West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jul 1940, p. 3

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/' >., rt . < <• ' ' ■ ' "i , iS' .J.I. V ̂ '̂<-f ' , ' . H O L i ^ * * 1 'J i l X i S l i m J l i E I S i E X P R E S S Silver Collection to " and Suit&ble Short Subjects. CrWi,'*W«»t'JViiacottvef Brandi ' f> 1 - -'»,,-»v ̂ i ̂ t ̂ .( , j , t , P « ( I y f -\ Local and Personal ^ 'WTTfS5« f̂3fW«PT Johore, Malay States, wh(f is the house guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. G. D. E lgar, Mrs. Dollman entertained at the tea hour on' 'W^oR w'lpw* -1 ■li--••• w > j i . ' ' .' V ' 'V imia . "" « m a ' i 'hursday last, at her home on <**»«-- *< Fulton Ave. Among the invited guests were: Mrs. Bodihgton, Mrs. G. a Elgar, Mrs. C. H. . and. M ri. couver have moved into thei new home a t 1920 Jefferson Aye. "0 0 n, >u Mr. and Mrs, Hiddall, 1876 Duches^S^ye*! have left here for, the praines. , ! . n *■ * , 0 * \ ' ,. ^ Among the guests now stay- BenDett'S BAKERY BtmPBRCRUST BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 735c a doz: Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Plain Layers^ large 20c sm all 10c Sliced Wrapped Bread 1468 Marino Dr. Phone W. 27 I ----- . . . . ■ " • i - ' , ^ . J » I H E ,_ ^ , . _ . CEJDBT HOUSE Overlooking WhytiepMr'Psiira - fiB Howe Sound, a t U^^torrainua^^ W cat Marine Drive Delicious 'S teaks . - .' Saldula ' Tasteful Luncheons Afternoon T eas. 7 - Dinners Music available for ofter-dinmer dancing R e g u la r 'F erry Service connecting for Bowen Island . Reservations and Menus for, Banquets, Club Luncheons and Conventions given personal attention in^N '?EkrA M :?LTD ^ Telephone Whyteieliff 75-M, TB inlty 1321 or MA rine 5438 ' for reservations ■ ,. Attention Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT PREMIX. ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141' V -or , ̂ ALF ELLIS, W est 823-L P itt, Mrs. A . Hutton, Miss M. ing at tSe Clachan ar« the fol- Sm ith, Mrs. E. Unveil, Mrs. S. lowing: Mr. and M rs. Hugh Lowrie, Mrs, ,P. Deacon, Miss J. Simpson of Port Angeles^W ash- Sewell and Mrs. Ian Elgar. in gton ; Mr. and Mrs. ̂C. ^ o m p - * ♦ * son o f Vancouver; M iss E . Gil- Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Burk- bert of Chilliwack; Mrs. 0 . A. holder of Victoria, B. C., were Marten of Chilliwack; Mr. and recent visitors to,̂ West Vancou- Mrs. H. B. Patterson of PoH:- ver on their wedding trip. The land, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. bride was formeWy Miss Helen Lockhart of V ancouver.. Ritz, who resided here for sev- ♦ ♦ ♦ eral years. Mrs. W. K. Nelson has return- * **" * * ed to her home jn O ^ e n , In the lovely garden of Rev. Alberta, after spending a month W'. L. and Mrs..McKay Gordon ag the guest of her sister, Mrs., Ave., the M issiW Circle of tfie . W. Hieland, 1488 Inglewood Ave. Baptist Church^-held a picnic * ♦ luncheon. A b ou f thirty members The W est Vancouver Branch and friends enjoyed the good of the Canadian Red Cross So- food provided. T he next m eeting ciety is hot prepared at the p re -, will be held a t the home of Mrs. sent tim e to accept used clpthing Geo. Faulknor, Gordon Ave., for refugees. " : ^ Tuesday, Sept. 10th. y * ♦ * * * * Miss M. Doris Harroway of $290 worth of. War Savings 1963 Bellevue Ave. has le ft to stam ps w ere'sold in connection spend a tw o weeks^ vacation at w ith the Monday nighVs show Banff. On. her return she will go at the, Hollyburn Theatre^ to Bowen IslandLfor a week. ■ ■ ■ . lit Of * ,, '1̂ A daughter was born, on July ,10th at St. Paul's Hospital to I Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason (nee Dot Eadie), of W est