West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jul 1940, p. 3

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V*fc< »,>-*,;# ,> ,.; „., ; r'i ŵ . >■, -xrf-, /V- » - «>tĵ -Sfi ̂ •» j-Ĵ y*-< t t'nri^ n^'-^'n^'-^ •f'^ «i-jW;̂ «̂ .s,if- gM 4th» l®f2s» 3 \ Y w Mi*® ̂ y .*PM ^,' I" ^ tasM^oved to .>.^^,»»g^,03^3L*"IMtosltts*llrivB«*»--"'* -̂ Next door to the Hollyburn Funcra l̂ Parlors. I^ocal and Per$oa r e v o l u t i o n a r y m e d u sa l it e CEMENT PAINTS , North Shore Agents , T E A R O E & S O N S c Easy to apply Variety of Colors Try this effective and economical . . Interior Wall J'inish for ., . old or now plaster. ) W E S T 4 FERGUSON'S MOVING AND STORAGE AIvSO DAILY FREIGHT SERVICE TO & FROM VANCOUVER Loavp West Vancouver. 8 aim. and l5 p.m* Leayo^ancouvor 10-12 noon and 8 p.m. Leave Vancouver Sat. pnly 10 a.m., 1 p.m. Phones: TRin 0429, W est 85 local COUNCIL ; REFUGEE COMMITTEE Several people have offered to nay for overseas children, in other homes. Anyone wishing to take care of a child for, a small renumeration is asked to phone Mrs. Walker, ,W. 25-M3, o r Mrs., Fiddes, W. 193-R. . . . The bom m itt^ will m eet a t the home of, Mrs. F. A. Walker, 2455 King's Ave., on Monday, July 8th, a t 2 'o'clock.; Every. Tneniber is asked to be present, as important decisions imust be made. BAND CONCERT AT ___ „ AMBLESIDE PARK HIGH SCHOQL NOTES ' The concert by the. combined n)Tird'i^7f™WeBt-py'amcouv€rr Grandview and Kitsilano last Wednesday evening at Amble- side Park proved very popular. A g-nod crowd was on hand to Miss Lois Dawson and Miss Paulewe. ftreer, " members, of th is year's graduating class, have been presented with an annual subscription to th e ' Roador's Digest. The accompanying oer- tificate of award states th a t the preseptatipp is.made.n.Qt only in recognition of past accomplish­ ment, but in anticipation of- un­ usual achievement to coma. Both, students have had excellent scholastic reb<>rds a t W est Van- couv'^ H,igh School. Ropors .were secured fo r W est Vancou­ ver Junior H igh School when Alan -Fergusorl, - son- of-M r.~and- Mrs. W. B. Ferguson, Eish.err man's Cove, , received ̂ -second prize and Jim m y Sm ith, son of_ hear the boys. The sum of one hundred sev­ enty-five dollars was raised and turned over to th e local branch _of_the Canadian Red Cross. "Mr., and Mrs. J . SmifHTSHerman, received th ird prize for a Grade VII eissay competition, .sponsor­ ed by the' N orth Shore Council -of-Women-on-- t̂he--i^ubject--of. Reiun.,^T«yim« couver have moved into their new home on Procter Ave,"'♦ m * ̂Mr* and Mr», Robinson, 1670 Duchess Ave., have left to spend two months a t White Rock, B.C.4 * Mr, and M rs. Hampson, 28rd and. Lawson Ave., moved yester­ day into the new home they ' had built a t 20th and Fulton Ave. BiU Ellis, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs.. F., D. Ellis; reside a t 1.7,68 ' Argyie Ave., Hollyburn, has joined the navy as a steward -and is stationed iit Admiralty House Halifax. Bill has been drafted to .play baseball and basketball fo r tbo Navy senior men's teams. Mrs. lp[;,W. Farley,1785 Fulton Aye., bas w ith the help of friends sent $16k50 to the Overseas League Tobacco and Hamper Fund in Toronto, She wishes to express ber'appreciation to them for their assistance. ' * ■ While Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Parker, ij^8,3 Haywood Ave., have, .so .far no news of their son Eric, the A ir M inistry have noti­ fied his commanding officer th a t his a ir gunner, Corporal Rye, is a prisoner of war, and, as he would not be, sent to t h e . same camp, thera is still hope th a t the young flying officer is safe spine-, where in Germany. Meanwhile, .his,parents-very.muokappreciate__ the kind letters and messages of sympathy from their many friends.:---^ ----------- me--------------------------- Mr.