f, •(. <!• IK *" r ^ g ^ s s ^ i j ) rti.v-̂¥4! ' 44f--fSft'^,,'v ■̂•5 «f4iW NHAM lill»«»llWi(î ^ i» i. SMITHS MARKET riKNI* W#«»t l« ~ . ' ¥ r m DtUftrjr S«nrie* _ > .t a ! V ? '> '/ * W OT9|(T i«l« < j«t '^),7< « « f t i ^ ^ 3» * > i^ M » - 'W 'T > '« ¥ '**«ii«t^f J f 'W M 'f 'rS * Smitli H ««t«̂ jirt«t tro Mwiiyyjr A«oMi»t FIRE AT HORSESHOE BAY HUtiCKSTIONS rOR FBI. ft SAT- AUGUST ISIS ft IHS . M EATSJt«d & Whits m a k h a l a d &->»^ ox. itr ÎlftMUTK i'AFIOCA--tM»i- pk t )M8 m m -Ac •tf-f? Ksd & Whits Brand BItOO HUNUGIIT so AI*--Cake Wild Koi*e 1'ASTIty FIX)UK-- lOJlI. Hack and l>tb. Swift'a Silver* Iva/ FUSE LAIIB--Both for ...A3e FUFKKB WIIEAT--Quaker, Jit ]pk(>Jla' «»*»««* WW «*«'«•'« + A«« 15c 1'UFFEB laCE-tfuaker, 2 nkta. 2lc Bed & White BAKING FOWBBlt-- 12*ox. tin 17c Save the Coupona for valuable Freiniunta ,SEEDLESS KAISINS--Australian:":' jjh |t)H« , A. »..» A# A. t A ««,,•»,••■» ,..AA..A.*A*A,23C WALNUT MEATS--White Flecea. ih* ( A A A « I I AA A A AA A * « < A A AA * t A A , A AA A AA AA A A. A ( AA A..*.17C COCOA NUT--Medium, »/j lb. .a:aa.I0c Bed & White Brand SOGKEYE SALMON--No. I tin .............. 89c . No. */i t in ............. :..... :a.a.:....;.a.....20c" KiiiR Oscar BABDINES--Imported Norweifian. Tin ........ ..........'......17c itfd & White Brand LOBSTEB MEAT --'4«. tin ....................................I9c IUkI a White Brand FEACIIES-- Sliced or Halved, tin ..................15c. Weal 379 Free Delivery BEEF PORK LAMB ySA L All Grade A & A1 DelicAieBsen Fresh Fish Daily Bed & WhiU.- WHOLE KERNEL COBftN--2 tall tine - *»(i««**«»«t***«*>*v>e*** 25c Columbia WHITE COI^N--Tin .a....10c Fire that swjept the $2500 boathouse of Howard C. Rogers, Bay"" Wodnesday" destroyed a our and for a time threatened a dancehall and other, buildings in the resort. Hand*drawn reels of hose under high water pressure were used to bring the blaze under control shortly after 3 p m. be fore arrivali of the West Van-, couver fire truck. aA fish-and-chip .stand at the north end of the 150-foot shed was burned along with boat engines and a quantity of tools* and paint stored in the structure. It is believed the fire started at the east end. A strong west wind was credited with' saving the Horseshoe Bay Hotel. SASH a BOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH ' l u m 1$. BDiLDiaa* soffues IK> SUBSTITUTE RfW FDIO - FOR QUALHY C ^ ^ aFAHIT, t. i ■ < ,At«ntf t W A U L m m o 'SUM :' iiiftiiiifc CANADA tAINT COMPANY LTD, flfEST VANCOUVER L0«BER_C0. LTD. I 6U1 a Wtorine DriV® Plione W«ai. Us CLASSIFIED APS Th. r.te for Clao.iaoA.Admtl«me.iV. i . 2 c M f > r wwd. 25 cents. Except in the case those having regular accounts, all claasi. *"̂ ^S cm ber**C la*S t h o ^ ^ t Van. News get immediate reaalu. N«*w SejiHon'8 Red & White PURE r . JAM-- ' ........ ...... llinck Currant, 4-lb. tin .......... 59c Apricot, 4-lb. tin .......................54c Itcd A White Brand TENDER FEAS--New 1940 Fack. .Sieve 4J tin 11c; Sieve 3, Gn „..14c GORDON R O B S O ^ - Barrister & Solicitor; 610 W. H ^tinga, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time , by appointment, West 403. . M HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine.. .Ankle Sox,- Wool, Embroidery Sup. plies, Baby_^ Garments,, Notiong, Chinaware. Hardware. MMiMMW COMMUNICATION U.S.A. is practically nil the com, pany is giving a rapid service to and from Vancouver and loss of hundrÔ d.s (if thousands of dollars to the taxpayers., It is not too late to wake up and safe guard proper municipal trans portation. The only way to start is by voting for the $40,000 bus by-law on the 24th. The sum is coniparatively srhall arid it may save the, municipality a lot of grief in years to come. Re the Avater by-law. To any resident of West Vancouver duf- SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer GuMto. Transient and Permanent. 3678 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. ■ ; ^ PEMBERTON REALTY CORF. LTD. (Established 60 years) 418 Howe S t v i TRm.;1271. Local Agent, „ . F Bayliss (Notary Public). . . 2436 Bellevue. West 622-B WOOD. COAL* E arth for Pills «ad gardens,, blacktop for roadwayc rock, sand and gravd. Steve Lowrie W est 256-Y. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 646 L(K MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam ..^Permanents; only best m a ^ ia ls used. Ebepert operators, Pjxone West 804, R-oyal Bank Building. erials guaranteed. Terms arranged. F. Gaines, W. 974-L. ,1 . (Continued on page 4) __ which o th e r d is t r ic t m a y be p ro - We.st Bay w h ere th e p ro fitab le fitable and so w arrant t h e bu.siness lies and where the __________________________ _ through service. West Vancou- municipal buses built up the ter- apparent ver stands off by itself and has l itory in past years and are con- water system of West PAINTING. FAPERHANGING, stuc- to be served individually. .Clonse- tinuing it. The B.C.M.T. has not -Vancouver is badly in need of uently before it ceases to keep improved its service in like an overhauling. During the dry its own transportation system manner to Whytecli^ where the gpell a large number of residents up-to-date it must see the ays- municipal buses do not give com- higher levels could not Û m that is going to supplant It iK'tition at present. gg;t w ater for domestic purposes is bound in ev e ry w ay po ssib le 'Phe a rg u m e n t h a s b e ^ ^ a o - a t c e r ta in h o u rs . In o rd e r to ____ _______________ to '^Jrov idc fo r m u n ic ip a l ' tran s-^ vanced "on"behalf~of" th e~ B .GtM. r e m e d s i f ^ t~is nece^*~ ANY RO^Li7 8 expom Developed, p o rta tio n needs in th e fu tu r e . T. th a t i t w ould be u n p a tr io tic g^j. expend ap p ro x im ate ly Printed, one 5 x 7 enlargement free, T he B.C.M .T. by a b litz k re ig is of th e m u n ic ip a lity to expend <pif;n^nnn fo r fpe p urposo .of Barclay's P h o to g ra p h y 1518 e n d eav o rin g to p u sh th e m u n i- $40,000 fo r new b u ses d u r in g ra is in g th is money th e p re se n t J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol. iiiitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phooe West 21. or W est 658-R-l. CHIMNEY SWEBPll^G -:- Sawdust burners installed; fomace repain. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. Nor^ 822. CO spraying, first class work,.mat-, pLOpR SURFACING--j.Sutherland. West 488 o r N orth 678. FURNISHED ROOM, hot and coW water, $15.00. Especially good radio for sale. West 916, 1702 Marine Dr. PAINTING AND DECORATING- Estimates free. J , H. Wedley, West 1022-L. GORDON GRAY--Insurance. all_riiki,_ . one policy, alTlocatiohs. SEy. 4991 or West 92^R2 ̂ -- "Marine~Driver ,1 cipiil transportation off the main war 'time. On the'other hand it ,j|jy.̂ ĵ .yy lg;,jljg2jjg gjjjjjYYj2̂ l̂ gjĵ route' without being bound' im can be considered exceedingly rpj2̂ money if voted will be any way to safeguard the trans- patriotic to keep the wheels, of ^ged in building a bridge across portation needs of West Van- industry turning by ordering the Capilano to carry a pipe that CQuvcr fl8 H wnolc*. I c&n {̂ (|uipmGnt» ns -would done the mHin of the Grest-* find no fault with that company normally and thus create new ̂ r»- * • * a* but I do find fault with the business. The only way industry ™ se n f apathetic attitude of those who can earn money to help pay war F/L ® "Slrffe^narf oV^^^ have permitted the private com- eoste as they are incurred .a by. l ^ f f a S e r from Ih e GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W . Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by atipointment. West 403. ______ -WESTERN-WOODWORKERS-Store- and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing.' W est 740, West 443-R, WANTED OR ASkED FOR-- , „ _Firebaskets, Gramaphones. Brass Coal Scuttle, Tea Table, Copper, BraSs and Silverware. Red Cross Treasure House. ' ./.u . CASH FOR JU NK -- Bottles, ragi. Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Juxic Ck>., West 91. if 4̂ pany to progress so far without being kept busy, safeguardingihe interestspf-the I do not blame the B;C.M.T. municipality. for doing all in its power to pre- Several years agci the B.C. vent the municipality giving M.T. (or its predecessor), which adequate service over the profit- had been furnishing tranj^^^^ able part of the run. But "that Greater Vajicouver Water Dis trict but the municipal p ip es^ d valves are not large enough to give proper service and in ad dition the present pipe crosses FO R SALE--Gent's bicycle."' ; Ffdnt and rear carrier, good shape. .Price $15;00. 