Katsablished o v « r ̂ 15 y e a r s . Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Ambleside, I^ lly h u m , Weston^ Dundarave ,ioop<sryeM. .'..1..'-. ,.r,Cypress Park, C au^eiid,W hytecliff, Etc, 5c per copy Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O.* WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, JU LY 11th. 1940 No. 1̂ HAPPINESS SUN TAN CAMPAIGN " THE GLORIOUS TW ELFTH" The dilijrent seeker afte r happiness never finds it. If fhoro is one thing above all els© which we want, we discover. It kust those of us successful in the quest, th a t it does not oAt sfv or else is dust and ashes in our mouths. Any pleasure we S iv e comes from the joy of struggle for it. And while ■ miiiiNince his first advent on earth has always s,^ught happi- the mere fact of the impossibility of its a t ta i r ^ e n t by seeker should have convinced , him long ago th a t he was n o t p l a c e d here priinarily for such a purpose. , , The old Roman philosophers were quite alive to this im- Dosaibility, more particularly in the case of the pursuit of Lasure. They met i t in various ways. Tor instance, there were the Epicureans,,, who believed in indulgence to the limit in the pleasures of the senses, because death was. inevitable and the future both here and in the H ereafter , an unknown (mantity. The Stoics, on the other hand, cultivated an in difference to all pleasures in order to avoid the disappointment th^sooner or later always followed. v , . . " t,, . Probably there was never a time when mankind so sought happiness in pleais'iire as in th e years, following the Great War as naturally also discontent was m ore,un iverp l than ,in anv-modern period. It was, of course, to a certain extent a rebound from the trials and sufferings of■ th a t g reat confliot, but the chief reason was undoubtedly, the greater opportuni ties for pleasure rendered available to the average man by the application of scientific discovery. Cheap transportation, the radio, the auto and the harnessing of electricity in various ways were among the things which threw opeh to civilized mankind as a whole a world closed to him before as well as giving him the time to enjoy them. W hat had been regarded previously as luxuries became necessaries as life became more comfortable, and, but for the almost universal love of sport, must-have-jresultedJn-a_generaUiecad©nceJui_the-moreLpanly__ • i ' rrM. ;> r» 4« 1 • < o -, The "Sun - Tan" Campaign for the Canadian Red.Cross Society, West Vancouver Branch, has The members of UO.IU No. 2990 vvill m eet in the Oraiige Hall on Friday, 12th July, At 8 COMING EVENTS Friday and Saturday, August 2nd and 3rd-^Toc H Carnival in the Orange Hall. been started, so that the' busi- a.m. then proceed to Vanoodyw ness girls in West Vancuover ' ' ^ can- donate the ir contributions to the branch. Give up your silk SWIMMING stockings, and pledge to give ^2.00 a m onth for July and August, p a rt of the amount you predated. would spend on stockings and, ,1 --A------------ gain a healthy tan. Registration HOLLYBURN HALL forms- appear in this paper or There will be the following to take p a rt in the Annual --------- Parade. All past members Classes for beginners and in cordially inyited to m eet w ith udvanned swimming and plain the Lodge on Friday morhing, when their presence will be ap-* can be' procured a t the Red Cross services next Sunday, July M tn, Treasure Shop a t 1680 Marine a t Holly burn Hall: 10 a.m., Sun- Drive. day School and Young Peoples --------------------- - Bible Class; 7:30 p.m;. Gospel diving are being held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and F ri day afternoons a t Dundarave Pier. Phone Eileen Body, form er assistant to Molly . Edwards, West 1127-L.