> - s V? ̂ *-v'P -* V •'r̂ i }f"" > ̂ , V ̂ ft 1̂ ," jr« I hr yy[S ^Vt ̂ srf^ ̂ ̂ ">■5-*. •> ■' '( *4̂ «f ^*v%4lriv ̂ j*- ' ̂ < 1 '■̂ r> "̂fîj-vi "̂.i:-' •-W»>-:̂ «*>4it̂ *>i(lfP<(V*'S'*'*it!i"»?'*lf'*'-<4l-»(<{"i.i ' t̂ ̂ V ? V 't,* «.-,A,.'i? •(( Jf, 1̂ »,V »̂ }I,-«4,*«|> , * - )̂fSA"'V5r>'.i U t̂T-sr fAMT ts.' Iiaf 8 th> I f i l ■ N E W S . MOK*, b k a u t if o ii *■ " CAifAPA •• ... . *. ' m̂mr ' \-'" , * f« • ,1 I ' i.... . ̂ ' . ' ' " ■ . .-f . „ j 7 l,„mc until it i u n S n f S r r - * - - " '- ^ ^ .: • r ., V:. 1 110̂ ** . . *̂»nf U !vprv tin- •iftf a lOint; •- --^ UMlay US. ever. Every un- Intccl homo in Canada <an t e • t more attractive by the In,.! use of' trees, ahrubs, j. lUnvera and a well-kept '"w^n-e iniluenced by our aur- i,',nr< to a greater degree rouiulmi>' „„„„(..jm«9 " realize. ■wo sometimes realize, drcn are particulatljr sensi- ? 1 h this regard ., . Sdrely a ,'oroo in ami around _which flow- niv grown is a better place m bring up children than a home vhoro U attention is paid, to these I'lioncls of the plant king- 2 If children are tau g h t to .and become fam iliar them they will be filled .with : 'e or th<3se^hing^^^ rill 1)P less room in their, h e ^ ts 3 minds f o r the th in g s - th a t, h u r t and destroy. ' ■ ' , Canada is a land of ir^re natural beauty from the Eran.^y Or Lakes-in Cape Breton I s l^ d to the Mountain Ranges o f the Pacific Coast. Nature h ^ endow- , ed this country with the most toutiful and the greatest ya r- Wv of natural scenic grandeur to be found anywhere in th e u n i- . verse, mountains, lakes, streams,, forests, plains, waterfalls, all are to be found in great abundance. The things which are unsightly and unlovely are .Jy and it would seem that th e least We can do is to make these man made places sufficiently a t t r ^ - tive that they will, in some m e ^ sure at least be in keeping with the great natural beauty ' to be^ found-t-hroughput-this-greatJDii=_ minion. % ■ ' i. ; V , *9^./*,, «» *' t -f . , X 1 .. ^ ' f p ' . ,) fed There are many good' reasons why every householder, .rural or , urban, should do his or h e r p a r t . toward making the home su r roundings more attractive. In the first place, the money spent for nursery stock or other planting material is a good ; investm ent " and will increase th e value of a home to a much greater extents . than the amount spent" for p lant ing material. Further, in th e full and satisfactory life there, m u s t . be found time "for both" m ental and physical relaxation a n d where can one find a niore sat isfactory place to get away from war-time stress and etoagh than among the flowers of the ga -Another reason--for putting CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF W EST VANCOUVER BY-LAW NO. 872 A by-law authorizing the Construc tion, Reconstruction and Extension .of the W ater Works System of the Cor poration and to raise by way of loan th6 sum of $160,000.00 to be paid for such work. forth a special etfort in home beautification work ju s t now is . to make Canada more a ttrac tive to tourists. The tourist trade fronr the United States is ' very important to Cariiada a t th e pre sent time and anythingi;hat~6 an be done to help increase it will be a benefit to the Dominion as a whole. We frequently meet w ith the objection that gardens and fiow- ers cost t oo much or th a t _they-_- take too much time. The tru th is that it is not so much- a m a tte r^ of time or money as it is ,o f de sire and disposition. If w e 'a re disposed to have gardens and flowers and attractive home sur-. roundings, we will have them ho matter how busy we m ay_be.. four n e a r e s t Experimental Farm or Agricultural College will gladly give you information re garding suitable v arie ties^o f. planting material for the d istrict m which you live. The invests ment that you make of tim e and money in this connection !wiU pay gi'eat dividends in satisfac tion and if you make yoiir home more attractive you have helped to improve-the. town or com- munity in which you live. I f you ̂ oelp to make your home town or community more beautiful you nave helped to make a- more beautiful Canada., WHEREAS the-Corporation of the District of W est Vancouver owns and rmpraLes thc -water, works^^sytSj^BiLjm- supply w ater for the inhabitants of the-M unicipality,--""" sixty thousand dollars ($160,000.00), to construct, reconstruct and extend .th e water, works system of the Cor poration by the installation of new water mains; the replacement of cer tain w ater m ains;-and the "coiistruc- tion of certa in , extensions and im provements. according to plans and - soecifications prepared by ,the Cor poration's Engineer; and to .d o all 'th ings necessary i^ connection with or incidental* to the said work.Xi-- ' T < 2. I t shall be la-wful for the Reeve the said Corporation, for the pur- j..,^es aforesaid to.