West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jul 1940, p. 4

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■sUf " IW«!iM»»4 i?*,, v»te«'tfi»i,ift4#*̂i*ItiH'#"»r»'̂ «,'»i !**>#« -i' ' t e b w e s t Van n e w s £ub^4tM 94it Mr. andl ^ ^ r t n u r d y o f New Westininster announce engagement o 1' 4« Mt«t#*-*WMitl70 V'<f»i'-/ Vtm llflilftrir Sutfle# HwBtiily Acc«attt SUGGESTIONS FOR FRI, mnd SAT., JOEY 6 and 6 MEATS .^ yW tm I)«UT#ry, Ooi«*ii 'PINEAPPLE JUICB-^ !?] i IS'Ciit.' tiiui *a »M,d» **'!'** «*<*** M t lt«! & Whlt« TOMATO JIUICB-- 25>oz. tin ........ . •'...... ..............^ .tik i Nnlnib FRUIT JUICES-- n-<m* bottle.....-.tlirt**................. t U < Lime--Ornngi^LeittOii) Ittd & White ASPAirAOUS TIPS-^* Oreen, 10'/i*o«, tin .....,7.......... ...%9e Nabob LIMA I}EANS~t.17-ox. Uu t U IttMi & White SPAGHETTI-- Half cheeee and toraaU» eaucea tall tin .,iw» Ho CORNKI) UEKF--Tin ...................lUc Red & WhlU* GOLDEN CORN-- Ranlnnii tall tin ...17c. N»lK>b WHOLE DAUY BEANS-- (all tina ........ 17e R«1 & White lUUTLElT PEAKS-- tall tin ........... ......15c Klaek Label PINEAPPLE--Sliced, (Jul}ed, CruHhed, tin .................... 15c lliMtllunda MEAT BALLS with Gravy No. I tin ....................................... 24c CREAMEITES-li-o*. pkt. ........... 8c their eldest 11a. to m Malbdm'WiliUm Bj«»o6d youngest son of w il t the late C ap t K. Keid Vancouver. Tin*, wedding um take place July 21 m St. ® Anglican Church. New West­ minster. Service , ,.................. , '■"'PAINT'"'..... .. ,.SA^JI • A„ » /4 w»H.v,.tww]rHSl$̂ J§t»«vi'«>iyŵ SUIl»DBB8**"BUPPl iwd* SHINGLES ^0 SUBSTITUTE HOOFING ^ PLYWOODS . fT0g quality LATH . YUJi , * AgWBtsi CANADA PAINT COMPANY I/TD. Weat 370 BEEP PORK LAMB VEAL All Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Pish Dally VIOLIN AND PIANO RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MRS. KNIGHTIiOOdE flfEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 1 5 th & Marine D rive m ur--.---Phone West 115 .37c Red &"tWhlte Brand Pure PLUM JAM~"4*II). tin .......... ............ PUFFED WHKATr~<luohcr, 2 pktH......... .̂............ ............. 15c C'OFFEIi--Aunt Marv'a, lb. ........83c We have a complete lino of ' CANNING SUPPLIES Fruit Jara, Jelly GlaaHca, Rubber UinKH, Jar Lida, Jar Capa, Certo, ParoVox, etc. St. Stephen's Church Hall was filled to capacity on, Tliursduy evening,* 27th inst. by a very ap- nreciative audience on, the oc­ casion of the recital by pupils of Mrs. F. Knifirtiit-liodge, C.M., When the various violin and piano numbers were heard CLASSIFIED ADS ' The rate for Claasiaed, Advertiflemente la 2 cente per word, minimum 25 centa. Except in the cose of those having regular accounts, all dasBi. i" 5w ^ t Van. News get immediate rcsulta. V. to great advantage. These re- V NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OP WOMEN citals given by Mrs., F. Knight- Hodge aways provide a musical trea t in West Vancouver, Every student played with iMJrfcct flu­ ency and technique, phrasing and general decision warmth and ex- GORDON ROBSON - Solicitor. 610 W. Haatlnio. boy. AIM at West Vancouver any time oy appointment, West 403. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marahall-Wellfl Paint Sale. io% discount. One, week starting Fri. day. July Bth. ap V oR SALE--Seven room house and (two large highly lots. House has cement basement. Good repair. Price H. A. ROBERTS LTD.. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 646 furnace, etc. LAWSON^ALKEU Sl p r id e 1704 Marine Drive West 55 f'i ■ 'li' > i'f!' . hn , *1 ' "if' I'rizQs in the Essay Corapeti- oiKin to all schools on the North Shore for Grades VII and VIII were presented by Com­ missioner G. W. Vance to the Huccessful contestants a t the meeting held in the North Van- couve Club'Assembly Room , , Uon'w L "IpOTTora t h f ̂ t ! - *>"1 Joy 'ln% erform ance promisV Si^cial i f r v o i r o r a W t l j " w ' C a ! fu tu re^ " « S m a ll^ y !"