' liM «.â~?;" i .................................................................................................................................................. ........ -•" -I' -V*" >•« , ? , < V. ^ i* • f r,^_ . ^ .JÔ . ~ft. - f ' «̂ ■ ~ i * V H w t . *■». ai» I K "■II .. nwmAi will>Ml(iil<MWIÎ MIMMm mm AuiW it Bth. iw o . wm ■MMMMii T-": ■;(■?„•• i 4 , t -■̂m if- 1̂ I f !l ;5 I ■! " ijf>; $•IV' -t r/i I® Wfmm. '"M m.. ' i \.J(>f,ts"STr"; iP'; p r iilSii v! ite * f'4 m m II i i %:s w M tft; ^ m '^ m im m m w m M t Cm, tm A Et(|idniill A fi n m . iWl vAKCi; iu ^ iiiiMkr. 101!̂ S"tt]toii Av#im# ■ 4 l ^ t t t W«ft I44.E Sttti4«r S «rvk «tt Sl««i»* A 7tl0i^jn« S itA o ttri »nd Vlfltom a r t ̂ wili^niii^ k*ril. S tin - ̂ D a m a ^ d Hair IttlllltM* ' ' tt#f. W, h, MdCar* AJU AH'. iSMiif'̂ flkMr̂ ^ ............ .i» -̂~<;btureb Sebodl la- eliKliitf AdaliaMi 10:00 A* U •.« . A 7:80 |».itt«->Prc»ebiiiir m hrUm, A htariy waleoma to all Airain lufitrou*, »oft and manaipBabla with our Bclontilk treatment. Slut) ffdlure in your fall permanent by conSultlnjr uA now. It paya to treat your hair before, not after, your permanent, 'flion you, are »ur« of a beautiful iaatlnir wave without dry brittle enda which are impoHeiblo to remedy after the permanent In once jfiven. i. ■..:i Gwendolyn V Bdauty Shoppe HOLLYBORH HAU 14tb and Duebaaa J __ ̂ ' ■ , rhuraday, Auguat 15Ui at 8 p.ni. Kvangellst Alfred Ma<?« will jpeak. ' Subject: "The Coming: King- lorn of Our Lord, Jeeus Christ" Sunday. August 18ib at 10 ami. Sunday School and Young People's Bible a a ss . Sunday Evening at 7:30 Mr. Mace'a subject will be Mob and ilia Difflculties." Tuesday at 8 p.nt. t Prayer and Bible study. '^-'WBOT'^f^AHOOWEE" Christian lienee -- Society . CHUECB BDIFICB 20tb aad IbgaimalL BoDybani Thia Sodaty U i B rai^ of Tfaa Mother Church Wha Flrat Church of ChHst, Seiantist, In Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday^ A ugust 18th SUBJECT: "SOUL" 'Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. Tha . public la cordially in- I vlted to attend our services and ( meetingf. BMIflUrO mm WCi l iNWI Tj EWUm^ Senior MAtriciilsiiBtMi***̂' This class will resume in We ŝt Vancouver High School in September only if ten or more students enroll. Fees be $76.00 for the course, payable $25.00 a term in advance. Applications for enrollment m.ust be received by the Board in writing on or before Wednesday, August 21st. Address the Secretary,..West .Vancouver SchooLBoard, HoUybuim,-B.C, ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Bev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Creators of Exclusive Permanaata, 1646 Marine Drive West 117 D R . G. D H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.8. , IUPM TIM T Hay Block, 14th and Marina Dr. Office .Houra 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment, lono West 78 THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Eaquimalt AvMine Rev. William Vance, Hflnistcr Sunday, August 18th DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental -Bours:-9~to-0 appointment. ̂ 1860 Marine Drive BuUding JEveriim^a-by- West 482 Established on North Shore 25 Years . (Lady Assistant) ^ HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Birertors Bollybum Funeral Borne' 18tb and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street -- :----PhniHt N nvth IS4_______ Vancouver Parlora 56 Tenth Avenue East Phono Pair. 11 a.m. -- Rev. Arthur ^Dobson will be the guest preacher. Subject: ."The Supremacy of Christ." V Soloist, Miss Una Knipe. Rev. Mr. Dobson and .Miss Knipe have been dedicated as missionaries for India and will leave shortly for that field. 