I IN C IA L ■'«V '" • ' ^ V / f r / 1 U B R A R V ,„.... wmsmm^msmmw^m.::.-. , t 1 »f«»«„(MH, jnH iltT»«Jfl(l H1,I ,.. «»('li-i »J,H"W-*i»»«!«.*«Am-» !I hi 1* ̂ <t 1 1 t "• * »>* -'* # ^̂ f'f ̂7 /•«6-'. " a, >. -Vffl-i 4S < M(-fs 'J'V̂ -V ? e- WrfWt' ,-0J-( , .' '""..,f ' l'*\' mm ■ 7 n ; ^W'Vv'7f'- "̂1 '• • .....-iv̂ -i ■i 'S5S-fiSf T ̂iie,'/?.'.',| i 'nA i y-"-'?t" V-r**T!*- Ji- ' '̂i >• '"* Established i v ^ 18 years. Circulating in, the District o f West Hollybum^ At.,f ' $1.00 iw year, Cypress Park, CaulfeUd, Whyteciiff, Etc , Dundarave So per o(vy EDUCATION E d u cation ,has or ough t to have tw o main objectives, firstlv the formation of character and secondly, the training of the mind to think. ̂ And the la tter d 6 ^ not necessarily mean the acquirement of a vast store of 'miscellaneous knowl- edjre such as is found, for instance,, in any standard dictionary, but rather the cultivation of orderly processes of thought in the study of any given subject or subjects. - Character is founded on religion, th a t is to say, some form of religion. And the h igher and th e purer th a t religion, the higher and th e purer the charactejr form ed., "Darkest Africa" was the result of the voodoo worship and practice of txn'tchcraft so universal in th a t vast continent, a s Nazism, AVAvtrfltm iv A v il bfta in PREMIBK a I ^ I h a RT ^ 0111)1:1 Air'H HQtliYBURN jHAU. ' f h NOTICE Prem ier Aberliart of Alberta will address a public meeting a t ------- . --- » ---- «v-,--,,-^2; 8 p.m. Friday, August 28rd, in subject "The Coming wptfdom the K. P. Hall, North Vancou- of Our Lord, Jesus^ Chrlsti Alfred. Mace, evangelist^* will speak a t 8 o'clock tonight . In Hollyburn Hall, taking ,as h is ver. CHILD EVACUEES which is the deification of everything evil, has created in German youth an outlook and lines of conduct."--------- ------------------------ --------------- which being translated into deeds, have shocked the world. So fa r as Canada is concerned, the lack of any^ religious training in our public schools is the greatest weakness of our educational system and one which cannot , too soon be corrected. \ ̂ The great strength of ah English public school education is not so much the learning tau g h t the /e as wljat has come to be known as "the public school code," which operates almost entirely outside the class room, and is maintained and has been maintained for generations by. the boys, themselves. I t is unwritten, but there are. no appeals/froni its findings. By the code one does not give, away one's fellows nor does one complain either by le tte r or word of m outh to one's parents or others of injustices suffered or punishm ents meted out by masters or boys. For one m ust under all circumstances "con sume one's own. smoke." . In ,gam es it is the school and the honor of the school which m atte r and not one's own life or One of the c h i^ problems con fronting th e Board of School Trustees here fo r some year^ now has been thk t of accommo dation. I t is fo r this reason th a t The public is asked to kindly note th^t j the name of Reeve J. B,. Leyland, Honorary Chairman of the Registration Committee, vx . VM* jwvrxv., was inadvertently omitted from There will be Sunday School lind the advertisement in this issue' Young People's Bible Class a t signed by Reginald P. Blower, 10 a.m. next Sunday, A ugust Registrar. The advertisement 18th, and a t 7:30 p.m. th e sam e "Redve J. B. day Mr. Mace will spSak oh th e ' Leyland, Honorary Chairman, subject "Job and His Difficult- Reginald P. BloWer, Registrar," i«„ »> Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayerles.' and Bible study. SWIMMING ________ ___ Classes for beginners and in this issue agafn ^ k in g our reSi- , TO OPEN STUDIp> HfilRE .• |,,,y ^ V.A* 1.1 " " o diving are being held Mondav they are c a r r y a notice in MADAME ,DE MMANOCZV dents, who alrehdy have receiv ed or are reasonably sure of re- , V-; ■ -- - __„ ________idav,. eu or are reasonaoiy sure 01 re- Madame 'Jean de Rimanoczy, ' ceiving evacuated c h i l d r e n , the well known violinist, will be either b'y private arrangem ent opening a studio for violin pupils or as relatives c to in g out under shortly in Wdst Vancouver in a ^ Edwards,or &s >r€iutivt?i9vvuiiujijf uuL unuoi snoriiy in' wobl Yui4vouyvi;< wi,i»8 Wj»af 1107 t ♦♦♦ the g o v e rn m ^ t" Scheme, to im- location to be announced- later, ^ ® mediately notify :tne Board. This specializing in beginners. ^ p U s certification sfibiild state the will be prepared for. th e hato sK'^usau'iSi-s g M g r s m g ; Such action will enable the Madame de.R inm oczy, i/lrhu hM can (^m eron W illbun^R C A P jard to make the arrangem ents won th e highest awards in, th e i K v e > n ^ ^ eldest daughter of Mr. andumpire by some clever or sm art subterfuge. There is only one penalty and thaV the w orst, namely, ostracism by all maintained during the sbhobl life of the offender. I t is a Spartan training, and, while i t does not tend to fhe cultivation of that surface gush and self-seejdng camaraderie so popmim: on this continent, i t does-train boys to b6come self reliant men, who will for the most part, play the gam e of life squarely and who will never, weaken,. J t is a tr^uism ,that the boy ̂isAT- iJ 'XI-,,.', - F-. 