West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jul 1940, p. 1

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LIBRARY VICTDRM. B.C. Established .over.«16 years. Circulath t̂g in the Lihtnct of West Vancouver;̂ AmbUsidcs Hollgburn., Weston, D undarave ' 11. 00« a r y « * ? > "., ' i ^ . i , '̂ ^ i j : & P r m ^ P u r k , G d u l j ^ d , W h y t e c i ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' B cp w co p y Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 18th. 1940 No. 14 THE WAR .■ ■•......'.......... '. ̂ I Broken promises in the long run always boomerang and hrPflk the breaker. There is nothinjg more^. certain. Iw au se ovPTi in a savage sta te man on .occasion m ust be able to rely J he ffiven word of h is neighbor in order to survive. And, whpii that neighbor m akes a practice.of continually breaking word, he is mobbed to death by his fellow s as a menace to\hem all. Such will one day be th e fa te o0 H itler and the whole German nation. , , Already the m ills o f God,have,begun tp grind. A fter years ■of successful treaty bi^aking. .directed to ,o n e great object, mimelv the destruction of the B ritish Empire, the German dfcTator has lost by that very treaty breaking the French f l^ t , which was the only possible means He had of accomplishing his fell design. For th a t he was relyingjon it to invade Eng- aiid there can be no shadow of doubt. ̂It is Very well to talk of amphibious tanks towed by submarines and flat -bottomed scows carrying tanks on their decks to be hauled a t .th ir ty miles (?) per hour across the Channel. .These th ings are only thp dreams of the mechanizled mind gone mad with hate. Then fortunately for us; the B ritish N avy iS'^till v e ^ much on the sea and the British Arm y on the beaches. -They are both waiting. Moreover, "ah air force (^n invade* the; air, but it cannot invade the land, and, unless the German airmen are . more successful than has hitherto been the case in their en­ counters with the Royal A ir Force, the tim e may not be very far distant w|ien they .may not be able to ^ even that. ' There may be an attem pted invasion of England, but ex ­ cept'by'such unthinkable treachery as was present in Norway i£oan only be a failure, if not a m ajor German disaster. And that is one thing H itler dare not risk, for which reason he is more likely to turn his attention to 'Gibraltar or th e N ea rE a st or both in spite of the very ddub^fiil,assistance o f Mussolini. Jhe-latfer-seemsJ;oJ5e_abmt_QnJbJLe_j^rjge_iCrecej^^ SWIMMING Classes for beginners and in advanced swim piing and plain diving are being held Monday, Tuesday, W ednesday and Fri­ day afternoons a t Dundarave Pier. Phone Eileen Body, former assistant to Molly Edwards, West 1127-L.***. COUNCIL NOTES WELL .BABY CLINIC Last Thursday of each month. A t the June Well Baby Clinic 13 babies and 5 pre-school child­ ren were weighed and measured by Miss Riddell,'the Victorian Order nurse and iMiss Copeland. Individual health and training problems were discussed. The July m eeting w ill be held as u su a l the last Thursday of the month a t St. Stephen's Par­ ish Hall from 2 to 4 p.m^ ,. J!or further ihfo'im ation phone Miss ' l^iddell, W. 1000. : -- ^ Mrs. J. A. Bentley and Messrs. JI. J. Platt and P. W ait waited on the Council re condition of 1000 block, Jefferson Ave. Mat­ ter referred to Chairman of Board of Works for personal in­ spection with power to a c t . , ■ Dr. J. A. Nelson, and Messrs. W. Green, Clark and E. S. Gam- age waited on the Council re dog pound. A fter full,,discussion the Council decided to take no action at present. G. Gillespie came before the Council re Dundarave Rpgatta Council stated their w il l ir to ^ ^ ning gaja in aid of the ^led Cross and,j^e to cooperate in a swimming^ ' thrashing which , has been so long overdue, and which will cost him his African empire at least, besides possibly, opening up a . back door for us into Germany through Austria. All th is, ' ' however hinges, as events haVe -so often hinged before, on the stand to-be taken by Stalin. Should the latter join fo rces w ith Hitler in a thrust southward for the Suez Canal and India against us, the common - enemy, we should; have som e very ■ heavy fighting on._our h an d s., It, isf;.at any rate ,a possibility, if not a probabjlity,:seeing,toat twcQg^ngs^^ leaders howejer^ much they hate and fear; one anoth ^ ,^ iIl:a lw ays tm against the police. And India is part o f Peter the Great's dream of empire. In the Far E ast th e dominant; Japanese am iy party ap­ pears to be trying to pick, a quarrel w ith the BriUsh E m p re in order to have a "save face" for. their defeat in China." For the first time they and the Japanese navy the common policy of a drive, souths and consequently the out­ look is not at all prom ising for continued peace^ în the Pacific. Nor is it likely that th e United States will come in owing to possible internal trouble until such tim e as Hitler's star shows. definite signs o f s e t t i n g . ' . , Meanwhile, w e can thank God; for Churchill, whioa^hi^s " .