m̂mi •trr* V ^ .̂~A»-A> TH E W M T VAN^HEW A m ^ i i s t k %Mh COMMHNICATIOK r Id N i i- : iS t August 12th, 1940. The-EdHor, W<iflt. Van. New», - 2227 Law»on Aver, Ilcar Sir;-- On Saturday the 24th of Aug ust taxpayers of West Vancou ver will vote on two by-laws -- one in connection „with trans portation and the other in con nection with water. Both by laws are of great importance to the municipality and as 1 believe the reason for their submission should bo given to those property owners of West Vancouver who have not been following the trend of matters there lately 1 am submitting some views on • the subject. , The by-law concerning trans portation asks sanction of the ratepayers in borrowing $40,000 at B% to be used for the pur chase of fpur piotor buses. These motor buses will-be added to the fleet of buses already owned by the municipality in order to im prove the service to and from West Vancouver and the eity of Vancouver. They will bO; Used̂ , also, as occasion demands, in servicing other parts of, West Vancouver including the running of a shuttle service between Whytecliff and West Bay, For some unaccountable rea son the municipality did not commence to run its buses over the Lions Gate jBridge when it first opened and it thus lost con trol of scHeduIe and rates. These" were set by the B, C. Motor Transportation Limited and can not be altered wihtout what'al most amounts to that com pany's consent given to the Pub lic Utilities Board. When the municipality did I" ;i i 1 nf-l;- r r commence to run its- buses across the bridge the then coun cil did not ask- the Public Utili ties Board for permission to run ̂ before ten o'clock, in the morn ing or between the hours of 4:45 ând C:15 in the evening, when people were going to and from work. The B.C. Motor Trans portation Limited was; thus given-the heaviest and most pro fitable hours and still keep them. The Public Utilities Board Jast month agreed to permit the municipality to run also during to properly operate the p o t a b l e - g e t, th e bU8i.ne«« part of the buBineas they are out competition . Whui the ^ o certainly against continuation pie have disarmed o r t l unpM table part. In th a t ,, the event how are the people living terns or refuse P» oF>er along the Upper Levels to ob- 'I he business o the tain transportation and how are system is ^ those numerous early settlers ruthlessn^s ®me who moved to West Vancouver war machine and on account of cheap ferry fares purpose as far as Wes Van- to get to and from Vancouver? oouver is conctuned, n a m ely /^ Certainly the transportation gain of territory uroblem of West Vancouver developed by others ovci a long nmls drastic handling but it is and trying period of years. The not going to help the munici- B.C.M.T. will not hesitate to re- pality to give up, at this time, fuse transportatioir to »» the mdy profitable piece of busi- that cannot be made profitable, ness it Has and keep operating With that attitude I can no the unprofitable. Either the , fault as the sole municipality should get. out of existence of the B.L.M.i. is tne transportation altogether o r motive of profit, should . operate the profitable On the other, hand the sole with the unprofitable, otherwise motive for the existence of the tile taximyer.s ̂ have to bear all W e s t Vancouver municipal tiie losses occasioned by es- transportation .system is the seiitial transi)ort)atioi< withbut motive of service. Profits are any chance, of recouping the neefessary to enable the munici- lo.ss. ' plaity to reduce the fares or im- If the B.C.M.T. would buy out prove the service. If no profits th(T!:<!fniire tansportation fjystem can be made then the service of West Vancouver under an will have to be given anyway if agreement that would provide the municipality is going to.sur- satisfactory transportation for yive. [ the residents in the future then municipal transportation it 'might be advisable for the 'ggrvioes were withdrawn West municipality to consider stepping Vancouver real estate .values out of the transportation busi- would slump and a lm'ge part of hesH. Until then the muuicipahty jj-g taxes be uncollecmble. This should operate its system^ with would so upset the financial con-» the highest possible e^ciency. dition of the municipality that The Public Utilities Ccramis-, residents who now believe they sion cannot compel̂ thC iB.C.M.T. ĝ j- j îong without the muni- to give West Vancouver service cipal transportation system (or - where service is needed or to a substitute for it of which there ' charge only rates the people oan jg promise) would find it afiord, That