>' î r y^n $ ^ ' j».| « ,y< V, w.-' jw 't r ^'•Wf'̂ wi, iMiĵ ̂ y i 'f. -̂̂ ■*< ̂ i <ii, t- \ '- ?'rf̂ Js" ' Jfr> «!»» <tf'?̂j|i'<<̂«»t,i'}̂d-**>«-̂M f«tK»̂*- i -V.̂ V ?,Sfsaji. /S' , ' is-- a' ̂ *-i ̂ »-« > si .m. I*̂w«)tf̂ 1 »!■ V'lf* 5-i ) - i, '-i/l rIVS-P ̂ -- 1̂!̂ -?- )'4̂ „•*> i ̂ p- f f'p "It, «vM '" A tft, u-*i?s*!..̂ ,t.̂ 1.»,l,!* a>f̂ if= i«W-'n'll'--('W Vvii» ' ', l" ̂ l"̂ ' 'J s ^ , ty)̂«.gr<w AugHSi 8 th, 1940. A' ?'•■ n̂ W .*' v"4 WEST VAN MKTO :#>/.'"̂ VA -̂ ■ ' (VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED) ""'"̂ "jioof)jflfi«|f^ '̂Voltittt«er"CHtoeiii'^t«*i^tilred- to*"«s«iifc'in'̂ th6"Woi*k" f registration. Legible handwriting, reasonable apoed and a courteous nianner are the only requirements. Any men or women who can give' time:to this National Service, not to exceed five hours, are requested to rcjrister their names a t the Municipal Council Chamber between the hours, of 1> o-w. and .5 p.m. on the following days: ' ," • Friday, August* "0^ H n * . •*, Saturday, August 10 , Monday, August 12 , Tuesday, August 18 J.-B . LEYLAND. Honorary Chairman. Teloiihoiioi West 1170. R. P; BLOWER, Asst. R e^stra r, tocal and Persolial.».•» .ĉ,> ,-•«< ►» •'r; i 'N d ftjjr :. 'i^ a n e b u v e r Boarding and-D ay School fo r Boys PRIMARY AND JUNIOR IdATRICULATION SOUND INSTRUCTION :-:. (JOOD SPORTSMANSHIP ; ;. : -■ HEALTH • ' . ■ '-'> For jProspectus apply to , THE HEADMASTER, Phono North 1702 Transportation Provided. . ' ♦Ji HWMWBUdeao JOHN R. GBGGIE PASSES CARNIVAL WINNERS Ave,,' has left for Victoria. a t tho Vancouver General Hos- / * * pital, to Mr. and Mrs; Francis, Mrs. Willey has moved from W. Millord (noe Helen Thomp- 2367 Marine Drive into a house son), of 4107,Marine Driye. /i t 27th and Haywood Ave. , . ♦ * * , ̂ ; ......... . . * ♦ * An auto accident occurred Mrs. Robinson of Point Grey early on Sunday morning a t 11th has moved in t6 a house a t 1200 and Marine Drive, when an auto 20th Street, went off the roadway into the - r *-' * * ditch. The car was badly damag- T he ' Rev.';-and , Mrs. Hillis ed but fortunately none of the W right of Bella Coola, B. C. are occupants, who - were from the the guests of Mrs. M. E. Rush, city, suffeixid any injury. 2166 Argyle Ave. ' ' * ♦ ♦ '* * * Mrs. Clark and Miss Connon, The white bungalow,, of H. A.' who have been spending a few Stone a t Cypress Park has been days in Portland, have returned sold to Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Me- and are visiting Mrs. C. L. War- Lean of Vancouver. L. E. Kyle ner, 9 5 1 16th Street, of H. A. Roberts Ltd. handled - * * ♦ - the deal for both parties. Twins, a son and daughter, ♦ * * ", were born on July 29th a t the ,_Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pearce, North Vancouver General Hos- who have been living for some pital to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shaw time in N orth Vancouver, have (nee Margo Riley), returned and are now occupying * ♦ ♦ . Miss Deacon of Chilliwapk, and Mrs. C. Beaton and Miss G. Forbes, both of Vancoiiver, are Bennett's JA K E R Y BUTTERCRUST BREAD SAT.URDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES SScadoz., Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Plain Layers, large 20c i small 1 0 c SUc«d Wrappod Bread 1468 Marine Dr. Phene W. 3T Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. AuguHt Hth 9th and 10th Pinocchio their home a t 2438 Marine Drive. * ■ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Jam es Holt, with her daughter Coralie, who has been The death too k place last F ri day in hospital of John,Richard- •son Goggie, 1215 Marine Prive, aged 63 years. The deceased was retired .sales manager of J. C. Wilson Paper Company, and a prominent member of th e Ma- W inners of the three prizes in JJ. ^ the Toe H Carnival held last J* M. Stratton of week a r e : ' Bellevue Ave., left on A p*.iWrxn. p,ir.nv+ Tuesduy to return to her homeV W ^ in ^ ih Vernon B. C: Her husband is and retui^_ C. g .W aring, c/o yidtoria, where he staying a t the Clachan.4( It, i|i W. G. K. Baker of Santa B ar bara is staying for a couple Of weeks a t the Black C at Tea Room s,, West Bay. Imperial Oil Co. Ltd., Vancouvjer, ticket-No. 513. 