-« m ...I CORRESPONDENCE r ' ■•r 'i t ' ! r :. ' i * ■ ij. t i> i- : TJie Editor, m ^st Van. N«w«. Dear Sir; i am .^itronirly in favor of the Wator By-Law for $160,000. I t in an absolute necessity benefit ing the wholo Municipality, and 1 cannot sec why anyone anould vote against it* The ipreater part of the expendiitire wUl be for renewal of old mains whose lifetime has expired, and th e balance , for improvements and iKiw mains necessitated by the growth of the Municipality. M at ured water-works debentures for $125,000 were redeemed by the Municipality on January 1st last, and therefoi'e the net In crease in debt will be only $85,- 0 0 0 . f ivould strongly urge the ratepayer*; to vote for this by law ,and thus furnish funds with which to make badly needed Im provements to our water system. 1 am deiinitely opposed to the Bus By-law of $40,000, It is not in the same class as-the W ater By-law. It is not a necessity, and , for that reason should not, in ' iny opinion, Ikj considered in these unsettled times. Unneces sary duplication of capital ex penditure should be avoided a t any time, and a t this particular time it should not be thought of. We do not need two bus services to Vanco.u.yer when one can 'Mwiiulle the traffle. ' I cun think of only three reA- ' '! sons why we might be justified ' in assuming additional.liability lor the purpose of operating a full time service to Vancouver. They arQ̂ : 1. If we oould give a better service. 2. If we could give a cheaper service. ' ------3.-JX--w.e-couUl-jnake-a-8 ub«-:i on whether you will make a profit of $7,000 each year with w hich to pay the annual .charges of interest and sinking fund on Councillor, T H E W B8T V A N NEVVB. E A T A E AUTO ACC IDEN T gth. 13M TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Itegistratioti : Will Guild members who have not been reached by telephone and would like to offer their services kindlj^phone Mrs. G, F, Marsh, W. 343? Picnic Boat Trip A get-together basket picnic ,, to Horseshoe, Buy has been a r ranged for Guild members and friends. Boat leaves ferry wharf at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14th. Fui'ther information can be obtained from Mrs. G. S. Marsh. The Guild Soldiers' Comforts Group is meeting a t the home of Mrs. Woodcock, 2414 Belle vue Ave'. every Thursday' a t 2 p.m. Harvey Bassett, 31, Olympic Club, North V ancouver, died Sunday night J'roia in ju r ie s re ceived a t 5 'V.ni. Sunday when .an auto in which he w as a pae**; eiiger crashi^ in to a telephone pole between 'F isherin aii's Cove and l^ g le B^rbur. The party w'a.s returiung to North Vancouver from Horse- siioe Bay and as tlie car reached the foot of „a grade just <^st ol Fisherm an's i t ' left the pavement on a curve, travelled about 70. feet with the left wheels in a two-foot ditch, and crashed into a telephone pole. Miss Johnson jumped from the automobile just before it struck. Archie McKay, driver of the car, and Miss Uuth Gillespie, both of North Vancouver, ceived head injuries,, and Miss Johnson suffered from shock. All were taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital. thott«ii»a ;M«3ra 4l40»m00) in tk whole fbtll im.imml in such bumî reuttlred of »0 I less COKPORATION :OF h u n d r^ each, tS THE m STKICr OP J^ . WEST VANCOUVER said deOentuses abaU be Billed w! the Reeve and Clerk of the CorDô tion ami sealed with the CorDwJl by -l a w n o . 873 The said debentores shall be dated the first day of September, 1940 shall bear interest a t the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum, pavawl on the first day of March and* the A ,by-law authorum g the PUithuHO of September in each bm Motor Bu.ses and to raise uy every year dunn®* the currenev of th. Joan the sum of $ 10,000.00 to pay for debentures, or any of them, and the same. the principal of the said debentures -- --̂ gh^ll bg payable on the first day of WHEREAS, the Corporation of the September in the years and amounh strict of West Vancouver operates Schedule "A" hereto ««District ------ ----- . . motor buses within Uie corporate limits of the District of West Van- couver and within the corporate limits of the City of Vancouver for tlio pur pose of Convoying passengers Ironi point to point within the Di.^trict of West Vancouver and from the Dis trict of West Vancouver to and with- the City of Vandouver and fromin hereto an nexed and made a part hereof, shall bo. attached to each of the said debentures coupons signed by the Reeve and Clerk for each and every payment of interest that miiv become due, and such signatures may be eitlier written, printed, stamped, or lithographed. 