ wishes of the muni- Cross because it takes too great a by-law authorklug-tho purchase of and Lions Club, together cipality^to ^the;visitors and ex- a risk in supplie.s being seized Motor Buses and to raise by way of some member of ^Central pressed the : opinion that it was by the enemy." Make it youC ioan the sum of $40,000.00 to pay for K a f lub of Vancouver were one of the finest social gather- personal business to tell every of the two local clubs. ings he had witnessed in West one that No Canadian Red Cross On arrival of a special ferry VaHcouver. ■ ^ " Supplies are going into enemy- fi, visitors were met by mem- After the tables had been occupied territory. All Red Cross nf the local clubs at Amble- cleared aw av informal dancing supplies sent Overseas are sent iJ® wharf where a Warm 'wel- was entered into by many, others to the Canadian Red Cross dis-' was extended, following enjoyinjg a, quiet stroll through tributing centre iii London, Eng- ....................... . ̂ im.viu«,il ui mturuHL l..«u «.«v all proceeded in municipal the beautiful grounds of the land, and.are distributed by the point to point within toe dui, and such Bignaturoa may nidoq and private cars tcfWhyte- park until time, for the visitors Canadian Red Cross 'Overseas "himr written, printed, Btamped,buses ana piivttwvw !> ^__ _̂_____4.1»_ xr__ x ____ ....J-.. i.i.. 1 ... trict of Wost Vancouver to and with- im, in the City of Vancouver ^nd from within the City of Vancouver to and nrnfframme. r Dig rousing send on, alter wmen ....................... - ̂ Mr IVyman, the well known they rounded the evening out , ' 1 versatile pianist presided at with dancing and group har- he keyboard, Tendering several j mony, /p u n d the piano until wrv fine solos in addition- to " the midnight hour. It was the ex- Sid intr music for community pressed hope of all present that simrim? The M i s ^ White of the four blubs concerned would Vancouver delighted tfie gather- make this, an annual event.. nuxtid aiul niadu a part huiHiof. Thuro Hhall bo attached to each of tho said or within too District of W est Vancou ver. Glenarbour Unit will meet at the. home of Mrs. N, Boyd,, Glen- ditiGnarpaMoirgor motor buses AND WHEREAS it ia doomed ad visable in tho intorosta of auch aorvico that too Corporation of tho Diatrict of 'W eat Vancouver do purchaao nd- eagles, Monday, August 19th, at 1 p.m. c o r p o r At i q n o f THE DISTRICT OP WEST VANCOUVER poses above recited, and debentures of the said Corporation to V toe said amount of one. hundred and sixty thousand dollaria ($160,000;00) in the whole,-shall be issued in such sums AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of such motor buses is forty thou sand dollars ($40,000.00). AND WHEREAS the sum of forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) is _tho debt intended to bo created by th is by-law.,' AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue debentures, the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied tp the b y -l a w NO. 872 A by-law authorizing the Construc tion, Reconstru^ion and Extension of the Water Works System of ;toe Cor poration and to raise by way of loan the sum of $160,000.00 to be paid for such'WOrk. - raised and levied in eech yeair during the currency of the said' debentures or any of them the annual sums set out in toe toird column of Schedule "A" hereto annexed and made a part , as may Te required of nof less than _ hereof. For the payment of the debt ; purpose aforesaid and no other, one hundred dollars ($100.00) each. ' hereby authorized thci;e shall be ra is -> . AND WHEREAS.,, i t is uecessary ed and levied in each year during'the that the money to be raised hereunder "currency ~ of " toe "said' <debentures""or " bo^r any of them the annual sums set out in the second column of Schedule "A", hereto anhexed and made a part here of. The total annual sums required for the payment of the interest and The said debentures shall be signed ' byMihe . ReeVe and Clerk;, of the Cor poration and sealed with the Corpo- , rate Seal. ' , The said debentures .shall be dated the first day of September, 1940, and shall bear in terest a t the ra te of five per • centum (e% ) per annum payable instalments of principal of the debt