1640 Esquimalt. ' ~ CHIMNEY SW EEPING Old Coon. try way; guaranteed; brick and . stone repairs. \ Palmer, Capilano, Ncorth 811-R-2. FOR SALE--Nearly-new Bed Chest- Marine. , erfield; sacrifice. 2350 Ottawa. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED.- Special, machine; repairs, parto- îAVest Vancouver .Machine. Shop, 1449 tion to and from Caulfei early mornirlg^udde, dreAv thi.s service loes i g t prevent me advising the ratepayers to protect them- condemn^ u J imrAfnvp lapso at any • time. Should thisuse irw as__serves by--voting to improve- LADY 23 WANTS POSITION,, Sept. 1st. L ady. companion or practipal nurse. "Well educated. Good cook. 1640 EiiMiuimalt.------------------:-- -- SUMMER CLASSES now in session. Hollybum Business Ckillege, IVeBt 341. PAPERHANGING- unprofitable and the municipality their bus equipment. If the B. FOR SALE--5 room fuUy. modern hadrto pu t̂ Tin "a~"bns"^ervice for--o^M;T.'F"would"^vithdraw--from - i\ u ̂ u muni^paiity------house-neariy^ewr-Bestrviewr-GDod- the -residents - of--that district.- West- ̂ Vancouver t h e --municipal=i^Sy.:a - - without water iw _d(̂ _ __ garage. Up-to:date,__heating..i_ .Eull_ After some time the B.C.M.T. system should be able to give *"®stic and fire pui*poses. S w^ ^ ^ 'wat reopened its service and the Either a reduction in fares to and . t(> build a spec- Marine W est 55 municipality, then deft, the field from Vancouver or pay the loss wa<^ ̂ -- -- " .--------- to the private "Company. What occasioned by giving service by across the Capuano unle^ ̂ the w a n t e d --Girl for housework from would have happened had the ferry and by bus to the Upper Biumcipality of North Vancou- except Sunday. "W. municipality not been in- the - Levels and othei-,parts of the transportation. business_amL_iii, - municipality.- Today^^this'loss share ^ually^ with West mining; first:'class work, a t reason- able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-R. WANTED LISTINGS of houses ̂ We have" several idients" "we'*' have' not' been able to suit. LAWSON. WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West 56 367-R3. FQJEl RENT-r^Available Septomber-lst- ' nicely located 4 room bungalow, large porch; fireplace and furnace. $25. Box 80, West Van. News. tv '■V-; - : V. * V}i • l i a position to provide Caulfeild must be borne by the ratepayers X f rebuildmg service immediately? The busi- generally. Road Bridge. In that ness. ped^e^f fSaulfeild would I.have great admiration for fh ̂ R̂ l}® have been w r ^ u t transports- the ability .of the heads of the ̂ u • tion and forced tbdeave the dis- B.GiM.T. to make a success of „ which could be-used for trict. This is going to happen their business. They may sue- a+ - --------------------------- over most parts of West Van- ceed even in getting the profit- SA LE^ciose in, 4 room house epuvre unless the council keeps able part of the transportation « ?? clos^ to all such traf- -̂--- abreast of transportation prob- business away from the muni- water pipe remains u RE-RpOFING--G EN U IN E, DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent . Have roof measuried .now; free esti- mates. R. B._-^Cripps, .West 88^....„ .F. V. Fihdlayi W est 494-R. WANTED--Home for very affection ate black and white female kitten. W. 270-Y2. *'S.,** WM i S i III if*;ISi > Ml Ifp transportation prob- business away _ lenis or ties up the B.C.M.T. iii oipalfty of West Vancouver with an agreement whereby it will out compensating for it, thus provide proper transportation at ultimately-leaving the munici- reasonable cost. Th(2 council will pality with a.lot of out-moded never be able to bind the B.C. equipment and unprofitable ter- M.T. properly , if the latter is al- ritory because the ratepayers lowed by the . ratepayers to were not on their toes. However, freeze out Û e municipal system the taxpayers should . at least because the' latter cannot re- try to safeguard their own in- plenish its (Equipment. terests. iirice and easy terms. LAWSON, WALKER &- PRIDE Qpp.