^ , ■fall Over 400 essays were w rit- Miss Julia Snider, a student who played with veiy fine tedi- ten on "The Qualities of a Good teacher, presented two piano nique, warm th and decision. His C itim i." Pionls. Betty/ a n d ^Elealnor two n u m fe s , "Adagio^ The winners w ere as followsj Clarke, both showing th orough riFiifie VII.:--Ifif PrizEi* Charles training. . . . Rally St. Edmund's School, Those appearing on the pro- , the solos played by NnHh Vftnronver* 2nd Prize* gramme were Linda Drost, Mar- . George Brealey, a very promisr A lp F e r g u s ^ ,w is t V an, High '"®A ,-Intermezzo't by Eula and v - l ' / a c a w - - garage, West 686-R. couver and two solo diincers from _ , . , , , . u Juno Roper's. An interesting pression, which showed the veiy feature was nrovided by. ;the careful training of their teacher ^ nhylhra Band. Pupils as yoimg fiom the Begimiei s"Class to the for B E N T ^ow 'h«e "" ig; as three years to the older ones Diploma section, it would be dif- lirepl""e,," "^™)'„' ^ gave an excellent demonstration ficult to single out any speoiau of the value of a carefully guid- number of the performers as the ed, foundation. This was evident whole standard of perforinance in the sound musicianship dis,- was very high. l)layo(j by the pupils in conduct- A young pianist of 10 years, ing, accompanying, band and Kathleen Collinsoii, played ex- Their in- oeedingly well and shows great FOB RENT-rBed-sitting room, ugeof kitchen, near to beach., 1173 Duch* ess Ave. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs, . G. Meldrukn, 1108 Lonsdale. North ,822. MARCEL SHOP -- Tharm^e Steani Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank' Building. FLOOR,,SURFACING--J. Sutherlani , West 488 or North 5 RE-ROOFING--GENUINE D U M D ' Shingles, attractive,' permai»|nt. Have roof measured «now; free'esti­ mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. West 494-R. PAINTING AND ^DECORATING - Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, . .one policy, all locations. SEy. 4991 or West 92-R2. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271., wilSTERN WOODWORKERSi^tore and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, West 443-R. and "Etude Caprice " Golderman, |:'^ ivu£" *Notary Public) ivere-much-^njoycdraB-a-IsQ-wcre^.... 2436 Bellevue.'" -- ~~WeWest~522:R- FIRB HAZARD Protect--yoin^home--and--contents.- Rates- lesk- than % of 1̂ -̂ er cent. PeYcy T. Masterman, Real Soliool; 3rd Prize: James Smith, -Wes t--̂ n --HigH-Seh^lt-- wood, Michael. Lofting, Cyarth Wasson. Robert Sniith, Carpi A "Violin duet Mascagni, payed COMPLEPE NOTARIAL SERVICES' All forms of documents drawn and. Estate, Notary, 2446 Marine, West executed. 1077. '«7S- --•1 VTTT laf Hnrrv 1̂1110 Bride, David Gibbs, Barnie Jacqueline Paterson, also piano M r in o n ^ r L r t h S tL f S c S McDonald, Gordon Ward, Billy solos were played and much en- N t^ th ^ in c o u v e r • '2nd PrSe* Hilborn, Margaret Naden, Joan , joyed by Patsy Powell, Doreen Pl% inn7 5 lhW 'lv n n " -Keams and Eileen Balden not Betty Jane-Cole, Robert Foote, forgetting the last item, the Prize * Dkl?Lazenbv Phyllis Ward, George Kyle, Marj- overture "L'ltalianna in Al- ^hool NorWh V a ^ Josephine Hladik, geria," G. Rossini, arranged^for bch 0 , Noitn V Kcou . Fraser Elliott, Jacqueline Vance, piano (4 hands) and two violins, ^vsenc© ^ ' Elizabeth Morrison and Eileen Norma' Minions, Alma Skerton, Walker, convener of Migi'ation, Kennedy. « Jacqueline Paterson and George Mi'»■ B. j ? ĉ^ ôffcrcd f̂ or ---------------_____________ Brealey. This was exceedingly 50 evacuee children. A Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones; West 21, 204-M, 913-L SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer Guests, Transient and Permanent. , 