Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Amhleside, Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff,$1.00 per year. H ollybum , Weston, Dundarave 'x k tc . ........ 6c per copy Vol. XV H O LLYBURN P.O ., WEST VANCOUVER. B .C ..T H U R SD A Y , JULY 4th. 1940 No. 12 INTBBNATIONAlilSM COUNCIL NOTES This war, if i t does, nothin*: ,eUe. should teach us the folly „f iitwiationalism. Those who have been p m c h m g it, and tLvr have boon verjr popular amongst us, have always gone hrassum ption th a t .it was something new, whereas it K dd a1 mam The first r^ o rd ed example of i t v m the nwpr of Babel, which was as dismal a fadure ^ the leag u e ^f'Nations this representing the latest attem pt to weld the uaHons into one brotherhood. ̂ t\ u' truth is th a t mian is a fighting animal, and the ftooner we recognize the fact and allow for the eternal presence heart of a large share of original sm th e Jess likely we fre to produce a hell where we hoped to establish a heaven, ft ifl good to dream, so long as we do not allow, our dreaming to run away with^ our common sense., In form ing and sup- l o r C the League of- Nations ..we did ju s t that^ and t h e . The Master, it is true, ^ireached th e brotherhood of man, hnt it was a brother hood, of the heart and not of th e pocket- hnnk 'Which was the fundamental idea behind the League nf N'ltions Physical war.only Was to .be abolished from off j l eartTbut (S y so th a t w ealth and still mom wealth could ' be accumulated by man. The ruthless w ar of business, which : knows neither ru les nOr~m ercynvas-stillrto-gp-on-as-befon!, fiius keeping alive the very sp irit of w ar merely translated to another sphere. N o'wonder the Hun, who always keeps both feet on the ground, seized Kis opportunity and. prepared to iump a weaponless world gone mad over moneymaking. \ ^The modern pacifist--and he is nothing new, only in past ages they called him either a coward or a tra ito r and h a i le d out of hand--does not believe th a t anything justifies Bhvsicarcombat- Most of them base th e ir fa ith on the teach ings of the Master, o r ra th e r on their interpretation of those .teachings.-A nd^etJC hrjsljnad^a_jcpurge_^^ the money changers out of th e Temple, whose sacred ocuffi they h a d desecrated. And He also a t the Last Supper asked for swords ju st before He sta rted through^the bandit infested highway which He and His disciples had to travel to reach I t was decided to submit a money by-law for lp40,000 to buy four, buses to begin, with for the increased city service. More pos sibly may be bought later. Should the/Council still not be able to obtain a $150,000 loan a t 2% from Otmwa,.they have de cided to subm it a $160,000 w ^ e r by-law to the ratepayers, the $10,000 diffetence being an al lowance for the probable dis count on bonds to be* sold there for.. Briefs of both by-laws are being sent, the Minister of Municipalities and the Inspector in Victoria for their necessary approval. SUNDAY NIGHT AT " HOLLYBUEN THEAT^IE Hollybum Theatre will put on a double bill next Sunday~even- ing, July 7th, starting a t 9 p.m., the two pictures being "A Yank a t Oxford," with Robert Taylor and Vivien Leigh/, and ;'*Nostrad-r amus-" Silver collection a t the door in aid of the" Canadian Red Cross W est Vancouver Branch. RED CROSS NOTES ' J h e TreaBura. House iS--Bavv DUNCAN LAWSON . „ ■ „ CHAPtER;, leOeDeB. The Chapter W ar Sei^lce Headquarters a t 1451 M arini Drive is acting as an Inforinatlon Bureau for the community a t large. This service is under the Vancouver Co-Ordinating Coun cil and its purpose is to secure and supply authentic data re la t ing to all war ^ rv ices . The office is Open from 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. excepting Thursday afternoons, clasing a t 1 p.m. Telephone W®st 638.. For some tim e piast ' the chapter has been compiling a file of West Vancouver enlisted men in the army, navy, m arine and a ir services. C iti^ n s can greatly assist us by . giving in; form ation so th a t the files may "be~kept"up"to date.