sim D A Y p c p r HOIiLTBDEN tH EA TK E ■■■■.i' ■■■■ ;■■,'■.■!■.■,■ ■■■.;.■■. ■ ■ '■:it ■ ■■ Kî ŝ - -- * , -1 > tf *vyj- * < ( * « at. 9 , o'clock . . > " Gold i> W h ere Y ou F ind I t " and Suitable Short Subjects. Silver Collection to Cwwillan It«d Cross, Went Vancouver Brandi Mr», Oeo. .Ae Keates and son, W arren, of Toronto, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Hughes, 1204 Esquim alt Ave., for the summer months* drive o ^ ^ - b u n OUT at V CUFF HOUS E (MISS CLUNIE, Hostess) W b y td iliff Vark Mi*s. H. Cranwill and daugh te r Joy, 1565 Haywood Ave., have returned from a live weeks' ̂ v isit to the form er's parents in Los Angeles, California.a ■ ♦ * Mrs. A. M. liavidson of Ed- nionton, larrived last Monday to visit her m other, Mrs. A, Clegg, of 1576 Argyle Ave. 'No Overlooking boautiful Howto Sound, term inus of lovely W est Marine Drive Delicious Luncheons « - Teas ~ D inners/w ith music available* foar| after-dinner dancing Lieut-Colonel and ^ ' s , K. W. Savory have sold their home a t 2 7 th 'and O ttaw a Ave., and are a t present ococupying a house, a t 28rd and Jefferson. Tho, M cIntyre .O rchestra a»id ' tlie " R & tany ' ̂ g e r i oFyiSKbU- ver gave a dance on Thursday night down a t th e fo r t under ^ e bridge. Refreshm ents were do nated by members of the p i^y» fru it by J. Hadyn Young and icc cream by the F rost K ist Co. *t„ *> .}* .1 The Rev. F , A. Ramsey is speiidipg >thia ^week a t C ^ p Artaban. In his absence, the Rev. J. P. Dingle will be the celebrant a t the 8 , service of Holy Communion next ' Sunday and will also give the addi'ess a t Evensong. , , j.* The special preacher a t Matins will be Canon dTSasum and George S. Buxton of Burnaby will offtoiate a t Oaulfeild. Parking FaciUties -- Bathing "Accommodation -- Boats for Hire d a il y f e r r y SBRV:I(CB to BOWEN i s l a n d from Whytecliff I Now Effective on M.V. "Comox" Ask for .Cliff House folder which includes schedule Telephone Whytecliff 75-M or T ftin lty 1321 for Party and Cliib reservations Axi--ii -- u -- U ■* II --*I.O .D .E. LIFE a m / SPA R K L E END'S ECONOMY otM'ia t i i i a SIZE 8 ^ l ; « A m eeting of the Duncan Lawson . Ohaptdr, I.O.D.E. will ; be held . in;, tbs': St. S tephen's Parish Hall on Friday, July 12th a t 7:45 p.m. All members are requested to attend. A daughter, Elaine I'enny, was born last Saturday a t the Vancouver Genei'al Hospital to Dr. a&^l'-Mrs. A lbert Penny As- selstine, of Alexo, Alberta. Mrs. Asselstin^ is staying with her her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reid of 24th and Palmerston Ave. fo r-the summer months. McNElL & McCUE 14th and Marine West Vancouver - Bert- Simpson, 1494 Duchess Ave., is leaving on Saturday for Toronto, where he will join the R.C.A.F; NORTH SHORE LADY l a u r ie r c lu b 'A good tim e was enjoyed by the members a t the picnic held - recently--in _the<.. delightful., gar dens of Mrs. H. Richmond 6th , and Duchess. The club would -lik^'to express its appr^ ia tion to the members arid their friendri fo r their .part in taggirig in the city for- th e Air Supreinacy DWve. The Red Cross'Auxiliary ̂ of the club m ^ t s every^Wednes- day afternoon a t 2 o'clock a t the Red Cross headquarters. Mem bers or anyone else wishing to help will be welcome. \ M rs. T. A. Spencer, and her son, David. Spencer, with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Norman L ittell of Washington, D.C., spent the week-end a t Harrison H ot Springs Hotel.