SMITH'S MARKET I • f * * piM. wwt'u A. Mbunr^ Sm ith UMti-wi«tt7« Ff## D ilirity 0mtwlm • M m 0dy A«*«i»t RECITAL PAKTV BV PUPILS '"tfF'M BSrSNELGROVB P R IC E S FO R FR I. and SAT., J U L V 'iS lh and 2 0 th M E A T S West ■■ 870 DtUviry, PA8TUV F I/)U ll--WIW lU w . 10»lb. «iwck «.4l« HIIKEDDED w h e a t or M U F F E ^ IVr package ....... ............... Ked A White MAKMAUDE-- ,12»o«. Ja r ..............................27c |(«d A White Brand CATBUF-- In the new 14«oa. Ilefrigcrator Itn ttle .... .................. 16c Bed Ht White SPAGIIElTI--W Ith. ChtvNie and Tomato Bnuee. lO.oz. tin ......................................Oe CUIIB--8poon-Hi*c Shrdded Wheat* 2 iO-oz. pkta.......................... :.....28c Bed & White CHILI BAIJCB- 12*oz. bottle ..........;...................... lOc Bed & White Brand BBA8-- Tender aieve S, new pack, tali tin 10c Bed & White TOMATOEB-- 2 No. 2'/t Una .............................. 26c Bt^ A White CABBOTSand PEAS-- Tail tin ....................................... 1 Ic NiitHdi BED I'LUMS--Ull t i n .......10c BEKF PORK • LAMB y B A L ' 1 AD Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily The violin and piano pupils of 'M iir^'."iE rT s«ag held y ie lr summer recital party at her residtipct*. every child taklns: h is ' o r her part in per- formin*. Those attemiinK were Jean McLeod, HcUy Hunt Ruth Dolly and Beatrice Nesbitt, Patty Jo Reid, Dorset St6P5®"" son, Pat Murphy, Gerald A d ^ , David Balkar, Fred McTaggart, John Hunt; Allan Fernl^ Ian Ross. . , Vi. * A ssisting them in the string ensemble were Alan aneV Don Ross and Nigel Snelgrovh with Mrs. Ross at the piano. ^ L t m B E R T W a l l t y SASH * DOORS SHINGLES ^ ^ O O D S poK QUAUn ^ AfMtSS CANADA PAINT COMPANTf LTD WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ^ ^ 'loi.*-.-. nr-*-.* tiif' *15th & Marine D rive. Phone W est US Bed & White TOMATO JUICE-- 25-oz. Family Tin ..................... 10c lO'/j-oz' tliuf ........................ 5c COBNED BEEF--tih .................. . lOc HAItDINBS--Canadian. Tin ...........5c ited & Whito ..Brand PORK & BEANS .'} 18-oz. tina ..........i......... ............25c SOAI»--Sunlight. Cake ................5c RED CROSS CLASSIFIED ADS...... Jt'jL IhĴ ̂ » * ! , * ® * j "*"**'"*'*' ................. ' ■ ■ .............. rri.- rsiiV fnr Claasifledl Advcrtiaements ig 2 cents per word, minimum 25 « ?U . E ic .J t t a X m U « U>o« h a r ta . » .*aU r accouaU, .11 c to l- ®'̂ R S S e K "c t a S « ^ to t h e ^ t Vm . New, get imin«U«te rMulu, Wj W. Tantlinger, o f Santa And; California, and his daugh ter Mrs. K. J. Richards, of P o mona, California, who were the guests for ten days of Mr.,Tant- linger's youngest dauirhter, Mrs. Clarence L. Sorenson, o f Sinclair Ave„ left Wednesday morning by motor for their respective homes. They will return via the Redwood Highway. While in British Columbia they , visited Harrison Hot Sprlng8 and Vic toria, as well as many points of interest in ami around Vancou- LOCAL STUDBN^rS LEAD CITY IN MUSIC EXAMS. ver. Mrs. Adamson, Mrs. Hil, Mrs. H., Howe afid Ronald Howe, all ofVancouver, are having a week's vacation at Sunlit Lodge,'Sher- 'M man. ELOCUTION SUCCESS ' • ̂ f I'- i f i II•4 Beryl Scott, a pupil o f Marg ery R. Clark, passed w ith high, marks and honors in elboution at the examination of IVinity College, lK)ndon, England, Van couver Centre. Dr. CoJIingwood ,wa.s the examiner. In the"'recently published re- Miilt.s of the Toronto Conservat ory piano examinatiohs a, num ber of Nellie Harrison\s pupils (li.stinguished themselves by ob taining good standing, and in '■ two cases the highest marks, in Vancouver for their .respective grades. Heading the list