*** GOLDEN WEDDING OVERSEAS CHILDREN > COMMITTEE jDiuic v̂ ittDo, I .ov */.*«., -- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Beamer address, when the speaker will are celebrating their golden wed- be Harold Summers. On Tues- ding anniversai-y next Saturday, day a t 8 p.m., prayer arid Biblo July 13th. They are holding A study, the subject being The "open house' a t their residence,A Committee with representa- i e .a j h (^^tawa Ave.. from 2:30 tion from the Municipal C o u n c i l . _ . School Board and, the. various .MOVING PICTURE INDUSTRY organizations in West Vancou- MAKES PATRIOTIC ver for the purpose of consider- GESTURE ingandi co-ordinating the various ------- -- . . £ ----------- rnu^r. efforts being made to receive Hollyburn Theatre, . in accord Oxbow, Sask^ They 17th and Ottawa Ave., from 2 :30 to 7 p-m., on the .afternoon of .- that day^ Mr. and Mrs. Beamer^ were married in Toronto, Ont.V and made their home for some y*'ars a t Guelph, Ont., also living overseas children has been set; w ith the generous patriotic gest- moved to Vancouver in 1907 and up to be known as "the Overseas; ure made by the Moving P icture for the last fifteen years ^ v e Children Committee." Following Industry all across Canada, h ^ ' resided in West Vancouver'. Two virtues. There developed, however, orie great evil among the British and American peoples, namely, a general disinclination to face any kind of disagreeable facts, as a r^psult of which no serious attempt was made to find a solution for unemployment and the breakdown Of the economic system or to check the growing spirit of aggression on the p a r t.o f .th e dictator na tions. The latter m ight mean war, and th a t was taboo on the false principle th a t the best way to avoid such a disaster was to ignore even its' possibility^ .. Now it is with us; And, as the c o ^ c t progresses and grow^ f̂we shall learn the only real road to tru e happiness. Our a recent organization meeting, set aside Monday evening, July daughters and two sons are liv- thifl Committee met in the Muni- 15. as W ar Savnigs N ight. Ad.- ing, one daughter, Alice Lena,- -LAxxs p --Thmr-have-nine-cipal H ill on 'TuesdarSvenirig, miW on O T T ie bTtKff V a r d n ^ --a y t e r l J r t 9 I 3 r ^ h e ^ when Howard N. Walters of the of two W ar Savings S tam pafrpm grandchildren. the wicket of the theatre,: which ^West Vancouver ^ c ] ^ l Board wak* appointed chairnton, with officers as f o l l o w s : Vice- Chairman, Dr.' T. A. John- will be exchanged by th e I^ r i- SUNDAY NIGHT AT „ Tgement for a pass to the show. . HOLLYBURN THEATRE This gesture, made by. twelve pioneer forefathers spent the ir years in much toil and "had very few. pleasures, as. we judge pleasure. Yet they knew more of contentment and happiness than most of us, who live softly by comparison. For tru§ happiness is only found along at last been forced to tread and must;continue, to tread, if w ec\ wish toiceep the liberty of deed and thought under th e law which is our British heritage. . ̂ „ ston; Secretary, Mrs. R. F iddes; hundred theatres, and one of ; Gold is where you find i t Treasurer, M rs. J. W. Lang; finest received to date by th 4 | and suitable short Sub-G om m itteesr ^Registration W ar "Savings Committee,-should--compnse th e bill a t the Hoily- S ^ ho rS s willirig. to t& e child- n e tt the Government an .extra burn Theatre next Sunday even- ren to be-oarried bn as million dollars towards defeating mg, July 14th, starting a t 9 by the N orth Shore Local C o ^ th e Nazis. - • o c ock. There will be a silver cil ef Women. Kindly phone IM® W ar Savings stam ps are be- collection a t tlw door in aid of F. A. W alker'Wesr25-M3 or Mrs. ing supplied by the Bank of Can- the C an ad i^ Red Cross, W est R fiddes W est 193-R. School ada to twelve; hundred theatres Vancouver Branch. rrim odatiom M V est-^neou-- wboor-e-donatingi-their buildings,, ver School Board. .