^irit and words, so fa ith fu lly typifies^he attitude-of the-Brit- ish_ Empire today.. . W e are not a t all disturbed by German ultirr^ums nor are we a b it in terested in, the dictators' peace terihs. . For the issues of peace aiid^war have passed out o:̂ fteir hands to ours, and today we make war. On a tomorrow in the future we shall m ake peace-^on our terms-- in what is left of Berlin, but it.is .very doubtftil if either H itler or any of his friends will be there then to 'grace the occasion. " CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUNDAY N IG H T ;A T ^ ^ BASKET PICNIC ̂ HOLLYBURN THEAinilE . • mrnrnimmmmdiimommm ■. r I mu 4. ̂ f « Wo The bill at Hollyburn Theatre The first annual pic c o Sunday night, July 21'st, held by the W est Vancouver will, be "Shanghai E xpress," and Chamber of Commerce will take suitable short subjects. The show place on Sunday, July 28th, to will start at 9 p.m. And there Rawad T«»ianH tsia " WhvtecUff will be a silver collection al;.^he Free transportation will be Cross, West Vancouver Branch, provided by the member^ from 16th and Marine Drive to Whyte,cliff Park. F irst oars will a t this point a t 9 a.m. Tea, coffee and milk will also be prov- HQLLYBURN HA;LL DEATH OF MRS. ELIZABETH MARY OLIVER TOC H CARNIVAL 'v V*- ---The-death-took-place-Iast-Fri- day of Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Oliver,' widow o f the late An­ thony Oliver of i488 Esquiinalt Ave., in her 73rd year. S h e is survived by one sister, Mrs; J. E . Gibbs, Scappoose," Oregon, and y i.r e e brothers in. England; Funeral servcies were held at 1:30 p.m. Monday from th e Hol­ lyburn Funeral Home o f Har- ron Bros. Ltd., the .!^v. W illiam Vance officiating and interm ent was made in Capilano View Cemetery.. ■ ̂ ̂ '■ t r a i n e d P E R S O N N E L A promising feature, o f the ^nadian aircraft industry is the marked increai^, a t th is ĥrly date, in available' to in e ^ personnel. Manufacturers ' are Idling the benefit of . graduating -classes-from--technical" imstitu^ lions. These advanced students are being added to the Skilled trained and develofied y the companies themselves.' - - Soldier--You: look s^d,.BiH what s the matter? Sewnd 'Soldier--Well, IVe sent my lief A ° every day since , l.en- . now she has. married the postman. * ̂ A ugust 2nd and 3rd are to be ^twd'i>rom ising-dates-for-genuine - fun and entertainment for both yoilhg and old . in th e . Orange , Hall, when'Toe H lyill put on a /rehi live Carnival. The object of th is enterprise .is to raise suf- - fibi-fent funds to enable Toe H to ' recondition the Children's Play­ ground, repair ex isting equip- , ment," construct seats for the parents or guardians of the children and do any other work on ih js splendid municipal enter- i-priSe that appears necessary for the- welfare ol..the children. ; , f t e Municipal Courifeil have graciously granted th is privilege ' to Toe H, therefore a Carnival ' ha4 been decided upon to raise '- th e necessary funds to carry out t h i | work to a satisfactory con- " clusionr The usual Sunday'School and cottee ana mux wui uc pxuv- Yopng PeoifleA-Bible-Glass w ill- ided bv the com m ittee w ith ice be held at 10 a.m. next Sunday, f r i L for t h e " ^ Tickets July ,21st, in Hollyburn Hall, and may be'secured from members at 7:30 p.m. the / 'J ? of th e .Chamber o f Commerce Wallace Voll g iv e » and'should be mirchased befofer dress anfl-Brother and Sister-Mcw- hand"^ ^ ^ ^ ^ suitable ar- Kerral will sing. Tuesday even-, rahirements may be made to ac- mg, July^23rd, at 8 P-m., A. . commodate everyone. Adults t m be S S Island of. Martinique, French Vancouver Red Cross organiza- W est Indies, tion. This is yoiir ohanqe to as oiT'iTitTr'F'P POMMITTEE PLAN juveniles must b e . ^com panied will be held at home -■bsTtheirparehtS7̂ o r-fu r th erd e-- A ^ ._ J f^ n g ^ _ M th and t £ ls phone West 84. . A ve on Friday, July 19th, fFbmT _________________ 2:30 to 5 p.m. THE NAZI CREED ' . expected that D e ^ Boj- Reeve was instructed to make satisfactory--arrangem ents-with-- I^r. Gillespie for swimming act- ' w ities at Dundarave Pier along the same lines as in 1939. Messrs. H. W ^ ^ alters and D. McTavish waited on the Council bn behalf o f the Board of School Trustees. The Council concurVed in the School Board's forwarding to the Department of Education^ a letter stating there were school .facilities, for about 200 evacuat? e d ch ild ren su b je c t, however, to provision being made for the natural increase in the loc^ popr ulatiqn and any other children who may have arrived.as-private_r guests o f local citizens. ~ W . Tinney came before t h ^ Council re hrb proposed ten-suite apartment block at 17th Street, ju st behind th e post office. He stated that th e lay of the land "w J no W g e ^ o ^ God' lert o f the U niversity of British nf T fS it is ho Columbia will be present and a from heaven but hearty welcome is extended to cialist principle w e have .pro- -cniiaren. claimed loudly at War Easter, 1940, to our nation and to th e whole world."-- Dr. Ley, in -th e Angriff of March 28, 1940. TASK OF TRANSPORTATION Admission tickets, obtainable from any Toe H m em ber,. well worth your attention and a ' series of novel attractions have-- been arranged to ensure all who visit the Carnival an eventtui and enjoyable tim e. v , ^ r - A ll net proceeds will be devot­ ed 'exclusively to the improve­ m ent of W est Vancouver Child­ ren's Playground. WHHtLING WHEELS C-ARNIVAL .1'. A W hirling , W heels Carnival will be held a t 9 p.m. to-m orpw (Friday) at Hollyburn Pavilion. This will be th e largest show on rr, -L i. wHecls stagcd on the North To illustrate the huge task Shore w ith twenty-five perform- Canadian transportation system s j.ĝ dancing, spinning,' acrobats, have undertaken Jn . respect to clowns and chorus girls. 35 cents movement of war supplies, the includes skating 8 to 9. Spec- following statistics are pertin- tutors, -25 cents; children, ent. 90~%"T f"C a n a a i^ l^ ^ a n d■■ f. ' f ^ - . . .. ,..T̂ zinc output, 80% o f copper pro­ duction, about 150,000,000 bush­ els of wheat, over 6 ,000 ,000 pounds of bacon a week and a substantial amount of. lumber MUSICAL SUCCESSES ; . Kathleen M. Cole of 2434 Nel- son Aye., passed in the Grade 9 ^------- . „ , pianol exam ination df the Tb- substantial amount o f .lu m b er ro n to Cdflservatory of Music. In must be moved by rail, truck o r theory examination, preced-the theory examination, preced- airplarie. These are only a few ^ ing, Kathleen obtained first class the leading p ro ^ p te , already honors with a mark of 98%. She contracted for by Britain for the is a piipil of Mrs. Charles Bur- first year of war.;; ^ bridge. and soil structure did not permit of a suitable septic tank. He thought that the m atter was up t o the municipal Engineering De­ partm ent- but,^he- -was_ advised. _ th a t such m atters yrere up to the ow ner.'H is request was finally le ft by the .Council with the H ealth Inspector, the Engineer and him self to see if some satisfactory solution re the dis­ posal o f sewage could not be ar­ rived at. ~t).' B. King w as present at the Council m eeting re Engineer's --report on-^aecess to Lot-9,-Block-- 18, D .L . 558E1/2. The Council authorized th e expenditure of hot moye than $150 on the open­ ing o f the road to the property and not more than $35 on laying w ater service, all additional ex­ penditure to the borpe by the. applicant. N EW TYPE SCREEN FOR CASEMENT WINDOWS Sure protection from the fly. and insect nuisance is now as­ sured by a new patent type of screen for casem ent windows ju st placed on the market, which should be a great convenience to W est Vancouver householders. 'These screens are flexible, can­ not catch drapes or mar wood­ w ork/ are durable, and there are no unsightly tracts or mechani- -cal-parts-w hieh-w ill-require-re-- pairs. They can also be remov­ ed or hung in a minute. The average cost is $4.00 per win­ dow, and they are becoming quite popular in Vancouver. Anyone Interested is. request­ ed to kindly phone Laurie Brad­ shaw , phone BA y. 040^R, when >' f u l l particulars will be given and a display arranged, if desired. Phoiie charges may be reversed. .\m1 " f "S'-' f'.