'iV--- A* -- ai NATIONAL REGiSTRATIONT All ̂ residen ts, '^ e asked to Frank Jv L(3ttrier f<̂of theV sim ouver S ym ph^yO i^,^ chestra and Is a well k n o w ^ ^ i o g . C. d'Easum,. M.C.. M.A., of- artiste . ' * , ficiated. Au_its!Mucui.o, fxt.x: giDivcu w Parents and others intew sted Given in marriage by her study the announcement placed are requested, to kindly p h o M |i^ father the bride looked charm- in th is issue bjr R egistrar R. P. a t W«st 1023'fo r full p a r t i d t ^ in g jn a gown of white bridal ,„r.r -'r:, il„', train'^modell^fjh'*^^^ early for the struggle^iii '^hicK confieetibn i t might be noted that the reason why-'so'many of Canada's leading men have come from the farm js undoubtedly the Spartan training of. their youth. . A learned Oxford don once said tha t th e main object of education was to tra in th e mind to think, and that consequent- e» train moaeuea:in'prin% B y 'Sqi'dolhl^^^fwipr^m^i^li^^^^^ -her' long tulle veil: place t e which'Vthey m ust^^ BAjGK PROM^ OTTAWA' reaching to the bottom of her registrar, as the municipality has : tra in and a halo of orange buds been d m d ^ up into six did- Jam es S inclair/ ALiberal M.P. forming the head dress. Her tricts. Days of registration are August 19th, 20th ' and 21stj -from-8:amh to 10 pym^-FuB-par ly the subjects taugh t did not m atte r so long as they were sufficiently difficult to, force the student to use his brains. I t will be observed, tha t, although a dOn of th e leading classical university in the world he was notM nsisting on the classics. ^-There-is-this-to-be-said,-however;-for-the clas3ies, th a t, if a study of some of the g reatest philosophers of all tim e is of value, then a classical education has advantages apart from the mental training it g iv esr "Of/Course in this age th ^ e has necessarily been .a swing to technical education,, which was quite natural under the circumstances, as the number and variety of machines inoreased year by year and the de- ---mand-grew-ter-inen-who-coubd-improve and %nd-them^:--A t for Vancouver North, who ar- bouquet was of pink rosebuds rived in Vancouver Wednesday and maidenhair fern.^.MissJ^^^ of last- week, following t1ie7Hd= fim KkuJa_ ticu la rf will also be found there journm enroft^^^^ who w a r .bridesmaid, w o r e regarding . t h e aw angem ents Ottawa, is staying a t mauve silk net over taffeta with made to enable the isick to reg- yancouver. He visited his purple velvet ribbon trim and ister. parents, Mr: and Mrs. J. G. Sin- accessories to match, and carried IRON FIREMAN ELIMINATES WASTE I ^ la ir, a t . their. summer_camp at Gower Point on Friday. ***̂aavA' , g Ai w W ■■• i\/X"■' " yVAl-Vr • ' Vrxavx '• w*A%̂***« ■ ■•■■■Jj-mmm" the same time the machine is. doomed unless a solution can he found for our economic ills which threaten the existence of civilization, built, as , la tte r sb largely is, on the use of machinery. But, regardless o f thq ir ideas on the form of education most .desirable,; all ediicajtionists will agree with the opinion of the old doh. % The summer holidays are draimng to a close, and the thouglffsjpf^lJjparents i^ irfie fu it^ their children's schooling and its l u r i n g o n /th e ir future. I t is a very diffi cult problem. Yet in all th e , pros and cons, apart from th e formation of character, there is one! sure guide, namely, th a t the boy or ^ irl will shcceed b est in ̂ that line of life in which his or her natural proclivities, lie j" \F o r square pegs cannot he put into round holes.* , / "The smoke ou t.o f th e chim ney is money fiying away," saya G. W. H. Jacksoii..qLthe*British Pacific- -Heating-^o.-Tjtd.,~~1483 Marine Drive, Iron Firem an TAUNTON HOUSE SCHOOL RECEPTION . Taunton House School invites 'airparents and friends~who are a bouquet of pale and deep pink' carnations and maidenhair fern, , H er flower girl, little Miss Aud rey Downey, was dressed in blue . silk net over taffeta trimmed w ith blue velvet ribbon, with stream ers extending to the bot tom .