*̂, »••. 4- i» » ' i . .. THE WEST VAN NEWS July Uth, 1940- SMITH'S MARKET WI S |*ImMUI Wfft 4$ ,. iJJlSMfl^ ,^®llil(til :.;/MfiitM^W $7® Fri« DtUviarf Siiiri«* . • IftittJiljr Ae^mni 4ii if 4 SUGGESTIONS FOR FRI. and SAT., JULY 12th and 13th !<l FItU N E S -'K .a BraiuL Mtdiutn nix*. 2*Ib, C arto tt.... ..........,.„4,^........ ..16e COHN FhAKtSS--<Juaker, 2 pkfa. J5« AI'HICOl'8--2 tall tina ...............28c ftcd & White lirattd FLOUIt~> 7»lb. sack ,.,.25c; 24-lb. aack ....79e '49-lb aack t U 9 Oo1«'h Natural BIked PINEAPPLE--. Blir No. 1% tin for only ....... ...,10c Hwl & WhlU» BOC^KYB gALMON-- No. »/j tin .............r ..........,.......,4!0c lUfd & White Brand SOUP--Vege table or Tomato. 2 tina ..............17e Columbia WHITE COHN--Tall tin lOc HiNl & White PEAS--Sieve 4, tail tin ............ i...................... lie UVE-CKUNCTI--«-OE. pkt. .'....... 15c Ked & While JELLY POWOEIIS-- 3 pktĤ ......................................... 14c CEHTO--8-oz. IxHtIo....................... 24c ECONOMY CAPS--Do/., to pkt. 29c JUICY LEMONS--Oood al*c, 6 for 16c Weat 370 M E A T S Free Delivery BEEF PORK LAMB yEA L All Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Fish Dally GKAPKFHUIT--Large alto, 4 for 19c OUANGES--Bunklat ValendoH MfNiium nIzo, dozen .................. 27c Large alze, dozen ......................39c Lettuce -- Tomntoca -- CucumberH (-'nbbuge -- Celery -- Cauliflower < etc. ■■ • • DkiV€*wnit'-*M^u8e Dean Ramsay Armitege^^fi- ^ dated a t the marriage in Christ Church Cathedral on July 6 of AytenOi .Mr* Mrs. P. A. Meuse of West Van- couver, to Mr.' Thomas Dever- eaux, son of Mr- and Mrs. u. Bokma of th is d t y . , , Given in marriage by Mr, Wal ter Rutherford, the bride was wearing grey crepe with rose tu> cessories and corsage of pinK roses and lily of the valley. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. W, Pallant as matron of honor, and Miss Lois Cusack as brides maid. Mr. W. Pallant was best . . i XU.,A reception was held a t the studio of Mrs. D. H. R utherford,,, where Mrs. Robert Whrdrop pre- sided a t the tea table. Later Mr. . and Mrs. Devereaux left for a tour of Vancouver Island. SASH & DOOBS SHINGLES PLYWOODS -- TEiBi'tS-- NO SUBSTITUTE for QUMJTY As«at«: PAIHT ' ^ B m m iitsn m p p L iE S " JROOFINQ ̂ WALLBOAJEU) ■ TILE CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUM BER C O . LTD. ^ 16lh& Marine Driv* Phone Weat 116 CLASSIFIED A D S riftSBlfied. Advertteementa is 2 cents per word, minimum 2S l u / B l f J j f F X c7.« -f t h . . . tav tag regular all classi- the Vaa. New, get Imiaedlate rmulU, Miss Shower Stella J3ruce recently GOllDON HOBSON - - ^Solicitor. 510 W. Hastings. Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time oy appointment, Weat 403. entertained a t a kitchen shower u e n T--Cosy three room suite, ■ ~ and social evening at the home f i r e p l a c e , central, lovely vie , WANTED -* - garage. Weat 686-B. -sxu..- r 6 Room, Bungalow, 3 bedrooms, on 5avcd street and . bus . line, $120Q.O0. 'orme. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marino Drive West 55 r of her parents at West Bay m honor of Miss Hazel Martin and Mr. Charles" "Baldwin, whos©"̂ CORRESPONDENCE thnt I couldn't more. H6, held The following very interesting me like this until the police'came ivn. vimuco uamw^i, extract from a letter written to and told him that I was British 'marriage takes place on^ July his parents by a nephew of hisi anil not German; Then someone'. 