7:80 p.m. -- In charge of the young people. Lock Cameron, president of Greater Vancou- ver Y.P.U., guest speaker. Monday, August 19th, at 8:15 p.m., in the United Church Hall, Rev. Arthur Dobson will show and describe a series of lantern slides on the Cariboo. The meeting is sponsored "by the young i>eople of the church ̂assisted by the St. An drew's Y.P.S. o f North Vancou ver. Refreshments will be served by the ladies of the W.M.S. A •collection will be • taken for Rev. and Mrs. Dob- -- son'f Sunday, August 18ih 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--^Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. 24th. St. Bartholemew, 10:16 a.m.--Holy Communion. St. Frandfi-in-the-Wood > Cuulfeild 3 p.m.-wEvensong and Sermon. ^BAPTIST CHURCH ̂ . Eev,.W. L. McKdy . . 1344 ' Gordon Ave. GWEN'S GOWN SHOP S A L E A Clearance of Spring an*) Summer merchalnldise. DRESSES--A few in all sizW from 14 to 44. Some suitable f< ̂early fall, s u m s --From 14 to 18. MILLINERY--To dear at cost price. SPORTS WEAR--Slacks, Sui.ta and Tennis Shorts. BLOUSES--To clear'at reduced-prices. .. Sunday, August 18th 10 -a.m. -- Church School and adult Bible class. 11 ».m.--^Morning Service. Rev. Dr. W. S. Reid will preach. 7:30 p.m, ,-- Evening Service. Rev. Dr. W. S. Reid will-, preach. :HiirseP3r|ilii|^ 2397 BELLEVUE AVE. PRONEJWEST 867 Offering; Training for Nursery Nurses, Bdhies^'and'Ch!ildrea*s Botel,, Mothercraft; Nursery School, "'Kindeirgarten and Pdmary . Grades. Supervisor--Miss Ruth Elliott • , Head Teacher---Miss; Elizabeth Keeling ___________ ____ Registration-Date--September-3rd------------- ------- =-- Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.--^Prayer" meeting;. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST "SOUL" will be the subject the Lesson ••• Sermon in' all Churohes of Qhrist, Scientist, on Sunday. ' ^ The Golden Text is ; "Come and hear, all ye that fear God, llnd I will declare what he hath done for my. soul." (Psalms 66: 16). -- Burrard Laundry Ltd. w ell k n o w n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone N:irUi 1310 W West 691L ST, ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave, Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts Bathing, Boating, Fishing Tea-rooms, Homo-Cooked Meals Sandy Beaches Cattages for rent by month . or week Rev, Father Van 7 '^aator Sunday Services Low M ass!-- 8:16 a.m. ^ High Mass and Sermon ---10 :16 a.m, RQsary and Benediction -- 7 :45T p.m. . . Catechism and Bibla Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services M ass-- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:46. Saturdays Confessions; 7:80 to"8i80 p.m. comprise the Liesson?^ermon is the following from- the Bible: "My soul shall make<her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. (Pslams^34i 2)7 WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES CHILD EVACUEiS Residents of West Vancouver, who are rea^nably assured that, they will receive" evacuated chltdre«7"'either by private arrangement or as V- ® ' "h relatives coming out under the government scheme, are asked to notify the School. Board, atating the number of children, their age and where they will reside. Please write to