♦ * ♦ On the evening of July 6th, a birthday sUpperiparty was held a t Sunlit Lodge, the guests w ere: Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Knox, Mr. arid Mrs. William Skinner, I^ s s Blair, Mrs. A. Morton, Mrs. J. Boxer, Mrs. McCann, Mr, Mrs. Joshua Anderson, Miss Phillis Anderson, Mrs. Vaughn, Miss Olive Gray, M aster P e te r Skinner and Miss B. J* Camp-, bell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller are now occupying the suite above their store receritly erected by J. Sinclair a t 1821 Marine Drive. A daughter wais born last Sun day a t the N orth Vancouver General Hospital_to!^Mr. and Mrs. Tommy T urner (nee' Marjorie P ritch a rd ),'2685 Lawson Ave. L a s t week we announced th a t Mr. and Mrs* W atson had mov-. ed from 1870 Marine Driye into a house a t 2150 Argyle Ave. TKis" shrould have read Mr. and Mrs* Jaokson. ,• 11̂1, ♦ ■ The Council resolved th a t a half hourly fe r iy service to 8 ]^m. be resum ed on Saturdays until fu rthe r notice. Shower ' On Saturday afternoon last, and "afternoon tea^able" shower was held a t Sunlit Lodge, W est Bay,' in honor of Miss. Phyllis Anderson, daughter of Mur, ana Mrs. Joshua Anderson, who were early residents in the vicinity oi 23rd and Inglewood. Miss An- derspri received her ■early edu cation a t Pauline Johnson School. H er m arriage will p la ^ on th e 20th instant, to Mr. Anthony Burdet1>Burgess, of Duncan. ■ Those invited to the tea were Mr. land Mrs. Joshua Anderson, Miss Phillis Anderson,_ Miss t m i E k J Roberts--^Reid The j^nrirriage was solemnized on Sunday a t the Anglican Protect Y our. H ea lth and . Save on-Food-W astage hy~u5lng^-- M oderh A iT '-^ n d itio iied -- ----- Ice R etrigeration n from $ 2 7 .5 0 u p < % Ice Chests for R en t or S a le ^ GARVm ICE & FUEL Ghurqh, Cranbrook, B. C.̂ ^ Jam es Chester,.elder son of Mr. and Mrs. T .M. Roberts, of Cran brook, to Helen Mary, younger^ Tdaughter"of^Mr7-and7l^S7"ErW7- Reid, 24th and Palm erston Ave.- "TK(^bride~wa~s~a-miember o f 'th e ' teaching staff of the H igh School a t 'Kimberley, B.C., and is a graduate of th e U.B.C* BUILDING. PERMITS, $49,555 The Municipal Hall last month issued 20 peraiits of a total value of $49,555, particulars of which a re as follows: 14 , dwellings, 1 garage, $T5yTB addi- 2 1 5 7 -M arine\D rive %__ : t W est 7 8 8 W $47,350; tions, $1,850; 1 alteration, $250; 1 miscellaneous. $30 .̂ Atteiitioi^ Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT PREMIX. ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 ' . , \ or ALF ELLIS, W est 823-L RED CR03S Glenarbour Unit m et a t the home of Mrs. N. Boyd, Glen- eagles, last-M onday a t ^ l .p.m. They will meet a t th e sam e place and time next M onday.,, Frances Sayre, Miss Josephine Blair, Mrs. Louise Livesley,; Mrs. A rthu r Merrill, Mrs. William Skinner, Mrs. H artley Earle, _Mra^-AJiei4LJCnQX,-7Mrs._^^^ Puttick, Mrs. A. Morton, Miss Doris Knox, Mrs. Thomas Poole, Miss Ellie Gordon, Mrs. Walter Shirley, Mrs. Marie Bodkin, Mrs., p7oUTS~MiilerpMrs~Regr-WittT-all- ' of Vancouver, and Rev- and Mrs. i l - P - D i n g l e . M iss "JoamGourley^ Mrs. F. I. Dumble, Miss Fowler, Mrs. Frank-Templer Mrs. Deven- »ort, Miss Jelly, Miss Olive Gray, Miss Estelle Tupper, Miss Dan Brake, MiSs Symes, Mrs. Aif. Searle, Mis^ Pam ela Searle, Miss Campbell, god-mother of the bride, acted as. hostess.'