^borrow or raise by way -of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies - corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upoh the credit if the Corpo ration a t large, a sum not exceeding one hundred and sikty7 thousand dol- lars ^$160.000.00) and td cause the same tV he piaced"in=-the-Royal-Bank r hereby authorized there shall he Tai s- ed and levied in each year during the currency of the said debentures or any of them the annual' sums set out in the second column of Schedule '̂A*' hereto annexed .and made a part here of.' The total annual sums required fo r-the payment of the interest and instalments of principal of the',»debt hereby created, as eet out in the .fourth column of said Schedule, shall be raised and levied in ehch year during the ciirrency of the said de-' bentures or any of them by a rate sufficient therefor qif all the rateable land, or on the rateable land and im provements, within the Corporation of the District of W est Vancouver, ̂ 6. This by-law may be cited for all 'purposes as "West Vancouver Water Works Construction, Reconstruction and Extension Pehonture By-law No, 872, 1940." - ■ .. " iTHlS by-law shall not come into fqiijfe and effect until it. has been approved by the Lieutonant-Governor- in-Couricil. PASSED by the Municipal, Council the 5th dqy- of August, 1940. RECEIVED .THE ASSENT of the Electors the day of , 1940. "RECONSIDERED; ADOPTED and FINALLY PASSED by the Municipal Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED--with the Cor porate Seal of the said Corporation, the day o f . 1940. Reeve. I 'c i'efk.' AND WHEREAS it is deemed ad visable to increase the amount of water available for use of the in habitants of the Municipality by in stallation of new and larger mains and to replace Certain w ater-m ains and to construct certain; extenmons ac cording to plans and , specifications prepared by the Municipal Engineer. AND WHEREAS the consent of the'Provincial Board .of Health has been duly obtained pursuant to Sec tion 22" of the "Health Act being chapter 114 of tlie Revised Statutes of: British Columbia, 1936,- ltNT)~~WHEEEAS'~tlm T"eBtimated i* _1-_irt r\-n/\ 'UnnVlvp/1 flnd > -of- Canada-atoW_est -iVancouyer,JSrit- "-ish-Columbia, to the credit of the said Corporation to be used fo r the pur poses above recited, and debentures of the said' Corporation to the said amount of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars ($160,000.00) ' ini: the whole, shall be issued in such sums as may be required -of not less than on^ hundred do llars ($100.00) each. The said debentures shall be signed by the Reeve and Clerk of the Cor poration and sealed with the Corpo rate Seal. ' _ . . ------------------ --------- SCHEDULE- ^ ---------------------------- COREORATION-OF-THEJ)ISTRICT-OEJiVEST^NCOUpER • $160,000--5% 25-Year Serial-Debentures cost of such work is ori^ hundred and "sixty" thousand dollars ($160,000.00), AND WHEREAS the sum of one hundred and- sixty thousand doljara ($160;000.00) is the debt intended to be-.created " by thi& by-law, "AND WHEREAS it" is . desirable to issue debentures, the proceeds of the said debentures to^be applied to .th e purpose aforesaid ■ .and no other, AND WHEREAS it is necessary -that the money to ,be raised here- -linder'be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation, " AND WHEREAS it will be neces sary to raise in each year during the .period of ..twenty-five (25) years by special rate, the sums set out / h e second and thard columns of Schedule "A" hereto annexed and made a part hereof, fo r-the payment of principal and interest of the s a ^ .e ' AND WHERAS the Council of-the said Corporation has authorized sub mission of this by-law to the elect- The said debentures shall'be dated the first day of September, 1940, and _shall'bear-4nterest-at-4:he-rate-^of-five- per centum (5%0 per annum payable halty_early_on the first day of March and the f irs t . day of September