is Jean McKollar, Gmde 5, who was awarded the exceptionally high total of 87%, the highest in Van couver in this grade. . Next is Ruth Parnum, who" received the highest marks in Grade 8 . Diana Walters, 7-year- ofcl Grad I student, received with second highest stand- . ing, and Amy Iwasaki, Grade 7, ' 80%, Was third highest of "the 19 candidates in this grade. Other, successful students were as follows: Dorothy Mae A m - strong,-Grade 5, honors, Irene D'Aoust, Grade, 5, pass; Ray mond Hurry, Grade 4, pass; Hugh "Harper, Omde 3, pass; Elsie Iwasaki, Grade 2, honors; Sylvia Harper, Grade L honors. Glonarbour Unit met at the home of Mrs. N. Boyd, Ulen- eagles. They meet again at the same place at 1 p.m. next Mon- I They would like to know if " there is anyone who could loan the unit a sewing machine, the best of care would be taken of it. If there is anyone who could assist them in„ th is ' way they would be very grateful. Please call Mrs. Norman Boyd, Glen- eagles, WhyteclifT 661. GORDON ROBSON - ^ lic ito r , 610 W. Haatingfl, Sej. 4199 a t West Vancouver any, t ime by appointment. West 403.̂ FOR RENT -- Garage, $2.50 per ivionth. 2160 Argylc. ______ _____ 5 Room Bungalow, 3 bedrooms, on ?avcd street and bus.line, $1200.00. 'erms. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marino Drive . West 56 FOR RENT--2 room suits, also room with board, beautiful view, central, hpnnb. 1733 Esquimalt- FOR SALE--1920 Essex Sedan, $100. W est 476-L. WANTED TO RENT by August 15th, two room unfurnished. West 63J-K after 5 p-m. FOR SALE--10-ft. streamlined surf or paddle board* $4.50 cash, Phone W* 816-M. •_______ NICE ROOM on Marine Drive. Would suit mothejr and daughter or tŵ o business women* West 768-Yl.' FOR SA L E ^L ibrary .Discards, 25c' , each .'West Van. stationers,' 1644. Marine Drive. ___ * NATIONAL REGISTRATION Once upon a time a 8)iow bull en a silk hat was a young feller's de light. Now-a-days it's a tommy gun or a stick-up. fft - } ! ' t jlAPAN RESCUE: MISSION The regular" monthly prayer m eeting o f the Japan Rescue Mission will be held (D.V) in the home of L. Hibberd, 1136 Jefferson Ave,; at 8 p.m. on ANNOUNCEMENT li'or Your Convenience Extra Rush-hour Uusos (from Altnmont) TO VANCOUVER-^ Every 16 minutes fr 6.50 to 9.16 a.m* P"ROM VANCOUVER-- Every 15 minutes from 4.00 to 6.30 p.m* (to Altaniont) New' late bus from Vancouver 'to Altnmont a t 12..*i0 a.m.--̂ Returning to Vancouver, __li04r-a^nn---- PACIFIC STAGES tr ^ -Thur^dary^uly-J^thT-Aill-inter- ested are coj^ially invited. Kind ly-note -change -ofLday^-.-- Major S. S. Penny was ap pointed Regisirai* f6r the Elec toral D istrict of Vancouver North and R. P. Blower, Chief A ssistant. ; Two persons, who will be known as Deputy Registrars, will be appointed for each Pol ling Division. The Registration i period will be three days, and it is expected that the completion of a single questionaire will re-, quire from 10 to 15 nrinutes. It will, therefore, be seen that in addition to the two Deputy Registrars for each Polling Divi sion gratuitous services of sê -̂ eral -hundred Assistant Deputy Registrars for NcHh and West Vancouver will be required. - Instructions received makes it .clear that it is the desire of the Government to complete the ^ g is tr a t io n with a minimum of expense to the country. It is hoped that public spirited citi zens will n o i oiily volunteer "to act as A ssistant Deputy Regis- Irarszdi^m igzjbhia^^ FOR RENT--Furnished Room ̂ Kit chen privileges. Suk couple. August. West 473-L evenings. ' FOR SALE-Child's full size cream metal crib. 187 17th* St. . FOR RENT--Under new management Recreation Hall, reasonable, ^ r e - taker on premises. Phone W®®t . 