, .v>»'9' 'il-*( »■" «a limiiiiiHi imAwm J " :| ff -T" «f I * , (f'n. " s ■ I - '■■I ' w *n̂ d / i t/̂ f' i?i 7 4 V I M/i i •i V- fil's .v| I I ■I■iii i l l I p Jl'f'iiiK 4 f' '®P■ti: S/?'7 %l-. I i l » \n" 'I 4' r? u >t ■fHB'WBBT VAN NEWS August tsfc, 1940, VfMlpfiP" pkoMWix.4* A. iia u ^ t^ Smitli M«i»-w«ttTo g f# i Dtilvmry S if f l is •* MwtWy Aiajoiuit MATRICUliATION RESUL.TS BUGCKSTIONS FOR fK I. and SAT.. AUGUST 2nd Bhd.Srd . . MEATS w*«i 370, ;:rf«M>:iieiiv%̂ HUNBPUN 8«lail I)re«»liis-- 4-ot. Jar, lOc; 8*o*. Jar ..........ISc 10.0*. Jar, 33c; 32*«*. Jar ............49c IUhI & White BOCKKYB SALMON-- .. No. Vi tin ................................. -20c Kod & White TINY PEAS-- Sieve 3, tali tin Kcd & White CAUUOl'S A PEAS-- tall tin Me California CIIAPEFUUIT-- Big and'Juicy, i for .................19c Buiihiat" OUAN(i9B-- Medium uizv 25c; large aizo ...'.3Be liananaa -- Lcnt4;»nM -- Feachoti '"■"■l.ettuce -- CnrroU -- Cncurolmrii Cidery -- Cauliflowe^a, etc. CORN KI,AKBH--Kellogg'a. 3 pka. 25c Red & ,White llrimd PITUE JAM-- , Now SeaNon'K StrawIjerry. 32-oz. Jar ..................................38c CORNED REEF--Tin ...............:,...l7c BWANBDOWN CAKE FLOUR-- Pkt. ................................... .....25c BEEF PORK LAMB uYBAL All Grade A A A t Delicatessen Fresh Fish Dally PC'UK LARD--Bwlfta Bilverlcaf. 2 I-III. carCoiiH ............................... 17® L tX FLAKES--Largo pkt........... 21c R,.il & WlilCe HARTLBIT PEARS-- llalvoH. Tull tin ........... '............... 15c Rnl A WhiU' (iOLDEN CORN-- Rnntnm..TaIi tin .............. ,....'........ He Rid & White PEAS-- Sieve,!; new pack. Tall tin ....... 11c BARBARIANS' GIRLS' AUXILIARY The Barbarian Girls' Auxiliary will meet in the Ited Cross Head quarters on Tuesday, August Cth, at 8 p.m. SOWING SEEDS OF b ie n n ia l s (E,\perim ental F arm s N ew s) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND LIONS CLUB GALA NIGHT TuesdayAugust 6 will be a red letter night for. the West Vancouver Chanmber of ; Com merce and West Van. Lions Clubf .when these two local ser vice clubs entertain the Kitsil- aho Chamber of Commerce and Kitsilano Lions Club at CIifT House, Whytecliff Park. Followr ing a cruise of the harbour on one of the local ferries the two city clubs will be met at Ambler side wharf by the members of the local organizations at 8 p.m. when a motor cavalcade will con vey both visitors and other mem bers to the westerly extremity of the municipality for the even ing festivities. A special pro-, gramme for this social night has been arranged. Membbra of the West Vancouver clubs desiring ti ansportation should arrange to bo at Ambleside whaiT,prior to ui.BieimialH are plants that, flow er tlie year following the sowing oi' (he seed and then die. July aiui August are the best months (o sow the seed. A'cold frame oi- open bed can be used, or, if there is only a small amount of seed of a variety, pots or flats ari* (onvenient. A suitable com post is made up of loam, leaf mould and-rsand. - In-_the.. open ground the surface soil should 'he well broken up and made fine a.s for other seeds. If a place wlTfelv ts slTadediTOtrH,he-hott-est- ,8. p.m. or phone any member of the executive of either club foi' reservation and their tickets. Wives, husbands, or, friends of members are cordially invited'to be present. Reserve the date now and make your , plans ac cordingly. It ..will be a big night -spent in the midst of one of the most picturesque settings in West Vancouver. - \-- - Interesting Information The proapoefistood in the used onv lot of nn auto dealer .looking at an old sedan, a.s a sajosmnn known for his high pressure methods walked up. Noting the care at which the pros- -petL_was__looking, the__salesman launched Into n terrific, sales talk, dwelling nt great length o n . the old sedan's wonderful qualities, assoiding that despite its weathered appearance It was in