><i *' » '- i Ji.frti-' . n-iSftfU -iiitm.«&i-*v '»'»P'V̂>fM~'W' ' ................ ,r. 4 m wlw wi<iiiwawi>wiii>̂ ^ MM Mm» Ml«i >mM m Am rntim .^ 1 940. wiKPpMMQ9PBpP|iH||NNfiR̂ -̂ <rin- -f, Flume We«i U '; Jjk ' ||iJlfjM gMg|̂ Fr#t 0#UfWy SiTfl## MeoUUjr Accoiwt FRICEB GOOD FOB FKL and SAT., A U G U S T J»th and lOlh If 4 ItICE KUISi*IE»--KeUoggX pkt. VZc IC«d & White flr#«wl FUBE J A M ^ lUutpberry, 1940 pack. 4*!h. .tin 49« '< 32*oae, Jar .... -...... -.....Me COFFEE--Aunt Mnry'e, lb.......... 33e FEACHEB--Cymi Vulley, tin .....I3c Bed & White FK A H -- HU ve 6, tin 10c Fit; HA US--lb. A8c I'i, Red & White H F A O H E r r i-- With Chet'«e iind 'IVmiuto Sauce, tin ....9c Canadian SA ItIHNK8-- Sardine aand- wichea are Ideal for plcnlci#. 'H n Gc California C K A F K F U U I T - B I g al*e. 4 for .................... ...........»....19c SiinklHt O K A N O E S -- Medium Hi*e, d«a!........ ..... ' ̂ a I,urge Hire, do*................. 3"t AppIcH -- Fenchea -- Hananaa Lettuce • Currota - Cucumber* 'I'omatoeH • Celery, ctc.>̂ UtHl & White Hrand T O M A T O J U I C E , Hig 25-0/. tin ....... ...............A ..... n ? IVIEATS Went 3T0 Free Delivery UEKF PORK LAMB yP^AL , A ll Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Fish, Daily ̂ Service SA SH & DOORS S H IN G LE S PLYW O O D S L A T H Red A White Hrand FOJtK & RKANS--2 18->Jt. tins ............ 17c Freiuh'H FREI'AipO- MUSTARD-- Red A White rOMATO CATSUP i |.o/,., each ... -................ ...... CONTOOL OF WEEDS Moat of the wê *ds in lawns have hrtfad leaves. Another char- i io t e r i fttit*,..; fa „■ -.th a t ... t.he -,,,K i*nw ing " o f tho Btcm i» expowar Crass, on the other hand, has narrow leaves and the fiTowing tip of th e stem is a sheath or coverins. This aii- ference between most weeds ana grass makes the former more susceptible to injury from chem icals than the latter. , . The value of a number of dif ferent chemicals for the control of weeds in lawns is being de termined a t the Central Experi mental Farm , Ottawa, states Geo. Knowles, Field Husbandry D i v i s i o n , DominioiA Experi mental Farm s Service. The re sults of preliminaiy tests in dicate th a t fertilizers, such as caldum, and ammonium sul phate, which are caustic in nature, offer considerable pro mise as herbicides. When either cyanamid or am- ----------- - mpnium sulphate is used to con- sunlit LODGE -- Summer OuMts, trol weeds in lawns, they .should Transient . 5̂ ' be applied in the form, of a fine Marine Drive. West 8 8 9 -lz. THERE IS B U I^ B E S - SOTPLUS NO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING cAonimiTV WALLBOARD FOR QUALITT TillJB CANADA PAUreCOMPANY W D . west VANCOUy™ LUMBER CO. LTD, 15th & Marine Drive P lu m e W est 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S » JE -ZS K 'S .'i7 ± S ? « 3 S !^ S J » " i s T r s a a s s i ~ m i l DON ROBSON -- Barrister & W A N T5 D -- Hotiuseikecpor, good plain(jrOKliUXN IVUWOV/at __ 4100 ' alaar. in Solicitor, 510 W. Hostings, Sey. 4199 at West Vaheouvor any time by appointment, West 403........... ..........1 oobk, trustworthy, sleep in. West . 