' ........ .......... . •■ " '""""'"' '".... ............ ".. . ............ "'""'....... . '»-•<<« t* M'r %'>e~'-"̂ >̂ i>' î" V'̂'.., '■■ ■: ̂ ' - '■AMiffi¥0iSilillSitSiplilfSaSrjS'lMS^ - -M,. ,.,.-l»,.l-'r!W«, , , -f-, »>»«I < «v̂ 3.' -i ■S-f". ?fl«>f'.'«f ii«■,. =S5<̂ «»- * 4 « set, - ̂ ,. ', BU S ■* > yioro»i^B.c. ', . r}':r*'$s^\ mmmmsmmmmm^*^> tffl« w n t«f ■<ŷfîw>»■>»? vji E S S b if ih T d '* O T ^ ir jis a irEstablished, * o v w ^ y e w . , y . .. ■.. ■ .,■ . ..■■■, ■ ...... ; ?■:;■, ' "*, ' . ̂ t> '.* . ' .< - - . i ̂ / , . , . '.* .»/„ <' ','* '>' C irculating in the D is tr ic t o f West Vancouver^Am bleside, H oJlyhum , WestoHv D undarave ■$iTo?p«iry«itf-";^T;^'*~" CaulfeilM ^, W hytecliffiM ^cr ̂ 6 c per copy Vol: XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. AUGUST* "Sth. 19-tt N o . 17 n a t io n a l REGISTRATION MR. JOHN LAWSON* . (T̂ <■ /; This i.s known as a total war. H ence.it.tollow s that, as „.,.,.v iiiilividual has his or her part to play in the national ff ri n itional registration has become necessary, in order Z t cacii one may be detailed to th a t duty for whidi. he or Se by mmliHcations and experience is best fitW . However ,ti.V c mav regret it, th e die was oast for th is form of w w arc when f i r ^ the Eufopeah nations 'adopted conscrip, im as i^w as clinched by the use bf th e .M r^ la n e which rmd'eied every man, woman and child' an; object of attack. rHs a sad commentary th a t a fte r over nineteen hundred • „ear of Christianity so called-civilised hum anity should fight. L 1 fashion that the wprst savages would condemn as beneath L dignity of their manhood; That, hoyfeyer, is Germany a ihiet contribution to human progress as well as the mam rea- • ™ U y she must be destroyed to that, po in t where she can no ionger indulge her special facility fo r ,p r ty in g everything , she to îches.'- • We know her ways. Since her men generally speaking hek "the guts"---a'vulghr word but most- expressive;--to sbine apainst leal fighting men, every mechanicah or chemical aid that can bolster them up ihust be used, and the more norribje tho better T h e civil population must be attacked, because it is so much easier to kill the weak and old and the defenceless. Moreover, to make even the|s.e the easier to be dealt with, their morale m ust be shattered as 'm u ch by tra ito rs from within and lying propaganda as with actual 'bombs. I t has hpen thus in every country ,she has recently overrun, m all of which this procedure vvas chiefly- responsible for H itler's vic tories and not his armies. We fight fire with- fire pr iiidst do so if ?we are to survive. 4h}g_stmg-gle--w fiic h -^ re a te ti-S ^ __ B e c a u ^ every German man, woman add child in Germany has-been card-indexed^ n d is being used 'in the way their government thinks best to bring victory, we m ust do the same. . The more so that she has twenty years' s ta r t of us,' and all indications point to Japan and later Russia being added to the num ber of our enemies,^as we pointed out editorially years ago would! be the case. ■ _ • : . At the same time, th e re .is not th e 's lig h tes t reason,.for anything but 'quidt* cofifiden:ee-:jp -our tfinal . victory with our incomparable Navy and, Air;;!Poroe to protect- u s . while, we make ready. But everybody will be needed and m ust do his or her share. That is why national registration is now so es sential, and why it is the duty of everybody to register, apart from the fact tha,t, it will ■ largely help to uncover- the fifth ̂ columnists in our midst._____ _____________ Presentatioh ' t o ' Postm aster John Lawson An interesting- little ceremony.. took place on Wednesday of last week a t Hollyburn, Post Office, Tiliss Loriia ThbmSofFOifr;"when behalf of the staff, there pres ented Postm aster John Lawson with a beautiful Australian mulga wood mantel clock on the occasion of his retirem ent. Mr, Lawson iriad'q a brief speech in reply, expressing hi».«ain<^re:,ap- p r^ ia tid ii o f '̂ the^^ft-' 'and; the kindly sp irit which actuated the giving. . _ . ^ Mr. Lawson was the first West Vancouver postmaster, opening Hollyburn post office on September 1st, 1910, in hi& home OFFICE OF TRE REEXE a t the foot of 17th S tfeetr~ H e-----aiid-tiha4 -ee ip te^ i^^ d -tac t be WATER & BUS BY-LAWS . . : PASSED BY COUNGIL3 COUNCIL NOTES The Council ordered the mat- =Phe=Q^ndL'on=JV[onday-niglLt=.---=^ter^.