3678. Marine Drive. West 889-L2. CASH FOR J U M -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. B.urrard . Junk Co.. West 9L* J. EDWARD. SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 553-R^l. . CHIMNEY S W ^ I N G -- Old Conn. try way; guaranteed; brick and : stone repairs. Palmer, Gapilano, North 811-R-2. Over 5U evacuee donation of lumbeF for renovat- ing the Neighbour House was reported by Mrs. Brimacombe also donation^ of chesterfield suite and cariKst. A n » official TDRRESPONDENCE well done, and responded to by an encore. - - Every item was wellv-r^eeivedy-iand^responded-to TliroughL the courtesy of the by encores. The recital .was .a WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West---Tiro;;-----;----------- ; LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine SW i H49 Marine. The Editor, W est Van* News. - --To-Reeve-and-Gounoil: GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & - Solidtor, 510 W. Hastings,-Seyi 4199 at West yancouver any time by appointment. West 403. ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 927-R. o])oning of the building would be held in September and a Gar­ den Party to provide funds for winter- activities was. being ar­ ranged for July. The Laws and Mbrals Com^ mittee protested against,,The holding of Pictur^ Shows bii the -North-Shore -on-^ndaysr-- Mcs. W. T. Davies convener of Cancer asked that any mem- _ bers _eonsiderhig--^nenmei^shhi)^ should apply to her. West 690. West Van. News I w d u ld Jik ^o complete success, alTperformers ' draw your attention to an over- showing the' beauties of their - looked fact th a t if attended to, selected numbers. I t is hoped to would bring peace, contentment, hear more of these talented-stu- and happiness tp many in West dents and congratulations go to Vancouver. Could we have a their teacher for her continued special bus to leave Am blesid^ success. Mrs. Hodge was the once a week, once every two recipient of two bouquets and weeks, or even once a month to two lovely gifts from friends, go to the Gapilano View Ceme- The hall and stage was prettily ~tery ?'There"are~manyngf us who decorated by Edith Powell and have loved ones lying a t rest in Doris Barnden. J^freshm ents this cemetery, and we without were served, Mrs. T. Littleford cars cannot pay our respects to being in chai'ge. FOR DUMP TRUCK WOBK. iandr gravel, 'wood, coal, please, phone Steve Lowrie,. W. 256-Y. N.B. Now driving truck formerly ♦} owned by Dansey Bros. SUMMER CLASSES now in session Hollybum Business College, West _ _ 3 4 1 . - . ^ . . _________________ W. H. .VASS ̂ Chiropractor, Suite 4i Hollybum Block.. MEN WANTED -- A good': business paying good income and with future possibilities. Selling Familex ' Pro­ ducts men and women all over Can- ,ada have found the secret of suc­ cess Why don't you get in on it too ? -NO-0BLIGATIGN-.- ̂ Ask-for- FREE catalogue describing 200 necessity products and. plan; Familex __Products, 570 St. Clement St.. Montreal. ^ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso* mining; first class work, at reason- able rates. H. Gaines.-West 962-R. FOR RENT--4 room, modem Jhiunga*. ° low, convenient, location, o vacant July. 31st. - W ill leas© $25!00 per iiionth. Phone West 155-R. __ FOR SALE^Handsbm^?^^^^^^^ .Sideboard, J splendid condition, sacri­ fice, price $7.50. Apply 2523 Marine ---Drive;----- ^ f ê~ ■fj ili UECITAU BY PUPILS OF ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL AND McGILLIVRAY the dead. I t is. really hard on us. Mrs. Hodge wishes to express Now th a t flowers are pletitiful her appreciation to all who so and the weather is good, is the _ kindly assisted,, _and especially ■;̂iiss - m i dm%&- SSI® ̂-Av;. It \ 'f i i k The pupils, of St. Patricia SchxM)l and the Mai'jorie R, Mc- Gillivray Piano Studios were re­ cently heard in two recitals. , Pupils