3 m onth's auto sonic Order, being a past'm aste r pass F irs t Narrows Bridge^ Ger- is taking a course with the Of ficers' Training Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Holt were old time residents Mrs.i Finlay, ̂ of Garrow jBay, who is;^82 years old, has knitted over'fifty pairs of socks .for the Red Cross, nine pairs forof M etoe Lodgb A.F. & A.M. ry^«ay , 2372, Hay wood, ticket Besdes his wife, he is survived .No. 2135. $10.00 order on any Soldiers' Comforts and" five pairs broM son Ealph W.; tw o sis- selected local store, Mrs. H. E. the for the Canadian- Legion, all K r s David Leokie and M rs .. jB. Harri^^ 2145, Bellevue, ticket " i"® " ® ®1 " e ,^3 * January. Had she not Norman Jessimanj four grand- fNo. 591. ■ ' * * . been aick for some tim e th is children in Vancouver; and two John Lawson drew the wm- • p u .-n- faVoUo the well known y®ar, she would h a v e , knitted (Walt Dinnoy's second feature loiiffth oarjioon) also the usual variety program SATURDAY EVE. 'AND MONDAY ■ August 10th and 12th ̂ ALICE FAYE DON AMECHE • i " HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE" (A history of the movies lllmcd in technicolor) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY- August 18th and^Mth -MYRNA LOY ROBERT TAYLOR ' *Lucky' Night* a t 8:15 . '•■'.also " . • ' ■ V" "THE GIRL DOWNSTAIRS" teacher, who up to a short time ago resided a t 24th and Nelson on a, wonderful record.* m * Engagem m t and William W. in Richmond, to his leaving for the mountains. Vq " All th ree winners chose the cash .Funeral services were hold a t equivalent to the actual p r i^ , 3 : 3 0 p.m. Monday in the city, and Toe H is p is s e d to an- Saturday n ight for eastern Can- The engagement is announced the Rev. William Vance officiat-, nounce th a t Mr. W aring accept- having been appointed am of Miss Doris Olive Guilin, ing followed by interm ent in ed only ^ . 0 0 and tu rn acting lieutenant in the Royal youngest daughter of Mrs. W. Capilano View Cemetery. ̂ the balanoe _of $22.50 to the Q^ji^dian Navy. He was'form er- B. Haynes of Oliver and th e late Active pallbearers-were Arch- ..Cbildrems. .-Playground jy a B ritish Mercantile IVIarine Lieut.-Col. H. J. Rous-Cullin of ie Russell, Ernest Bulmer, Ken- jetum ed^ h a lf -h is officer, and during the Great Victoria, to Mr. Michael (Anker) neth Campbell, G. S." Barker, Hj smiliigly served on a Union-Castle Michaelsen, only son of Mr. and Acton and W. C. Jessiman. Hon- stated^^ he wished he was a kid transport service of Mrs."H. A. Michaelsen 145 West " ' ' again. the Roval Navv Twenty-third, Vancouver, for- Complete re tu rns -are not ♦ m'erly of Edmonton. ̂ * available a t the tim e of going to , , t ' i ..j? ' * press but approximate figures Luckhart of Van- show the net total of the Car- couyer ,and her sqn, J. E. Luck- nival toward the large amount necessaTjpfor restoration of the at~2 0 t f r ^ n ^ V E R N O N F E ^ U , STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 It Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies . orary bearers were Fred Deeley, J. (ilarke, C. Strong, H. J. W at son, H. Robertson and A. Bates. V.O.N. k-Mrs. George ;P. Cowan enter tained a t 'luncheon Monday a t s. B. Rt̂ Mrs. Jones will be the nurse for the Victorian "Ordei^ f o r , the mnoth of August.-i,_The phone, number is W. 1065-L2. d o h 'S S ® 'r L iv e d Dr. G. E. Bayfield, 2004 Ingle- Berrick,~Mrs7 Hamish Morton^of' Yokohama, and Mrs. Davison. GuestsJinoIud€d-JMrj3.JErnest_T._ Rogers,. Mrs. Donald Partridge RED CROSS NOTES f ®-Th- ®Mr4$5.UD, J5rown & oicA soH, Mrs. ,C. E. Thomas, Mrs. Signal Radio Service GUARANTEES ATJv REPAIRS A N D _T im n:ff ____ ; - -3-MON-THS__ - - - - - Call BERT PORTER N. 162 (TojIJ charge deducted) 10"years in the B ritish Columbia Radio Industry rawest Vancouver Branch ceived a donation of $58.50 from -th e members .b f 'th e W est Van- couver Volunteer Fire^ Brigade. Munton Radio Equipment , and Ihstalation, $25.00. Mrs. Jehu is now-occupying a- house a t 835 20th Street. to which are sent also patients „ , .. , , , from Sumas and. Matsqui. He reports th a t, many men from W atkin Boultbee, Miss Eva th a t district arieT now enlisting.. S p r in ^ r and Mrs. Mary Gam in the Forestry Corps, all others Riddell. THIS for *1675: Residence Phone: West Vanoouver, Why. 841 . 