wtm t:'U ^ i | r ; «■ t'1' I ft ' ! ■ i'" -,r;? f ? ,f{ 'i? I T r'Si- .i I fil; ;T ® i =l|n T i t : :'i- ■i'J. '■' ■'•'4 il_T_ S I i ' " i ii' 'j" - i i I r . 1 •'■T/î'5̂ m 'I'ii ■ 1* Tj , . f -.v4̂ ̂ lf-%:Sv'--J 111 ly iO T ¥.AN NEWS July 11th. 194ft €m* H i t A SKioliitiAl A m EW* W« YANCBi EA«, Mfalillr Fttlton AfilWi#T^.« Hiotii Wi*t ftl4*E Ŝuiidbiy 11 Aiii«A:1̂ lî f̂UBi« Btinitstf* Vltitom Mr# w#I##iii# ii ft Your Hair Demands Professional Care BflttfMtar l«*f. yf, h. McKay, BA^ RD. . . . , gitii4#y 10:00 «.m.--Church School m- dudiotf Adult CUta 11 M.itt* & 7:80 p.xtt»--PrfiochiDSf Sorvicca. A hearty welcopo to *11 Wo analyze your typo o£ hair and find which of our aeven permanent vyuvoH will ftuit your texture. Let a profeaalonul be the Judge in your next pormanenl. Gwendolyn *j Beauty Shoppe Creatora of, Exclusive Per««no»U, 1S46 Marine Drive West 117 HOllYBURlI HALL 14 th and Duchess Sunday, July 14th, a t 10 a-in. Sundoy School and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening at 7:30 Gospel Address. ' Speaker: Mr. Harold Summers Tuesdoy a t 8 p.m Prayer and Bible Study. , Subject: "The Psttlms." ,Ja0 5 » I,J fA K C O ,O Y E B ^ Chrutian Science ._„Society„_... CHUECH KIUKICB 20th and Bsquiiaalt, Hollyburn "rw ch^The Mother Cburcn The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, «. Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, July HtH SUBJECT: **SACUA.MENT" Sunday School at "'S '. . i Testimony Meeting Wedncbdayi i a t 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially in vited to attend our services and j meetings. TilE ROLLERDROME j Under Neiv Management OPEN EVERY KITE 8 p.m. Even" Tuesday Beginners Nile 25c -- includes nil charges 25c ...Mr and Mrs. Todd o lv ia i i - Mr. and Mrs. Stonfer and couver arc occupying a house family of Dundarave have moved ni 1.SB0 Argyle Ave. . t o victoria. DK. G. D. H. SE A LE D.D.S., L.D.S. d e n t is t X-Eny Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phoilono West 72 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. M c l ^ 1344 Gordon Ave.' DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 6 --- Evenings by appointment. _18.00_ M B,rine_DrJ ve_ West 482.= Sunday Services: 11 a.m .~^ubject, "Principalities and Powers." Story for the children. ' Soloist, James McGechaen. 7:30 p.m.--Rev. C. H. Ballard, of the Lynn Valley United Church, will preach. The Church School and adult Bible Class will meet a t 10 ST. ANTHONY'H CATHOLIC , CHCKCH ,. 23rd & Inglewood Ave. . Rev. Father Van , Pastor : Sunday Services Low MassT~ 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10.l,b Rosary and Benediction 7 :45 Catechism and Bible Class--2 :00 p.m. : Week-day Services Mass -- 8;a.m. j . F r id a y s -- Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A., Ramsey, Rector a.m. ,,Sunday, July 14ih Batabliahed on North Shore 25 Years . (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. f uneral Bire^tar# Hollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 , North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 Wednesday, 7 :45 p-m. -- Prayer meeting". ' , ■ . ----- "-The--annual--Sunday--School--8-aTra-.--^Holy-CommuniQn picnic which was to have been Jield yesterday; was postponed owing to the weather to next Wednesday, July 17th. The pic- „nic will be; held at Horseshoe ------- -------- -------- Bay, and buses will"leave the 9 .-45 a .m .-- Matins and bermon. church a t 1:30 p.m. 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. • S t. . Francis-in-the-Wood Caiilfeild THE UNITED CHURCH 21at and Esauimalt Avenue ^ev. William Vance, Minister CHURCHES OF CHRIST r SCIENTIST ̂ Sunday, July 14th 11 a.m..^Morning Worship. • Subject, "Getting the Beat out - "SACRAMENT" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in " all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on"Sunday. The Goden TexCis: "The hour cometh, and now ia^ when th e - P ain ter and Decorator 1706 Marino Drive Phono West 838 of People.' ------- - ---- . 