3. The said debentures and inter. within the City of Vancouver to and est coupons shall bo expresayd to be within the District of West Vancou- > • ' w ver. JAPAN KESCUE MISSION The regular , monthly phayer meeting of the Japan Besoue MisHion will be held (D.V.) on Thursday, August 15th a t 8 , .p.m. in the home of L. Hibberd, 1130 Jefferson Ave., Mrs. A. Hampton, a returned mission ary from Japan, will be the fjpeaker. All interested '"Triends a re»Invited to attend. REFUGEE COMMITTEE sj, -5 i stuntial profit. We cannot hope to give a bet-' ̂ ter service because the Pacific Stages are far better equipped with buses, terminal, and o rgan i-. zation than we can hope to be. Wo cannot give a cheaper ser vice, . because th a Public Utili ties Commission will not allow u. cut in rates. A fter' a study of the result of our present opera tions over the ^Bridge, and our auditors' estimate of the result of an increased full time service, together with the report of - the operations of the Pacific Stages lately furnished to*, the Public Utilities Commission, I am satis fied our profit from the whole service over the Bridge would be _negligibLe_, Then why_ bother with GARIBALDI'S CURSE "England is a great an dpower- fuJ nation, foremost in human lirggress,. enemy to despotism, friend of the. oppressed; and if ever England should be so cir cumstanced as to require the- lieJp of an ally, cursed be the Ttaiian-whu The monthly meeting of the North Shore National Refugee > Committee was held a t the Board of Trade Room, North VanoouVer, when a report on the tea held recently at the home of Mrs. A. E. Young, of. West Van couver, was given. ** , Communications and offers of help were considered and further plans were made regarding reg istration. "Tliose expecting rela tives are asked to send names to Mrs. F. A. Walker, West 25-M3 or Mrs. R. Fiddes, West 193-R, in or^er that forms may be sent put. • f , ' A full report on the Commit- tee's work • will be given a t the would'Tnrt"'Btep for- next, meeting to be; held on Sep- ward with me in her defence." tember 9 th. ■ m AND WHEREAS it ia (leemed, ad visable in the interests of such service that the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver do purchase ad-, ditional passenger'motor buses. ........ • AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of such motor buses is forty thou sand dollars ($40,000.00); , ■ ^ , AND WHEREAS the sum of, forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) is,,the debt intended 'to be created by this by-law. ,, AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue debenture^, the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to. the purpose aforesaid and no other. . AND WHEREAS it is necessary, that the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation. AND WHEREAS it will be neces-' sary to raise in each year during th e , period of seven. (7) years by special " rate the sums set out. in the, second and third columns of Schedule ."A" hereto annexed and . made a part hereof, for the payment gf principal and interest of the said loan. • AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole assessed value of the land within the said Corporation, is $4,- 062,382.00 and th e ; whole" assessed value of the improvements is $5,849,- payable in lawful ononey of Canada, 4. The said debentures as to prini cipal and interest shall be payable at the R oyal, Bank of Canada at West Vancouver, Vancouver, Victoria, in the Province, of British Columbia; Ed. monton, iii the Province of Alberta; Regina, in the Province of Saskatche- wan; Winnipeg, in the Province o( Manitoba; Toronto, in the Province of Ontario; Montreal, in the Province of Quebec; a t the holder's option, by tho said Corporation. ' 6. For the payment of the inter est on the said debentures there shall be raised and levied' in each year during the currency of the said de- bentures or any of them the annual sums..set out in the third Icolumn of Schedule " A " ' hereto annexed and made a part hereof. For the pay ment of the- debt hereby authorized there shall be raised and levied in each year during the currency of the said debentures or any of them thO annual sums set out in the second column of Schedule' "A" hereto' an nexed and made a part hereof. The total annual suras required for the payment of the interest and instal ments of principal of the debt here b y created, as set' out in the fourth column of said Schedule, shall be xaJs.ejdLjan.dJjejoedJn_each_year^ it? Tho fact that wo have not heretofore found our transporta tion system profitable should m- ri>rfiuence us in deciding whether not. to increase our liability. I J lu d th e re . are^̂ still sbme. who think our transportation system has been n money, maker in tbe pa.st. The following is a short financial history as tnlcen from the auditors' statem ents: In Uie year 1931, accumulated deficft:s o f previous y e a r s amounting to $205,978.20 were written off the.books. Since then the profit and loss has been a.s follows: . ■ ' Year Profit • Loss.,, : • 1981 $ 3;665.28 a A 1932 ' -0 6,187.19 Iff 1' . . ' 1983 .....$ 2,605.54 1934 .... . 8,485.36 f I 1985 ..... 