A n ^ t 1st. m i\ i4rri8T m v im m liiiiiittf ri#t.'W» L. MeHty* %A** B.» r * i ' i m ,.€i' 11 'V' ■= iS- mi'mi" HI ■ H;. i* m 1 M k M ' - A '} - '\A ■ ii r f i , -1' Ai.4 '41 '- h 1 ̂ ' "-I % f." i .' 4, h 0 1 M ■ ' C 1̂. '4-'J? ̂ s t o ® t l A ' I I I i f u1(1 * '̂ L'* 'isL-V̂ U "lit ^ I S -t ' i. 1" 4* i ' i f ■ M H ' m im m . % -im- ? ■ ,>H i'.Ci 'U.1; €S!:'̂aŝ^ ,- Mi.a m % i f ' Siimlif i^trfl«<» , , , to rn «,m.--Church School, in cJodinff Adult C1«m 11 «.m. A 7:80 p*iii.--ProMhln* Services. A hesrty welcome to sll Dry brittle half damaifcd by salt, water and HUn 'can be treated «o tha t »oft lUKtrouit wavoH arc back aKafn. We'have a variety of treatmonta in cluding Herbex and Silhouette IVeat- nienta. Call for consultation a t the Gwendolyn Denuty Shoppe, Gmndolyn 'j Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive PermauentSt 15411 Marine Drive West 117 HOLLYBORlf HALL ■ . » 14 th and Duchess Sunday. August 4th at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening a t 7:30 (iospcl Service. Si)eakor: Mr, T. McLaren. 'ruesduy a t 8 p.m, , ; * Prayer and Bible Study. Subjecl. "The PsalmH." WEST VANCOUVER ChrisHain Science • dOClClJ CHUECII EDIFICE 20th anil Baquiwalt, HoUybam, •njia Society is « «»'a»ch of The Mother Church T1 »e F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, ■MasBaebusetts Sunday Service; 11:80 a.m. S u n d a y , Auifust 4 th SUBJECT^: "LOVK" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially , in vited to attend our services and meetings. "You Cai inSLSONS LAUNDRIES LTl tA U N D E B E R sX jB V „ |C ti* A J iB |® .,.tJ ^ ^ C C. FINNEY, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 f " 9uatnt f^tjtsana an tiqu es ; 2435 Marine Drive We Iniy and sell old china, glass, byass, silver, small ant îques handmade rugs and g u i l ts T EL B PH 0N E -W B 8T ^2-M ' C H U R C H E S OF C H R IST S C IE N T IST DR» a D, H, S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. ■HCIkllTIlBT . X-Kay Hay'Block, 14th and Merino Dr. Office Hours 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. I'lxo ■" ■rkono West 72 THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Aveuue Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday, August 4th l)R.McRAE D E N T I S T forhiorly'Of 706 Medical-Dental Building ' Hours: 0 to 0 --■ Evenings by appointment. Marino-Drive----W-cat-432--I860-] 11 a.m.--Rev; J. Dinnage Hob- den. executive secretary, John Howard Society of British Columbia. Subject: "The Res- . pon.sibilities of Discipleship." 7:.'10 p.rii.--iRev. Dr. W. S. Reid. Subject: VThe Christian Back ground and Wartime'Think ing." Bstablialied on North, Shore 25 Yeara (body Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Bicectars Hollyliurn Funeral Home 18tfa and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlora 122 "West Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East _____ ElumflJB!iiiiva34------- ^ WEST "VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Mfirine and 25th St.t "LOVE" will be the .subject of the Lesson - Sermon 'in a l l Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is. "0 God, Thou art, my God . . . Because thy lovingkindnes.s-is better than life, my lips shall praise thee (Psams 63: 1, 3)., Among the citations which comprise the I^sson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: '̂No man hath seen God at any time. If we.love one another, God* dwelleth in us, and his love is pierfeoted in u.s" (1 John 4:12). The Lesson-Sermon also in- „ cludes___ the following ̂ passage from the Christian Science text book, " Science arid Health "with , Hey to the S'eriptures" by Mary ^aR €FT 5ddyr7"Mm*talB~believe- WEST VANCOUVER ' COLLEGE. ^ M25 GORDON A V E D a y & Boarding School for Boys GrAdea 1 to 12 , ' . Special Kindergarten Class. -Physical Education, Music, etc, TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 4th For particulars kindly call or phone the Principal W est 637-M ,•8" iiJnuT -- r........ ....-- --n --II --II--»n--n-- n-- DRIVE OUT---DINE OUT at W li3̂ <^cliff Park Pastor: Robert H. Birch in a finite personal God; while God is infinite Love, which must be unlimited." Overlooking beautiful Howe Sound, a t the terminus of. West Marine Drive, 30 minutes TrofiTlown ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ - Salads ̂ Tasteful Luncheons - Afternoon Teas Dinners ... ̂ .Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services 11 ami. and 7 :30 p-m. Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:30. 13vangelical. independent. cordially welcome. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PICNIC --------- ■ z BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay "t344 Gordon Ave. The first West Vancouver Chamber of - Commerce picnic last Sunday to Bowen Island was quite a success, and the members an dtheir friends who made the trip enjoyed a good day's out ing. At the same time a number th e city were deterr- Music available for after-dinner dancing Regular Ferry Service connecting for rBowen Island Reservations and Menu's for Banquets, Club Luncheons and Conventions giveA personal - attention ,UNION ESTATES LTD. JM ephiaie WhytMliff 75-M, T R inity 1321" or MA rine 5438 i for reservations-- Burrard Laundry, Ltd. welf known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L Sunday, August 4ih 11 a.m.