1 W M tf VAN NEWS July 25th. 194fl u i-,: ■< u n m rAK. tm ifii» m v w m : Ctm, A EiMitiMfc Am ^ E lf.. W«^VAIICIl.lUw*>JiWit«f. i968 Fulton Avunuo , ^ n « Woil m E Sonatir 8«r?ic«is Un.ii«*# 4 ItW pM , Etftnftrf niMi Vliitori $m w»leoin«. BAPTIST C U V U C a Mlakim 'it#'f* Wt I* Mc^pJ^ B*A.##', B«E» R 1# Sunday Bcrricoa 1U:00 a.uj.--€burch School tn- dudinir Adult CUaa 11 a,m. & 7:30 p.m,--PmchJng Services. A hearty welcome to nil "I Your H air Demanda Pro/eaahnat Care : - Wo analyse ii<>ur typo o t hair and And which of our seven permanent wavea will suit your texture. Lot a professional bo ' the Judge' In your next permanent. Gwendolyn '$ Beauty Shoppe Creator* of 'E lu siv e Pernianenta, ' 1540 Marine Drive Weft m HOLLYBDRN HALL !4th and, Duchess SiMHlity, July 2Hlii ut 10 a.in.I * • p « • , Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class, Sunday EveninK ot 7:30 , (jû pt'I Service. Speaker: Mr Arthur Peter- Kin, of UarhudoK. \ 'ruesday ut 8 p.ni. i'rayer and Bible Study. w i i F v a n c o OTEI^'" ■ ChmtiaB Science CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Bsqulmslt, Ilollybum This Society is a Branch of , The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, July 28th SUBJECT: "T R ir n r ' Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday "at 8:15 P*'"- The public Is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. T h e R o l i e e d r o n i e ) HOLLYBURN PAVILION fFvIlUil ' i Under New Management M / l 3 OPEN EVERY NITE » p.m. N ' 7/ \ / / / I/ #1 <**-- lOc. per hour--includes all charges--8 to 11 p.m. BAPTIST CIJURCH RW. W. L. M(?Kay 1344 Gordon Avc. SCREEN YOUR CASEMENT W INDO W S NOW Tripxiblo Oasemciii Window Screen cannot oatch dranes mar woodwork, no unsigfhtly trabts or. • mechanical parts to require repair, are durable, and can be removed or hung in a minute. AVERAGE PRICE U M PER WINDOW Phone BA y. 0402-R for particulars (phone calls reversed) D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. 0fw,1#I!mC^'AA9a ' X-Ray Hay Block, 14th and Marino Or. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. *hcPhono West 72 ^ THE UNITED CHURCH 21ttt and Esquimau Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister■ ' I ' 'A ■ • ■ ■ . Sunday, July 28th p' DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 0 -r Evenings by appointment. r Ma1860 MarlheT)rivir~Weet~482 ',A si Bstablished-^ on North Shore , 26 Year* (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. Hunecal Bircctocs r;l'̂ Hollyburn Funeral Home «18th and Marino West 1S4. NoHh Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono Nbrth 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East. ' Phono Fair. 184 ' U a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject, "Staying Power.*' 7:30 p.m.rr-Eveniiig Service. . Subjed, "Bo Absolutely T ruth ful." Holiday visitors in West Van couver are cordially welcomed to our .services. . ' 'Hie regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held on Tues day, Ifith-instr, -in tho shade-of- Mr.s. ,R. Harrison's garden. The Avealher was particularly favorable and there was a. good attemlaijice, Mr.s. Vance was in the chair, and the meeting was opened by the Rev. W. Vance. Mrs. Hobden took tho Scripture reading and there were very iii- teresting talks by both Mrs, Hil- Jjs Wright from Bella Coola and Miss , Durnam from Kitimaft,r showing gralifyiiig i f ' uphill progress in Mission work among the Indians. Little Miss Mary Al len gave a recitation which was nmoh enjoyed and tea was serv- .■(id concluding a pleasant and pro- ^ : a ^ e afternoon.--------------------- Sunday Services: 11 a.m.--Subject, 'The Whole Armour of God." • , Story for the boys and girls. 7:30 p.m.--Subject, 'The Chal lenge, to the Christian.' , The th ird in a scries ,on the Lord's return.' , 10 a.m. -- Church School and adulf* Bible class. The school ' remains open throughout the ' "summer months. , Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. J. B. Holdcroft will conduct the prayer meetings during th pastor's absence on vacation. His general subject will be, "The Sure Word of Prophecy. ' OTir TOC H GRAND CARNIVAL Orange Hall, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 2nd and 3rd Proceeds to assist in West Vancouver's Children's Playground 'Reconditioning ' Admission 10c, or by ticket _________ "You Can See The Difference" NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C.C. FINNEY. LOCAL, REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 ; (JiHJRCHES o f CHRIST .;SCIENTJSTL_____ ' "TRUTH" will be th'e subject o f , the Lesson-Sermon in • all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. ' . ' ^ , The Golden Text is; "0 God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even wdth my glory . . . For thy mercy is great above -the . heavens: . and_ thy tru th reacheth, unto the clouds" (Psalms 108: 1, 4). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "These are the things tha t ye shall do; Speak ye every man the -e-xeeate- REVOLUTIONARY MEDUSALITE C E M E N T PAINTS^ . North Shore Agents TEA R O E & SO N S Easy to apply . Vai;iety of Colors Try this effective and economical Interior - Wall Finish for •old or,new plaster. W E S T 4 truth -to- hi^ te ig h b e u r i IP it iiii 'I B urrard L a u n d ry T tL Wefl known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L ^T.-STE1>HEN-'S-CHHRCH- ijRev/iIL-A .J iamse.v.-R€ctQr^ <53 the judgment of tru th and peace in your gates" . (Zech. 8 ; 16). Thfi Lesson-Sermon- also in- LAST RITES FOR GHAS. E. NELSON Funeral services were held a t 10 a.m. Saturday in the city for Charles E. Nelson of Horseshoe Bay who passed away on the 15th instant in St. Paul's Hos pital aged 68 years. The Rev. C. C. Gwen officiated and interment was made in "Capilano < View -Cemetery. The deceased-is- sur- ..Mrs. W. Waddell, 2386 Ingle wood Ave., s i^n t the week-end. in Victoria with' her father, I. Carpani of Saskatoon, and Miss Sadie Earle, a . friend of * hers from the same oity. They came back with her and will be her guests for two weeks. ; " vi ved' -by -a--bro ther-in ;:N ova Scotia. - Sunday, July 28th "SJ. ■ ̂-'.'J iE . . - W BSt VANCOUVER S ^et Metal Works Fujmaca ° and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners -Phene--Weal-^9- 8 a.m.--Holy 'Communion. 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:80 p.m.--Evensong aiid Ser- rpohr - -- , , St. Francis-in-the-Wood ̂ Caulfcild 9:45 a.np--Holy Communion. WEST VANCOUVER ------TABERNACLE___ . from the Christian Scieiioe text book, "Science' and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "To divest thought of false trusts ahd material eyi- .d_ences in order-that the spirit- ual facts of being may appear,-- this is the great, attainm ent by means of which w e'shall sweep away the false and give place to the ti'ue." ' - lAbush"fii'eThi^e"buTTuesd night in the vicinity - of 'Kew Beach, the fire brigade exting uishing the blaze, " _Picnic_Grjonnds,_Tenms_C.ourts_ . _ - Bathing,JBoating,,Fishiiig--_̂ Tea-roomspHomesCooked rMeals Sandy Beaches Cattages for rent by month or week WiM Im w .ft'- 1 ON iNY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON m i IMS MSRiNX ORIVI WK8T 300 A.n.T. ftf B.a /Marine and 25th St, Pastor': Robert H. Birch i IBaldwin--Martin *? ' ii! '-r{ * pi '■'S i i is 11 SPECIAL Sawduat 88.60 per unit Dry. S lab s....... ...:$5.00 per cord InaidoFir:- from sh ed .......86.00 per cord ...... .$5.50 pear cordfrom mill Slabs with Bark 04.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings 08.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 Sunday School--9:45 a.m. Morning Service--11 a.m. Evening Service--7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Fellowship-- 7 :80 p.m., a t 2190 Argyle Ave. Horseshoe Ikiy and Vicinity Bible Fellowship--Thursday a t 7:45. ̂Visitors welcome. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. 1 1 ^ m i ' A * , I *o' *f Na' 'I m - THE . W e s t V a n N e w s ? 4 Pnblished Every Thursday y ' t*1 ;i >ft i-2ii±. Publisher R. F. L0VE6R0VE -_Phone-W est^63 - Rev; Father~.Van "^astor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 . a .m .- R^smry and Benediction -- 7 :45 Catechisnraiid-Bible Class^2^00 \r ' p*m. ■ W ^k-day Services - -8 a :m . The marriage took place a t the home of the officiating clergy man, Rpv. Wm., Vance, B.A!, on July 13th, 1940, of Fi'ances Hazel, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thonias Martin to Mr. Charles Tw'̂ d a le Baldwin; only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Georgp Baldwin of West Van- Lcouver. The bride was attend ed by ■ her sister. Miss Irene Martin, while Miv-William Mar shall acted as-best man. The reception was held later at the Orange Hall, at' which ^he bridal party received under an archway of flowers. For her * wedding trip, the bride donned a navy blue sheer dress topped with a navy blue coat with white accessories. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Bald win will reside in W est Vancou ver. BABY HOTPLATES M J5 TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Anytime is tea-time! Just "plug in" this dandy ̂ gLPglcrburneVJiotplate-.-.-. kettle?s boiling- in a l i f f . _ .!• w* ' / * V m Business and Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 M , V Fridays--Rosary, Benediction Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:80 p.m. - m if ; : if lixy \ ' f}' North Vancouver Office: ISO Loiisdkle Ave. tt\ri 11.00 a year by carrier: 02.ol) a year , " ' .by-mail \ The, lire brigade tunied out yesterday morning for a chim ney fire a t the home of Mr. For- S3rth a t 15th and Haywdod 'Ave. No damage was done. Despite the 'warm weather the "GuilicrKnitiers under the con- yenership of Mrs. R, B. Mundy have been very busy helping the D,C.O.R. This month they knitt ed 36 pairs socks, 4 scarves, 6 pairs hose topi .̂' . - ■ ' ■' ■ I-- ' r-- r •»--JnCH/AC--o-JtWEliEaa^̂ -r in a Jifl It's a Canadian Beauty-'.with cord attached . . . ideal for light breakfasts, little ^nches, or for that hot drink at b ^ tim el jLBsy-terms.--$1.95; Other h o tp la tes , f r o m $3SfS Mr. and Webb of Van couver are now occupying their new home oiPRadcliffe Ave. STORES