17th. The guests were Mrs. C. has been handed to us by A. E. came out of the house and gave Bruce, Mrs. T., Martin, Mrs. A. Trafford, of 207G Argyle Ave. rne three double brandies which Cushing, Mrs. J. M'arnis, Mrs. I. His nephew, who is 18 years of made nie feel much .better-" Anderson, Mrs. H. Wright, the age, is an air , gunner in the ' ' ^4 . . ti. . PEMBERTON REALTY. CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) . 418 Howe S t TRm. 1271. Local Agent, . v P Bayliss (Notary Public). 2486 Bellevue. ' West 522-4* ..._____ - A small gramophone, either T ortab le or Cabinet. Phone W. 981. ■ ■ ________ WANTED--Help, general ,from 1 p.tn. to 8 p.m. week-days and Saturday mornings. W. 714. R.A.P.; "As you know, I broke my leg about throe weeks ago. I did it when 1 hit the ground after bail ing but. The reason we had to ball out was that wlien we were over the German lines, about 80 LACROSSE iVIisses D. Erickson, H; Vanoe,y S. Bruce, H. Martin; Messrs. 0; Bruce, T. Martin; H. Wrighy<H. Farmer, D. CJolquhoun, D. Bro derick, J. Broderick, K. Bruce, MARCEL SHOP - - Thermique Steam Permanents; only best te a te r^ a used. Expert operatws. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. ■ FOR RENT--Under new management. Recreation Hall, reasonable. Care taker on prem ises.' Phone West 816-M., The Bantam and Midget la crosse schedules have been com- - r. pleted , with the Tomahawkf J. Marnis, C. B^ winning the midg(!T title. ^ ovcT the Ucrmiin lines, about 80 a r S w being prepared for thb B. planes flew al»ve us. N atur^ly , j,. plLyoffs which will take place we didn't wiQJ to see if they shout the were our own or the enemy, so GIRL GUIDE RAFFLE On the afternoon of Wednes- this fall probably about' the day, July 3rd, the West Vancou- were our own or the enemy, so September. Exhibition vef Girl Guides held a garden We dived down till we were about j,, ^(,ch Thurs- party when Mrs. Ames'drew t t e ■20-R*ei-o(r-t-he-groundTTWell--the--^ ^ r -- --------------- Germans opened , fire on us from r e -r o o f in g --GENUINE DUROID Shingles, pttractlye, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. p . V. Findlay. West 494-R. WOOD, COAL. - E arth for Fills and gardens, blacktop fdr . roadways; rock, sand and gravel. Steve Lowrie, W est 266-Y. . all dlreotioris, and we w(»re h it ^ five times in the fuselage , by . the bantam division, the anti-aircraft shells. These shells Olympics ^ make a huge hole, but all I got banded and a best two-out- f- day evening to keep fhe, boys in wjnning ticket f^ h era fflerT lT e -I r! I f a i 4 ; •tf was a piece of shrajiitel the size of a pin's head in my leg. Lucky, wasij't I? When we got over the sea, the pilot beckoned to me, quilt was won by Mrs^ D. Bell of West F irst Ave., Vancouver. Each Guide djld her" share in helping to make either the quilt or th e raffle tickets and home'̂ made candy, cakes or articles for sale a t the garden party. As a COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES . All forms of documents drawn and executed. • „ x i Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P„ BLOWER & CO. LTD. -- T4e5--Marine^Dr;7"W6st~Vancouver-- . Phones; . West 21, 204-M, 913-L H. A. ROBERTS I/TD. Complete Realty Service , 1429 Marine Drive - West 546 CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. • FLOOR SU R F A 'C lN ljr^i Su^^ , West .483 o r North 678. SUNLIT LODGE-- Summer Guests, ■ Transient and ' Permanent. 