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. . true worshippers shall w orsh^ , . Subject, "Thou shalt not kill." the Father in spirit and m truth. , --Visitors and campers in West for the Father seeketh such to r-VanejouVier--are--iespecially--wel=-- worship--him"_^XJ^BlAl23). - corned to our services. , Among the citations which -O n"Tu^ay7~~July-T6th7^at comprise--^the-Lesson-Sern^nJS- -̂1 fir w ii. iiH u r\l A ■ f Vk rt -f a II AUfin O*: *Pi*rvTTi tn f^ B i b 16 i ----J Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY U U N D RY 4Miono^^4orth-1310-or-WeatJ2UL 21.15 p.m., it is planned to hold the following from the Bible .the regular meeting of the ."And the angel answered and W.M.S. of the United Church in said unto the women, Fear not the shady garden of Mrs. B. R. ye: for I know th a t ye seek 'Hayrison, 2587 Kang's Ave., Jesus, which was crucified. He weather perimtting.<rVisitors and is , not herej^ for He irs.^isen, as . .. . ..n, 2 8 :t'0 ^friends in the congregation'are He" said" (Matthew-28 : ^ 6 ) , -- cordially invited, and refresh- The Lesson-Serrnon also m- ments will be served. Failing eludes the /ollow.ing passage fine weather, the meeeting will -^Xrom the Christian Science text- as usual take place in the Church book, "Science and Health with Hall. \ V Key to the Scriptures," by Mary -- B akei-E ddy-:-^he resurrection .v.r > I WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Punwee and Range Repairs, Sawdust Buraers Phone West' 39 WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. P asto r: Robert H. Birch ' , r j . M "■ ii'i r?i" ■ *1 ! T Teacher Had No Answer "WilUo," asked the teacher of the new pupil, "do you know your alpha- botr* "Yes," Miss," answered Willio.- "WeU, then," continued tho teacher, "what letter cornea after 'A '?" "All the rest of them," was the tri umphant reply. Sunday School--9:45 a,m. Morning. Service--11 a.m. Conducted by C. H. Judd. Evening Service--7:30 p.m. of the great demonstrator of (Jod's, power was the proof of his final triumph over body and matter, and gave full evidence of divine Science,--evidence so important , to mortals." Dorchester--Wilson Conducted'bV thVY^ on Thursday, July 4th, in the pl^, , . ̂ ,r- Church of St. Prancis-in-the- Wednesday Prayer Fellowship-- Wood, Caulfeild, of Jean Eliza- 7:30 p.m., a t 2190 Argyle Ave. beth, only daughter of Mrs. F- . Horseshoe E^y and Vicinity Wilson and the late^ Robert Wil- Bible Fellowship--Thursday a t son, and Mr." Frank Denis Mort- 7:46. Visitors welcome. . t,' f i'.* THE 1 I I u. -wwr . w r -a T The .annual garden party of W e s t V d t i N G 2 V S th e W.C.T.U. will be held a t the -- ----------- ̂^ Jipjne^oXMrs. W. L. McKay, -.\0prdon Ave., Thursday,-r-July Chester was her only attendant. .Jl^th,jftti2:3(Lp-:m._A_veryjeordi M r,JJoii-Palm er -supported-^fhe •inritatipnj is extended to all groom. Piibliahed Every Itiursday imer Dorchester, elder son of Dr ̂ and Mrs. F. E. Dorchester. Rev. F. A. ...Ramsey officiated, and Mr. J. D. A. TVipp played the wedding music. ̂The bride was given in mar riage by her grandfather, Mr. Knox-and_Miss _Winifred_Dor J ■ I iffit i i s Publisher P, F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bnnineas and Editorial-Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 ladies interested in Temperance work. iPvm f i ' ' S i ' .vif- Norih V anco^er Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. . . ,',^S ll.od a year by carrier; $2.00 a year, . by ni*^ ' ̂ ; ON _ INVMAKE BROWN; * MUNTON--^ ■'1.' iB4tt ManiNx oRivK . wxsT.see . s fttHnber* A.R.T. nTr&C. i Following the ' cerehiony a wedding breakfast was served at the West Vancouver home of the bride's parents.- A fter a_. short hpne;^oon, Mr. Dorchester will rpjoih his regiment, the I r i ^ Fiiisiliers. Mi's^ McDonald and herL_SQn. -1230-Glyde~Ave;i have moved into house -at' 1375 Marine Drive. 2 6 , 0 0 0 Barrels of OH is the new ly increased allow able for T urner V alley VVells FREE SERiriOE A complete lis t o f th e 'n e w \daily allow ab)e p rod iic tion ra te s for each in d iv id u a l T u rn e r Valftey W e l l t o g e t h e r w ith a ihap sfiQvying th e locatio tt Of . each w ell. BRITISH in v e s t m e n t s LIMITED, ; 416 HALL BUILDING, VANCOUVER, B.C. , Gentlemen: e. Pleiase forw|ard;miei„ without co st. or .obligatioinl, a .#ppy of yonr list of Allowables on the Turner Valley Wells together with the. .maps showing their location. NAME .......... .....................................................- ......- ............................... ADDRESS ...............................- ................................................................ - ............................................................................................................ . . ■ e v B r i t i s h I n ■liTnnirr .L IM ITED 789 West Pender W E S T " 5 5 ;MAr^ne,4541