♦v-* ♦ _ -- M rT'arid'M rsrDavid'Y oung^of- Seattle, were visitors a t Sunlit Lodge, W est Bay, th is week. -AisoThoinarCoffieTaccompaTried- by L is son Douglas, and his friend Linwood Valier, all of Vernon, aro spending the week there* MUSICAL SUCCESSES 3 - MRS* ALICE E: TRIMBLE PASSES S E V- E N - R A 6 E S A I L Y l U H ^ y T ^ j j u i i T r i t y PARI-MUTUAL S YSTEM Daily D b u h iS r^ ^ irs t aiuTSecoiid and Sixth an d Seventh Races. Mrs. Alice Ellen Trimble, wife of Stanley Trimble 2379 M athers Ave., passed away last M onday in her 29th year; . Besides her husband, she leaves to ' mourn her loss one son John^ a t hom e; h er mother, Mrs. .M argaret S tew art; two sisters, Mrs. Gor don Mills and Miss Gladys Stew a rt, Vancouver. Funeral services were held a t 3 p;m. yesterday,■ -from_--the_ JSTwth; ^Vancouver chapel of Harron Bros., Ltd., the -Revr-W7-H--Lr4Vest-officiatingr and interm ent was made in Cap- ilano View Cemetery.^ EXPERT Waiteh and d o c k REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON - (formerly with B irk s ' Ltd., Montreal)! 1622 Mariiie Drive A t the recent examination of . the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London, England, Vancouver Centre, t ^ following students of Mrs. F., Knight-Hodge passed with high ■marks: Grade I Piano, Genevieve Dawn Sm ith; Grade L Violin, Desmond Robert Jones; G radeII .Piano, Charmaine Marie Gruohy; Grade II VioUn, Herbert K ett. n e r ; Grade I I I Piano, Marguerite Joan Powell; Grade HI Violm, B rian Wiliiain Jones; Grade H I; Piano, V iolet' Bernice Barbour; Grade IV. Piano, Kathleen Grace -Collirison,--Eric--Robert.:^M hr_ brook, Doreen Kearns, P at Eliza beth Powell (honors). Theory Grade I, Norrie, Barbour, marks 99; Charm aine jMarie Gruchy, 96 m arks; M arguerite Joan Dow ell, 99 m arks; P a t Elizabeth Powell, 89, m arks; (Jrade H» Dc^ reen Kearns, 91 marks, out of a possible 99. The above m arks are excellent. Dr. Percy Hull was the exam iner of the Royal Schools, London, England. Bennett's BAKERY BUTTBRCRUBT V BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a dor. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Plain Layers, largo 20e small 10c Sliced Wrapped Bread 1468 Marino Dn Phono W. 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. July 11th, 12th and 13th (JUACIK FIELDS SYDNEY HOWARD " Shipyard Sally" ill HO "WORLD'S FAIR JUNIOR" I*' SATURDAY-EVE AND MONDAY July l ^ h and 15th (5LAW^,I1)()U(5 iRBANKS 'Rulers of The Sea' nlso TIEAUTIFUL SWITZERLAND' TUESDIAY and WEDNESDAY July 16th, and 17th ANNA NEAGLE •; EDNA MAY OLIVER GEORGE SANDERS " NURSE EDITH CAVELL" (Qnco only a t. 8.00)p. Also short subjects VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phono W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO , Wood, Coal, . Builders' Supplies Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts Bathing, Boating, Fishing -Co ' ' "Tea-rooms; Home-Gooked Meals Sandy Beaches Cattages for ren t by month . "OTTweelr ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR ' SHE WILL SAY PHONE TO . Eagle Harbor FOR YOUR TODAY West. 4 5 6 MORROW COAL & ICE COMPANY L IM ITED E x tra Special Fir Slabs and Inside Fir, mized jto cord, C.O.D."«> P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 Wo pay .for the phone call. A rth u r ^Wright, Travers Ave., is leaving Monday for Edmon ton, where he will be the judge a t th e 'Edmonton Exhibition Dog Show. !. {.