8678 Marino Drive.' West 889-L2. ; PAINTING An d DECORATING -- Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. - Z] If , il-:: th ree series will be .played be tween West Vancouver and the aca the pilot beckoned to me have yet to be defeated), to result of this effort t h e ^ M e s J T i! J X oecKynui w , m®, , ., . . ♦ second half t̂re pleased~to be able to, give and I had to crawl up the fusil- i ^ iu,. • secona ^ nge lor nim to give me a note Valley; fehampions of the purpose of buying blankets for first half for the league cham- refugees. S - f l v e 'L - f e \ the* rae lm X le ™ E -FLYING COLUMN «ml m td o r m v "p « r S l l 1 the Juvfnile' A e a g u e has been WEST VANCOUVER UNIT waited for the word to lumo organized and it is hoped to make England is preparing as never When we were over the English ^ three-way affair with North before. Not relying only on her coast he irave the order Actual- Vancouver, Dollafton and We?t Navy, Army, and A ir Force, her f r i n e v e f to ^ ^ Vancouver c o m p l e t i n g the every village green, and parish J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or W est 658-R-l. GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, ..'.one policy, all ■ locations. SEy. 4991 or W est 92-R2. . _______ , *. v ' . • v v » . ffjf * " a.* V v># . stating tha t we would haVe to bail out. There w asn't any hur ry because the plane could fly up,, but not down. So X went back WEST VANCOUVER SERVICE-^Parcels, Baggage,' light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. . - WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and- house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, W est 443rR. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor,.510 W , Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 408. _____ , i 'T.-' 'i-ii ■ ' i y i . _ . .'i.V.t L T '^'?r * ,1'? V.. "-I ̂ .. V/- ' ' ( % ' 1 ■ t U f ' A 4 ^». f- ' l l ' M yl-J-̂1* n- -y .'w / i j ' A S ^ tk4 >w-| ' 4 1 i '4 A ulS 1\ ij V ^1 ' M A i ly, 1 never inougnt Ji would nave v . TTir* . J x fiT T " ithe nerve to jump, but When the league.-As m thWMidget League wmu^on resound to the tram p of -Timi^came-I-didiVi^feeUn-the _a six game schedule will be ar- her ^Toomstick . Armies las least scared. Well, Ipushed my-' and will ^ p la y p each they-parade and train to defend, self out of the hatch and pulled Monday night. The first game, hei in this hour of the rip.eord as soon as I was how ver, took place on Thurs- Here in Canada the danger out of th e m ach ine I didn't day, July 11th, With West while not so imminent, is still dount ten, or anything silly l ik f Vancouver m a tin g North Vant acute We. tw,- should prepare that; When the parachute opens couver a t Mahon Box a t 6:80 ourselves so that we may help to there is a terrific jolt and then P**" ' *̂®®̂ orthe^gam es are 'defend our homes, our ̂ country, you start swinging from side to, to be announced later. Results of ou^ Empire. _ FOR DUMP TRUCK WORK, sand, gravel, wood, coal, please phone Steve Lowrie, W. 256-Y. N:B. Now- driving truck formerly owned by Dansey Bros. FIR E HAZARD . Protect your home and contents. Rates, less than . % of 1 per cent. Percy T. Masterman. Real Estate, Notary, 2446 Marine, West 1077i V ' CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools,;^ etc.; nothing too big or too small; B urrard Junk Co., West 91. FO R' SALE--10-ft. surf dr paddlje board, cheap. Phone W. -816-M. WANTED--WiU lease a 5 or 6 room house, for one or two years. Good references'! Give location and terms. Box 20, West Van. News. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun try w ay;, guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, , Capilano, . North 811>;Rt2. .? you s ia it BWingmg iiom Slue to, ^ mi,., • ' x* ' x̂ xuside a.s though you were on a ppnimioii Day games are as fol- There is an active unit of the Hwinir I enmo down on n ffrflvhl lows (exhibition lacrosse only): X* lying Column here in West path, of course, and had to go Midgets^West-Vancouver kll- Vanoouver It has t e n drilling and break my leg like fi nit-wit. stars 8, North. Vancouver' all- several weeks; but it needs As soon as I hit the ground, an stars 8. Bantams--W est'V an- complete cooperation | of old gardener came up to me and couver 10, North Vancouver alL ^^^^®Jj^;^J^^i-jn^t^district,-and VACATION TIME--Make use of the West Van Night Patrol. Efficient service.