P R O V IN C IA L EsIaBUihed'over IB' yefirC 4.«.. EstabUshed over 16 y«ar«. , ' f f .' * 1 * Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^ Ambleside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave .... ...........Bc'peroopy Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER* B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1st. h o a k d in g a n d PROFITEEBING COUNCIL NOTES TOC H CABNIVAL SWIMMING Wars have always produced hoardujK and profiteering, uMuse human nature does not chawe. The herders m all ^ 2 \i'v to gather more.than is required for their day-to-day > "̂ " iJemints, fearing that prices will be sure^^ S v bm'ond the depth of their purses. For the most part, thcrefwe they are people in avetage circumstances, to whomtneitJuiL uii jr j,iu« UoaJrt /vntvimnH fiPfi anAllfl h fird ah many i w in the cost of theJasic.commodR^^^^^ K actual privation. They forget, of course, that-their ofimi ionda tohProduce that very increase m prices which fhev have beei?^t^ing to guard against, as actuall:r occurred S / a i i S at the beginning, of the present conflict. ̂ But, while a^ l̂Shnesl is at the bottom o f their, buying, it is, after all, S y ^ selfishness, to which they are driven hv the hard circumstances of. their lives, apd so one can feel ,/certain amount of sympathy for them On the other handj - the profiteer is not out .to save but in make His is the mind of the trader raised to. the nth degree, which is, incapable of measuring anything except in S s of money. He is o f that type who in peace batten on L flesh and blood, of ..their fellows, p d to whom, therefore, war only represents a greater opportunity for such vampire activities. There is another variety, too, of the same species, although not usually included under the name of "profiteer, namely, the man who let's George do the fightii^. He is nhysically and mentally -fit and has a good job, which he is determined to hold down for just so long as o th p s wdl do the fighting for him or until conscription catches him;, There were many of them in the Great War, this kind .of profiteer i n a-personal-wayy-and-they-are-with-us-today.- W. Tinney was present at the Council meeting re hewage dis>̂ posal for the apartment building he proposes to build on 17th street. The Council authorized the issue of a building permit on condition that the owners give a satisfactory guarantee to build a septio tank and pipe to connect with a rock pit to be placed on the south side of Marine and bn the east* side of 17th Street. Have you ever doubted the Classes for hofifioPbrs and in immense value of healthy, hap^iy advanced swimming and plain and vigorous children to a muni- diving are being held Monday, cipality'Mf so, a little co-opefa- Tuesday. Wednesday and Fri- tion with Toe H at, their Grand day afternoons at pundarave Carnival on Friday and SatUr- Pier. Phono Eileen Bod^ former day nights in aid of the Child- assistant to Molly Edwards, ren's Playground, may make a West 1127-L.*** deep impression on your niind* --* The Council passed a resolu tion recommending to the 1941 Council that-they make a grant of $300 to V.O.N. The expei't services of Pat Mal- 'oney, Eden Cafe, Vancouver, have been scoured for both even ings. Mr. , Maloney, a native of Killarney,, Ireland, is an exper- WBST VANCOUVER COLLEGE Miss Parkyn Wrote the Coun cil re odor at :14th and Marine. Left to Engineer and Sanitary , Inspector with power to act. in order to curb this hoarding and prpfiteeri^ there has been established the Wartime Priced ,and T rad e^ ard , which has been vested with enormous powers, but it acts through co- n5peratiuirTather~than"by~proseoution^-- ^he-principle-guid A letter was received by the, Council from R.vB. Crummie, asking for a one year's extension of. lease to the Technical School cabin on the Ridge. Referred to Councillors Sears; and Richard son for report. - West Vancouver College, a i v i i i H r i i « y „ . . . - r - - f».V ■»id boarding' school tor iencod reader in palmistry,.ast- hoys, situated at 1425 Goi- vnintTv And ixranholoffv -^^e., will open lor the fall A® s a fv comfortaWe and en- term on September 4th. The cur- joyable spot wherein the young- riculum covers Grades 1 to 12, iters can play and their mothers ami included are Physical educa- can rest is the aim of Toe