p r o v in c ia l ..... ...... ........ " ■"'■̂ * Established over'16 years. Established over 16 years. ' ' |mT._ k ' ' ' J' ^>%' Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Atnbleside, Hollybum^W estoh, Dundarave $1.00 per year. . " Cypress Park,. Caulfetld, WhytecUf/, E tc. j eopercopy Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O ., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., TH UR SDAY, JULY 25th, 1940 No. 15 HITLER ANB ROOSEVELT SWIMMING COMMUNICATION - COUNCIL NOTES The difference between the two speeches delivered by Mitipr and Roosevelt last week was the difference between the Hvn men The first a tissue of lies, which did not even possess he dubious merit of being specious, but were ra ther an insult In intelligence ;the second the sincere words of an honest huraanSrian face to face with issues of grave import to the ntion of which he has the honor to be president and which U ce is honored by His pi^sidency. ' " ^ ' ; ' It were almost be tter if the peoples of the democracies fiid not waste their time in readingf the German" dictator's qheeches or listening to his words over the radio. For they are always the same in the ir im pudent-perversion of history, blatant braggadacio, and th rea ts of the dire evils to be visited bv him and his little coterie of gangsters on all who dispute the right of Germany to enslave the world. In .any case his ' diatribes are addressed almost entirely to his own people in order to keep up th e ir .morale, always a- necessity in dealing with Germans owing to their inferiority complex and tendency tb wilt unless everything is coming the ir way. It .is true they have made very , large territorial gains, but we do not know at what cost in-m en and material. However rdyadihg ■ between the lines, one is safe, in assuming the German losses have been colossal, which w ith the nightly bombing 9f . th e R A.F. must have severely shaken the confidence of the civilian , population. Moreover ,a dictator like Hitler, knowing nothing of mercy and hating B ritain and everything British, would scarcely put out peace feelers unless he himself was doubtful whether the British Islestcoiild be successfully attacked. He has struck a stone wall a t last in his progress -which he cannot , climb,'nor is much to be gained by continuing to throw stones over it, particularly as those on the other side, are beginning to throw them back a^ him in increasing numbers. The speech of President Roosevelt, on the o ther hand, had s i n c e r i t y stamped on. every word of ii, and even his political opponents ought to be convinced that, when -he stated he had no desire for a third term , as president, he was speaking the literal truth. I t is. ho easy offi'oe,,,and' in, the next few. years is certain to become very onerous indeed. The dictum "uneasy lies the head which wears a crown!' does not only apply to kings. Like Washington who once ref u sed ,an offer to become' . king of the United State^^pn^iihe .scpb,th# ,,it; v^ould^^ ̂ the President has" ho desire Tor'Ijeredita'ry office. But he does feel that withT;h~e'present immiheht .dangers to the peace and prosperity of his nation, he would hot be consistent in refus- , ing office when he is asking others to make personal sacrifices for the good of their country.- •_ ' . . And therein lies , a lesson, which we who Jive in a free democracy are apt to forget. I t is futilp to deny the efficiency of the "totalitarian s ta te in war, where each man, reg;ardless of his likes or dislikes or views is forced a t i^ ril of his freer dom or possibly life t.6 do-his sharp toward.g victory. The kind Classes fo r be^nners and in House of Commons, The Canada Permanent Trust advanced swimming and. plain Ottawa, Canada,*^ Co. wrote the Council July 10th, diving arb being held -Monday, July 19th, 1940. 