816-M. FOR SALE--Doberman pincher pup* pieia,, sired'J by Champion Rolf von Lackenblick. Apply 1001 Sinclair. FOR SALE -- Combination electric and fuel range*. Good condition. Reasonable price. West 411-L, FOR REN T-^ohy three room suite, ■ fireplace, central, lovely view,, with garage. West 686-R. ' LISTINGS WANTED ' We have responsible clients wait ing to purchase homes in West V an couver* P,hbne us - in yopr listing, we will arrange' fo r immediate in spection. ' ' ' SHARPE r e a l t y 1395 Marine Drive ' W est 719 IFOR SALE -- 8-piece carved oak Malcolm & Soutar dining suite in„ new condition, $115. China cabinet to match,,I $35. W.-65. ____ - GENERAL HAULING--Manure, Sep tic 'Tanks andjRocfcpits installed and cleaned. Dump truck work. West ' 187-S. . ' ■ ' ' . CONSULT. MACLAREN a t C. J. Archer Ltd. for all Ins. Require ments . Dwelling,: Household Effects, Ajuto, Burglary, Mlarine* P ^ te Glass, etc._______ - WOOD, COAL. E arth for Fills and gardens, "blacktop ' for roadways; rock, sand and gravel. Steve Lowrie, " W est 256-Y. H; A. ROBERTS LTD. (Complete Realty Service -■ "1429 Marine Drive Wesst 646 The Editor ofA the West Van. News will be (pleased to . receive'Tand ack nowledge , subscriptions for m e West - Vancouver -Children's Playkround . Campaign which has- been taken by Toe H through permission , of the Municipal Council. ' . Please mark contributions "Toe H" Children's Playground. _____ h a n d y ANN SHOP, 2442 M arine -Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup plies, Notions, Qiinaware, Hard- ware, Baby Garments. . ______ J. EPWARD SEARS, Barrister,/Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 668-R-l._______ "W SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer Guests, -- Sfoansient--and--Permanent:;-- 3673- TOWNS\?^OMEN'S GUILD The. Guild Red Cross Sewing Group will meet Friday at 10 a.m., at the home of Mrs. E. Therrien 918 20th Street. . The Guild Refugee Sewing Group will meet at the home of Mrs. G. ,P. Hodgson, 954 20th Street on Wednesday, at .. 7 b'clock. registration period, but that _thbse_ci-tizenswiio„have_premises- suitable for Registration places, as booths will offer their prem ises to the Government free of charge. Any citizens who are. prepared to work .gratuitiously as A ssist ant Deputy Registrar during_the;; three day registration period or who wis hto make available free of charge suitable premises for registration booths should com municate With either Major S. S. Penny or R. P. Blower at 1405 itfarinerDriver'Wirst~889=L2r CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Savrdnst burners installed; furnace repairs., G. Meldmm, llOg Lf>nsdaIfi* ĴSflrifl- --- 822............................................. ........L .^BEMBERTONREALTY-^GpRPw-LTD.- (Established 60 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. F BaylilM N otary Public). 2436 Bellevue. West < FLOOR SyjJFA CIN G --J. Sutherlp^ West 483 or North 578. ____ - PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J , H. IVedley, West 1022-L. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam --Perm anent onlyji b^st \iinaterials used. Expert operators. Phone" GORDON g ]RAY--Insurance, all risks. . one policy, a ll;le c tio n s . SEy. 4991 or W est 92-R2. ____ West 304b' Royal Bank Building. Soldiers' Comforts will m eet at the home of, Mrs, W. K . Wood cock, 2414 BellevuCj at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Marine Drive, W est Vancouver. RE-ROOPING~GENUINE DUROID _ Shingles, - attractive,-- 'perin^nent.- Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps; West 88-R. -- F̂»-Vr-Pindlay7-Wfest-494=R; WESTERN WDODWORKERS-StoM and house fixtures, turning, gjazing. W est 740, W est ,4^3-R. ipIRB HAZARD iF Protect your' home and contents. Rates-- l̂ess-- ^t^n-- 34-- of--1-^6?' CHURCHES OP CHRIST SCIENTIST ■ I Vi ik "WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES CHILD "EVACUEES Rosidonts of West Vancouver, who a i^ reasonably assured that they will receive evacuated children, either by private arrangement or as relatives coming out under the government scheme, arc asked to notify" thCi School Board, stating the number of children^their age and where Choy will reside. . ^ Please write to the Seci'etary, Board of School Trustees, Hollyburn, B. G. 41 AUSPICES _WEST_VANC0XLVEK-,CHAMBER-0 P-^MMERCE^ 'V, ;-5- f'-; ' Basket Picnic t o Bi0eu Island - / iSUNDAY, July 28th "LIFE" will be the, subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is : "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is t4ie follb^ying from the B ible: "The righteousness of thy testi monies is everlasting: give me understanding, and I shall live" (Psalms 119: 144); . The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- bw k7-^cience-and"Health with" Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "I f man is never to overcome death, w hy dp the gyripturas say. *The last enemy ^ a t shall be destroyed is death'? COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES A ll forms of documents drawn and executed. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals . R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones; West 21, 204-M, 918-L cent. Percy T. Masterman. Beal Esi.ate, Notary, 2446 Marine, West 1077.. • ____ CASH FOR JU NK -- Bottles, raf». Sacks, Metald, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. B urrerd Jm w Co., West 91. Toe H are going to make West Van- Muver feel proud of its Children's Playground! Wifi you help , us by teking part in the Grand Carnival Hall, Aug. 2nd andord?„ VACATION TIM E--Make use of the W est Van N ight 'Patrol. Efficient- service. Phone W est 927-R. m e s s e n g e r SBRiaCE--Parcels, Baggage, light v w s fe r work, prompt service. West CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick ^no stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. -- Barriater & Sohmtor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t W e^ Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. ^ LAWN M Q W E ^ SHARPENED -- Special .m ad iine;', repairs, paw West Vancouver Machine >Shop, 14«y Marine. . -- Reliable mother's help; SUMMER CLASSES now in session Hollyburn Business' .College, West H i. W. H. VASS. Chiifopractor. Suite 4. Hbllyburn Block; :. ------------- ituOTo Bungalow- SO^ft. , lot close u l l _MPERHANGINGriPainting,_K^s^ mining; first claw work, a t r^soiF able rates. K^Gaines, West 962-d̂ Fr<» transportation to. Whytecliff Paerk Adults, 11.00 . CMldren, 85 cents lii, k lh Tickets can be obtained from any of the rnembers- ■_',i . J fit ̂ > tenor of the Word shows that we shall obtain the victory over death in proportion as we overcome sin. The great diffi culty lies in ignorance o f what God is. God; Life, Truth, and Love make man undying." WANTS Small Cottage or -- ^te_well_£umished--6Tmonths-5r 576?^^' route. Whytecliff g e n e r a l h a u l in g --Manure, Sep* tic Tanka and Rockpits Cleane<L::i)umpP£puck work. 187-R. ■ In New Mexico a school teach- through'a "stop'! was that the teacher s it down and TOte "I drove th ro u g h ^ stop sign" 700 times. A visit to the Orange Hall, Au^2® and 3rd v ^ l p u t you amongst bunch of ?'rea l" people helpingot vreal'!, people t, H in their Grand Carnival ̂ CM dren's Playground* Guess y will be there, , ------ h a v e VACANCY' Sechelt Lady, August. W est 473-L even P-