half-yearly on the first day of March and the ■ first day of September in each and every year during the cur rency of the said debentures or any of them and the principal of said debentures-- shall-- be-- payable-- on hereby created, as set out in the fourth column of said Schedule, shall be raised and levied .in each year 'during the currency of the said de bentures or any of them by a rate Corporation. AND WHEREAS it will be ̂neces. sary-to raise in each year during the period of -seven (7) years by special rate the sums set out in the second and third columns of Schedule hereto annexed and made a_ jp a rt hereof, for the payment of principal and interest of the said loan. AND WHEREAS the amount of --------;--------------- ^---------7; -- UCU4?ULUJ.C»-- SUiaiJ.---W57- WHEREAS the C o lo ra tio n of the . gj.g^ September in the District of West Vancouver, oyms and . . . . operates the water works system to supply water , for the inhabitants of the Municipality, AND WHEREAS it is deemed ad visable to increase the amount of water available for use of the in habitants of the Municipality by in stallation of new and larger mams years and amounts ' set. out in Schedule '.'A" hereto annexed 'and made - a- p a rt hereof. There shall be a ttached .to each of the said de bentures coupons signed by the Reeve and Clerk for each and every pay ment of in terest th a t may ^become due, and such signatures may be either written, printed, stamped, or and to replace certein ,water^mam8 ,̂si,,jl̂ |î M̂ ^ and to construct certain.oxten^ns ac- . ^ej^ehtures and inter- cording to plans and specifications "prepared by the Municipal ' Engineer. 'AND WHEREAS,, the .; consent of the Provincial Board of Health has been duly obtained pursuant ,to Sec- tion 22 of the "Health Act" being est coupons shall be expressed to be .paystble in lawful money of Canada. 4. The said debentures as to prin -' cipal and in terest shall be payable a t the Royal Bank of Canada a t West Vancouver, Vancouver,; Victoria, iu the Province- of British Columbia; Ed monton, in the Province of Alberta; Regina, in the Province of Saskatche wan; Winnipeg, in the Province of land, or on the rateable land and im provements, within the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver. 6. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as "West, Vancouver -Water Works Construction, Reconstruction and Extension Debenture. By-law No. 872,. 1940." THIS by-law shall not come into force and effect JjntU i t been approved by xhe'TiieHtehant-Gfoverndr- in-Council. ̂ . within the said Corporation, is $47^ 062,882.00 and the whole _ assessed value of the improvements is $5,849,- 460.00, making together a total of $9,911,842.00, according to the last revised assessment roll. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Council of the Corporation of the Di-3- tric t of West Vancouver in open meet ing assembled enact as 'follows: . The jCouiicil of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver is hereby empowered and authorized to PASSED by the. Municipal Council. purchase passenger motor buses a t a chapter 114 of the ^Revised S tatu tes of British Columbia, 1936', , AND WHEREAS the estimated ■ cost of such work is ■one' hundred an d ...... .... ̂ ___ ^ sixty thousand dollars ($160,006.00), . .Manitoba; Toronto, in the Province of AND-WHEREAS' the sum of one Ontario; and Montoeal in the Prov- hundred and six,ty' thousand dollars- jnce of Quebec; a t the holder's,option; ~($160;000:00)" i r "the"debt"intonded to " T,y the said Corporation, be created by this by-law, . 5. For the payment of the interest ' AND WHEREAS it is desirable to on the said debentures there shall be the 5th day of August, 1940. RECEIVED THE ASSENT of the Electors, the day of ' , 1940. __ REm N SIDERED. ADOPTED and FINALLY PASSElTBrto^MTraicipM- Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED with the Cor porate Seal of the said Corporation, the day of , 1940.. Reeve.. lithogruphod. 8. Thu said dobonturos and inior- oBt coupons slmll bo oxprossod to bo payablo in lawful munoy of Canad:.. 