in" ^!a ND w h e r e a s the amount of the . -whole aosesgd^, oI the A- know the plaintiff's know it to be ahy- ttimg but good?" - . ' --"YesrI"do:"r^ the whole assesbeu . v«xu^ . - - - land within the .Municipality is $4,- 062,382.00 a n iP fh e whole value of the improvements 'is 49,- 460.00, making^ to g /h e r a to ta l of $9,911,842.00, according to the last revised - assessmen t r ^ L each and every year during; the cur rency of the said debentures or any of them and the principal of said debentures shall be . payable on the first day of September in the years and amounts set out in Schedule "A" , hereto annexed and made *a part hereof. There shall be attached to each of the said de-, ' bentures coupons signed by the Reeve and Clerk for each and every pay- ' ment of interest th a t may become due, and such signatures may be either written, printed, stamped, or lithographed, 3. The said debentures and inter est coupons shall be expressed to be payable in lawful money o f. Canada. ' 4, The said debentures as to prin cipal and interest shall be payable a t the Royal Bank of.!Canada a t West Vancouver, Vancouver, Victoria, in the Province of British Columbia; Ed monton, in the Proyihce of Alberta; Regina, in the Province of Saskatche wan; Winnipeg, in the Province of . Manitoba; Toronto, in the Province of Ontario; and Montreal in the Prov ince of Quebec; a t the holder's option, by the said Corporation. M aturity , 1941 . 1942 Annual Principal Payments $ 3,300 3,500 ^Annual In terest Requirements Pay. .HalfrYearly $ 8,000... 7,885 . Total Annual Payments $ 11,300 ' 11,335 . Balance Of . Principal Outstanding $160,000 156.700 . 153.200 "1497500 ^ 145.600 141.600 137.200 132.700 . 128,000 123,100 11-7,900 1943 ' 1944 ' 1945 . 1946 1947 1948 .1949men 3.700 3.900 4,100 4,300 4,500 ' 4.700 4.900K onn 7,660 " " 7,475 , 7,280 7,076 6,860 6,635 6,400 ft m n li,3G0 11,3'75 . 1-1,380 11,375 ' 11,360 11,385 ^11,300 11 355. xî Ol/. . . 1951 5,500 6,895 11,395-.. 112,400 1952" ■ .' 5;80Q- 5,620 11,420 106,600 ' " 1953 6,000 5)330 __._n,330 100,600 1954, 6,300 5,030 11,330 94,300 • 1955 ' 6,600 4,715 11,315 ; 87,700 1956 7,000 4,885 11,385 * 80,700 1957 7,300 4,035 11,335 73,400 , -05,700#=""̂ ^-1958 7,700 3,670 11,370 1959 8,100 3,285 ' 2,880 11,385 57,600 1 1960 8,500 11,380 , 49,100 ' 1961 • . 8,900 2,456 11,355 . 40,200 1962 9,300 2,010 11,310 30,900 1963 9,800 1,545 ■ 11',346 21,100 1964 10,300 1,055 11,355 10',800 1965 10,800 640 11,340 Nil TOTAL ......$160,000 $123,82(5 '.$283,826 Reeve. - Clerk. » J-r ̂ " / J such luakiugsuch a statement" - ® r can say on oath th a t I have Ve A m places where"! would ashamed to be seen!*' " .* revised assessment rml.. . j-- BroW"'THEREFORE"the:ReeTC-and- Counbil of the Corporation o f t ^ e WoRf Vancouver in open: 5. For-the_payment of., the interest_. Council 01 rne District of W est Vancouver in open meeting assem bly enact '• : 1 The- Council of. the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver is hereby empowered and a cost not exceeding one hundred and on the said debentures there shall he raised a m levied' in each year during the c u ^ n c y of the sa id , debentures or any OT them the annual sums set out in the third column' o f Schedule "A" hereto annexed ajid made a p a rt hereof. For the p a y m p t of the debt - TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed by-law upon which the vote of the Municipality will he taken a t the Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th street and Marine Drive, Ambleside,-W est Vancouver ■ B. C., on Saturday, the 24th. day of August, 1940, between the hours of 8 a.m. and ,8 p.m. ~ (Signed) ~R* A.-HARRISON,- _____^ Acting Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER that the vote of the electors qualify ing on property situate within the Municipality will be taken on . the above By-law a t the Ambleside Hall, corner of~ T4tfr Street<v-and" Marino- . Drive, Ambleside, W est Vancouver, B. C., on Saturday, the 24th day of August, 1940, between the hours of 8 a.m, and 8 p.m. and that .Rupert A. has-been appointed Return ing Officer to take*the votes of such Tielector87"with"the"usual powers in that" ' behalf.. NOTICE TO ELECTORS (Signed) J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. PUBLIC NOTICE is. hereby given . (Signed) R. A. HARRISON, Acting Municipal Clerk. \ . . IPiPiiiiii ~ i. ■' " r , ' I. "̂1% , ' 4' ^ !