excellent condition, and leaving nothing unsaid in his effort to }>oint out what a bai'gtun it would be to the man who acquired it. "In fact." he concluded, "I am safe in saying this car is the best value of any used automobile in town! Would you like to imy it!" "Well, no," said the pi'ospcct; "It's |ny oWn car, and I just drove it in to 800 what you would allow* me on a trade," ' .sim can be found, jt is best, but if none Is available then some artificial shade,should be provid ed. The .seed should be sown in drills about six inches apart and about one-half inch deep. The seed should be sown very thinly and the weedsjshould be destroy ed as soon as seen. The young plants should be trpnsphinted into cold frames or prepared beds as soon as they are large enough to handle. If the seed- lings'have room- to develop in the seed bed they need not be transplanted, although it is bet- ter to do it. A dull showery day- should be chosen for this work, if possible, and the plants should be shaded for a few days. Some of-the best knowm biennials are Canterbury Bells. The young plants should be kept in a cold frame over -winter iii districts ' where the climate is severe. They flower in June. There are seyeral varieties, some of which h§ye single flow ersothers are double. The cup and saucer forms are desmribed b y . the name. The seed can be obtained in' pink, mauve, White, or in mix ture.' Sweet William with its flat clusters of bright colored flow- e i^ i l"wefl"known^--The^ymnig The followintr rŵ uHs have been iasued foUow-iiij; ij;" of complete records fer west Vancouver High School from the Department of Education cover- * ing the Senior and Junior Mat riculation examinations; Senior Matriculktion; 7 " The name of John Graham McDonald was omitted from the first published list but individual returns, show that he has com plete standing, Su.san McLin^k led the class with the excellent average of 85.4 ['<. The following .students fere also successful in all the Senior Matriculation courses which they undertook during the past year; James Kennedy Anderson, Peter Bell-Irving, Audrey Burkhart, Helena Mary Leach Clegg. In addition two giudeiiis wrote ,ofl Sejiior Matriculation French as part of their scholastic pro gramme; Kathleen Davies, Eric Norman Hyde. University Entrance (Junior Matriculation) , jl The highest average was ob tained by Paulene Greer with t h e outstanding average of 87.2%. This is considered a meritorious record as this stu dent was accelei'ated and com pleted t|he'course in 3 years. . The following students , suc cessfully . passed all courses which they wrote for credits to wards University entrance: Es ther Mary Clark, James Gib bons, Ernest Albert Seeds, Doris Margaret Tickell. i The following students com- ""pleted part of their University entrance requirements by writ ing French III and General Sci-" ence V as pari; of their Grade XI programme: Eric Andrew •Ajello, Florence: Jessie Allan, Jeanie Hay Y. Allan, Douglas West Brewis, Audrey Agnes C. "̂ Cave, Lillian Mae Cluff, Kath leen Margaret Cole, Marjorie Louise Dawe,. Barbara Mary Ed wards, Margaret Grace Hilborn, Elizabeth Ida Marentett^ Mau reen Dorothy Martin, Robin Mo- CulJey Martin, Joe Sandys Mead, Norma Ruth Minions, Gloria Mae , Murphy, Moira Kate MacLeod, Isabel (Catherine Nutt,. Graeme Alastair Robinson, Alfred Lin coln Seward,. Robert A l l a h -Shackletom-^etJ^Merritt-Simp-- Service THERE IS BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QU/dCiTV SASH * DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOOPS "roRouXtitY' LATH ' ' *.. "ff***Ascotei -- ......... - ■caNADA'P'AINTCOIIPANT ltd y^EST VANC0" ™ > L W M ?® f O . LID. 15th & M arine Drive w*-* <***Phone West 115 C L A SSIF IE D A D S IS thiT Wwt News get immediate rcSuH .