............................ ........ -------------- :-- I k llW>*Wi>Wi(WiWi<Mil̂ ^ August 8th. 1!ia. 'w m ft^rA W rtm rfm ' 'm vm m " Cor. 2m A E«|ttln»iJt A m " ' ItEV. W. VAUCB, K A ^ M b M tir / . 1953 Fulton Avoauo Phone W ett 244-B Sunday SerrieM : llnjoeu A7sS0|Miiu, Strenrere and Vb iton i are weleotaa Your Hair Needs Professional Treatment BAPTIST CaUIICB Mlnietar B«v. W. L. McKays BJU »i>. ftaaday------ ----- , . i.Us-oChurch School In* •SiciirlMi^ 1 0 :0 0 B.Da»--Ch---- - dodini; Adult Claaa 11 a.m. A V M p.m<--Praiwhinir Bmtrkm, ' A hearty welcome to. all 1 Ory brittle hair damaged by aalt water and Hun cam bo treated so that Hoft luHtrous woves are bock again. Wo huvo a variety of treatments in*, eluding llorbex ond Silhouotto Treat> jrtenls. Cali for consultation at the Gwendolyn Deauty > Shoppe. Gwendolyn's Beauty ̂ Shoppe Creators of^ Exclusive PermaneatSs 1548 Marine Drive West 117 HOLLYBDM HAU 14th and Duchess Sunday, August 11th, a t 10 a.m. ■ ■' ■ ... ':'■ . .■ .I- ... •■■■i . «• . ■■,: Sunday School and .' Young Pt^q,ple's Bible Class. Sunday Evening a t 7:80 Veteran fivangeliat, Mr. Alf red Mace Gospel,. will preach the ruesday and Thursday Evenings August 18th and 15th, 8 p.m. Mr. Muco will conduct talks upon the Scriptures. You will oppreciute Mr. Mace's Ulkable ministry. wisi^^vAKcx)iyy)PfR' Christian Science -Society-,,-, C H D B C H ED IFIC E 20Ui *HI Esouimalt, HoUybum m ils Society is a Braiwb of * The Mother Church The F ira t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Bfassachusetts Sunday Service; 11 *.30 a.m. Sunday, August 1 1 th SUBJECT: <*SPHUT Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teetlniony Mseting Wednesday a t '8:16 p.m. The public-is cordidly in- vlted to attend our services and meetlnge. ^ WEST VAN-MOTORS THE STANDARD STATION (BUI Grout) W RECaxa an d D ay W est 268 ROAD SERVICE N ight « U 45 g o m pi.e i :e a u t o m o t iv e s e r v ic e "You Can See Thu Difiference'* NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CEEANBRS - DYERS C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Rhone WEST 782 CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST D R. G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.B., L.D.S. DENTIST 'X-Bay Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. OlTico Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Pholohe West 72 t h e u n it e d c h u r c h 21st and Eaquimalt Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday, August l l ih "SPIRIT" will be the subject of . the Lesson-Sermon in all C hiircherof Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. . - - The Golden Text is: "Teach me to do thy will; for thou a r t my God: thy spirit is good; ledd me into the land of uprightness (Psalms 143:10). ̂ . •Among the citations ̂ which comprise , the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bibld; "God is a:Spirit: and they that .' .: 1. ' * 1 . IV. ViiTvt J. ■ M f DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705. Medical-Dental Building. Hours: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by . appointment. I860 Marine Drive West 482 f ' I 1 1 f|V :'4 Established on North Shore ^ 26 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. f uneral Birectors ?! HoUybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth S treet" Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East < 11 a.m .-- Rev. R. F. McIntyre. Soloist: Mrs. J. C. L. Hunt. ---- --------- ------ . 7 :30 p.m.--Will be in charge of worship him must worship him the young people of the in spirit and in tru th" (John church. Address by Charles 4:24). Baldwin. - • The LessopSermon also in- "As the Young"People's Society eludes the , following passage lias undertaken to take charge from .the Christian Science tex^ of our evening services during book, "Science and Health with August, it is asked tha t the Key to the Scriptures," by Mary youiig folk rally around their Baker Eddy: "Spirit being God',, leliders ahd~rnalcc~<mf-n6veTring-^U ier^s^^ Shower ' A miscellaneous shower, hon oring Miss Dorothy Bibbs, a bride-elect of this , month, was held at the home of Miss Lucy Smith on Tuesday, August 6 th . The invited gue.sts were Miss Dorothy Bibbs, the Mi.sses Gert rude and Helene Bibbs, Miss Betty Pepper and Mrs: G. But- terworth, of North Vancouver, and Mrs. H. Bibbs, the Misses Eileen Body, Lenore Beattie, Dorothy Lake, Peggy "Barker, Cynthia H'aslam, Audrey Lowe, Brenda Wicking, Virginia Dud- field and Lucy Smith, all of West Vancouver. The evening was spent in games, culminating in a treasure hunt for the shower gifts. Light refreshm ents and a short sing, song brought the evening to a close. „Two members of the R.C.A.P. ra ninto a ditch While ri^ng a moto rcycl^ along Marine Drive on Saturday night in the vicinily of Balmy Beach. ' One of them was taken;to Shaughnessyjlili. ta ry Hospital, the other receiv ing only slight injuries.. SENTINEL HILL SOLDIERS' COMFORTS GROUP GARDEN TEA on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 11th at the home of Mr. and ]V̂ [rs. is. H. P. Robinson, 1689 24th-Street Silver Collection, Attendance Prize, Proceeds for Soldiers' Comforts .service worthwhile. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. can be but one infinite and there fore one God." ALFRED HOUGHTON PASSES , Sunday, August 11th •'If' ' ' r' "J M" 'I ' " iL ikl_____^ V D«i«imfiil I <iifniii*ir 1 t̂ il l ; i 1 .... .ft f e i h - 7 = r -- . iHIFrftHi-- JmH*. well known ^AMKYilrAONDRY: Phone North 1310 or Wcfit 691L Alfred Houghton, of Gower Point passed, away last Sunday 10 a.m. -- Church Sohoql and a t Shaughiiessy Military Hos- adult Bible class:, pital where he had been a patient a.m.--Rev. Dr. W. S. Reid, for some considerable time. The Subject: "Life's Problems and deceased was well known in Their Solution." Vancouver business' circles and 7 :30 p.m.--Rev. Or. W. S. Iteid. up to a few years ago hiad re- Subject: "What About Life's sided for many years at his Backgrounds T' home in Altaraont where he and Wednesday, 7 :'45 p.m. -- Prayer' his wife have many friends who * 1-* T T ^ U . .11 V ________ f I • X J i«*Jr . J l i J j V v - lx t^ '- X lc l X X itX lX ^ ..A* X d J v I O , VV i i v J meeting, takfen by Mr. Hold- will be sorry to hear of his croft. "̂ deattn--------- ---- :--------------- 7- During the minister's absence The deceased, who had been in -the pulpit will be occupied" b y - failing health for several yearfe, RevrThrrAV: S7"Reid- both- morn---was ia niember' of' th e-72nd^at WEST VANCOUVER COLLEGE 1425 GORDON_AVE. Day & Boarding School for Boys Grades 1 to 12 . ~ Special Kindergarten Class. Physical Education,. Music, etc. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 4th For particulars. kindly call or phone the Principal -637-M-------._____ _̂_ ::_____ 4 ng and evening. I; . > •'4 Eagle Harbor Picnic Gi'ounda, Tennis Courts Bathingi Boating, Fishing Tea-rjooms, Homo-Cooked Meals Sandy Beaches Cattngtis for ren t by month or week», ■/ ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, August 11th 'j MS; m sT' \ i t '•If ■•fi ifj ■> Jts-'i ■Mh I ON ^NY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON tS4t MARINI ORIVI- WIST S86Jlwnltotn A.»;T. of B.(\ 8 a,m.-~Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--^Matins and Sermon, 7:30 p.m,--Evensong and Ser mon, The Rev, L. Hales in charge of a ir services.* -Str-Francis-in*the*Wood------r Caulfeild talion, ^afoi*th Highlanders of Canada, C.E.F., going overseas with that unit. He is su rv iv^ by his wife and two sisters in England. Funeral services were held a t 1:30 p.m. yesterday in the-eityT- the Rev. C. C. Owen officiating, followed by cremation. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ___ ____BIHGADE 9:46 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. ST, ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood A ve." V-'&- mi lMm IS p r i P itaaS:? 3i- fta.t : | i I f ■ii- i:- SPECIAL ....$3.50 por unit ....$5.00 per cord Sawdust ..... Dry Slate Inside Fir?-- from shed ....--$0.00 por cord from mill ----- $5.50 per cord Slate with Bark $4.00 per cord Slate & Edgings $8.76 per cord PKITAM'S FURL Phone North 620 Rev. F ather Van ^astor ̂ Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8;15a.m . High Mass and Sermon ~ a.m. Rosary and Benediction - 10:15 -7 :4 6 The newly formed West V ^ ^ eouver unit of St. John Ambu- ance Brigade will be known as the 72nd Division, Vancouver (3orps, St. John Ambulance Bri gade Overseas, and will meet each Monday night at 8 o'clock in the Pauline Johnston School Annex. An extensive programme of training has been drawn up and already a special course in war gases, their , treatment, de contamination, etc., has been completed, all membiers passing B - \ 4%' 6# hi S iIf ■ I I 2 f5 v'l ■"i THB W ^ s t V a n N e w s Published Every Thursday Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 satisfactorily the required ex- . ammation. W eekday Services Division is prepared to Mass -- 8 a.m. accept new members a t any fYidays--^Rosary, Benediction Prospective members must 7;46. be m possession of their F irst S atu i^ays.-- Confe^ions; 7:30 Certificate of St. John Am- f ■'\ to 8:80 p.m: ' '<1 I ■ Sr w Iff Vif ' Pub lisher' F. P. LOVEGROyS Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704'Marine Drive . Phone West 6 6 y WEST VANCOUVEli TABERNACLE Maiine and 26th St. P asto r: Robert H. Birch ____ ■ ^T ft' is suggested th a t a n y T ^ terested persons desirous of joining the organization and having the^ necessary funda mental requirements, get in touch with the personnel any Monday evenhnqgat-Pauline John- " stori School. TWiere are no !5> 1 5 ?! iS f MlItftf- K i i l l i i l North V an^uver Office: " , 128 Lonsdale Ave. $1,00 a year by" carrier: $2.00 a year by mail Services: Sunday School,. 9:46. , ........... Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and entrance fees. .7:80 p.m. ' ------------------------ Wednesday--PrayerN^nd Fellow- Mrs. Neil l^acDougaU, Van- ship, 7:30. . - eouver, has been spending the Evangelical. Independent, past few days a t Caulfeildj/wob x^w davs a t Caulfeild Visitors cordially welcome. the guest of Mrs. J . L. Davidson i3t 4 PAma TO em uM se The B.C» Eleotrio*a annual irage • p a y m e n t t o I t s 3 , 9 0 0 e m p l o y e e s i s $ 6 , 8 0 0 , 0 0 d , ; BRITISH COLUM BIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COM PANY L IM IT E D