1940, ro assessment of additions Tuesday. Wednesday and Fri- The Editor, West Van. News. and alterations of homes. (day afternoons ht_ Dundarave Dear S ir: ' P ier.^hone E i l^ n Body^^ ̂ I would like through the med- Qf the purpose for assistant te Edwards, ium of your paper to acquaint additions are made to W est I I 27.L. 4n|N|> SUNDAY NIGHT AT HOLLYBURN THEATRE jrwv.* V., .wjiion aciaiuons are maae i;o your readers with the prelimin- buildings, the assessment m ust ary organization details of na- re-established on the increas- tional registration. ed value. The Government intends dur- , ' « 4> ing the latteii' part of A ugust tomg rne la tie r part 01 Augu«L wu G. Burrows wrote the Council Gunga Din, taken from Rudr bake a complete registration of j^jy i5f;b 1940, re lane a t end yard Kipling's famous poem, will all persons over the age of six- Radcliffe Ave be the attraction next Sunday,, teen, for the .purpose of record- . odviseH that thin work. Jnlv ORt.h. at. Hoi vhurn Theatfe. , tKa avail. - , aoviscd m at tnjS WOlK wo l-lio teen, iUA WU3.JJU11JWBC v/x July 28th, a t Hollyburn Theatt^ ing and classifying all the avail- ■ already been approved, together w ith suitable short sub- able-man and woman power of . jects. Silver collection a t j;he Canada. Sinefe this task willjeuhs. oiivox .*10 Ijanaaa. ^aince ims, tasK wm, H. Bayne wrote the door m aid of the Canadian Red closely resemble the enumera- . Council Jnlv 13th 1940 ro onen- Cross, W est Vancouver Branch, tion of voters, it has b ^ n deejd- • i„g ed to register, by electoral rid- 23rd Street.The show wil| s ta rt a t 9 p.m. TOC H CARNIVAL The West Vancouver Branch of Toe H will hold a Grand Car- a S 'I s? ^ d S. S. P e n h ra s Chief Reg-day _and Saturday, August 2nd > . 'i tt. rpbim intf of- ings, and the prelim inary a r rangem ents have been entrusted to the Memhpr of each riding. r have accordingly" .-recom mended the appointment of Referred to the Engineer for report as to cost. Engineer's reports t̂ v'ere dealt with by the C,buiicil as follows: Gravelling ' of Haywood, 14thdav and Saturday; August 2nd * - y**o' uraveiimg 01 naywooa, and 8rd, w ith the object of rais- }st™r. a ® . t o 15th Sts.J King's E ast of 17th, ing funds to recondition the decti^^^^^ -------------- Childron'.s Playground and equip-umidren s iriaygrouna ana equip- thia ment and for the construction of ^it^ ^^ery part-j of this i a ^ seats for the .convenience of fading and has Kjven their elders w h d j bring: Them J-Vipwi tvia TviPTnbet's of Toe H ■ estimable value in tn is ,r.j, W been veW ^usv on d®P^*y re g is te r s will he ' r,j,r?HoTis th e r e fo / and' ^ e v appointed for each poll in tlie th a t t S ' wm riding. Here too previous ^lec- of real; fun and attractions, of va^ta^^^ut^I am most anxiotts fevoj!rtodv*^both S ^ ^ d old! t h $ t& ro be no " usplclonc;^ rrmnex holn thA vounffsters pqintmentB. J have therefore Proposed subdivision of N E l^ D.L. 1085. : Referred to the Plans Ap-; provat glfficer to -reply to "Mr. Downs,-%he^pplicaht. L. J. Brunton,'application for access on Palmerston Ave., E ast of 24th Street. That the m atter be laid over. ' Miscellaneous Items. --That the'Engfineer's re'e^om-'v.- J.r.,,. I '.s_ A . J ' " ' - .1Come^and"-have-ar.gPOT'Tnner-«im xi b bv so dome* help th e youngsters pomtnients. i hgi^e tn e ^ io re mendations be accepted. t o C v r ^ g o o d t t a o on their a sk e d 'ho c ^ o p ^ playground.