1028. H A N D Y A N N SH O P , 2442 Marine- Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup plies, JBaby Garments, Notions, Chinawaro, Hardware. mVIMjMING GALA .Jiit'k .Sheffield son of Mrs. G. Uu"t ®"5l .f*®. distributed v c iT ^ COUP. LTD, h W I M iT ^ G A L A . „f 1450 2lSl„Street. is ®* ,... .lE t̂-'Wished 6 0 y«ara>(Established '418 Howe. S t yeaiT, TRin. 1271.--------- bhcdiicmi 01 .lami ^iJi^,DuctL 18 5 to 6 p'ounds . per 1000 square A Hwimming gala sponsored now on the clerical staff of the of lawn. I t is lessential that Local Agent, p ui- \ by the West Vancouver Lions' , niililia in, Victoria. His brother, these dusts, be applied, with a ?4 'S"ReSvue.° ' ̂ West'^22-R club will be staged at DundaraveC Robert, joined up as .soon as blower, type of ,duster in order . .... « A ..1 n A A l . .... V . . . . . . I ,.;a1 .pvpi j-t#].. • » 4* r \T * n a i : 3 in r A ... j •.< «L !r.'i««vv> t t % r \ % m ^ n t 'r £ ^ W O OD, C O A L . E a rth for Fills and gardens, blacktop fo r roadways; rdek, sand and gravel. St6ye Lowrie, West 2B6-Y. - ('lub will ue siagea ai i.iuijuttittvcx i, jwnii.« ....... piuwvx. w ,uuo./̂ a ... ----- -- ------ --. •Pier on Saturday, August 24th school iolosed, and is at present to 'g e t the . ..uniform coverage. , mA R C E L SH O P --.T. • . { 1 /vp fVr.T Rxvi Crnsq The with tile Army Service Corps in When cyanamid or ammonium Perman^ts;- only i n a d o f t h o M Q r ^ K.squimait, ^ aulphatc dust is appiied uneven- ffif; C a l bS m eet is open to all people resid- , ----- ' ' -h ■ ;; ,| j r - - t lM ' . t t i'fcarked.'to ju ty to .West.304. Royal Ba Thermique Steam best materials , H . A . R O B E R T S LTD . Complete Realty Service, . 1429 M arine D rive . West 546 " Phlme J* E D W A R D SEARiS^lBarrister, Sol- oaT ' o"*' 1 'nfJ t̂^^Rn'iiaini? icitor, 1405 M arine Drive; Phone West. 304. Royal Bank B u ild in g .......... g l, or W est 653-R-l. ing on the: North Shore a t tne j suppo.se you're the grass on the area's-which re- p a i n t i n g . P A p E R H A N G lN G , stuc- C H IM N E Y S W E E P IN G -- Sawdust time of the gala. Age on August angry Ixicause I came ceive too heavy, an application. co spraying, first class work, mat- burners installed; fimnace repairs, >24th 1940, should be"" used, hom! ̂ with this black eye last T h is tre a tm e n t burns the top ' e r i a l s guaranteed. Terms arranged. G. Meldrum, llOd Ldhsdale. North E n tr ie s CIO.SO on Friday, August niKht." growth of .br&d-leafed F. Games. W. 974-L. 832. r t r d a t 12 noon i le r (s w e e t ly ) : " N o t a t a ll. T h e g ra s s is a lso scorched b u t X l s t r o f " E V C W - - 1 , B o y s W d - U r a r . - Y o u - m a y ;.o t_ r e m e m t e r w H ) ^ 25 vds^ free it, bul'when, you came home,you second o r third application didn'l have that black eye." ■ should, be made when a re- SEW IN G M A C H IN E S of all makes - ' .repaired. Phone W. 1041. _ SIN G ER S E W IN G M A C H IN ES 1529 Marine Drive F L O Q R S U R F A C I N G -- J. Sutherland West 483 or N orth 578. -y dSM--fi^ee-sty-l (l.;--2.--G ir ls-1.0--and. m idir 25"ydsVfrce style; 4. Boys • - ;;A rr£s m 'orspital." 