--Rev. H; Harris will preach. The Lord's Supper will be administered. 7:30 p.m. -- David Willington will be in charge of the ser vice. Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts •Bathinir, Boating, Pishing Tca-room», Homo-Cooked Meals ^ . Sandy Benches ' ̂V Cattagc8 for rent by montii . or week 'Church School and Bible Class will meet at 10 o'clock. Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m. 4-- Prayer meeting. J. B. Holdcroft will conduct the meeting. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev, F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, August 4th w m ON INY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON I M t MAatNK ORIVB W IST 360 Jti-iiilrttw A.a T. of B.O. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion . 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--EK ênsong and Ser mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3 p,m.r--Evensong and Sermori. here and in ed from coming owing to the threat of rain, and as ^ result it is not likely that there will be any 'suiT)lus to turn over to the local Red Cross, 'for winch rea son the Chamber hopes ̂ toTputon- something later for this good cause.. A very pretty picnic ground beside the lake had be^n allotted the Chamber by the Union Estates Ltd., and here a ihappy time was Sj^nt in games And sports, the rain fortunately not coming on until most of the programme was over. The following is a list of the sports' winners: __ 25 yds., girls 6̂ years and under, 1, Maureen ". ;2v? Shai'on Seeds. 25 yds., hoys 6 FERGUSON'S MOVING AND STORAGE ALSD DAILY FREIGHT SERVICE TU & PROM VANCOTIVER- Leave West Vancouver 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Leave Vancouver 10-12 noon and . 3 p.m. Leave Vancouver Sat. only 10 a.m., 1 p.m. , Phones': TRin 0429, W est 85 OF A DOMT . . . SPECIAL S aw dust... .......... $3.60 per unit Dry Slabfl........... $6.00 per cord Inside. Fir!-- from shed ____ $6.00 per cord from xnlU ........$&.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Edgings $3.75 per cord PIUTAM'S FUEL Fhene North 620 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2Srd & Inglewood Ave. THE Rev. Father Van '^aaton Sunday Services Low Mass-- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon <- a.m. ; ^ Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p,m 10:15 W ^ S t V '€ U l N b Z V S Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 "ZTuBltBBtdrBvory Thursday Week-day Services , years and under, 1, Bobby Seeds; . 2, Raymond Grant. 25 yds., girls 9 years and under, 1, Shir ley Sharpe; 2. Mary Jane Jordan. 25 yds., boys 9 years and under, 1, David Smith; 2, Bruce Shell- ard. 50-yds.,-girls 12'years and undei% 1, Shirley Sharpe; 2. Maiy_ Jane Jordan. 50 yds., boys 12 and under, 1, George Grant; , 2, David Smith. Thread and 'needle race, 1, Mr. and Mrs. R. Seeds; 2, Miss K. Watson and M. Jack. Balloon race, l,„Mrs, R. Seeds;, 2, Mrs. Smith. Men's Shoe Scramble, 1, 'Pat McGillivray; 2, Bobby Seeds. Back-to-back race, 1̂ Hilda Mc- " Gillivray and Gerry Sinith; 2. Kay Watson and Mervyn Jack. 2 "Discus Throw, 1, Mrs. Bennett; 2. Mrs. Smith. Ladies* Cracker' Eating contest, 1, Mrs. E. Smith ; Keinvorth ..Clipper buses winch serve' North' Shore people are the smoothest, surest, safest, buses ever perfected for- passenger safety and'comfort. , ' From 6:45 in the morning un til 1:25 the next morning a steady round trip service, to and from Vancouver is. in ' effect, with a great many add itional trip s added during rush hours. - "-I - JN'C-"* Careful, courteous drivers, most -of them North Sh|ore residents, sec you :get super service. Daily inspection of ail buses I guarantees perfect safety. Arm-chair coriifort insures relaxation after the day's work. • Publishixr" F. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1701 Marine Drive ^ Phone West 55 Mass -- 8 a.m. _ J Fridays--R o a ^ , Benediction ; 7:45. t^ tu rd a y s -- Confessions; 7:80 to 8:30 p.m. ' Nortli Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave. > J, S. Eckman o f Caulfeild wrote .the Council re shortage of water. The. Council replied that a by-IaW'would shortly be placed before t h e "electorate which Mrs. C, Shaipe. Cigarette race, 1, Mrs. C. Sharpe and Walter Tem'pe ;__2,_earmen_John^^ and . Ross Dickie. Men's CrackeFEat^ ing contest, 1, Gerry Smith; 2. Mr. Buck. Men's Drinkipg oon- t̂est, 1, Cliff .Tearoe; 2. Marvyn Jack. I t costs n o 'more to avail, yourseh of these advantages.Ride w ithuSand smile. ^--------- oeiore t n e eieoxorarê ^̂^̂^̂^ 11.00 a year t2.oo a year would rectify the situation. The Council purchased froni Jukes Co.;$700.worth West Vancouver 4 ^ per cent, bonds at '93 for the Silking pSind.'