^^building^,Pjr^^^ri?'C^ ° +v,iv/i under the control of the Board; at a special meeting-gave th ird , readings and passed two by- vv.orKs. ______ . laws, the first for $160,000 for remained .in charge until 1920, resuming the postm astership on September 28th, 1929. Since then he has been postm aster up , to =the=end oT-last-montKrwlien-he retired from the service. - the waterworks, and a . $40,000 The Engineer re p o r t^ to the by-lawTor the purchase of four Council Uiat the public w ater new buses for the service to-andi' taps-at--H orseshoe-B ^--were-be^ from the city.'. . . ' ing uised privately: The Council NATIONAL REGISTRATION Reeve J; B. .Leyland called a meeting fo r , dele- Freviouiy'^ the Council had ordered th e . taps shut off .and ■ gates from the various locaUor- ganizations last Thursday niglitirranged to have a new applica-' passed a recommendation for ;i6h for a $150,000 loan a t 2% the 1941 Council th a t taps be sent to Ottawa th is week for pu t in a t Ambleside Park and ivaterwork re^ilacements. • • Horsbshoe Bay> - ^ t the la tte r The water by-law .was passed ■ place' in a more suitable location, inanimously without discussion; _ f . )ut some differences of o p i n i o n T h e Council--decided to issue •at the,Council C ham berto make prelirninary arrangem ents for conducting N ational' Registra- tion here. Delegates were pre sent from, the SchooLBoard, the vere voiced in the Council re the. ' additional single tickets between >us by-law, during which it ; was Ambleside Dock and Horseshoe Ijsclosed th a t the city bus ser- B a y ! .in ' connection with the 'ice is th e only one a t the pre; .special ferry being run on Wed- ent m om ent on which the;pas-" hesday afternoons, these being ^nger traffic is not dropping, as follows: Adults, 30 cents; should th e by-law pass it is-the-/children, 15"cents. , ntention to run the .city buses s nwo to and from W est Bay The application made by the jith a lim ited local service^ from Technical School fo r an extension he latter place to point* -west, .o f the lease o f their^ cabin on 'hich will be increased in ac- Hollyburn Ridge was not gran t- ordance w ith t h e demand, ed by the Council. councillor Dickinson' took a' , . ---- :-- tand against the bus by-law ', Geo. E. Gudewill of 30th and mich ~hich was finally passed w ith M athers Ave. wrote the Coun- m dissenting. ' : ........... . . ciLasking th a t ' That part of ft was aranged to hold a pub- M athers Ave. facing Block 6 6 meeting on Thursday even- be .Jeept closed. He was advised g, the 22nd instant, in the . th a t! th e Council were not con- when - the. R eeve sideBng openingr the same a t will give their vi^ws, the present time, the two, by-laws, bn'which* a ' ' ^ ^ ..,:.ov/iA v:.'Xa...vj.aa.',v*av/ • r r ? r:- churches, political -associations, the L 0 . D. E., the Canadian Legion and Legion/W.A., the ,Red Cross, the Chamber Of Com merce; .Townswomen's Guild, the Lions'. Club and other., organiza tions. Deputy R egistrar R. P. Blower wafe present; to explain the arrangements made to con duct the registration, an^ the Reeve and he went in to-the de tails necessary to the work be ing done expedittously. and "well. I t was revealed . th a t there would bc'Six booths located, res pectively ht Hollybutn School, Legion ' Hall, Dundarave ̂ Hall, .Wadsley Post Office,' Cypress Park Tearooms, and Sewell's a t Horseshoe Bay. A t least four hundred volunteer workers will Municipal Itoil West Vancouver, B. C.. August 6 , 1940, The Editor, West Van. News., West, Vancouver; B.C. Dear S ir: Following upon the r e q u ^ t of Mr. James Sinclair, M.P*» and in the capacity of Hon orary Chairman for N ation^ Registration in W est Vancou ver, it was my pleasure to caU together represeptatives of twenty-two orgawssation on Thursday evening. L ,- The outline of requirem ents for voluntary workers was ex plained in detail by Mr, R. P* Blower, the Local R egistrar» and the urgent n ^ for as many citizens as possible to offer vtheir. services was • fully realized. It is the desire o f . the (Canadian Government .to eliminate, all needless ex p en d in brdbr!^ihat as much irtpney as possible/may be made avail able fo r direct w ar e ffo rt.' I am happy to make an ap peal to our good citizens to ^Wfest^Vtmcouver-to4akp!