1 2 and under, 25 yds., free sty le ; Go on. . . , 5 B oys'12 and niider, 25 yds., - "Yus, a case of misunder- back stroke; 5. Girls 12 and siamling." = ^ under, 25 yds., free style; 7. "What yer mean?" growth of weeds appears.. "'lTi~addiHon~Atr"red uci ng--t-he- stand of weeds the application F U R N IS H E D C A M P AugU^tr"W^98-Rr^ P A IN T IN G A N D D EC O R A TIN G - Estimates free. J. H . Wediey, West 1022-L. TtrOTnypNllRAYr^liiisura^ all risks, ^r'cyanam irO T ammonf^^^^^ " iM o X e d a ll^ g o ^ rS to phate on a la w n in- the form of ^ ^ 0 2 Marine Dr. ^a»fine dust; stimulates a more ...one policy; a ll locations. SEy. 4991 or W est 92-R2. •IV'" ■ if' H Girls 12 and under, 25 yds., back stroke; 8 ; Boys 14 and under, 50 yds!, free style; 9. Boys 14 and under, 25 yds., breast stroke; 10. Girls 14 and under, 50 yds., free style; 11. Girls 14 and under, 25 yds., breast stroke; 1 2 . Boys 16 and under, 50 yds., free style; 13. Boys 16 and under, 50 yds., medley (25 yds. breast or back and 25 ydfj.' -- craw l) ;14. Girls 16- and undgi "'E frew 'is. fag-end dahn a manhole and stamped on it." vigorous grow th of grass and ANY ROLL 8 expo^res Developed, improves anoe. its general appear- Printed, one 5 x',7 enlargement free, 30c. Barclay's Photographers, 1518 Marine Drive. \ y E S T E R N W O O D W O R K E R S -- Store nnd honse fixd^ures,-turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, W est 443-R. V/1 tv Tv • / f A*» * . vT, 4*.#D ~ . V***V4 50 yds., free style; 15. Grrls 1 6 and under, 50 Vds., medley (see No. 13); 16. Boys over 16, 50 -v-<i.q„-£i;de-jd-vle-; 17. Bovs over "le', 75 y d s., m edley (back.Yn-easC; 1 crawl, 25 yds. each ); 18. Girls over 16. 50 yds., free style; 19. "Girls over 16,1 75 yds., medley (.see No. 17) ;'̂ 20. Boys 15 and . under, diving (1 or 3 metre, any ' 4 dim s)'; 21. Girls 15 and under, dl'vfng (.see -No. 20); ~^2; Boys .̂ ̂ 16 and over, diving (3 metre, any 4 dives); 28. Girls 10 and over, diving (sec Nt>. 22); 24. Mixed relay, 6 .swimmers, 25 yds. eacK__(I boy and 1 girl 1 2 and undei^lass, J" boy aml~l girl 14 and under class, liboj and .1 girl 15 and over classy Competitors ai'e urged to use the entry form below, and addi tional entries may be made direct to G. D; Gillespie or this office. ENTRY FORM It C f ■' ■:« Name .................. Address ............. Phone No...... . Events Entered CORRESPONDENCE ill lit. -ri■I I :t", ■ V* - -ill I . "?? r* 'i® ' I * To the Editor, West Van. News Dear Sir : . May I ask that at the" Muni cipal elections, the candidates for School Bcm'd state more plainly wdiat they mean if they say they have a veiy special rea- ao2fcfor=l)emg=ekcfe^ f?h i l l And since there now seems'to be a ruling our local students can teach in the schools they can all be given the chance to appply on their merits by notifying them of aiiy vacancies. Yours truly, \ A Mother of Two Students. F O R R E N T -- 5 room modern ii4)unga- low; Lawson-Ave. Apply W. 498-L. C A S H F O R J U N K -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools;Vetc;; nothing too big or too smaU. Burrard Junk Co., West. 91. L A D Y W A N T S small cottage or suite furnished or unfunushed, 6 months or longer, near bus route. Reasonable. M A rin e 4070.