West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jul 1940, p. 2

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. * ' *, * i-. i * -- «its <(fc rnmm w m t .v a n n e w s July 18th. 1940. WEST* VAN. UNITED CHUECtt ' Cor. 2UI A EMainMitl A m \ REV* W. VANCR R X , lltilctor^ -- "1003' Phono Woot 244-R Suadoy Somrieot: lliJcn . A TitOpjoa. SttuDfftri iind Vtitiofu iro .wtteomt '■( Y our H a ir D em aridis ProfeBaionol C a re 'I Gwendolyn's. Beauty Shoppe Crenioro of ExcIubIvo Permononto, 1640 Marine Driro We«t 117 G . D : H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. , , d e n t i s t . . , . ^ X-Roy Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Offico Hour# 9 to 0 p.m. Eveninjrs by appointment Phono West 72 i r D R . M cR A E D E N T I S T --formerly-of-705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment ■ j ^1860 Marine Drive , We«t:482j Established ' on North Shore' 26 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Sireetors Hollybum Funeral Home l8th and Marine tVest 134 North Vancouver Par loro 122 West Sixth St Phone North 184 > Vancouver ̂ Parlors < -- Rfi Tflnth Avenue East jranoro Street Phone Pair. 184 Burrard4.aundry-Ltd^ ^ w ell know n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L WEST VANCOUVER Sheet M etal W orks Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Bamera Phone West 39 iNY MAKE BROWN &. MUNtON 1S4S MARINS ORIVB WSST S8S ^tetnlKtu A.n.T,; fif n .< \ , SPECIAL Hr ■##?£ Sawdust ........ ,-r...v.?3,50 por unit Dry Slabs ....... ....$6.00 per cord Inside Plr:-T- from shod --:.$C.OO per cord from mill 6;60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord PRITAM*S FURL Phone North 620 I . THE Wes^Van News .'H Pnbllshed-Bveiyilhursday, Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone W est 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone W est 55 North Yancoover Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. . . I 'if ^ I ' . *̂;lf * f c r i ; : a , : I*....., $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by maii , > , BAPTIST CHURCH Mlttii8ler Rev. W. L. McKay#'■.BMIUf, ,B.D* 10:00 a.m.--Cb"wuUrcb Sdteoel̂ to- eJuding Adult Claas 11 a.m. A 7:30 pjuu---F)r«aching Services. A hearty welcome to all Wo analyze your typo of hair and find which of our hovoii permanent waves will suit your texture, Lot a professional bo the Judge In your next permanent. HOLLYBURN H E L 14tb and Duchess Kundsy, July 21st a t 10,a.m. Sunday School and Young Pttoplo's Bible Cjass. Sunday Evening a t 7:30 .Gospel Address. By Mr, John Wallace. Brother and Sister McKcrral will sing. Tutviduy, July 2.3rd at 8 p<m. Mr. A, Peterkin of Barbados will speak on wjork of the Gospel in the Island of Martinique, French West' Indies, Chritdan Science " tS o e ie ty CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Raauimslt* HoHyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst dturch of Christ, Scientist# in Boston, Mstssaebusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. . ?, . .0ff Sunday# July. 21st SUBJECT: "LIFE Sunday School at 10:00 a.im Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 3:15 p.m.^ ' ^ 0 public is • cordially in­ vited to a tte i^ ouri services and meetings. at HOLkYBURN PAVIUON, 9 p.Bi. 25 Performers -- Dancing, Spinning, Acrobats, Clovms and Chorus Girls I.arire8t Show on W hee¥ SUged on the North Shore Sfo the Grand March, latest steps in dancing by the Parlcslde Club ;j5c includes skating 8-9; SpeeUtors 2Se „ Children, 15c C "- THB UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau, Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday, July 21st ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Ilcv. F. A . Ramsey, Rector Sunday, July 21st 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.-- MaHna\ 7 :.'U)' p.m.-- Evensong and Ser­ mon. ■ ■ . Thursday, ,St. James' Day -- 10115 a.m.. Holy Communion. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild ' 3 p.m.-- Evensong. 11 a.m.-- Morning Wophip. Subject, "The Challenge of Change." , 7.30 p.m.-- ^Evening Service. Subject, "Respecting t h e Righta of Others." , , Campers and visitors m West- Vancouver a re'cordially welcom-. ed to our services. c a se m e n t w in d o w ^ n o w Flexible Casement Window Screen cannot S s m a r - woodwork, no u n s i^ t ly i t r M a or meclmnical parts to require durable, and can be removed or hung in, a minute.and can be removeu or nuns ./ /^fAVEEAlSfi' l^RICB'$4.00 PER WINDOW P h i i i BA y. 0402-K for particulars (phone'calls reversed) ' ' • ' ...... ....... ' ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TOC H GRAND CARNIVAL . Orange Hall, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 2nd and 3rd « a t 7 p.m. Proweds to assist in West Vam^uyeris Children's P lay^ound Recbnditioiiihg Admission 10c, or by ticket BAPTIST CHURCH , - Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave, , Sunday Services: 11 ii.m .^Subject, "The Whole Armour of God," Story for the young worship­ pers. 7:30 p.m.--Subject, '"The Signs of the Times." Second in a .serieil oh the. Lord's return. ■ The Churcfh School and Adult B ib h ' C lass will meet at 10 o'clock. The. school is not clos­ ing during the s u m m e r months. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.