__ f § 8̂ Mw* nrarv wi?CKn Xujui yvjSiisri July 26th. 19M rr ■■ Tf' FiuHM w«t M A* Wbi^tiy- Smith H«to-w«M n« . Ff## IlsUfify Strti«« . Montlily Ac^imt PRrCKH FOR FRI. and SAT., JUl.V 26(h and 27lh M E A T S l e g io n n o t e s The i^lluJai' rnetitiiigs of the Legion ^ i i "i 0sp en d ed ^n ^ Friday^ September 6th, for the summer reo^s* . A t the last meeting it was un animously a^ eed to donate joU to the local Bed Cross Irom the profits of the reoent boat dray^ ing to help them with their good work. ■■„.,■■' i'- ' yLu,,: During tHe past ieW months the branch has made eonsider- able growth ip new mem^*rs^^ and still they come in. 1 he new m em l^rs type needed, men who are anxious to give ser- ■ "p",'...... ................vice to their less ' * .............. rades and the benefit^*^ftheli past experieh(^es and training to the younger fighting men ol. to day .'■ -'-"'f" : . , ' During the past few weeks it has been very gratifying to note th a t quite a few of the most pressing demands made on the Government at the Montreal Convention, and which at that time were considered out of. the question, have been put into ef fect such a s i; A more vigorous, attitude towards the war, free ing of the hands of the R.C.M.P.; in regards to aliens, and the aug- national Kt*<l ik White »r*nd CO FFER- Mb, Itound Gl«»« i«r ............... 52c |.lb. Vacuum Tin ............. ......... 4Sc Ukc Jar«i t o r camUng. Have the Oupuna for Valuable < Fremiuma Nabob DICED IIEEIH--Tall Un lOc Hed & White WHOLE KBKNEL ' CORN--2 tall Una ................... 25c Ued tic Whlto PEACHEg--Tin ..... IGe (Htfced or halved) NalK>b HKD PLUMB--Toll tin ...,l(te Ited 8i White CHICKKN lUCE SOUP --Tin ................. t ic HKADV DINNKU-Jiffy. No. J tin ....................................... 14c VegetabIcM and Meata, ready to KI«FV|k Httcl |4|lit Heady Cut MACAUONl--2 Iba. 16c SWHl-:r PHUNE8--K.D. Brand. aU>tljum Nizt% 2*lb. carton .......... 16l IttHi He WliJte Brand Puro PLUM JAM--l-lh. tin ........■.............. ;....37c K.D. Hriind AHSORTED BI8CUITS-- Plain and Haiidtvich. Lb...............23c Weat 370 Free Dali very BEEl^ PORK LAMB VEAL ' All Grade A & A1 Deiicatessen <f Fresh Fish Daily BONED CHICKEN 7-0/.. tin -Aylmer. .25c Engagement Mr. and Mrs. H. J. P latt, 1073 .Jefi'erson Av., West Vancouver,, announce the engagement of their cldest'daughter, Vera Joan, to Mr. A rthur M orris . Lear, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lear, 628 East 22nd St., North Vancouver. 'J'he wedding will lican Church on August 10th, a t 8 p.m, Service L O M S m O n u iit, SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH k THERE IS , NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY "WMim. EHIIiDERS' SUPPLIES BOOFING ^ TILE CANADA pA Iirr*C O M P ^ Y *IiT »r*---- - - * " - - - WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West US C L A S S IF IE D A D S The, rate for C l a s s ifi«t Advertiaemente ia 2 cento pter word, minimum i n o r u le l o r y ^ AUrwiaa h<i«rlHir PAcntlAif* njci:otiiitfl. n il rlnauL25 « iIS . B«*pt in the <rf ^ h » T t a » ««»>ia.ts. .11 c ta l . S tho West Vnii. N ew , get lm m edl.t. results. HINSO--Largo Hid & White Brand TOILITr '0SSUE --Finest (luality. 4 . rolls ...!.......25c PremirH PHEI'AHED MUSTARD-- <)-oz. jar .................. .̂..........9c ALL BRAN--Kellogg's. Lge. Pkt. 19c GORDON ROBSON . Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Scy*;4199 at West Vancouver any time by X anuointment. West 408. ■ FOR SALiEi--Doberman pincher pup- piea, sired by Champion Rolf von Lackenblick. Apply 1001 Sinclair, C. J. BED CKOSS NOTES CONSULT M ACL AREN at . Archer Ltd. for all ments. Dwelling, Aiuto, Burglary, - Mjarme- , Plate Glass, etc. _____ _________ FOR SALE--Piano in good condition. Cheap. $75 or offer. Bog 50, West Van. News. , A radio programmie to be known as "Voice of Red Cross," will be broadcast over the CBC Network from 2:60 to 3 p.m., rST, very Sunday afternoon , , . ^ , A from how on. The Red Cross hits take place in St. Stephen s-Ang^ the nolicv of making menting of The force iw>iMi thimv'ii mi'AiimiMf iDf.li nf. ^ « i i-u* resfistration, opportunities for and uc«e|)tmg only new clothing j'̂ ^rger n S r s for relugces overseas, and paL The Editor of the West Van. News will be pleased to receive aclc- nowledge subscriptions for the ,W,eBt Vancouver Children's Playground Campaign which has been under taken by Toe H through permission of the Municipal Council. ^ Please mark contributions Toe H , Children's Playground.___________ FOR SALE -- Solid walnut 5-piete bedroom suite; genuine leather den chesterfield suite; kitchen table and 4 chairs. Phone after 5 p.m., Weat 329-R. FOR SALE -- Cabinet radio, Moffat electric range. Bargains. Also gar age for rent. 2487 King's. SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer Guests, Transient and Permanent. „8678 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. FOR SALE -- Child's cot, bungalow bed. spring aiid ihattress, high chair, bantam chickens and coop. West 504-R. H. TUOWSDALE . . PASSES. A_WAY. terns are being forwarded to all branches. P'ifty thousand.cigar- *eties are given weekly to Cana dian soldiers in hospital by the Overseas Committee of the Can adian , Red Gross Society. His in the present forces, conscrip tion of industry ,wealth and man pow er,etc_______ ^-- ------------- PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) . :: _418_Howe_ St. TRin. 1271. FOR SALEt--Large wheelb f̂rrow, vac- - uum with attachments, 50 feet heavy electric ' extension.. West 216-y. "5. R. W. ("Bob") Trowsdale, 899 Broughton, veteran friend of all -A^eterangMind--frequent-eontr-ib-- =r-- n------- utor of artioks to The Vancou- ^^.^cellency, Lari of Athlone, vei' Daily Province on the Great Fnvri War, died iii Florence Nightin- succeeding the , gale Hospital Thursday follow- ing H brief illness. He Was busy h "„^h up to the last few days on HOW CAN I HELP WIN THE WAR? Local Agent, F Bhyliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue. " ■ West 522-R FOR SALE--I hand« sewing machine, 1 2-burner electric plate. 1488 Es- quimalt Ave. , articles on Lord Gort and Sir Edmund Allenby. . Trowsdae threw his honie at Horseshoe Bay-open to, all vet erans in distress and had a wide, circle of veteran friends. Cross Society. The local branch ha.s received thirj:y"new blankets, 91 used and $256.86 cash for pur chasing through Headquarters at $1;7_5 each. More than 75,000 blankets . have been donated throughout Canada, 8000 coming from British Columbia. These, are strenuous times for Canadians, each doing his or her best to assist Canada in its war effort, nevertheless ̂there are times when the question is . ask ed "W hat more can I dp?" An easy and effective \yay to solve this problem has been suggested by D. Leo Dolan, Chief of the Canadian Travel Bureau -- jiis t sit down and write a few lines to friends arid relatives in the used. ' Expert' operators. Phone West 30î , Royal Bank Building. Lot on paved - street, $350.00. "LAWSON, WALKER & , PRIDE 1704..Marine Drive. West 55 COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver , Phones: West 21, 204-M, 913-L. WOOD, COAL. Earth for Fills and gardens, blacktop for roadways; rock, sand and gravel. Steve Lowrie, West 256-Y, II -1 . H i The In-Between.Age . .Small Son--You never ^noxv where you are with women, do you, dnd?. Miinuny Htiya I'm too bitr to erv, and rr.1 » 1 uTir 1 n United States inviting them to The Iwal Work Committee, spend their vacation in Canada, under Chairmanship of Mrs. W. hifltnrv B. . Small, reported for June as follows ~WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--^Parcels, Bag*gage> light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. . ' FOUND--Young black and white set ter, Burnaby Jicense. Phone W. 599-R. ' - H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 546 then .she says I'm too small to sit up laTe, Hospital supplies distributed 325* ppurids of woof distributed, ramble Never before in Canada's history have American travellers been more "welcome in tlfe Just let them know they can GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey, 4199 at West Vancouver any time by HANDY ANN iSHOP, 2442 Marine- Ankle Sox, Wool,.-Einbroidery Sup- 4 )liesy-̂ - Notioim. Chinaware, jHard- M , ------- - about and enjoy our samples com- sports, our National Parks," the jjgpleted 12Q, pneumonia j ackets--^roniance-of=our^ities-=o,n(L^the- J ' Hr V i t . U I V jStklili ̂ oIujhUa i l l »f Ojs P 4 i'JU P r1 is :* ,->1 ' if I - '?>4i IJl- it's t e l 'll ? ! m r' f : r l i ' f i f WM-,fM ; 11- ~ *-■[ ' . c ^ i fM' .iM :. J. t,' completed H)0, refugee garments received 801, hospital, supplies received from units 349, socks received from units 259, sweat-* ers received from units 41. The "Work Committee"- has arranged 'defin ite hours, hs fol-- lows: Monday, 9 a.m.. High School units; 1 p.m., refugee fresh beauty of our countryside rWE-HAVEj SEVERAL-real-bargains- in acreage. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE =,il7q_4=Marine-Drive. ̂ ^JWest_ 55- ware, Baby Garments. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 653-R-l. as freely and fully as in the days bSs^and^?er??1 vS t7 o75 L̂ ̂of peace. Advise them of the and lerry. west 1075-L. benefits which are th ^ rs through a situation which enhances the -v^lue of United States currency. Impressrupon them the-fact thaWsiTUATlONS-WANTED -- House- WANTEd_ ^ daily maid for Gaul- feild. Able .to cook. Phone West 70-M3. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. . G. Meldnun, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ____ _ FLOOR SURFACING-^. Sutherland. West 483 or North 578. _ the war has created no new re strictions regarding the entry Committee; Tuesday, 1 to 4 p.m., and departure from Canada.' Re distribution and receiving of mind them that, as in the past, wool supplies; Tuesday and there is the opportunity to spend J3iureday_,JLl_ajn^tQLA_p_jm,_disr___happ-y-carefi:ee-day&-in-thisJo-ve-_ tribution and receiving of hos- keeper, experienced, good plain cook, for business couple, or few men.- Any place of trust. West 544-R. PAINTING AND bieCORATING -- • Estimates free." J. H. W'idley, West 1022-L. ̂ _ ' V ______ FOUND -- Child's bi«fycle. ,Bon-Ton Confectionery. GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all rista, . one policyi all loi^tions. SEy. 4991 or . West " What went ye out to see? M ountains, Lakes, Ocean Beaches,-great Rivers churning pital supplies; Fi'iday, 10 a su rre a l dressings. Since the Red Cross Treasure House opened a short time ago,- they have turned over to the local branch $255.47. The following is the list of successful candidates in the Red Gross Home Nursing Classes: ^Irs; A. Bill, 3856 Marine Drive, Miss Doris Collins, 1039 Esplan ade, Mrs. E. Toniey, 2127 Marine Drive, Mrs. Ida Hamilton, 2193 Argyle Ave., Mi's, F. W. Barbour,* 763 17th St., All's. C. B. Edgar, 1280 Fulton Ave., Mrs. Evelyn clasp of friendly welcome. In this strange war that is upon-us-it"Ts""curiou5"i;hat^"the' WANTED -- Unfurnished suite; 2 ̂ FIRE HAZARD -- large- or-S-small-roomsf-near-bus:-- --Protect--yohr-hoine .-and-contents. tdurist trade, a peaceful, happy W. 689-L. business which is associated w ith ' pa in tin g . PAPERHANGIING, stuc the brightest side of life, should become an important cog in the wheels of strife; Canada in the prosecution of. its" efforts to bring peace and justice again to the world requires yital mach-^ ines and equipment which m ust' be purchased across the border Co-spraying, first class work, mat- Terms 'arranged P. Games, W. 974-L. ̂ ^ ' Rates less than of J P®f cent. Percy" T.