-and Mra_Jack M c l^ n ____ parents _ , Mr. anl F. Kpight-Hodge, 1832 Duchess Ave. . ' I# ' '<*1 '• < Mr. and Mrs. Benout a re oc­ cupying a house a t 3870 Marine Drive. Mih and Mrs. Neilson,' 2428 Marble Drive, have moved to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, 3S70 Marine Drive, are now occupying their now home on Creery Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Tyral of YappOU- ver have moved into a house a t 1219 Koith Road.4i 4i * Mr. and Mrs. Pease of Caul- feild haye. left fo r up coast. They ' expect to be away fo r two months, . . . . The followilig were '̂ e s t ? a t the Clachan o y ^ the week-ronjd: Mr. and Mrs. Barr, Mr. and OMrs. Fred Nickerson, Mr. and Mrs. W* Wilson, and son, Mr. arid Mrs. W. L. ̂Clarkson, arid Mrs. J; Mc­ Clure, all of Vancouver. A* S. Whiejdon one of the first real estate operators ill W est . Van­ couver, was also a visitor. At the Clachan. ♦ ♦ ii« "Miss Jean H arris of Agassiz, B. C., Is staying a t the BJacK Cat Tea Rooms, W est Bay. ---------------------.-----------------------,,,-- ♦----- -- ----------- BeiuMitt't BAKERY / BUTTERCRUST f BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL 'CREAM CAKES tSc a ck>z: Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Plain Layers, large 20c small 10c Blic«4 Wrapped Bread 1468 Marino Dr. Phono W. 27 Mr. arid Mrs. Watson have moved from 1870 Marine Drive into a house a t 2150 Argyie Ave. RED CROSS Glenarbour Unjt did not m eet on. Monday .owing to the holi- «- day- July 8th the unit will m eet again at the home of,M rs,: N. Boyd, Gleneagles, a t 1 p.m; They will be glad to w€lcome_anvLsmn=. "Citizenship." In reoognftion of the excellence of the music books handed in during the p ast school year. Miss M. Wilson, music teacher a t W est 'V^ancouver-High School, presented awards to the following students at*tKe clos­ ing of the present school term : Grade VIII, Juanita, .Lindsay, Georgie Edington, Gerald Addy. Grade 'V̂ II,. Moira W atts, Bruce MeKay. mer residents-^who are interest­ ed" in Red"Cross work'. Eagle Harbor -picnic Grounds, Tennis. Courts Bathing, Boating, Pisfeing Tea-rooms, Honcie-Cooked'Meals ------ --- Sandy --Beaches Cattages for rent by month • ̂ * or week V E R N O N J F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEARLE Phpne W est 9 Fertilizers.of All Hinds, ADCO - Wood, Coal, ____ Builders' Supplies Mr. ^ d Mrs. MeSween have moved from Capilano into their new home at, 265,0 O ttawa Ave.♦ -Philip- W atts and. his, mother, 1669 24th Street; have moved to Vancouver. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. arid. Mrs. Kirk, 2075 A r­ gyie Aye., have moved to the city. ' J Mrs. P. N. A- Sm ith, and son, -of-Pasadena^zG^rrm-e-staying-at: the Clachan. Wallace M urray, son of Mr. j,and Mrs. Jam es de Pas M urray, --2324- Ĥ iy wood-Ave^T-rwas^one -of- the fortunate survivors from the'bj'Gw of H-M.S. Fraser^ escap­ ing uninjured. Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. --J ^ --Gillies7^^65-Q|yde-Ave.,- Hollyburn Theatre " THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. July 4th, 5th and 0th L lllS E RAINER * SPBINCBII TRACY also "THE HECKLER" "8ILLY SEASON" SAfl'URDAY EVE. ONLY July 0th " The Crisis in the Pacific" " also , "THIS MAN IS NEWS" MONDAY, TUESDAY AND - WEDNESDAY July 8th. 9th and 10th, CHARLES LAUGHTON - "The Hunchback of Notredame " once only at 8 p.m. i ' '"also , 'CAN STALIN HELP HITLER" y -North-Shore- was at. one tim e a member of the crew, but -was transferred some months ago. W. G, MacKenzie, who re tu rn ­ ed from the E ast by plane on Friday, and Mrs- MacKenzie,_ hav|B taken Mr. and Mrs. Robert G rant's residence a t Gleneagles for the next two months. Mr. and NDb. (Grant will spend the sumirier in Toronto. ROLLER AREN A 1st Street,' 1 block West of Lonsdale NORTH yANCOUyER -Monday-to-^F-ridayy_8_to l̂0-:30-,^p.