^ Admission tiokete G rant MacNeil ahd ^ r . R. H. Report of Building Inspector, can be obtained from any Toe Tapper m naming these officials, Dance Hall, on Block 33, D.L.can oe oDtainea om ^ y. ̂ conjunction with my repre- 43^̂ Lot 1, Block 1, D.L. 430. sentative, Mr. Holmes. That the Provincial F ire Most of the work however will V N / - ------ -- - H member, or by paying 10 cents a t the door.____ ________ :___ , Most of the work however will Marshal be asked to inspect the CHILDREN'S SUMMER . Y , w following buildings: Whytecliif RESORT sis tan t registrars. I know , Lodge, Horseshoe Bay; Horse-.nciiswxvx everyone in the ndm g is most - •'J ^ of-total war waged by our enemies places upon everyone of us the duty of making bur individual contribution to th e na- tionalTeffbrt. For.ahythihg less will sufficient, as any thing less would show, us to be unworthy oLthe freedom which we enjoy under our democratic system of government. Lodge, Horseshoe Bay; Horse- shee-Ba^^JSotelj-JSerse&^e-Bay^ Molly-^Edwar-da--will--accom ^. Pavilion; . J l 6 rseshbe ~ S d f d ^ ^ r i r T O ^ a t e ^ ^ X & i a l ~ g k r v i 'd e y ^ ^ e n d i ^ p Farm Salt Spring Island during Every dollar, saved uu the cost Cypress Park Land the month of August. Daily . of .^ j i iz m ^ ^ Co. having no t complied with^lie WEST-VANCOUVER - ' CHESS FEDERATION Under the sponsorship of the Vanc,ouver Chess' F ^ e ra tio n ' .a branch is being fornied in- W est Vancouver. Membership in tJie organization is free, and,m eet- -ing5-and-teurnaments~are~held-^ m the members' homes; When such lists are available each inember will be given a list of the members of the local, and other branches, with whom -he oan arrange for play a t his own convenience. It is hoped tha^ by organizing now the local Fed eration will be. able to arrange later for tournam ents with ■ groups and. districts. ■ the Federation w as originally, lormed to help chess-players i n ' ne city to find others in te r e s t ^d; and it is felt th a t there m ust nf West Vancouver who would take a more active in ter est in the game if they knew where to contact other players. ~ The first meeting-will be-held- a t 889 15th Street, on Monday, July !.29th a t 8 p.m. All chess players are welcome. Here is the chance fo r those who have not played fo r lack of opponents to, -reviv^heir-interest-in-the-game.- For fu rther details phone Bob Gleed a t the above address. W est 112-R: thb month 01 August. jLiaiiy . -- " ' « " ljo*. naving not compueu wiwi tnu swimming instruction, ' swim- ^ acceptance of their m irS tank. regulatioA diving m portanl 1940; boards, warm, calm w ater. $8 'k®'* 'kis voluntary asmstapre e purchase Lots 6 and 6, Block 4, -M rweekVPhone^wAt-956=R,?^^ '7,fu?!r out Jn -M in u te -- ganization, and so J 4in askmg 20 df the Minutes o l the 'Regu-- BRITISH-ISRAEL public spirited jy^^ting of the Council, held ' c i t iz ^ s and organizations. 20th, they be ^dvised by The British-Israel ineetmg^will I have requested .the Chief registered mail und ^-p ro o f of be held on Monday, July 29th, a t R egistrar to convene immediate- th a t if the said purchase the B.