. * ' *, * i-. i * -- «its <(fc rnmm w m t .v a n n e w s July 18th. 1940. WEST* VAN. UNITED CHUECtt ' Cor. 2UI A EMainMitl A m \ REV* W. VANCR R X , lltilctor^ -- "1003' Phono Woot 244-R Suadoy Somrieot: lliJcn . A TitOpjoa. SttuDfftri iind Vtitiofu iro .wtteomt '■( Y our H a ir D em aridis ProfeBaionol C a re 'I Gwendolyn's. Beauty Shoppe Crenioro of ExcIubIvo Permononto, 1640 Marine Driro We«t 117 G . D : H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. , , d e n t i s t . . , . ^ X-Roy Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Offico Hour# 9 to 0 p.m. Eveninjrs by appointment Phono West 72 i r D R . M cR A E D E N T I S T --formerly-of-705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment ■ j ^1860 Marine Drive , We«t:482j Established ' on North Shore' 26 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Sireetors Hollybum Funeral Home l8th and Marine tVest 134 North Vancouver Par loro 122 West Sixth St Phone North 184 > Vancouver ̂ Parlors < -- Rfi Tflnth Avenue East jranoro Street Phone Pair. 184 Burrard4.aundry-Ltd^ ^ w ell know n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L WEST VANCOUVER Sheet M etal W orks Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Bamera Phone West 39 iNY MAKE BROWN &. MUNtON 1S4S MARINS ORIVB WSST S8S ^tetnlKtu A.n.T,; fif n .< \ , SPECIAL Hr ■##?£ Sawdust ........ ,-r...v.?3,50 por unit Dry Slabs ....... ....$6.00 per cord Inside Plr:-T- from shod --:.$C.OO per cord from mill 6;60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord PRITAM*S FURL Phone North 620 I . THE Wes^Van News .'H Pnbllshed-Bveiyilhursday, Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone W est 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone W est 55 North Yancoover Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. . . I 'if ^ I ' . *̂;lf * f c r i ; : a , : I*....., $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by maii , > , BAPTIST CHURCH Mlttii8ler Rev. W. L. McKay#'■.BMIUf, ,B.D* 10:00 a.m.--Cb"wuUrcb Sdteoel̂ to- eJuding Adult Claas 11 a.m. A 7:30 pjuu---F)r«aching Services. A hearty welcome to all Wo analyze your typo of hair and find which of our hovoii permanent waves will suit your texture, Lot a professional bo the Judge In your next permanent. HOLLYBURN H E L 14tb and Duchess Kundsy, July 21st a t 10,a.m. Sunday School and Young Pttoplo's Bible Cjass. Sunday Evening a t 7:30 .Gospel Address. By Mr, John Wallace. Brother and Sister McKcrral will sing. Tutviduy, July 2.3rd at 8 p<m. Mr. A, Peterkin of Barbados will speak on wjork of the Gospel in the Island of Martinique, French West' Indies, Chritdan Science " tS o e ie ty CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Raauimslt* HoHyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst dturch of Christ, Scientist# in Boston, Mstssaebusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. . ?, . .0ff Sunday# July. 21st SUBJECT: "LIFE Sunday School at 10:00 a.im Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 3:15 p.m.^ ' ^ 0 public is • cordially in vited to a tte i^ ouri services and meetings. at HOLkYBURN PAVIUON, 9 p.Bi. 25 Performers -- Dancing, Spinning, Acrobats, Clovms and Chorus Girls I.arire8t Show on W hee¥ SUged on the North Shore Sfo the Grand March, latest steps in dancing by the Parlcslde Club ;j5c includes skating 8-9; SpeeUtors 2Se „ Children, 15c C "- THB UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau, Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday, July 21st ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Ilcv. F. A . Ramsey, Rector Sunday, July 21st 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.-- MaHna\ 7 :.'U)' p.m.-- Evensong and Ser mon. ■ ■ . Thursday, ,St. James' Day -- 10115 a.m.. Holy Communion. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild ' 3 p.m.-- Evensong. 11 a.m.-- Morning Wophip. Subject, "The Challenge of Change." , 7.30 p.m.-- ^Evening Service. Subject, "Respecting t h e Righta of Others." , , Campers and visitors m West- Vancouver a re'cordially welcom-. ed to our services. c a se m e n t w in d o w ^ n o w Flexible Casement Window Screen cannot S s m a r - woodwork, no u n s i^ t ly i t r M a or meclmnical parts to require durable, and can be removed or hung in, a minute.and can be removeu or nuns ./ /^fAVEEAlSfi' l^RICB'$4.00 PER WINDOW P h i i i BA y. 0402-K for particulars (phone'calls reversed) ' ' • ' ...... ....... ' ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TOC H GRAND CARNIVAL . Orange Hall, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 2nd and 3rd « a t 7 p.m. Proweds to assist in West Vam^uyeris Children's P lay^ound Recbnditioiiihg Admission 10c, or by ticket BAPTIST CHURCH , - Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave, , Sunday Services: 11 ii.m .^Subject, "The Whole Armour of God," Story for the young worship pers. 7:30 p.m.--Subject, '"The Signs of the Times." Second in a .serieil oh the. Lord's return. ■ The Churcfh School and Adult B ib h ' C lass will meet at 10 o'clock. The. school is not clos ing during the s u m m e r months. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.