H, and tion, music, etc., and a special the Municipal Council. have kindergarten class. . - granted this privilege and have Any parents or fthers intei- promised-theiiL-assiBtance-JVhm_/ - needed in the work. iJoin in the carnival fun tomorsi^Qipal at West 687-M. , , , row' and Saturday at the Orange ing its activities in stabilization of .prices has consisted of efforts to provide an adequate and regular flow of supplies to the Canadian market rather^ than at any attempt at wide-' spread price-fixing or price, control." Its investigations have covered the supply and distribution of sugar, textiles, fuel, leather, beans, flour, mill feeds, cod liver oil and other neces sities, and have been done through co-operation of the Gov ernment's Weights and Measures- Service and the Royal C h adian Mounted'Holic^;" 'A s stated"afl5ve'^aM6ugfi action has been taken where necessary, the Board has been able to obtain its results in the main by cor^i^ration/ - Naturally, there is no scheme which oan wholly eliminate, hoarding and profiteering. The, people, at any'rate in a demo cracy like ours, make war and pay for war, which is the most expensive thing in the world, l^cause its,primary object is destruction. And the best guarantee that these two evils -wiH-be-redneed to a minimum4s-a^ieaIization^f-4jMs-f-aet-by- Jhe_nation_as - a-whole'.__- _ i----- ^ ----------------------------------- The Council received a letter T rm "tlTe~DitectorT)f-Postal-Ber=- vices advising that their request for postal boxes_,had been re ferred to Headquarters. Hal!, become a kid again for a few hours aiid see what a kick can be had with a few nickles.^c dimes and a "smile. It is all for the Children's Playground. CADIO SERVICE f f ' . Bert Porter of - the Signal Radio Service announces in thiif' -SEyECIAL-BmitXJCRIPa._____^ TO HORSESHOE .BAY issu e. that he is , prepared to guarantee all repairs and tubes for three months. He has r hud ■ten years' e^ ^ T ien ce^ ir^ h e'l/WAi *-• British Columbia radio industry ■ * ■ ■ • i •. i- . "1 J ' ■ lA*̂ ' ' -- ~ \ The Council ' requested the Building Inspector to attend their next meeting in connection with, his, written: report mit he had granted for a new bunkhouse at the Great Northern Cannery.. ^ . A T~ hoof aĴ d any interested are asked to D u r i n g August special ^one .him at North 162 (toll " P ® S ® ■'rr*'̂ » a v te ifth e charge deducted), every Wednesday, leaving _______________ _ city dock at 1:45 p.m., calling at I Egrj^^pEg p^OM a i^ fn ftt^ H o i^ sh ^ ^ ^ SINKING DESTROYER I f n t T i h e ^ f e y fishtagrbo?te"' "O"* «*•"* eye-witness The British Pacific Properties Ltd. notified the Council they were applying to ̂ the Water Comptroller for a license to di- LEGION W;A. HOLLYBURN HALL The tea which was ,to have been held at the home of Mrs. Batchelor to raise funds for the Soldiers' Comforts has been post poned until a later date. Any members of the Auxiliary who would like to .volunteer for the National Registration work, will please get in touch with Mr. Blower, .1405 Marine. Dirve. Sunday, August ^tji, is Na- JipnaLCommemoration-Day^and- all members are invited to nt- ^pd a mass service at Mountain- View Cemetery, meeting at 33rd and Main at 2:30 p.m. There will be Sunday School and vYoung People's Bible. Class at 10 a.m. next Sunday. August 4th, 'in Hollyburii Hall, and at 7 :30 p.m.-the same day a. Gospel Service'^will-be held,--when--the- speaker ■ will' ̂be T . , McLaren. Tuesday, at 8 p.m., prayer and Bibje study, subject "T h e Psafos." vert 250,000 gallons .perHay for ■ use -on- their-golf-course^at the 1200 foot level from a stream flowing into Lawson Creek. The- Council .are protesting to -th e - Comptroiler against the propos ed diversion owmg to its effect on.the properties OT owners lower down the Creek. spent at me accounts of the dramatic sinking, wm nrtT ^ve on t o return W H.M.C.S. Fraser in the coastal until 7 :30 p.m., reaching Amble- Bordeaux, France, has side Dock at W e s ta y of how men trapp- from^the clty^ 'iduFt" '50 cents ed in the-interior of the Cana- trom -,o xrnova dian destroyer made their way return; cM dren-iip^toaa^m ^̂ thmue-h a hole blaste Jf qs r e n ^ l t ^ ̂ i i ^ through a hole blasW■-l-u?f-'- | s - e ^ ^ . - S d r e B - 25--in'the-ship!s-side fe-descr 'livet a letter from a member of the "a n" elfildren un to crew,. Wallace H. Murray, to hiaadults, 40 cents,-children.up lo - .T„mes Murray of 12 years, 25 cents. iQUAINT-GIFTS-AND- ANTIQUES ELOCUTION SUCCESSES In the recent Trinity College Examinations, Margaret: Rich ardson, associate teacher%of Anne Mossman F.T.C.U., completed the practical and theoretical exams and has obtained ber A.T.C.L. Mrs. Maxwell, who has had a longtexperienoe in this business ill the city, announces in this issue that she has opened a storb for quaint gifts and an- tiques-at 2435 Marine,Drive. Old ebiria, g l ^ , brass, silver, small antiques handmade rugs and quilts, etc., will be bought and , sold; The patronage of local resi- . dents is asked for and will be ̂appreciated. The telephone num ber iis West 332-M. - . ~ R. R . .Rlobinson v^qte the Council re dangerous condition o f the planking at 2395 Marine. He was advised that,, while peo ple on the Drive hafl been doing their own planking between their lot lines and the sidewalk, the Council were willing to put in a fill there providing he would T)uild a bulkhead, but.th.at other- ^wise they might have, to place "a* barricade -round -the planking. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FOR CHILDREN'S PLAY € ^ U NP ' The following subsoriptions have, been received through this mother, Mrs. James Murray of 2324 Haywood Ave. "It all happened so suddenly it seems like a bad dream," the, letter states. "I was asleep in my hammock when the disaster came." Murray, who. is a first-oIasA ~ k p e " f ^ X stoker, discovered that six of his ver S T to .g d T r® a fS y ^ H eV ^ ^ ^ ®"eov"w BrewS donation his way through the gaping hole s s t t ^ s e s f s A ' «?•*>- s f « - A. H. Bayne wrote the Coun cil asking that Nelson Ave. be opened between 22nd and . 23rd Streets. The Engineer stated this would cost about. $424. Re ferred to the Chairman of the Board of Works for attention. gling in the sea which was cov ered with a thick layer of oil. It _________ clung to clothes and face alike, A snecial form is now avail- making it doubly:" dtfflcult to ^ special luxiu^iB Iiw Y____ Vvvnof.Vi/>, fiTi/1 keet> afloat. r e f u g e e COMMITTEE WEST VANCOUVER a^N IC IP A L FERRIES H orsesiioe B a yf ' 1-̂ E v e i y W e d n ^ d a y - i n - A w g u s t Xeave .City/Dock, 1 :45-p.in.; AmbkaBide DpclC 2:15 p.m. • arr. Horseshoe Bayr3:30 p.in'.-; Leave-Horseshoe Bay, 7 :3(^p.m. arr. A ^ le s i& ' Dock, 8{45'p.m.; arr; City Dock, 9:15 p.m. Fares from the City--r , * " "T J- ^ u lts, 50c, return; "children, up to 12* years, 35c. return; Single,- adults, 3 ^ ; children, 25c.;; Fares from Ambleside-- \ , Return, adults, 40c;. children u ^ 12 years, 25c.' . The Vancouver City Clerk not ified the4::ouncil that the permis sion granted to run. buses over the oity streets expires 13th August. Referred to the Reeve' and Chairman of Transportation for attention. abte f « anyone w i K to breathe and to keep f o r t . inate ̂p r S o f l i & s " ' t o L anottor - m s F but we don't know what they are Mvl: R. R i d ™ '193-R. Ifoing to do with us yet," , ,, W.C.T.U. __ The-CounciLm'ade; a. grant, of $25 to the Toe H C?amival to be held this week at.. the Orange - m i l 7 ' -V .. -The annual"summer tea of the W.C.T.U. was held in the garden of the Rev, and Mrs. W. L. Mac- going to do with us yet. Muiray is 22 and joined the crew of the Fraser at E^quimalt two years ago. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD SEA SCOUTS, Sea Scouts! All Sea Scouts will meet at Hollyburn Pier Fri day, August 2nd at 6-p.m. ' V from th l^ P r o ^ w fn l S S u t iv e were delivered Townswomen's Guild will not mejal y t a T P r S c ia l meet this week. The next meet-by Mr,̂ . Jas. Gray, ^rov Friday, August 23rd President, and_Mrs. Jas. iiAnio of Mrs Ostrom,Vice-president. Other guests in- at the ,home of Mrs. ustroir, Miss Margaret Plant of De troit is the house gueet o f her niece, Mrs. H. Fallows, Sandy (5)ve. eluded Mrs. J. Esslemont, Van couver, and Mrs. . McPherson, North Vancouver. Tea was pour ed by Mrs. A. L. Beamer and Mrs. G. H. Faulknor, bnngmg a very pleasant afternoon to a .close. 17th and/Esquimalt, at 2 p.m. fct , , , _ Lecturer-- am going to speak about the farmer's best friend- Do you know what that is?" Pamer-- '̂Sure. A politician up for re-election." T* ' z" ........... .... . ■ Hi*