the Secretary, Board of School Trustees, HoUybum, B. C. RED CROSS NOTES The LessonrSerm^h ' also' iii- v-cludes the following passage from, the Christian Science te:irt- book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker-Eddy ̂ "SouHis-the-sub The Finance Committee of the local branch will meet at. 7:30 p.m, '^ursday,--August--22nd;i arid the Executive CJommitjeei at 8:3Gip.m. the:same day,- both meetings being helcf ̂a t Red Cross Headquarters. Mrs. Perjguson and Mrs. Fa- gah of Caiilfeild have purchas ed'the Rye; House at 20th and Gordon Ave.: ----- -------- r-T.---- Lett. Kyle, Park Lane, and Chas. F. Smith of Eagle Har bor,: are away for a few days' fishing up Howe Sound. stance, Life, and intelligence of man, which is individualized, but not in m atter. Soul can never *reflect anything inferior to Spirit. Man is the expression of Soul." DEATH OF WILLIAM GRAHAM -LANG ' BROWN A Ml ON NY MAKE MUNTON HUM Maniaa oaiva wtar s«« >lHnbcni A.n.T. f t B.C. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 26th St. Pastor: R o b ^ H. Birch 6 ; 1 - 1 X. V'r V f' s tflk-; . > i;'V̂ ' Kil 'd' .V 'Si ̂j a , j ' f i '̂ ----l-TSv'fti.r'r'r.i.. C O V C 'ffA M '"" j lT B iV B I R B <" Sawdust -------u...$3.60 per unit Dry Slabs ...:...»....|6.00 per cord Inside Fir:-- from shed-----$6.00 per cord from mill -----$6.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.pp:.̂ |Mtr cord - Slabs A Edgings $3.76'per cord PR1TAM*S FUEL Phone North 620 ■ \' ......... THE , \ West Van News 4̂ ""J 1 ̂ 7 V Pnhliahed Bvery Thursday \t 1 V-̂s, \ Publisher" i 't v*v P . F . LOVEGROVE/ ■> y ' '!■ j,* ' r Phone W est 368 iBusinats and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive i;"' /■- /s k i . *- > Phone W est 56 Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday--^Prayer and-Fellow- ship, 7:30. Evangelical. Independent. ' Visitors cordially welcome. William Graham Lang, bnly son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lang, of Erwin Drive, Cypress Park, pass^ away on the 6th instant in his 25th year. The deceased is suiwived by his parents and «one sister, Mary Doreen, at home.' Fuiiei*al services were held last Monday at. 3, p.m. from the Hollyburn Rmeral Home of Harron Bros.. Ltd., the Rev. Canon G. C. d'Easum officiating, and interment waamade;in Cap- ilano View Cemetery; J.O.D.E. TOC H PLAYGROUND FUND T h e W a r Service Head quarters of the Dunoan Lawson Ch^t^r, I.O .D .E ., a t 1451 Marine Drive will he closed for ten days beginning Friday, August 16th. Additional . subscriptions to the above fund have been re ceived as.follows: , R. P. Blower,, B ^ l Estate, $5 ; Charles Smith, Eagle Harbor, $5 C. F. Waring (second donation) I N ortli Vancouver Office; 12S LcmaAile Are. sffivh I'd ' 11.00 e yaar by earrler: $2.00 a year by mall w SUNDAY NIGHT HOLLYBURN THEATRE ' - \ r , at 9; ©'dock-'*' { " i **T1ic Mutiny on the Bounty** w jth CHARLES LAUGHTOl^. aixi Suitable Short^Subjects CeBeetioa to Canailtan Rod Oraao, West Vaoeouvmr 'Uir'̂ T*di Visit th^ Pacific ̂ Stage garages any night 'after \ midnighi^ You U .see the above picture duplicated ^ every one of our buse .̂ Evei^ ' Pacific S t ^ Ghpper.bus is ^ b b e d outside and tb orb u ^ y cleaned and v^U m ed inside, every night, ready to . go back into service next morning. Buses ^vi®K-the N ^ b . Shore are. no exception. Bide c sure, clean, Pacific Stage way. It coats' no more, . N i I f IC S T I S E S iP ,S .-7