^Social Ad- equipment and services absolute- inptTTipTi+' Mrs M. O'Doimell, ly free for th is one evening, in e --------- i r k - L t o g , Itos. F. A.- -thea tre world is-co-operating to _Heber Brown wrote the Cppn- COUNCIL NOTES Walker, Rev. F; A., Ramtey. WATER & BUS BY-LAWS TENNIS CLUB The Council arranged w ith ; Hon. Wells Gray and E. H . ' Bridgman, Inspector of Muni cipalities, for an interview in Victoria egrly in t he week pf July 8th re the proposed by-laws for* water and buses. Councillors Ray and Richardson are . in Vic toria nowTe"these"m atters; ̂ M m S H rlS R A E L ^ On July 15th a t 8 p.m., C. E.- , omitheringale will.be the speaker " at Dundarave, 25th and Marine Drive. His subject will be "Pro^. pnesies X^onceming Palestine." Ihis should be of very great in- tei'est and you are very cordial ly invited to hear th is excellent speaker. Monday, July 22nd, there ]J?ll be a prayer meeting, w ith Mrs. West in charge. No fu rther notice of this meeeting will be pven in the local paper. You are very welcome to attend.*** On Tuesday t h e , ladies' team of the West Vanco_uver:.Tennis Club returned victorious from New" Westminster. The match was their last in the F irs t HlyL sion. jThe score was 4-3, individ-^ ual scores as follows: ^ Mrs. Tom F raser lost to-M rs.' CulbOTt-5=7, a-6; Miss B^W right lost to Mrs. W ebster 3-6, 8-6, 2-6; ̂Mrs. F raser and Miss WViight'Ibst'foTflrs. Culbert and Mrs. Webster 4-6, 6-3, W.O.; Mrs. „Searle and Mrs- Chave de feated Mrs. Biggs and -M iss Dockrill 6-0, 2-6, 7-5, and Mrs. P ra tt: and Mrs. Milledge 6-1, 6-3; Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Parkes de feated Mrs. BiggS" and Miss Dockriir7-5, 6-2 and Mrs. P ra tt and Mrs. Milledge 6-3, 6-1. .Liaison Committee: Uouncillor J. Richardson; Mrs.,W. B. Small, Trustee H. N. Walters, Dr. T. A. Johnston, Mrs. J . H. Hall.* Voluntary Transport Corps: Toe a man, and i t is hoped th a t other cil re w ater service upper levels, citizens will do the same. Get- The Council thanked ̂̂ ® your~ Savings Stamps a t the w riter for his-rem arks-and; ad-^ wicket of ■ your theatre, as vised th a t everything possible stam ps previously purchased was being done to ensure in- th rough . other sources will not creased pressure on the upper pass to the s h ^ . m a d levels T. Cushing. JFinance: Mrs. J. ^W. Lang. The chairman, Mr. W alters, outlined several points for,con sideration and Rev. F . A. Ram- iri'your fifty cents, arid receive C. A. W hite wrote the Coun in re tu rn two War^' Savings cil re 21st S treet north of Ingle-^ Stam ps"aifd~a free pass. If you wood Ave.- C ariribtatterid^your^lfr bdy'the -- He"wasisdvised-that-the-1940 «iHAr«tion and Jtcev if A ream- stamps anyway and give some- road ta rring programme.was l f I ^ " ao m I■ o b se ^ ^ a S . one llae a^ treht by-handing ™ FmiinTYiPTit ia Tw r̂fed narticular- your pass to the show. funds w ere , available, in e gen rSfAHna f»fah T h e local m e m b e rs o n B iritish eral c o n d itio n o f th e ro a d s m en - n h o n e M rs J o h n S e i f f h - C o lu m b ia 's W a r S a v in g s D5m= ^ o n e d is b e in g re fe r re d -^ x r- tlm s h o u l d p n p n e ivirs. j o n n t . p TA ,irianH E n c r m A f tr fn r tv rn a in te n a n c e at?