̂ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister A WANT5D--H ous^eeper, good plaia Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199, ^ o k , trustworthy, sleep in .. West'bOUCivori uiy * • r fjiyifl hva t West Vancouver any time ny iipnointment. West 408. 1028. CONSULT M ACL AREN at C. J. Archer Ltd. for all Ins. ments. Dwelling, Household Ltfects. Auto, Burglary, M}arme- Plate Glass, etc. ' ------------------- GENERAL HAUUNG -- Manure, , 'Septic Tanks nd Rockpits installed and cleaned. Dump . truck , work, West 187-B. ________ SUNLIT. LODGE -- Summer Gueato. Transient and Perrnanent. 8678 Marine Drives West 889-L2., HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup- plies, Baby Garments, Notions, Chinaware. H ardw are .________ PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St, ' TRm. 1271. P Bayliss (No(;ary PubJl®)* ^ 2436 Bellevue.| West 62Z-K BUSINESS WOMAN with dog wants warm, unfurnished suite, near fer- ' ry. Box. 60, W est Van. I^w^: m a r c e l SHOP-- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 804, Royal Bank Building. VERY LARGE GLEAl Lot on paved street, $360il[)0. , LAWSON, WALKER & PIUDE . 1704 Marine. Drive, West 56 WE HAVE SEVERAL real bargains in acreage. ' , ' LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive; West ,5^ WOOD, COAL. E arth for Pills and gardens, blacktop fqr roadways; rock, sand and gravel.-Steve Lowrie, West 256-Y. H; A. ROBERTS IH'D. Complete Reidty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 546 KOOM-A«p-BOAKb^™Ublc.-^^^ ■ bus'and ferrij^ West 107B-L. West 21, dr West, 563-R-l. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, stuc co spraying, first class work, naat- erials guaranteed. Terms arranged. F. Gaines, W. 974-L. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lionsdale. Noiili' 822. FOR SALE -- Solid walnut bedroom suite; genuine leather, den "Chester-' field suite. W. 329-R. ' I FLOOR SURFACING--J.'Sutherland. West 483 or N orth 578. _____ FOR SALE ^ Drop-side couch; new condition. $6.50. Phone W. 49tR or see 2277 Jefferson Ave. PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022 -L . ___ FOR SALR--MdClary's Florence coal- oil 3-bumer stove, and Coleman 2- burner gasoline stove. Mrs. Urqu- hart, W est 633-L. ________■ - GORDON GRAY--^InswahCe, all risks, ...one policy, all locations. SEy. 4991 or West 92-R2. -- _ _ _ son," William Stewart Simpson, Gloria Stamatis, William "Max well. Wilson. French, only ; Vivienne Enid Dudley, R'uthTMargaret Down- ^SEW ING-MACniNES-nof-aHrTgaksr repaired. Phone W. 1041.. SINGER SEWING MACHINES 1529 Marine Drive WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and honsfl fixi-jiMBr-feigHnev-glasBi--r glazing. W est 740, W est 443-R. FURNISHED CAMP Augustr"W="398=R~ on beach for mg. -, General' Science, only: Joan Moira Allan, deorge Wilson Alli son, Douglas A. Barbour, Jack Alfred Corlan̂ ̂ Dorothi Isabel Dollar, Charles Clayton Graham, dloyd Alfred McDougall, Eva Margaret Ostrom, Thomas Don ald Rippon, Kate Skertpn, Dorene B. Thompson, John A. Trafford. ' , ' CAPABLE YOUNG~WOMAN desires work by day*:or hour. W. 407-R. FIR E HAZARD Protect your home and contents. Rates less than % of 1 per' cent. Percy T. Masterman, Real_ Estate, N o t^ y ,"2446' MarinepWest-- 1077. ■ ' - - FURNISHED ROOM, hot and cold water, $15.00. Especially good radio fbr sale. West 916; 1702 ]^ rir ie Dr. CASH FOR JUNK Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools,'etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Jvu^ Co., West 91. WANTED -- Housekeeping room or corner in basement. Close in. Write to 1087 l7 th Street. • VACATION TIM E^M ake use of the West V a n 'N ight Patrol. Efficient service. Phone W est 927-R. . plants can be planted in the beds in autumn and will generally survive the Winter. The seeds can be obtained in separate col ors or in mixture. Siberian Wallflower (Cbeiran- thus Allionii) has orange colored blooms which are very showy in June or later, according to the size of the plant. They self