^ I iI "t It ' J I I C E Protect Y oiir H ealth and Save on Food W astage b y usin g Modem A ir-Epn^tioU ed Ice Rietrtgeration from $ 2 7 -5 0 up Ice Chests for R en t or Sale GARVm IC3E & Z157 Marine D rive : ' Wieet 7 S 8 % h 1 % SANP, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPQALT ?JRBMIX. - ROAD M A iratlA tS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or' ALP ELLIS, West S23-L ,Mr. and M rs. E rnest Busst have left to take up residence in Victoria. * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs., W alter Lee Verge, who w e re ^ a rr ie d a t All Saints' Church, A lta Vista, on S atu rday last by the Rev- J. P-: Dingle, are spending the ir honey­ moon a t Sunlit Lodge, W pst Bay. Mr.' Verge will shortly rejoin his unit, the Seaforth Highlanders. * ♦ ♦ ' M rr^and--MrsrrA--Gameron,- who have been occupying a house a t Wing's Point, have re ­ turned to their home in Kerris^ dale. '♦ ♦ * Mowat--Leth-Faulsan The Rev. C. E. ^ o t te on June 22rid united in m arriage Jam es Sidney, youngest son of M rs. J . A .' Mowat and th e late Robert "Mowat of Vancouver to H ertha Alexia on ly , daughter of ""Mr- Axel Leth-Paulsen of W est Van­ couver and the late Mrs- Leth- Paulsenr^ : LACROSSE NOTES - A riieeting will be held Fridays ~ July 5th a t 8:30 p.m. in the^ Ferry Room. The object of th is meeting is to elect officers o f th e * West Vancouver Lkci^osse .Club. As box lacrosse is a new veriture- in West Vancouver,.all those who are-interested-and -willing-to as-- sist'iri any way are asked to a t- tendi. • - The Air Supremacy Drive Tag -Day-on Saturday-resulted-in-the cbliection of $262, the members of the Barbarians' . Girls' Aux­ iliary and the Hi-Y Girls, acting as taggers under the convener- ship of Mrs. W. B. Small. Mr. Ostrom, m anager of the Royal Bank, and hfs staff kindly count­ ed the cash: Adults 85c Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 2 to 4:30.... 26c Ratinee Saturday mornings . !'■ Ip, to 12, children under 16.... 10c Saturday Night Sessions . 3 to 11:00........... ...... '■.............. 40c -Spectators--All Sessions .... 10c .Above prices include, all sreyice, admission to rink, skates, checking, etc. . Private lessons arranged bh application --=-- PorHPrivate IiistrucUou see Floor manager PHONE.-NORTH 1735 A S K YOUR NEIGHBOR SHE W ILL SA Y t ^ H O N E T O TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The Red Cross Group of the Townswomen's Guild'w ill meet a t ' the home o f ; Mrs. Therrien, 918 20th Street, on Friday, July 5th. All members are requestr ed to attend. FOR YOUR TODAY A.R.P. WEST VAN. DIVISION There are, a limited , number of vacancies y e t to be filled in the above Ambulance Division. Qual- ificationa for membership require the ownership of a St. John F irst Aid Certificate. Any man who wishes to apply fo r membership phone West 316-L. THE FLYING COLUMN The West Vancouver rthe Flying Column will meet a t the Leg|on Hall a t 7 :30 p.m. F ri­ days, starting tomorrow, instead of on Wednesdays a t heretofore. _ MISS L. N. GUDMUND30N PARSES . '■» -1 W ost..4|,5 6 MORROW COAL & ICE COMPANY LIMITED b' e x p e r t : W a ^ l i b e pa ib in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with ' Birks L td,,. MpntF^) . 1522 Marine .Drive . v 'i j'"y" Miss Lois' Norma Gudmundf son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gudriiuudson, of .1952 Gordop Ave., passed away on Saturday "a f t ^ O h ^ ~ i l t e s s r i i r ^ h e r - l l.th : year. She is survived by her par- ents,_Funeral'services were held at^3:30 p.m. Tuesday from the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Har- fon Bros. Ltd., the [Rev. Wm., Vance officiating followed by crematijon- --T, MTTTv̂ TTTyri E xtra Special 4t" / y i " ̂ ' u , ' ^ Fir Slabis and In # d ^ :F lr7 im iM cord, C .O .D .^ J = P H O N E N o r t h 8 6 ,.̂ We pay for the phone^all. Mb?s. Louise A rcher of Seattle arrived F riday to spend several w ^ k s w ith her sister, Mrs. J. L. .Davidson, a t her summer home in Caulfeild. .■"J