4. Tho said dobonturos as to prin cipal and intorost shall bo puyablo ut tho Royal Bank of Canada a t Wost Vancouver, Vunoouvoi'i Victoria, in tho Provinco of British Columbia; Ed monton, in tho Province of Alberta; Regina, iu tho Pi'oviuco of Saskutcho- wuu; Winnipeg, in tho Provinco of Manitoba; Toronto, in the Provinco of Ontario; Montreal, in tho Provinco; of Quoboe; a t tho holder's option, tjaid Corporation. *r- " 5. For tho payment of tho intor ost on'the said dobonturos thoro shall bo raised and loviod in oach year during' tho currency df tho said de- boutures or any .qf lliom tho annual , sums set out in tho third column of Schedule "A" hereto annexed and mado a part horoof. For the pay- luont of„tlio debt hereby authorized thoro shall bo raised and levied in ouch year during the currency of the said debentures or any of them the annual sums sot out in the second column of Schedule "A"« horoto an nexed and made a part hereof. The total annual sums required for . the payment of tho interest and instal ments of principal of the debt here- • by created, as set out in the fourth -column--tjf~said--Schedule;--skall--be---- raised and levied in each year during the currency of tho said debentures or any of them by a rate sui^'icient theror for on all the rateable land, or on the rateable land] ifnd improvements, within the Corporation of the District of West.Vancouver. • 6. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as "West Vanco'uver Motor Bus Purchase Debenture _By-Law No. 873. 1040." ■ This by-law shall not come into force and effect until i t has been ap proved by the Lieutehant-Governor- in-Council. PASSED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL the 6th day of August, 1940. _________ RECEIVED the assent of the elect- ors the ' day of . , 1940. Clerk. issue debentures, the proceeds j of the ^said-debentures -to -be-^qiplied 'to_the- purpose aforesaid and no other, AND WHEREAS it is necessary that the money to be' raised here under be raised upon the credit of the said- Corporation, -- " -~ AND WHEREAS it will be neces sary to raise in each year during the period of._twenty-five .(25) years by special rate, th esu m s set out in the second and third columns of Schedule "A" hereto annexed and made a p a rt hereof, for the payment' of principal and interest o f. th e . sa id ; loan, t̂AND "WHERAS~the-Council~of the" ^ ^ -------------------S chedule ^ ^ ------ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER $160,000--5% 25-Year Serial Debentures cost not exceeding forty thousand dol lars ($40,000.00) and . to operate and maintain the same in the services hereinbefore referred tp. -- 2r.--Xfc-glijdl hA lawful foY the Reeve of the said Corporation, for the pur- pose aforesaid, to bprrow or raise by way of (loan from any person or per sons, body or bodies corporate, who RECONSIDERED; ADOPTED, and may be willing to advance the same FINALLY PASSED by the Municipal upon the credit of the " said Corpora- Council. SIGNED^by the" ReeVe "and tion atv large : a sum not .exceedaig-- Clerk and SEALISD with the Corporate forty thousand dollars ,($40,000.00)'" ,.Seal of the said Corporation, the *. and' to cause the same to be placed day of , 1940. in the Royal Bank of Canada, at West ............. ;............... Vancouver, British Columbia, to the _ Reeve. creditnof" toe""said Corporation to -be -̂---- --------- -----------=---- -- -- ---------- used for the purpose above recited, . .............................................. and debentures of the said Corpo- Clerk, ration to the said amount of forty said Corporation has:authorized sub mission of this by-law to the elect ors, and WHEREAS the am ount of the whole assessed value of the land within the Municipality is $4,- 062,382.00 and the whole .