^of^the-dress-and-bowT^f-net- in her hair, and carried a col- dealer. "Smolce is a rich supply of heat units," he points out. "Of i n t e r e s t in th« position of the o„iai bouquet- Jfc.'Percival Wil school to a re^ p tio n to be held ijams, brother of the groom, was a t Tapnton House, Capilano, b^gt -Bob Gimby,.^ * J ' , UtrfOL, : ollCl . AfXi • XJVU : VXJlIXUjr f atMtt "J North \^ c o u v e r , on Tuesday, the bride, and. Mr: course, coal doesn ^ u m m wild August 20th, from ^ to. 5 p.m, E niest Williams, brother of the form. It (» n t bura^until It IS Those wishing for parf^ lars re groom, acted as ushers. Mr. ^ transiwrtation to the reception . jviacPherson of Wes are asked to kindly phone North, being the organist. 870-R2.- if'When these gases escape in the form of smoke, fuel dollars are being wasted. A smoky fire results when coal is hand-fired, because green fuel is thrown on top of the firebedr . The firebed BOYS' BAND PICNIC TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD 1,̂ 11 vx --------- *-------- The N inth Annual Picnic and is partially smotheredi'and gases Excursion of the. West Vancou- . from the green^ fuel escape up y^r Boys' • Band will be held, ori* A reception was held in the draw ing room of the bride's . home, beautifully decorated with hydrangias, gladioli, and sweet peas, when the bride's'm other and Mrs. Geary, sister o f the flrroom- r e c e i v e d the--------- - irom ine green lutJi-cbc»i« up ver Boys .Band will he neid. on tne groom, r e c e i v e d Gordon. T. Simiiionds, son o f the bhimney before being ign i^ Saturday, A ugust 24th, a t Keats.--guests, the form er attired m a 11 pH: • "hOWfiVCl?* - ̂ ■f©6d:, vll0 - T . HU : «ri /»f*P'nP ■-- --̂ - M r. ^nd Mrs! George Simmorids, ed. Stokers, however^ ^ d rne island, when the boys ,go up , .gown of w isteria crepe with Owing to Registration n ex t- 262ff Bellevue Avei, has left fo r coal into the. fire iro m -^ n e a th . there fo r th e ir usual summer,; large black lace hat and black '€ek the refugee sewing, groun . Toronto.* where he will oontihue The coal is slowly preheated, and camp. The boat will leave Amblq- laoe gloves and corsage of white carnations. The bride's table was festooned with pink, mauve ,and CORPORATfONT OF THE DISTRICT OP W EST VANCOUVER NfOnCE"■"4 J A ■ ' ' ̂ ̂ t* .r 'r.i- -,/h) ' Westing to oscplaincthe provisions. o£/Water Works Constructioi^ ^construction, and Extension Debenture By-law No: 872, and l^otor Bus Purchase D etenture By-law; Noj 873. upon wMch. the Electorsnre being . ■ ' - . . , - . st the -- o y - l t tw . A>IU> O ld . upvM rwuMvu. ----------- - requested;^ Vote on S a ti i rd ^ '24th August, will be held ORANGE 22iid and MARINE DRIVE at 8 p!mi THU RsbA V , 22n i AUGUST, 194l>r HARRISON, , f ' Acting, Mmicipal Clerk. mixed with air under forced W k in g . the trip . Tlpkets, draft. The gas-and-air m ixture cents each, passes upward through the in-, candescent firebed-.and is con sumed completely." '- SENIOR MATRICULATION w hite sweet peas. Mrs. Harry C. Wilson of Chicago, and Mrs. Wni. W atson poured- »i Tlje bride's going away cost um e'w as of briels silk and wool crepe, beige coat, and dark N urserycraft Centre, situated -brown accessories. The happy N U R S E R Y C ^ rir CENTRE couple left on the boat for Vic toria, and on the ir return, will reside in Vancouver. a t -2397 Bellevue Ave.,. will be rm Txr 4. ^-Opened fo r the fall term next o f sS iod l Trustees g i v e notice the. registafaon date be- ill th is issue tha t the ^ n i o r Mat- wig 3rd September. The (tentrei Very late one night two chaps riculation Class will be resumed of which M iss' Ruth Elliott id who had been imbibing too free- in the High School th is Septem-- supervisor and MissHBIizabeth ly were s ittin g on the pavement ber only if ten or m ore students I t^ l in g head teacher offers w ith th e ir fee t in the gutter, enroll. Fees have been:set a t $75 train ing , fo r nursery nurses. One was heard* to say to the fo r the course, payable? $26 h .babies 'and children's hotel;„ o ther, "W hat does your vvife late fo r the course, payame. 9zo . a .oapies 'and childrens o tner,; -w n a t does your term in advance, and applies-^ m othercraft, also nursery school, shay when you shtay out tions for ei^ollmeht m u st be k in d e rg a ^ n and p r i m a r y .like th ish ?" ./ received in writing, by? th e sec- grades, Any interested are asked 'fHaven't got a wife," re ta ry of the Sohdbl ^B^ard on to kindly c ^ l qr phone West 867 o ther ^replied, o r before Wednesday, ^Ausrust An advertisem ent relative to the , "Then why do you shtay out 21st. ?- ? .! ? 'above appears in th is issue. la te like th ish ?" the SP ' 6