*C s S E x S g ^ n^ttei Engineer for . maintenance at-ton, social service Jiixuiange -- ,, , „ ^ .West Vancouver Branch Can adian Legion wrote to the Couri- cil r e difficulty in securing em- ploymerit in North Vancouver shipyards. . ^ Building, 1675 W est Tenth, BA yview 3531. As there is a definite need for financial help, donations large or small m ay be sent to Mrs. J. W. Larig, 2997 Marine Drive. : Thri next, meeting w ill be held on Tuesday evening ,July 16th a t 8 p.m; in the Municipal Hall. Mrs. W. B. Small and Mrs. Cro- - tention. ̂ m ar Bruce, e ither of-w hom . Representati6n_ was _ ordered will be glad to give further made to the shipyards to-give, information on^^lHow to put a W est Vancouver returned men W ar Savings Certificate into a fa ir opportunity to work, and every home in W est Vancouver." th a t a le tte r be sent to the West __________ _____ Vancouver Branch Canadian IMPERIAL BANK OPENS HERE CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OP WEST VANCOUVER i^liange o f S p riiik liiig H ou fs (APPLYING TO ALL TERRITORY EAST OF 29th STRBTO -Sprinkling-is only rierautted~froiir-Y:BO-p.iH. to 9:30 p.rii.~airtolIows:^ JIAVIU < «OV P«IU« tv *̂U«* Orth 0f Mariiife Drive--^North s i ^ of avenues and £htst_side ofJ Sft Ik Monday, W e d n ^ a y , Friday. Wh S a d ^ f Marine Dnve-^South side « t. avenues arid west side odJ streets: T o es^ y , . ^ u r s ^ y ; \Saturday. By Order of-Municipal Council, Julvii+k - , " ' ' ' ^R. A. HARRISON,y llth , 1940. - - •, 'V Acting Municipal Clerk. Legion explaining the ■ difficulty experienced by the shipyards re employment. The Council instructed th a t a suitable pump to aid in the dis charge of^ w ater from Eagle I^ ike jn to Nelson Creek be hired a t a rental of $100.00 for a two A speciaT general meeting of m onth period. LEGION NOTES The Imperial Bank of Canada have^ shown their fa ith in the fu ture of West Vancouver by (iSiadian**Legion, W est Van- CounSffor Ray was requested opening a branch in one of Coun- ^ou^er Branch, will be held a t by the Council tp ask the Fire cillor K. A. Ray's stores a t 1654 --- -- ------^-- t.,i.t iQfVi .....ai--s to re s^ ! 1654 g ^ext Thursday, July 18th M arshal to mrike a survey of fire Marine Drive. A .,W . P erry is jjj Legion Hall. The meet- hazards throughout the Munici- ^ li/virl 4-Vi£kYi inoi'aoA f\f noliftr 'f'hrkoo /1«*citxrnthe manager, and a general - ijjg, jg being held then instead of pality particularly, those drawn banking"7brisiness-is-transacted.--on"the^following"eYening on a c -^ to tbe attention of the CouncilT ̂ They solicit the patronage of the eount of F riday being a drill Acting Chief Constable wrote__» I X* ' A A.t. - . ___ *1 - .1.___ __-night-for-tH e-Flying-C olum n.^_the^C ouncil-re-stray-unlicensed- CHILDREN'S SUMMER RESORT -~ good turnout of the member- dogs. ship is asked for. D r . ,J . A. Nelson was asked to -------------------- --- attend the next regular meeting -- -̂---------H ie - Council instructed --the--of-the Council in-order to^iscuss~ accom- Clerk to w rite the Inspector of th e possibility of establishingMolly Edwards . will modate a limited num ber of children a t Bluegates Lakeside ________ . r. Farm, Salt Spring Island. Daily ferred to in interview with swimming instruction, swim- Mr. Turner b e l^ o p ted with the ming tank, regulation d iv in g ' exception th a t a box be placed boards, warm, calm w ater. $8 a t)26 th and, M athers instead of per week. Phone W, 966-R,*** 27th and M athers. Postal Services Asking th a t the pound facilities in W est Van- route of mail collection as re- couver. . Head Clerk--^Don't you ever dare call me "big boy" agaid! I 've had quite enough of your film expressions. New Office Boy--0 , K., chief. A