- V A C A T IO N TIM E-^ M ake use of the West Van , N igh t Patrol. Efficient service. Phone Whst 927-R. G O RD O N R O B SO N -- Barrister & Solicitqr.^blU W.- Hastings, Sey. 4199 • --is' '■ " ' C H IM N E Y S W E E P I N G -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone" repairs.__Palmer, Capilano.̂ at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. • North 811-R-2. P R I V A T E B U Y E R will pay cash for -- 6-8_rooin house,_good.. view, __ quiet ̂ Icoation, must be good value. No agents. Box 70, West Van. News. L A W N M O W E R S S H A R P E N E D - Special machine; . repairs, pari West Vancouver Machine Shop, 14 Marine. ' P R IV A T E B U Y E R wants income S U M M E R C L A S S E S now' in session. H ollybum Business College, West "341. . aaav«/ttau " ' ' ................-- ^ -- Iban ■; 1 ll■ll■lll ' ' property, not Houses. Apply Box 71.. P A P E R H A N G I N G , -Painting, Kalso- West Van. News.________________ mining; firsTclass work, at reason- TTk uu'XTrr tr. XL -X ^hle rates. H . Gaines, West 962-B. T O R E N T --rTwo or three room suite -- -- in new home near ferfy . W . 829-L. WANTED OR ASKED FOR-- Pirebaskets, Gramaphones. Brass Coal Scuttle, Tea Table, Copper, Brass and Silverware! Red Cross Treasure House. W A N T E D L IS T IN G S of houses. We have'several' clien.ts we have not been able to suit. - . L A W S O N . W A L K E R & PRIDE 1704 M arine D rive ' West 65 W A N T E D ---Combination folding high chair. W. 618-Y. R E -R O O F IN G -- G E N U I N E DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R . B . Cripps, West 8 8-R. - F . V. Findlay^W est 494-R. -- CCONOMY S IZ I fF R U lt S A IT " 53* S7 i 29* McNElL & McCDE 14th flnd Marine West Vancouver ' , C O M P L E T E N O T A R I A L SERVICES " A ll .forms of documents drawn and executed. Real; Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. ,P. B L O W E R & CO. LTD. 1405 M arine D r., .West Vancouver Phones; W est 21, 204-M, 913-L _ W E S T V A N C O U V E R .M ESSENGl® SER VICE-r-Parcels,Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West "700. • F O R S A L E -- MaUeable Steel Range with new copper ..water cbil, C a ll at' 2463 Bellevue. ___ •MHdmi stucco homeFOR Re n t -- xuuuwu at Dundarave, $35. F o r appoint ment 'to. view ~ phone West 10J<> Masterman, . Real Estate & 1®' surance. __ i- W ANTED-^-Young g ir l to mind baby, 3 or 4 'hours every afternoon except Sunday. $1,00' weekly. W . 332-R^ SKATING A T T H E R O L L E R D R O M E Week Nights, 8 t o -11 lOcTTiperr-hour- Saturday, 2- sessions 25c :;per session M A N A N D W IF E , . middle age. no family,' would take charge of gooa -home fro m .A u g . 31st. Experienceo | in gardening, heating. Highest references, held positions of trust. -Box--Nox-7^fWestiVan.l-Naws., The News W IL L T H E C O U P L E who picked uj big black purse at Marine K e ith on Frid ay aftembon kindij return to R exall-D nig-Store. «e* ward. 5'JS® O V E R Vz A C R E D O U B L E CORNER* Good view .oh M athers Ave. Spe«m price '$850.00' o r close offer. V C. J . . A R C H E R L TD . ^ ^ 1415 M arine D rive •. West 22o *