5,669,90 •if ' 193() ■*'•»'i. t • ■ ■ ■' 7;297.95 ,Vv,V ' c •* 1937 1,660.08 1938 ..... 1,552.34 t r f ■' f i 1939 27,828.35 & ' ; h i^ ^ i * X " o $18,313.14 $46,138.85 460,00, making together a total of $9,911,842.00, according to the last revised assessment roll. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve :and Council of the Corporation of the Dis trict of West Vancouver: in open meet ing assembled enact"as follows: 1. The Council of the Corporation - of the District of W est Vancouver^ is hereby. empowered and au tho rize to purchase_4iassengeiL-inotor buses 'a t a cost not exceeding forty thousand dol- la rs ($40,000.00) and to operate and maintain the same, in the services hereinbefore referred tg. • 2. I t shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Corporation, for the pur pose ̂ o resd id , to borrow or raise by "Ifloan from any iperson or per ms , body or bodies corporate, who be willing to advance the same the currency of the said debentures or any of them by a ra te sufficient there for on all the. rateable land, or on the rateable landf and improvements, ■within the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver: . 6. This by-law Inay be cited for all purposes as "W est Vancouver Motor Bus Purchase Debenture By-Law No. 873, 194'0." ■This by-law ishall not come into force and effect until it has been ap proved by the Lieutenant-Grovernor-' in-Council. PASSED COUNCIL 1940. RECEIVED the assent bf the elect ors the ' day o f . , 1940. RECONSIDERED, ADOPTED, and FINALLY PASSED by the Municipal BY THE the 5th day INICIPAL of August, upon the credit .of the said._Corpora-.^.^^^®y-a.riL...SIGNED_by„,the_jB-ejeY.e_and t exceed ing Ulefk and'SEALED withithe^rporate j ($40i000.00y Seal of the said Corporation, the day of tion a t large a sum not forty thousand dollars and to cause the . same to be placed m-the-Royal-Bank-of Canada a t Vancouver, British Columbia, to the 1940. credit of the said Corporation to be used for the purpose above recited; and debentures of the said Corpo- to the said amount of forty Reeve. Clerk. ^ R ^ A T I O N 0 ^ ^ Qp W EST VANCOUVER- !>40,000--5% 7-Year Serial Debentures Maturity A^ual Principal Payments Annual Interest Requirements Pay. Half-Yearly Total Annual Balance Of Principal - Outstanding 1941 -1942. 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 5,000 -5;200- 5,400 5,700 6,000 6,200 6,500 '^ T A L .......$40,000 $2,000 $ 7,000 $40,004 .35,000 1,750 6,950 ' '1 - 29,800 1,490 6,890 24,400 1,220 • 6i920 : 18,700 935 . 6,935 12,700 635 6,835 '■ 6,500 325 6,825 Nil $8,355 $48,355 .......:.... ........... ̂ ^ I,. the land fly Skuas, aircraft of the British Fleet Air Arm, that have, done so well in recent operations off the coast of Norway. These are dive bombers. 'fV'S r If 1 ) * 'u '-.ir <• ir 6" >■;/ Net loss since 1931 which has been paid out of general revenue of the -Municipality is $27.- 825.71, A fter considering the above records 1 ask you, do you think it %vise to increase your liability $40000 now' to begin with, and ifiore later on as it will be re quired? I f the-By-law^hould-not-pass- SUNDAY NIGHT HOLLYBURN THEATRE at 9 o'clock 'ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME BAND' with Alice Faye and Tyrone Power and Suitable Short Subjects. Silvor CoUeetion to Canadian Red Cross, West Vanoonver Branch 'TAKE NQTICE .tha t the above is a Reeve. Clerk. - 'txrlisAU All ■ py-law UPOll which the, vote^of the Municipafity Amhieside Hal^Sbe ««n.cu «u tne Amoieside Hall ' of 14th street and Marine b " c ' ' Vancouver. (S i |u ^ ) E. A. HAEEISON, ■Acting Municipal Clerk. CO RPO Rj^O N OF THE d is t r ic t , OF WEST VANGOUVm ^ n o t ic e t o ELECTORS tha t the vote of the electors quahfy- iug on property situate ■within the Municipality will be takeh" on the above" By-law a t thi* Amblesidb .Halli . corner of ' 14th Street and Marine Drivd, Ambleside,l_-West Vancouver, B. C.j on .'.Saturday,' the 24th day of August, ,1940, b e t r ^ h ' the hours of 8 aan.|and 8.p.m. and that Rupert A. Harrison has been appointed Return ing Officer to take the votes of such electors, ■with' the usual pciwers.in that behalf. >. (Sighed) J , B. LEYLAI^D, Reeve. TOBUC NOTICE is hereby' *ivsn V ' 'A' "A',r ■ \ i ' V ■■'-yA" ii- I ■ '»> ; f i -'.i; w hat happens? Nothing hap pen^ .The same fairly good ef ficient service continues as it is today. ~ If th e By-law passes, w'hat happens? You inci'ease your lia bility $40,()00 and take a chance (Signed) R. A. HARRISON, .-.-Acting Municipal Clert A fte iitio ii SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT PREMIX. ROAD MATERIALS Lnupm m Phw N oiU i IM l' or______ EUJS, West SSS-L M E D U S A U T E Easy to apply Variety of Colors C E M E N T , P a i i u t c Try this effective and economical- ̂ Norrt <3K« ' Interior lVaU .Finish for Nora Shore Agents . , old or new plaster. & SONS SSsili W E ST 4