-I. Hall, 2506; Marine ly an h ^ o ra ry con^itte^^ of Lot^B and^,JBloHcA,jD 1^582 D n v e r"a t - 8-T)mi---The-speaker-^psed-ofi;he^hiefTm bhc-<>fficial ̂ completed on or before" will be Miss Jaiiet .JLansdowne, hi each d istrict to assist in the 3^^^ accept-, iior. -rmf Qrioken m W est ailnn of rftfiriatration for the wnole _An.who has not spoken m W est plan of registration for the whole; an te will' be cancelled and de- g l En a r b o u r r e d c r o s s "Glenarbour Unit m et a t the home, of Mrs. N . , Boyd, Glen- eagles, Monday, July 22nd, a t 1 p.m. Is there anyone who could loan the unit the use of a" sew in g machine? The best of care -would be taken of,it. I f there is anyone who c ^ help in th is way would they kindly get in touch withcM rs. N. Boyd, Whytecliff 661. Vancouver before. All persons riding. I then have asked these refunded interested are cordially invited, officials to convene sub-commit- ^ g DeGruchy, July 8th, * tees from th e public orgamza- 4949 'jj- 4,^^^ j„ ,y 5th ,, 1940, t i o n ^ th e ir ^ M. H • Tristram , July 5 ^ ,1 9 4 0 ,sist directly, in 'ke/eeistratiO T ^ , j j 444, 4949 ̂ g . fP .t T b«v» invited 44,̂ 4949 MATRICULATION RESULTS The following pupils of the West Vancouver High School were successful in the. recent matriculation exams: Senior Matriculation -- Pass- in th a t a r te . I have invited j^ ev e Leyland to act in the cap acity for W est Vancouver. Since I am unable to be pre sent in the riding myself, I amO C iU U X u u x . v * * * -- o --- ~ - -7 ed: George Albert Brealey,. John entrusting full authority to tne CORPORA'nON OF THE DIS'IRICT OF H ours W est of 29th' Street. ̂ ̂ ̂ 1!- Ui 'n. - ___ Sprinkling is only perm itted from .8.00 p.m. to 9:00 p. as follows: * m . South' and WeM of Marine Drive Mondays^ /^Vednesdays, and Fridays*, North Andi E a s t v ^ Drive , , ^ . 'Tuesdays^ .-i^ursdayit and* Saturdays. Bvt Order of Mumcipal Council. r,i o. - > R; A. HARRISON 20th, 1940: V ,1 . . - j^Acting Municipal Clerk. ^ I , __ ̂ ̂ -- . ... _ Allan Burton Forster,. Charles Kivas Burton Forster, William Gibbons, Paul Selv^n Jagger, Susan Marquis McLintock. ' Private study--Passed: Edith Muriel Sheppard. . ■ • . Junior, Matriculation---Passed: Isobel Wallace Banks, Robin Watson Bell-Irving, Douglas Pat- tedsbn Clark, Joan-Clare Col- • h o n o r s . eSmmittee, and ask they'coiitem plate putting a by- e v e ^ , citizen who wishes to h e^ law before the. voters, which if in th is work to communicate , 'thn ladk of directly w ith them. M artin, July 4th, 194Q, re w ater pressure. T hat the i^riters be advised th a t th^i'C ouncil regret the shortage experienced but th a t Yours sincerely, JAMES SINCLAIR, Member for Vancouver North. passed, will rectify 'the ladk of water. > \ HOLLYBURN HALL ujwauu vjxtvxrv, _________ ___ - There will be the following rleuffh John Coleman,'Lois Mar- services next Sunday, July ^ t h , -garet-baw sonr--Eleanor--Arvilla-- ^in-Hollyburn-Hall4-10_a.m._S|i^. L ittle four-year-old Douglas" Keir, whose parents live a t West Bay Beach, fell into the deep w ater ,off the, float- yesterday m orning a t W est Bay and was nearly drowned. He was rescued. Gerrie, WilliamJI. Gracey? Paul- day -School and Young ^ h l s ^ n ^ e ' ine Mary Greer, John Lawrence B ible,C lass; 7:30 p.m. Gospel Humphrey, Eric Norman Hyde, Service, when the speaker will Mrs Jp m rG ertro d e .M aren te tte ,-D o ro .-^ A rth u r-P ^ h in .o f,B a^ ^ ^ " S ' w f f w . , t McCartney, Ew art Paimum, Eric R. Peacock, Phyllis Louis Eobhin, Dorothy Anne S. Purse, Ross. Cuthbertson Rathie, H ugh Wil liam Rhodes, Claire Richardson, Moira Wallace, Geoi^e Sharp back to life. Dr. J. W. Lang was Mr. and. Mrs. Gteorge L in c o ln ,>n a t te n d a n t , and ih c is who w ere'm arried on 13th isnt., now resting a t his home. in St. Andrew's-Wesley Church, , » * *. will on. returning from their Mr. and,_ Mrs. Donald Bates, ___ o - ____ r hdiieymoon tak eu p resid en ceo n ,M arine D rive,-left on Saturday Wi loughbyj Richard W asonr , Bellevue Ave., .Dundarave. evening for. Saskatchewan., V* 'jr rir.-7.i.«' y-.'AC.,rif . --r - '.ti.r!-..'.' .