0 0 Complete _ 4 Room Bungalow Ask Us For Details GUARANTEED AGAINST ALU DEFECTS FOR -12 MONTHS. L C . STEVENS & CO. LTD. 615 W. HASTINGS SEy. 6227____;_____ BAy. 8637Y fit to join the com batant units having already joined up. Gen eral crop conditions there are very satisfactory.,|C "Mrs. A. Oxley, 3565 Marine Drive, W est Bay, assisted by her sisters. Miss Grace and Miss Jean Fulton, entertained on E x tra Special F ir S iab s^an d In s id e F ir , mixedsid e F ir , mixed ( O OA c o r d , C .O D . ^ 3 'i ! ! : P h o n e n o r t h 8 6M 'MrsrY^arren7-King's-Ave;7-is--3 ^^ ^ ® ^ Y -fo f-^ ed _ C ro ss^ en i visiting friends in Victoria, and will be away, two or three weeks.o j(e ♦ ;(! rRoss--Webb The wedding-took place last heirs of Scottish Society of Van couver. A musical programme was given by Miss Una Knipe, Miss Jean Garrick, Miss Mary Hood, Miss Fulton and Miss Quaint Q ifts and c ^n tiq u e s 2435 Marine Drive Golden Oak Leather Sieated Chair^' 3 side and 1 an a , $8.00, Fumed Oak, solid seats,-4 . side and 2 arm, $10.00; Hardwood .Kitehen -Chairs, $1.10 each. Saturday a t th d F irs t B aptist Margie Fraser. Motion pictures Church, in the city, of Mrs; A. were shown by J. Scott. Webb, 25th and Marine Drive, ̂ ♦ to James Ross of Vancouver.- Miss M argaret Watson of The Rev. • Estabrook officiated, Caulfeild and Mrs. Nicholas Zaro and Mr. Fletcher and ,Mrs, L. of New York who are a t the FYeeman, both o f Duhdarave, Em press Hotel, Victoria, were were in attendance. The happy guests of honor when Capt. couple will reside in Vancouver. Ridgeway Wilson, R.C.A., enter- , * *.. * r tained Saturday. Mrs. Robert Engagement , Mitchell was also a Victoria Mr. and Mrs. iF. J. Lettner, hostess on Sunday evening for 1 2 6 3 Haywood Ave., W est Van*--the-tw o visitors. i WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal W orks Furnace and Range Repairs, . Sawdust Burners Phone West 39 SCREEN YOUR CASEMENT W IN DOW S NOW Flexible Casement Window Screen cannot catch • drapes, m ar woodwork, no unsightly trac ts or ' mechanical parts to require: repair, are duraoie, and cari be removed oir hung in a minute. AVERAGE PRICE $4,00 PER WINDOW Phone BAy. 0402-R for particulars (phone caUs reversed) couver, announce the engage ment of their eldest daughter, Florence Jeanne, to Mr. Duncan Cameron Williams, R.C.A.F., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Williams of Vancouver. The MRS. EVELYN KERLEY PASSES 1 Mrs. Evelyn Kerley, wife of A. ,,, , , 1 A A P. Kerley of 2367 Marine Drive, wedding will take place A u ^ s t passed ̂ ^away a fte r a long illness 12 a t 8 o'clock m St. S tephens j^st Tuesday, in her 47th year. C h u rch , "W est Vancouver. -EXPERT W atch an d Clock e e p a i b i n o T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with 'B irks Ltd., - Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive . Besides her husband, she leaves to mburn her loss one daughter, Doorene pone-son ; -F ran kr~and- her mother, Mrs. T. E. Willey, all a t home. Funhral services were held a t 1:30 p.m. today ,from_ th e Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. Jam es Thompson officiat ing, followed by cremation. $ 1 0 0 0 WE WILL GIVE A $10 PRIZE for the best photo of a West Vancouver scene together with a bona fide listing of a lot or of a house for sale or rent. Pro fessional photographers exclud ed. All entries m ust be in by noon Monday, August 26th, the name of the winner to be an nounced in this paper August ,29th. .The winning photo will be displayed in_our window. - Entry Form Name ............................. ......... :.... Address ............................... ________ _____ ________ T he Sharpe R ealty 1395 Marine Drive ̂ W est-719 ' I (Cut out this entry blank and mail with , photo to this office)