-Masterman. Real Estate, Notary; 2446' Marine, West 1077. " -- U)ST--Pair glasses* on' .Dundiu-ave ^ler ^esday evening. Reward. Phone W. 454-R. CASH FOR JUNK - r Bottles, ragft Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stom Tools; etc.; nothing too big or wo small. Burrard Junk Co., West 9b I ■ ^ ^ l^^ether to carry out or aban- These must be paid for in U.S. their vacation plans for this n t i V J A cuj7«Doy and to ob tain -these year. Your personal note of as- - we must sell them some- surance that.all is well in Gan- and fretting in their rocky Beryl Gray, 2595 Mathers thing worth th ^ r money, and that the highways' arc beds? British Columbia has w h a t'more worthwhile is there Argyle Ave. Mrs. Gertrude M. than a vacation in Canada. The Mar^ntette, 2569 Marme Drive, American tourist dollar spent in I'eturns to the United St, M r^ F . E, 2241 States for the purchase of mat- G retta A ;, erials and equipment. I t creates today. -- "*More-jobs--f<)iH[nore-peoplerMany-- ------ - VACATION TIME--Make use of the West .yan . Night Patrol. Efficient service. Phone West 9 2 7 - R .___ them a!L' iri a ^ k h profusion surpassed nowhere on th is Continent. -It offers the scenlc- wonderfandof Vancouver Island, the Fraser Canyon, the historic "C¥fT bboT^t he"grol e l i o ^ smooth, the golf courses green, and the fish biting, may be-the deciding factor in drawing visit- I t requires but- effort to write. Do your bit CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Ckam* lay way; guaranteed; brick aM stone repairs; ' Palnier, Capuano,v, North 811-R-2. ■ LAWN M O W ^ S SHARPENBU^r Special :-;]nachine; ./repairs, West Viuicottver Machine Shop, 144 --^Marine;l-r-*̂ "̂7r̂ ^ ■ 1 ' Y-'Y'?'" Y JyI t 1 - f i f . r it \J-J 'b t y ; - ; ' tv'"' ' i t '-fr ' '"p U t iS f t "I ' V ] ^ 1 ' " P S j f Ifl .I'l 4. ,1 . % Okanagan, the rugged grandeur of the'Kootenays, the inspiring /majes t̂y of-the-Big-B^xl. \ - THIS YSAR SEE BRITISH COLUMBIA > ** This Vacationland that has 'Everything.*' F ish eri]^ iis Cove Class; Mrs. of these people will, .no doubt, Gwen B; F^guson , Fisherman s be able to enjoy our Canadian Cove, Mrs. Margie Harvey, Caul- hospitality. feildi 55^ ^ ' Prime M inist^"arid"o t h ^feild, Mrs. S. B. Smith, Fisher- • .................... s u m m e r ; CLASSl^'.how in sesw on. ^ollybarn-zBusiness _Collegej_V)^„ leuq, Mrs. P^'omment officials have issued to residentsDMhwodd, C ^lfe jld , Mre. L. C. of the UnrtM States to visit our 6960 Marine Drive, Mrs. country, ^ h e Canadian Travel IL G* HarriSi Eagle Harbor, Mrs. , Bureau has conducted Not Dependable "Why did you kick your little bro ther in the stomach?" __^ He 341. W. H. YASS,. Chiropractor, HoUybnxh Block. ; Suite 4» ^~*TVell, it was his own-fault, turned around." •■ .' 9^ the duties of a PAPERHANGING,' Painting, Kalw; mining; ! ^ t dass work, at teas able rates.'H. Gaines, West 962^ TMC MUTtSH COLUMDIA OOViRNMINT TlUyiL BURIAU,^ ' bioertmMt.af Tr*4« mi4 twhiWfir, M" k e S t K S i t e K re;i;i^e" e f S 1 S i v " tisine ^ " a te e f ^tSeJeari.*Bovd: Fisherman>c Govp P«nir.nt,^ ^v e rtis in g report of a guardian in ch ^g e of the^ Chilcotan watershed, Thi^i We not designed to a ttrac t T h ^ e are^ now 19,500 Junior tourists to the Dominion. Fast WANTED^-Li s t in g s of houses. • have several ; clients we have been able to suit. „ wottiV, LAWSON; 'WALKER . & 1704 Marine-Drive .^ _ W £ s t w Red, Cross branches throughout moving events, howev^^' h^A lU S covered 3,948 RE-ROOFINio^ENUINE Û BOID C m ato /W ith a , membership o f r^eated a situ ation T S m anv loot, carrvino-non Ann All on Shinglesi^(.vattractive, | Have iheiaBiiMd. now; tres a