parents-^and friends alike enjoyed the lovely atmos­ phere provided by Mi*s. Gi*ady's waterfront home in West Van- coiiver-for-the-first-i*ecital. and th a t of the oafe room of Hotel Vancouver for the second. They were assisted by pupils time. J hope, you will consider this m atter. Please remember this is not an individual opinion but the opinion of many. , , Thank you, Reeve and Coun­ cil. W on't you consider this and help us? Vei*y Interested. the Rev. R, A. Ramsey, the Church Committee in loaning the hall, and the ladies of the Aux- ili'py for cakes, etc. Net proceeds will go to aid St. Stephen's Boy Scouts' and Cubs' Auxiliary. LOST -- Pair spectacles and case; - think 14th and Marine . Kindiv phone W. 137-M,. FOR SALE--Dunlop "Kingsway" ten­ nis racquet with press, new condi- tion, $5.00. Apply 2355 Marine Drive. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY -- Cottage; no objection to one need­ ing repairs. Reasonable. , Box 17 West Van. News 'vaf. appoin t -Ufeau.xi 2. Mrs. H. P. Alien js ! ed b y .th e .eounoi -asTlife ffuard-MrsV DT Mi-Kviih. Bdwl FLORAL FESTIVAL (Continued from last week) Display of flowers--1. Mrs. F. WANTED -- Immediately; genuine blue clay for tennis court; erood price. W. 172-R3. FOR RENT--^Furnished 'room in M; tractive new home near Dundarave. Business man or girl preferred. M^als optional. Box 12, West Van. | '̂ ■"■■News.' ■ __ RENT OR SALE--Five room modern bungalow on Lawson and 24th. Phone W. 498-L. CrENERAL.HAULING--Manure, Sep­ tic Tanks and Rockpits installed and Cleaned. Dump truck work. West 187-R. K. Urday, June 29th. . . -The Council authorized the of tile Dadj'c Rutherford Dra- Reeve and Clerk to complete the a t Amblesde. Beach as from Sat- pSTs,4L,^I^^'^H!' :^^Alle^^, __ ________ Bou­ quet of flowers,. .1. Mrs.* R* B. Rhodes. Basket of flowers, 1. Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2. Mrs. . the evening _of_June, 23rd between 15th and 22nd Streets, small silver brooch, with cajrngorm stone. Reward. W 646-M. ' ___ - WILL EXCHANGE small cottage, tffo lots. North , Shore for small West , Vancouver house. West 689-L. _ ■Ud K i t . Jam es^kitchdl. I«nner .taWeMerrily Webster dL^Vest Van- pump fo r the upper levels. The Council resolved th a t the agreement between the Corpora­ tion of the District of W est Van- FQR REI»W-r-Sunny rooms, high loca­ tion, view, board optional, close to bus. Box ID, West Van. News. hi ' J \f4 ■ Vi s' ' m , • at 9 o'clock/-'--, .r.vr,„ YANK AT OXFORD" Robert-Taylor, -VivienUottei /Bartymor«L_and_. Maureen O^SulUvan also/'-,./.'/..'V^ . ' ' a ten-minute short ^subject "NOSTRADAMUS" ^ This is a story of a man who 200 yeiurs ago predicted present-day historical, wonts * . _ /Silver Collection to Canadian Rod Croas, West Vancouver Branch' decoration, 1. Mrs- H. P: Allen; couver and-the (Cypress" Creek McTavish; 3. Claire . Compayn Limited^dated Richardson. ' ; 17th; 1940 re use of .streets Vegetables adn Small Fruits-- ' hauling logs be hereby niy iG o o ^ r r ie s , ] ^ s . A. H utc 'hhr~ jr® ^® ^^^ that it be sighed by son. Lettuce, Mrs. F- Lefeaux' J?® Keeve and Clerk ahd the Parsley, 1 Mrs., f , T. Richard- -affixed there- son; 2. Mrs. A- Hutchinson Clerk. Oi-een peas, 1. Mrs.. A. HuHhi- SPECIAL Sawdust __$3.50 per unit Dry Slabs ___$5.00 per cow Inside Fir:-- ; " " " , from sh ed ___ $6.00 per cord from m m ........$5.5(lper cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL PhonelNorth/620 son.. Potatoes, 1. Mrs.'. H. Heh- faddish, . 1. George ' * I^*spi^Jries, 1. Mrs. A. Hutehinson; 2. C. Waite. ? M '■"i 1 ;M a o r is McTavish: 1' \ Hutehinson. Spinach, I^fsaux. Strawber- nes, 1. p. T.JUchardson. NELSONS LAIJNDRI^ LTD. DRY CLEANING f Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine 8nd.Good Housekeeping)- C. C. FINNEYi West Vancouver Reprerontatlve Phone W est 782 and Driver will caR i f? i l lL I.!:/.