is a matter that can cheaper to move ourof the muni ̂ be settled only bŷ negotiation be- cipality ' S o R w v A N c o u V E a T f f i w i r m w ̂ a m b u l a n c e ^ FUND WEDNESDA1T, Aug. 2 8 th H o r s e s h o e B a y - J l ^ v l M o i i > F red . H olH ngsw or't h s 7 -p le c e b a n d . d r a w PRIZES ADM ISSION 50c. h o r s e r a c i n g S E V E N R A O E ^ D A I L Y A ugust 1 7 " A ugust 24 P A R I-M U T U A L S Y S T E M D a i ly D oubles - F i r s t a n d S eco n d a n d S ix th a n d S e v e n th R aces. b b i g h o u s e p a r k Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News permit the municipality to buy new buses and the company thus Vancouver ,to another' district (Continued on page 8) A ttention Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT P R E M IX . , Phone North l l4 l or ALP ELLIS, West 823-L --':iss i f i: il^' 4 ' ' these busy hours in spite of strenuous objection offered by the B.C.M.T. The municipality must now purchase four addi-. iiomil buses so it can give proper service at all hours not 'only acros.s -the bridge but through- ^Mi^the municipality where the B.C.M.T. will not give service. The buses operated by the muni cipality and by the B.C.M.T. - -to and from West Vancouver over the bridge are operating to- -- day-at-a-pr4>fit*------- r T l i c bus by-law. is meeting YOU GET THl 'A J -'̂ 1 "'1' lipta ' r 2 * 1 II, ■-flip mm .'I i i S' m 2'l '"I ̂ t i i ■Mi. -S 1 I y: i lY'* i l l Ml m Ifiii siffiSigsait* -R i m w l i X , 'F 4 ; *?'> iwWtfi" fei "/■' ,■Hi -with Jhe active opposition of the B.C.M.T. which operates a bus sciwice along the only route in West Vancouver h a v i n g a chance of showing a profit, that is. Marine Drive. This means the municipality must handle the Upper Level business and, the ferries upon whom a large number of residents are depend ent. The Upper Level buses should not be scrapped (although run at a loss) because they serve a large number of people and act as feiHiers to Marine Drive. The ferries should not be scrapped until a substitute for them can;) be found that will transport the large number of people who moved to West Vancouver and purchased homes on account of low ferry fares. The B.C.M.T. is "^endeavoring to persuade the . taxpayers to vote down the by-law to pur chase four new buses and thus drive the municipality out of the only profitable end of transporta tion . This would jeave the field to the private company as far as the profitable ^nd of the busi ness is concerned but compel the • municipailitiy to pro\>lde-t|rans- portation at a loss al6ng the ' Upper Levels and via the fer-, ries. . p' If the taxpayers vote down' this by-law for additional bus equipment I believe it will be urged that it is a mandate to' have the municipality immedi-. ately go out ofe the transporta tion business altogethei* on the ground that if the people voted against.huying more equipment h^ationd Registration is_a plan to mobilize and direct our human resources-^ to assist Canada I in the present crisis. When you regis ter you will receive a certificate, convenient for card case or. pocket--tangible evidence that you have complied with govern ment regulations. It is not only a record for the Government, it is also for your protection. .As such, you wdll be required to carry this card with you at all timesrits presentation can be demanded at any time by the proper authpritieis. EVER YO N E CAN JIELP---To keep the cost oCthi^ registration at a minimum the Government is asking the co-operation of alLpublic-minded citizens in the work of recis- trauon. You can help by getting in touch.with yout local registration officials and offerine vour services. , ; . ® W H ER E TO REGISTER Registration offic« we being set up by electond districts in the same manner as in the last Dominion eleaion; Reghtt^ts ^ required to register in the regular polling sub divisions of their own t^stituencies. But should a registrant be in soiM omer provmce or district out of the regular polling subdivision on Kegistration Day's, he or she may register at any registration office convenient, upon satisfactory explanation to the local deputy registrar Hegistmilon Buies August W*!* 20'!* 2B.' PomiltY K on-BegisteotioiiFoiinr,. Vr. '• •„/ • liable to a fine not exceeding Two hundred doUars, or to imSisoni^m " fonal^ married or single, over the age of l6 years, m o^ver to a further penalty not exSdlng Ten d o l S for ^ which be shaU continue to be unregistered. ̂ 4ay upon .which he should have .registered, during P u b ^ e d under the authority of HON. JAMES 0- GARDINEB M inister of N ational War Services