--Prayer meeting. . Amid one of 'the most delight­ ful settings to bo found on the North Shore and tables taste­ fully decorated, the members of West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce gathered for their monthly dinner,, meeting.at Cliff House, Whytecliff Park, with al­ most one hundred per cent, at­ tendance,' on Wednesday even­ ing la s t ., Following a most en­ joyable cold chicken dinner serv­ ed with all the usual trimmings 'and some community singing, Mr. Twyman entertained witn several piano solos, after which a business •session was entered into with keen interest by all present. . On invitation of Kitsilano Chamber , o f Commerce and Lions. Club a committee was ap- "Ydu Can See The Difference" , NELSONS l a u n d r ie s ' LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. G. FINNEY, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE . P h o n e W EST 782 NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN ' . TEA'- ■ (To-morrow) FRIDAY, JULY 19th, 2:30 to 5 p.m. At the home of Mrs. A. E. Young, 14th _^ 4 .K ipgs, Ave. -Proceeds to the Refiigee Committee : ^ 'Admission 25c :: WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th. St. Macintosh-- FrankHn i ■ . , All ladies holding . both St. xjxviic. c* ............. ...............Th® marriage w as solemnized joj^n Firs^ Aid and Home Nurs- pointed to arrange for a social on Monday, Ju ly -15 th , in the ing Certificates are requested to held-in-W est Van- Church p le^ e get in touch w;ith Mrs. A, A ________+ V , / \ ----------- --------- -------------- ------------A A O - T > . - V . A /T w Pastor: Robert H. Birch oouver rearly in_, August" by the Marcarct cldcat~daugh j^fecAtttayr-Wesl-Afigj^ or Mrs. joint organizations when, f o l - . | Freemantle W est 310-R, at lowing a cruise of the harbour on . . - - --~ • »• i ^ m rAomrri tn nrcrsmiTilTior a rilVl-lowing a cruise o l tne naroour on Ffanklin to Cameron regard to organizing a divi- one of the local f e r r i o ^ T i ^ H S ^ l S h ^ t son Sunday School-- 9:45 a.m. Morning Service-- 11 a.m. Evening Service-- 7̂:30 p.m, Conucted by Stanley Smith of the Japan Rescue Mission. Wedm§sday Prayer Fellowship-- .7:80 p.m,, at 2190 Argyle Ave. Horseshoe Bay_and Y icinity Bible Fellowahipr-Thursday at 7:45. V isitors welcome. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIG CHURCH ^ r d & Inglewood Ave. ors will be met by the local mem­ bers and escorted, to the place selected for the evening's enter­ tainment, full details of which will be announced later. Walter. Tearoe, chairman of the picnic committee presented an interesting report which, after, fu ll, discussion, was ap­ proved. The tentative plan is for a picnic, open to all citizens of the municipality, tp be held at , Bowen Island on the last Sunday, in July, going by way ofW hyte- cliff Park and thence by ferry to eiUtiSl/ SU Il U i ivxr. anu. , i n I. rr tin, _ Mrs. James Macintosh of Van- ^ P*f2' w ip couver.. Mr. and Mrs. Macintosh will reside in W est Vancouver, of !^ s . MacAulay, 1618 Esqu- malt A ve, 'Bpwen Island. Transpoftalion Rev. Father Van ^astor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class-- 2:00 p\m. Week-day Services Misiss 8 a.m. . Fridays-- ^Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:80 to 8 :8 0 ,p.m. ' WILLIAM HARDIE PASSES W illiam Hardie. 160 24th Street passed away last Sunday in h is 80th year. He is su rv iv^ by h is w ife and two > sons, David arrangements and other details will be announced in the press^ next week. Net proceeds from this outing will be donated to the local Red Cross, Work Fund. ' The secretary was instructed to send a copy of a resolution of appreciation that was unani­ mously endorsed, to the Munici­ pal CJouncil, for its response to the appeal of the Chamber of Commerce to clean up the boule­ vards throughout the business section, whidh was recently done. The Rev. Father Van. was a guest of the Chamber of Com­ merce and -addressed the meet­ ing briefly expressing his pleas- Uui-e to receive the invitation to attend and the opportunity it af­ forded to meet so many of the business men and women o f W est Vancouver. HO compli- 1 o f Vancouver, and William C, of Billings, Montana. Funeral ser^ vices WOTe held a t 2 p.m, yester­ day from th e Hollybum Funeral Home o f Harron Bros. Ltd., fol­ lowed- by interm ent in CJapilano View Cemetery. *nie Rev. An­ drew Roddan officiated. mented the members on the despatch of business and the oemmunity interest dispayed. The programme com m itt^ had prepared an interesting surprise for entertainment of the mem­ bers which was greatly enjoyed. BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY Mr, ahd^Mrs. Claxton and son o f Vancouver are occupying their new.sum m er cottage at Cy­ press Park. The Barbarians Girls' Auxil­ ia ry will meet in the Red Cross Headquarters on 'Tuesday, July 23rd at 8 p.m. \ . SYMBOL Is your guarantee that the bus in which you ride has been thoroughly vacuumed anid clean­ ed on the inside; is polished and shining on the I outside; is operated by a courteous,' carefiil driver. The Pacific Stage Lines' trademark also stands for the maximum comfdi^ in road travel* _In^no_pther_ buses--will--̂ou^feel--so completely and so securely a t ease. Operating on the North Shore fo r 12 yems,'- Pacific Stage Lines make every effort to ac-' ̂srrv>o.jr vv. -• commodate you by setting schedules-to your . convenience. ■ PHONE WEST 933 FOR INFORMATION - PACIFIC STAGE LINES