sow and the plant may spring up in unexpected places. Beddin;^ Violas and Pansies should be sqwn at this time. At Ottawa these plants are winter- ed in cold frames. Theyprequire some old manure should be mix- ed-Avith the soil when filling the, cold frame in which they are to grow. ' - ' Hollyhocks have tall spikes of showy flowers. I f the seed is sown now the plants should be large enough to put out in Sep tember. After the ground is frozen some brush or cornstalks should be laid over them to pro tect thefn from the alternate freezing and thawing' whioh is so harmful to plants. APPUCATIONS will be received by the Municipality of West Vancou ver for the position of engineer. Applications must be addressed in writing to the Municipal Hall, Hol- lyburn, B. G.,-giving_age, qualifica tion, and experience _as to road con struction, drainage, water systems, etc. Applications must be accomp anied by references; CHIMNEY SW EEPpiG -- Old Coun- jtry way; gua^ainteed; brick and stone repairs. 'Palm er, Capilano, - North 811-R-2. ANY ROLL 8 expo^res Developed, Printed, one 5 x 7 enlargement free, 30c! Barclay's Photographers, 1518 Marine' Drive. CAULFEILD WATBRFRONT=Lover. ly 7" room housed double plumbing. Glorious view Full .price $3800.00; with $1000.00 cash. Ralance month ly. \ SHARPE REALTY ^ 1395 Marine Drive,. Phone W. 71" WANTED TO RENT by September 1st, or earlier, small house, two bed- rooms, $25. W. 121-R. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special, m achine;. repairs, parw- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1440 Marine. TO RENT:--2 or 3 room suite in new home half block from Marine; 2 blocks from ferry. Available Sept. ■ 1st. W. 829-L. ' SUMMER CLASSES now in session. Hollybum Business College, west 341. , . . , A'l '"Pf 1 '!' '■ 7 'i j!- s - 1'* i • HI. ̂ ' ■ H O R S E R A C IN G m . , • 5 E V E N R A e^ E S D A 1 L Y "f] /. J < . "Vfi. ' V - if' i" August 3 ^ jiUgUSt 10 /;1|. PA R I-M U T U A L SY S T E R I pi t ̂ '■« " ' d p f' ■'! ^ Daily Doubles - First aud Second I and Sixth and Seyeiith Kaces, i l - SI a - ■ L A N S D O W N E PAFIK ■ '-.V r LOST--Between 1400, Block Haywood and 1700 Block Fulton, black crinkled cloth ̂ handbag, sum of money. West 846-R. FOR SALE -- A good family piano properly overhauled recently. Very cheap. Black ebony. W.' 553-L2. W. H. VASS,;|cjiiifopractor, Suite 4, Hollybum B l o ^ . ___ _ FOR RENT-^--5 room modern bunga- low; Lawson Ave. Apply W. 498-L. PAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalso- mining; first class, work, at able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-B^ CO RPO R^IO N OF TH E DISTRICT OF . WEST VANCOUVER UADY WANTS smalL... cottage or suite furnished or unhimished, 6 months or longer, near "bus route. /'Reasonable. MA;rine 4070.'̂ W ANTEb LISTINGS of houses. We have 'severa l'c lien ts we have .noi. been able te suit. . LAWSON, WALKER & 1704 Marine Drive . Offere will, be. received by the undei-signed up to noon,on August 12th for the purchase of Lot'S , Blk. 13, D.L. , 582, with . improvements thereon. ' ; Highest, or any offer not neces sa rily accepted; No commissions to be paid. R A. HARRISON. „ ̂ Acting Municipal Clerk. Hollybum, B. C., July 30th, 1940. ROBSON -7- Barrister & So li^or, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West AOS. ~ - RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, Have hoof measured now; free , mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R F. V. Findlay. W est 494-B. SKATING AT THE ROLLERDROME Week Nights, "8 to IT ' lOc per hour Saturday, 2 sessions 25c per session' COMPLETE NOTARIAL SBRVIC^ All forms of documents drawn ana Real E state, ly n ra n c ^ R. P , BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 ̂ Marine ,Dr.,. W est Vancouver Phones: W est *~21. 204-M, ! ( X WEST VANCOUVER SERVICE-^Parcels, B a g g a g e ,^ transfer worht'prdmpt service, w 700. , -