-Phone- West 927-R. LAWN MOWERS S H A R P ^ E D - Special, machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. FOR SALE^1933 Maple Leaf 2-ton truckj with power hoist. Cheap. West 527. i ^SUMMER c l a s s e s now in session'. Hollyburn Business College, West '341. ' - _ grabbed, hold of my wrists so stars T. l i i lM ̂1 { ! ̂ c- ^ i ̂ %\ti ' ̂/v'l * ( Je"v. E »ii 4mimA J L IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA announce the opening o f a branch at 1 6 5 4 MariiliB Drive toTje known as .the WEST VANCOUVER BRANCH Mr. A. JV. PERRY, Manager. 'r I W :S M l M i i t appeals to all these to enrol a t once. Parades are held weekly bn Friday. Fall in a t 7 :30 p.m. in front of the Legion Hall. For information phone West 510-Y. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 M arin e- Ankle. Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup plies;--^Notions; Chinawarer" Hard-- ware. Baby Garments. - - W. H. VASS. Chiropractor. Suite 4, Hollyburrf Block. PAPJERHANGING. Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, a t reason able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-R.' FOR SALE^--Gurney Range,.oil burn-_ _ _ er, good as new, $50. Might consider GENERAL HAULING^--^Manure, Sep- exchange for wood' burner^ with tic Tanks and Rockpits installe^'and some cash. Glass: Capilano. North Cleaned. Dump truck work. West 688-L3. . ' 187-R. n ig h t p a t r o l R. Clegg, a fornier R.A.F. of ficer, and J. R. Bevan, have taken over the West Vancouver Night Patrol, as. from July 1st, consequent uppii the enlistment of E. Tomey. They wish to ex press their appreciation of the support given the N ight Patrol in the past, aiid-would appreci ate the continuance of it in the "future. * CAULFEILD COTTAGE -- 6 rooms FORTaENT--Sunny rooms, high loca- fully furnished, $10 week from July tion, view, board optional, close to m h to. August 29th. W 751-LL ' ~ -------- "bus. Box 10, W est Van. News. FOR RENT--7 room furnished house 4 bedrooms. l,Vest 321. BExVUTIFUL NEW HOME by the sea* 'Would take paying guests. -- ATjply Box 27, W est Vah; N e ^ SPECIAL -SaWdust .......... „..:$3.60 per unit 'Dyy Slabs'^-------$5.00 per cord Inside F ir;-- ' sh e d ----- $6.00 per cord from mUI -----.$6.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Edgings $3.76 per cord PRlTAUrs FUEL ' , Phone North 620 i < REGISTRATION "SUN TAN" CAMPAIGN FOR THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY, WEST VANCOUVER BRANCH GIRLS:--Give up your silk stockings fo r 2 months. ,A su n ̂tan is . healthy--the cause' , is worthy--let us all do dur b i t--spread . ' the hews. ) . . . ^ I pledge $2,00 for'the months- of July and/or August, a total of $..■....... for this campaign. . , - Name A ddress........................................................ p^y ....... ................. All Janies so raised- under this campaign will be donated to the Cana dian Red Cross Society, West Vancouver Branch.' -Please-Bign-this-form~md"returh to" RED CROSS "TREASURE SHOP," Canadian Red Cross Society, 1680 Marine D h, W est Vancouver. NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Cei^iified as ^ v e r t i s ^ in the Chatelaine and Good 'Hoqsekeeiimg) U. G .FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative , .Phone Wert .782 and Driver will calL