-assessed value of the improvements is $5,849,- making together a to ta l 0® $9,911,842.00, according ,to the last revised assessment roll. NOW THEREFORE the. Reeve and Couhcil of the Corporation of the Distnct of West Vancouver in open meeting assembled enact as follows:-- 1. The Council of the Corporation of the District of W est iVancouver is hereby empowered and authorized, a t a cost not exceeding one hundred and sixty ̂thousand dollars ($160,000.00), -to construct, reconstruct and extend the water works system of- .the Cof- pomtion by the installation of new water mains; the replacement of cer tain water mains; and the construc tion of certain extensions- and im- according to plans and prepared by t h e . Cor- ® Engineer; - a n d t o d o . .all tiecessary in connection with r incidental to the said work. - . ^ 2. M aturity 1941 1942 1943 1944' 1945 -1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 -1956 ■ 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 Annual _ Annual^ Interest Principal Requirements Pay. Payments-- Half-Yearly $ 3.300 3.500 3.700 3.900 4.100 4.300 4.500 4.700 4.900 5,260 5,600 5.800 6,000 6.300 6,600 7,000 7.300 "7,700 8.100 3.500 8.900 9.300 9.800 10,300 10,800 8,QQ0 7,835 7,660 7,475 7,280 7,075 6,8'60 6,635 6,400 6,165 5,895 5,620 6,330 6,030 4,716 4,386 4,036 3,670 3,285 2,880 2,455 2,010 1,545 1,055 640 T otal' "Annual Payments $ 11,300 11.335 11,360 11.375 11.380 11.375 " lli360 11.335 11,300 11.355 11,395 11,420 11.330 11.330 11,315 11.385 11.335 11,370 11.385 11.380 11.355 11,310 11,345 11.355 ' 117340 Balance Of Principal" Outstanding $160,000 156,700 . 153,200 149.600 146.600 141,500 137.200 ' 132,700 -- 128,000 123ifl00 117.900 112,400 106.600 100,600 94,300 87.700 80.700 " 73,400 . 66;700 57,600 49.100 40.200 30.900 21.100 10,800 Nil I _SCHEDULElL'A" CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER $40,000--5% 7-Year Serial Debentures M aturity Annual Principal Annual Interest Requirements Pay. Total AnnuaL Payments Half-Yearly Payments 1941 $ 5,000 $2,000 .$ 7,000 1942 fe 5,200 1,760 6,950 1943 5,400 1,490 _6,890 - 1944 5,700 1,220 6,920 1945 6,000 935 6,935 ; 6,835 :1946 6,200 636 . 1947 6,500 325 . 6,826 OyiTAL .. .....$40,000 $6,355 $48,355 ^ Balance Of Principal Outstanding $40,000 35,000 29,800 24,40(T 18,700 -12,700 6,500 Nil Reeve. TOTAL ..... $160,000 $123,82(5 $283,825 Reevie. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed by-law upon which the vote of the Municipality will be taken a t the Ambleside Hall, comer of 14th street and Marine Drive, Ambleside, West Vancouver, B. C., on Saturday,' the 24th day of August, 1940, tetween the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. - . . I (Signed) R \ A. HARRISON, Acting Municipal Clerk. TAKE NOTICE th a t the above is a tru#copy of the proposed by-law upon which the vote of the MunicipMity .................... . wilk be taken a t the . ^ l e s i d e ^ lawful fo r ̂ the Reeve 7' '*^West*Vancouver, the 24th day oi from any person or or bodies corporate, he willing to advance the if the <3orpo. oTiP la^&e,\a.sum not exceeding same a n d ' to . cause . the S P RoyaLBank w ^ a d a a t West Vancouver,^ B rit- credit of the said tooration to be-used f o r ' t h e 'p u r-7 B. G., on Saturday, the ^ t h day < August, 1940, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Signed) R. r. Actmg Municipal Clerk. rnwPORATlON Of I tH E DISTRICT OF W ^ T VANCOUVER n o t ic e t o ELECTORS rJEtUBLIiC NOTICE is hereby j^ven Clerk. tha t the vote of the electors qualify ing on property situate within the Municipality will be taken on the above By-law a t the , Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, Ambleside, W est Vancouver, B. C. on Saturday, the 24th day of • August, 1940, between th e hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. and th a t Rupert A. Harrison has been appointed Return ing Officer to take the votes of such electors, with the usual powers in th a t behalL (Signed) J . B. LEYLAND, Reeve. (Signed) R. A. HARRISON, Acting Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST. VANCOUVER NOTICE TO ELECTORS PUBLIC is hereby fi^ven . Clerk. th a t the vote of the electors qualify ing on property situate within the Municipality will be taken on the above By-law a t the Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, Ambleside, W est Vancouver, B. C,; on Saturday, the 24th day of August, 1940, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. and tha t Rupert A. Harrison has been appointed Return ing Officer to take the votes of such, electorsr with the usual powers in th a t behalf. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. (S iM d ) R. A. HARRISON, Acting Municipal Clerk. "You Gan See The Difference" LSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. C. FINNEY; LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782