-theto share by assisting in th is very im portant undertaking of N a tional Registration, assuring them th a t they a re making^a v e ^ worthy contribution to the in terests of Canada and the Empii^, ' ' ' • * - ; . _ P ie i entire /ad m to to trsa t^ isabkoItiteJy freofrom politics,*"' all parties having instahtan- eoiisly offered their co-opera tion. The only requirem ent for volunteers is ;that they wirite a legible-hand with ac curacy and reasonable speed, SWIMMING Classes for beginners and in advanced swimming and plain diving are being held M onday,' Tuesday, Wednesday and F ri day afternoons a t Dundarave Pier. Phone Eileen Body, form er assistant to Molly Edwards, West,1127-L.*** .. A BUNGALOW FOR $1,675 L. C. Stevens & Company Ltd. of 615 West Hastings Street, are carrying an adverUsement in this issue containing the picture of a four-room bungalow, which can be bought for $1,675. They giiaraniee it against all defects for twelve months. Anyone in-! teres ted is asked to-kindly phone Whyteclilf 341, SE ymour 6227 or BAyview 8637-Y. .• t ' GARDEN TEA The publi.cd^-invited'to a gar- - den! tea,, . sponsored by the Sen--. ,tfnel ,'H llf' Soldiers' Comforts / Group, to be held on Sunday afternoon, August. 11th, a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bi H. P. „ Robinson, 1589 24th Street. Sil ver collection. Attendance prize, -proceeds-- to--be" TTBed|-;fpr-- , soldiers'comforts. " ' HOLLYBURN HALL used in asking the necessary questions provided for in the questionaire. Eaeh volunteer will be required to work a totaI=of not-more^4 han=fiye hours, arid not less than 400 volunteers will be required. An office for enrollment of volunteers will be opened in the Municipal Council Cham ber o n Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, August 9th, 19th, 12th and T3th, be tween the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.^ and all vi^o,desire,to help in th is National Service are requested to register. ; In the m atter of registra tion generallyritis'com pulsory W everyone over sixteen to reg ister whether a Canadian citizen or otherwise, and I am quite sure th a t the citizens of our community will not be lacking in fulfilling this es sential duty. Y ours truly, J . B. LEYLAND, Reeve. MR. ALFRED MACE There will be Sunday School and Young ,People's Bible Class a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, August- l l t h , ' in Hollyburn Hall. A t thb 7 :30 p.m. service th a t day Alfred Mace, the veteran evangelist, will preach the Gospel, Mr. Mace will also conduct talks upon the Scriptures a t 8 p.m. Tuesday^ and Thursday, August 13th and ,T5th. . " STAFF CHANGES AT HOLLYBURN POST OFFICE $10 PRIZE The Sharpe, Realty, 1395 Marine Ebfive, are offering a $10 prize for the best photo of a ^ xucuiuci ./x W est Vancouver scene together Hollyburn postal staff for a_Ur, ̂ Hafirwr nf fl Ot ' ___ i I J, C. Clucas has been appoiiit- ied acting clerk in charge of Hollyburn Post Office, which with the retirem ent, of Post m aster John Lawson has become a sub office to the Vancouver ^General Post Office. Mr. Clucas comes from the la tte r office, where he has been a member of the staff for twenty-eight years. He will, be assisted by A. T. Purser, also from the Vancouver, ■office, and by Miss Lom a Thom son, who has been a member of with a boria fide listing 0 1 a lot num ber of years, or of a . house for sale or rent. ,4. .,V^ un w m cn'a will be taken on Saturday! itn August All entries m ust be in by noon Q|yj custoirier: "Does ̂ this lip- Monday, August 26th. stick come off easily ?" imiiuicu particulars of . Cosmetics Clerk: "Not if you understood fo r this competition kmd- put up a fight!"opened, it IS understood,,in the i., fa o^ivertisement -----Municipal Hall where. tliose d ^ the,advertisem ent in siring to offer their services ihay issue. BRITISH - ISRAEL • * In the smokeroom of .the big hotel .the Scot had been boring ̂ _ everyone with tales of the ^ e a t register, deeds he had done. 7^ An old lady . of seventy, re tu rn ing a f te r sixty years' ajD- T^^^fgular meeting of th e man a t last, "suppose you tcxi federation'wUl be^held in us something you can 't do, and, ̂ B.-I Hall, 25,06 - Marine . by Jove, I'll undertake to do it j e Monday, August^, 1 2 th; mysfelf." ' « 4- s. Brereton wilTbe the .epeak-i "Thank. ye,"< replied ^the Scot, "I .Carina pay ma bill here All the delegates laresent'pro- The neW colored parsoi,; call-' ised- to secure a lis t ofrvolun- , ing fo r the first tim ^ o n Mandy^ d ^a^f ;n d "so iu ^ 'o f the wganizatlOps c h l i d r e n "Eenie," "Meenie," . Said s h e - "Though I've been h '^ th e j is t already, fii hand. 7 '<MinV'. a n d "Henry." foo'k id ?4 u la r iy ^ o s e l your aroear t o o l! next issu e ..;- " we'do! wan- no Mo." . death in the papers."' ..J*-5: Emmm "Vf. -'.7 '■s " '