Vancouver. * * * REVOLUTIONARY Engagem ent Mr. and Mrs. L. J." Sm ith of M E D U SA L IT O CEMENT PA IN T S North Shore Agents Easy to apply Variety of Colors Try, this effective and, economical Interior Wajl Finish for . old or neW'plaster. TEAROE & .S O N S Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have moved̂ from; 1534 Argyle- Ave. to Vancouver. " 7 , - Make Holiday arrangements ^ l o n g - d i s t a n c e ^ ! -- . If you are going away for your holidays, call first by long-distance telephone. . There will likely .b e a number of things J^^t you " will want to f in d '^ t in ad- v p ce--what to t ^ e , where you're going to stay,, etc'. A "quick and easy* way to get this information is by long­ distance telephone. Ju-long^distanceTIcalli-^in- advance may prevent dis­ appointment later. BRITISH COLUMBIA t eleph o n e CO. of the fe h ic ip a l H ^ i is spending her annMl|7vAciBtion at Selma Park. Hill-- Stevenson 7 77 In. the early evening'of Mon- day,. July 15th, in the lovely- .Winnipeg announce the engage- garden o f Rev. and Mrs. W. ment of their daughter, Shirley, L. McKay, lle len Elizabeth, to only, daughter M Mr. and ̂̂̂ M nipeg, youngest son of Mr. and C. W. Stevenson, of 1919 Belle- 7 MrA of W e ^ ,vue Ave., and Lawrence Hill Vancouver. The wedding will of H ythe. Albertai were quietly take place in W innipeg the lat- united in marriage. After. A u g u s t ' ter part of A ugust. r^ .M r , and Mrs. Hill will take .̂ *"' * * ■ up residence at:1488 King's Aye, , Mr. and Mrs.. Ogle and .fam ily , f* . ., o f Eureka California, have mov- ----------------------- ̂-- . George Archer and A rt Rid- ed into the Mooi^ residence at was held . on Friday evening, ley, both ex-W est [Vancouver 22nd and. Jefferson Ave., for the July 12th in St. Stephen's Parish school boys, were here on leave summer. Hall; Twenty-four members were for th e weefc-end from th e ^ vr-v.*i * <7* f . , fram ing at Victoria with the Mrs. Nicholas Zaro of New present. - «r 3rd Divisional Petrol Company, York and Miss Margaret Wat- ! •A-general discussion of War Canadian Active Service Force, s o n o f Caulfeild left' Sunday Work activities for th e summer _ which thev 'enlisted last evening .for Victoria and will be W E S T 4 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. July 18th, lOth nnd 20th LAUREL mid HARDY The Flying Duces' . iiIho • I.ANI) OF THE MIDNIGirr FUN" • UNVEILING ALGERIA" SATURDAY EVK AND MONDAY -July '20th and 22nd ALLAN JONES " The Great Victor Herbert" also 'THE VALLEY o f 10,000 SMOKES", "THE BEAR'S TAIL" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 23rd and 24th BOB HOPE PAULBITE GODDARD "THE CAT AND THE CANARY" - jal.so THE KID FROM TEXAS" X O .D L E . A rs^ c ia l m eeting of th e Dun­ can Lawson. Chapter I.O.D.E. V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SBARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies was held. ~ 7 . J month. Both are looking in flrst-- guests-at^=EinpressHHotel- '.Several'raffles are b e in g or- pinac cnnriftioTi i----------- ---------- ganized to raise money for war w^ork 0tc» Mrs. Small explained the War Stamp scheme and asked mem­ bers to purchase them. , Tea was served and m eeting was adjourned.-_i „ .l xlass-jcdnditlon.. * 4c Miss Kathleen Taylor enter­ tained lat Kiew House, Kew Birthday Party Mrs. F. Farrow entertained last Tuesday afternoon^at artT-- , nV 7 i.'-------- • ~~ i«»i' lu esaay aiiexiiuon--at a Beach, Monday at a swim m ing children's party, the occasion be- and Iimcheon p a^ y m htmor of third birthday of her Miss RosemaryVRogers. Guests go^ "Wayne. 'The table. Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis ^Courts BHthlhgT^BoatftiBrrPishini "̂ Teasroojns^ Home-Cooked Sandy Beaches Cattages' for ren t by month or week- eals ^ l u d ^ Mr^. Otto K om er, Mrs. prettily decoraJed in piiflc and mu A - ' /vf fii Waq+ blue w ith a blue sail boat motif, . : , ; T h e ^ p e r drive 5 the was centred by a large birthday, Vancouver LO.D:E. . continues. Miss Trudean Spencer, Mrs. Gor- white and To-have your pa;^rs don Stead, Miss LuciUeM ^kin,- ^pped with three pink candles, ziiies collected, please call W est Mrs. John Wade and Mrs. Peter pink and blue candy baskets at 638 and leave your name and ad- Taylor . , .gachi place added to the color dress: -The papers will be called Mrs. Kenneth Newbury was a igcheme" for.- „ ̂ . , tea hostess Monday,,also honor-; ~ Sinall guests were Shirley and There is still a~great"demand ing M iss Rogers ^heirMrsTT'red- • Marlene Morning, Grace Jane r .your leather contribution, of erick J. Bossons . presided a t the g^jj Elizabeth Hayes,for old kid gloves, kid-purses, good __ums.. 1 __ 1 nrOiio nr- and Sally Rae, Elizabeth Hayes, -------- _ ^ _ Freddy, John and Bobby Rae, oil .skin and animal skins. TTiis Monday .evening Mrs. John ,^j)avid Thompson, Dayton and material is used to make linings Wade will entertain inform ally W avne McKenzie John Hayes for the jackets which, are worn , at" dinner in honor of Miss Rog- p w o w by m^iwhers - o f m inesweeping ers and her fiance, Bob Malkin. - ^ crews.. Pieces of leather, can be ♦ ♦ ♦ . le f t la t the F e r ^ so n Transfer ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR SHE WILL SAY PHONE TO M ORROW FOR YOUR W C T O T A lT qJ vx.,:; ------ -------- Mrs. Fyfe-Sm ith of;V ancoii- Gffice o r a t t h e ,chapter War Ser- ver is now occupying her new vice headquarters at 1451 Marine .summer home at Gleneagles. Drive; open from 10 a.m; until * ,* 1 ox "iviurnnig, mrs. u . xxay«», xvno. -4 p;m. except on Thursdays when The Womeri- s «Gui d Of -St... McKenzie and Mrs. Thompson.- th e o ffic e closes at 1 p.m. Your Francis Church are holding a assistance and help is greatly^ garden party at the home o f Mr. A lso present were the two ^ andm others o f the guest of honor, Mrs. W. Hieland and Mrs. I. Farrow, and the mothers of the children,. Mr8, W. Rae, Mrs.* Morning, Mrs. G.' Hayes, Mrs. appreciated. s EVEN. RAPES DAI LY t JULY i p r JULY Z7 PARI-MtfTUAL SYSTEM Daily Doubles - F irst and Second and Sixth and Seventh Races. P A R K Wednesday next, July 24th. J A t S t. Stephen's Church on W est Vancouver Boys' Band will Sunday a f t ^ o o n , the marriage ^ est. 4 5 6 give' selections. MUSICAL SUCCESSES In the recent Theory Exam-' inations of the A ssqci^ ed Board w as solemnized by Itev. J. P. Dingle ° o f Winnifred,* eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. O'Donnell, o f W inter, Bask., and Harold Stephens, only son of Mr. rand Mrs. H. -Stephens, 2112^ MORROW COAL & ICE C O M P A N Y L IM IT E D London,^ England' Jf^^n M c^od, looked ©harming m a shirred model of powder blue with white accesBorieB, her cor iExtra S p ^ ia l pupil of Mrs. T. E. S n el^ ove, passed Grade^III obtaining 93 marks out of a possible 99; EXPERT .' Vatch a n d 'd o c k EEPA IB IN O \ T. CHRISTENSON , (formerly with Birks Ltd.,.7. Montreal) 1522 Marine, Drive sa^e being pink carnations, and her only attendant^ was Miss Jean M einnes of Vancouver, while Mr. Cecil Stephens sup­ ported th e groom .', A fter the wedding a reception was held for immediate relatives Fir Slabs and Inside Fir, nixed %o 00 ^ d , C .O .D .^ J = PH O N E NORTH 8 6 xxwvx ________________ - A party o f Vancouver friends 'a t.-th e home o f the groom's„ motored to Caulfeild Monday for aunt, L. Corseadden, of Vancou-- a picnic a t thediom e of Mrs. J. ver. . L. Davidson. \hSt "'SY /. '*