^HolIybum - P.O.:____ West-.55- COMPLETE NOTARIAL SBRVICES.̂ All forms of documents drawn and executed. . ; , Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 M arine-Dr„ W est Vancouver Phones; W e s t 21, 204-M, 913-L in position by Act of God. The ___ cost o f building the special FOR RENT--Lovely new 5 room cot- bridge fo r the water pipe and 2____Sentinel Hill; shake roof, one-third the cost o f rebuilding large beamed̂ pan- WBST VANCOUVER MESSENGER -- SERVICE^Parcels, -Baggage,_light transfer work;: prom pt servi West 700. the Keith Road Bridge to car ry traffic as well as the pipe would be about the same. In addition to bringing water across the Capilano the money will be expended in laying about elled living room; Pembroke^hath shower, lino sink, oil range, inlaid lino floors; beautiful view. $40 lease. W. 956-R. ̂ ' FOR RENT -- , Modem stucco, home a t Dundarave, $35. For appoint ment to view., phone West 1077. Masterman, R ^ l Estate & In* surance. ' ' § i f : l i t ■ * It was the municipal tmiis-. Admitting for the purpose of miles of cast iron pipe to portation system that built up argument the claim of the B.C. ci«ar up sorne T)ottle-necks" and West Vancouver and made part M.T. that the four new munici- w'oodea pipe that is con- , 'J? ..•{55 of its plums worth shaking down pal buses could not form part of into ,the lap of the B.C.M.T. But a profitable operation it is a the latter will not take the whole matter for the ratepayers., to crop because it chn't be market- consider that the authorization f 'f - ' ' J 1 . -i"' tinually bursting on account of old age. ; . j The by-law calls for borrow ing the money at 5% in th e « open mark^, but th6 council is negotiating with the Dominion ed at a profit. ------ of their purchase and their op- Now that the B.C.M.T. has a eration may save the whole p . - --------- --- lot of ^uipment and, men idle municipal transportation system ^vei*nment to borrow this because its~bu^service to the fMm ci^lapse ahd"a consequent government at ^/c . I f the Dominion Govern- BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED Small pieces good - used furniture, dishes! draperies, glass, linens, etĉ Mrs. Maxwell, 2i435 Marine. West 332-M.. ' - . ' . . VACATION TIME--Make use of the West V an.'N ight Patrol. Courteous efficient service. Phone West J726-R. . ̂ _ AUTOMA.TlC:COAt BURNER ^ F IR E HAZARD Protect yonr hoiue' *and coidents. RatiM less"t h a n , o f 1 per cent; Percy T. Mhsterman. Real Estate, Notai^y, 2446-Marine, West, 1077.^.- h ' i* *1 i ff? j 'T j ^' ?i4 f ISiilKi 1 -? "a - 1̂' ft ' V j"' { ' ' V 1/I ' lu' * '■r i J'f - ' .'iff ; r i '■!l. '■ 1 " «. i /' >1 'V > iiil: .........r. S t Patricia School Residential and -Day, Pupils' 'Gif 1 iT^ Grades TBoys - Gmdes"I, II. Nursery School, and Kindergarten -- Boys and Girls, 2-6 years ' r, ' Transportation . Medical Siaperyirion' . ' f Piano, Dancing, Dramatics, Supervised Games, etc. B. <!j.' Education DepL' Curriculum - 'F rincipah Mias Marjorie R. McGiUivray- PHONE: W. ^ i 6 2667 Haywood Ave., K E rr. 3629-R W est Voncoavef', B .C . ment finally agrees to lend the municipality the money at 2% then the Pixiviricial Government has the pciwer. to alter the by- l^Y_-kocordinglylwlthout-further submission to the ratepayers and has agreed to do so. « I believe both by-laws should be passed by the "ratepayers. Yours truly,:,, , ' . / J. EDWftA&p SEARS, Councillor, West Vancouver. W A N TED -^ or 5 room house by Sept. 16 or Oct, .1st, $20 rent. Refer ences. West, 746-Y. ___ ^ g e n e r a l HAULING--Manure, Sep tic Tanks^and " Rdekpits . in s ^ " "ahd"cleanedrDump truck workrWest 187-R. WANTBD-i-Fumislied suite, close to Ambleside. Wert 686-R. __ I BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING t l t d . 1483 Marine ^ e s t 41 4^0R SALE -- Two pair new M drapes- Reasonable. Apply 1733 x*- , quimalt Ave. 1 -- f o r . S A L E -^B ^ jspnng 3 ft 6 io*? tent 8-6 . i g ^ P ^ r i e W. 1113- '