--Prayer meeting. . Amid one of 'the most delight ful settings to bo found on the North Shore and tables taste fully decorated, the members of West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce gathered for their monthly dinner,, meeting.at Cliff House, Whytecliff Park, with al most one hundred per cent, at tendance,' on Wednesday even ing la s t ., Following a most en joyable cold chicken dinner serv ed with all the usual trimmings 'and some community singing, Mr. Twyman entertained witn several piano solos, after which a business •session was entered into with keen interest by all present. . On invitation of Kitsilano Chamber , o f Commerce and Lions. Club a committee was ap- "Ydu Can See The Difference" , NELSONS l a u n d r ie s ' LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. G. FINNEY, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE . P h o n e W EST 782 NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN ' . TEA'- ■ (To-morrow) FRIDAY, JULY 19th, 2:30 to 5 p.m. At the home of Mrs. A. E. Young, 14th _^ 4 .K ipgs, Ave. -Proceeds to the Refiigee Committee : ^ 'Admission 25c :: WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th. St. Macintosh-- FrankHn i ■ . , All ladies holding . both St. xjxviic. c* ............. ...............Th® marriage w as solemnized joj^n Firs^ Aid and Home Nurs- pointed to arrange for a social on Monday, Ju ly -15 th , in the ing Certificates are requested to held-in-W est Van- Church p le^ e get in touch w;ith Mrs. A, A ________+ V , / \ ----------- --------- -------------- ------------A A O - T > . - V . A /T w Pastor: Robert H. Birch oouver rearly in_, August" by the Marcarct cldcat~daugh j^fecAtttayr-Wesl-Afigj^ or Mrs. joint organizations when, f o l - . | Freemantle W est 310-R, at lowing a cruise of the harbour on . . - - --~ • »• i ^ m rAomrri tn nrcrsmiTilTior a rilVl-lowing a cruise o l tne naroour on Ffanklin to Cameron regard to organizing a divi- one of the local f e r r i o ^ T i ^ H S ^ l S h ^ t son Sunday School-- 9:45 a.m. Morning Service-- 11 a.m. Evening Service-- 7̂:30 p.m, Conucted by Stanley Smith of the Japan Rescue Mission. Wedm§sday Prayer Fellowship-- .7:80 p.m,, at 2190 Argyle Ave. Horseshoe Bay_and Y icinity Bible Fellowahipr-Thursday at 7:45. V isitors welcome. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIG CHURCH ^ r d & Inglewood Ave. ors will be met by the local mem bers and escorted, to the place selected for the evening's enter tainment, full details of which will be announced later. Walter. Tearoe, chairman of the picnic committee presented an interesting report which, after, fu ll, discussion, was ap proved. The tentative plan is for a picnic, open to all citizens of the municipality, tp be held at , Bowen Island on the last Sunday, in July, going by way ofW hyte- cliff Park and thence by ferry to eiUtiSl/ SU Il U i ivxr. anu. , i n I. rr tin, _ Mrs. James Macintosh of Van- ^ P*f2' w ip couver.. Mr. and Mrs. Macintosh will reside in W est Vancouver, of !^ s . MacAulay, 1618 Esqu- malt A ve, 'Bpwen Island. Transpoftalion Rev. Father Van ^astor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class-- 2:00 p\m. Week-day Services Misiss 8 a.m. . Fridays-- ^Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:80 to 8 :8 0 ,p.m. ' WILLIAM HARDIE PASSES W illiam Hardie. 160 24th Street passed away last Sunday in h is 80th year. He is su rv iv^ by h is w ife and two > sons, David arrangements and other details will be announced in the press^ next week. Net proceeds from this outing will be donated to the local Red Cross, Work Fund. ' The secretary was instructed to send a copy of a resolution of appreciation that was unani mously endorsed, to the Munici pal CJouncil, for its response to the appeal of the Chamber of Commerce to clean up the boule vards throughout the business section, whidh was recently done. The Rev. Father Van. was a guest of the Chamber of Com merce and -addressed the meet ing briefly expressing his pleas- Uui-e to receive the invitation to attend and the opportunity it af forded to meet so many of the business men and women o f W est Vancouver. HO compli- 1 o f Vancouver, and William C, of Billings, Montana. Funeral ser^ vices WOTe held a t 2 p.m, yester day from th e Hollybum Funeral Home o f Harron Bros. Ltd., fol lowed- by interm ent in CJapilano View Cemetery. *nie Rev. An drew Roddan officiated. mented the members on the despatch of business and the oemmunity interest dispayed. The programme com m itt^ had prepared an interesting surprise for entertainment of the mem bers which was greatly enjoyed. BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY Mr, ahd^Mrs. Claxton and son o f Vancouver are occupying their new.sum m er cottage at Cy press Park. The Barbarians Girls' Auxil ia ry will meet in the Red Cross Headquarters on 'Tuesday, July 23rd at 8 p.m. \ . SYMBOL Is your guarantee that the bus in which you ride has been thoroughly vacuumed anid clean ed on the inside; is polished and shining on the I outside; is operated by a courteous,' carefiil driver. The Pacific Stage Lines' trademark also stands for the maximum comfdi^ in road travel* _In^no_pther_ buses--will--̂ou^feel--so completely and so securely a t ease. Operating on the North Shore fo r 12 yems,'- Pacific Stage Lines make every effort to ac-' ̂srrv>o.jr vv. -• commodate you by setting schedules-to your . convenience. ■ PHONE WEST 933 FOR INFORMATION - PACIFIC STAGE LINES