-- Under-the- auspices of the C hapter a special drawing for a w ater color of your home and garden is noVr being conducted; the artis t, Miss B. A. Fry; donating her talent, Mierfi-. bers will please call a t the office or telephone the convener, Mrs. Bee Horam, W est 236-Y to ob tain the coupons for sale. N otes:--The M cIntyre Orch- SWIMMING Classes for beginners and in advanced swimming and pimn diving are being held Monday, IMeaday, Wednesday and F ri day afternoons a t Dundarave Pier. Phone Eileen Body, form er assistant to Molly Edwards, West 1127-L.*** BIUTISH-ISRAEL Mrs. Hamilton will be the speaker a t the Dundarave branch „ on Monday, July 8th, a t 25th and Marine Drive. The subject is, "The Lord's Portion." This is a very helpful address for be ginners or for those who wish to help beginners* Mrs. Hamil ton's addresses",are always help- . ful and you are cordially invited. No prayer meeting on Thursday -evening during the summer. I t will be held on Monday evenings as announced. Mrs. West is in charge.*'*"*' MOTOR MECHANICS The General Motors of Can- married girls and women, 18 to ada are holding classes for ,un- 40 years of age, a t McMillan Motors Ltd., 304-Lonsdale Ave.; Gethsemane. , War, like fire, is a purger. And th is war, terrib le as it is, -will most likely purge our civilization of its . g reatest evil, th e money craie. H istqi^ would seem to teach ■that'every oiyiliz^- tiori has lived ju s t so long as i t had s o m ^ ih g to give to the progress of mankind, and no lpag^.;^'"'-That,^md^dy_^is surest guarantee victory will finally come to us o f' the B rit ish Empire, who under.God are fighting alone for th e continUr ance of a civilization which w ith all its faults does recognize ( .the decencies aiui the righ ts of the. weak. For ku ltur in plain words is nothing "else bu t the deification. of everything evil. officiallv opened and donations es tra and party ' sponsored by North V an^uver. Books of in- of m ost beautiful and useful chapter are now meinberS'Of the* struction, uniforms, tools, etc., articles are coming in fast to be Vancouver Cb-Ordihatirig- Cqun- wilt be supplied. TKose complet- resold for Red Cross funds. So cil, in the recreation group. ; A ing the course will be presented ■ ^ ^ fa c to iy has"been-i7he-^ork-- Used-Wj^<>ollen-Dr-i^^^^ NOTICE ^ ^ f a ctoW har~beeTi~the^ork-- Used-Wy^ollen-Drive-will-be^n----wit-h-pms-^at-a-banquet-given-in^ of the Local Branch th a tith e y augurated a t an early date. The honor of the "Finished Mechanio have b^en requested to supply Paper and Leather Drives con- and Driver." Anyone interested 100 more bed'g6wns. A most tinue. > please phone W. 92-R2* Successful Garden P arty .was -held^-by ̂ the" W liyticiiif U m t-a t -the home of Mrs. Bruce, the net 'Red Cross proceeds amounting to $75. The appeal for blankets ' has been most successful, 97 having already been dispa<tched to Headquarters. Cash donations of $213.66 for the blanket fund have also been received. LEGION NOTES - _Th_e_Guild -Red Cross -Sewing, Groiip, which bias been-meeting* at" the home of M rs.'H . Ostrom each Friday, will, during July/ meet at Mrs. -E. Therrien's, ,9i8 20th Street, each Friday a t 10 a.m. The Refugee Sewing Group will meet at the home of Mrs. G. F. Hodgson, 954 20th S treet, each Wednesday, a t 7 Thei Guild wishes to express, its;ap^s preciation to all those who help-)? ed to make the garden p a rty at;?? the home of Mrs. Joseph Maj^n/e^ 2836 Marine Drive, such a, suc- M€ss^-A--substantial suniTwasT realized, which will aid greatly s in the war effort. On thisoccasions a pre^htation 6f a fountain pen was made to»Mrs* Cromar Brucep wg^nizer and president of the??; wild for four and a half years^g The presentation was made by?i Mrs. A. T. Cushing,; newly--: elected president. _ . W e^-V an. - Motors _ are .asking their customers to pay, on Sat urday, 6th July, one cent per gallon for gas over the m arket price which they will m atch with one cent per gallon, the to tal of two cents going to the W est Vancouver Branch of the Can- ^ i b n .Red Cross. ASSOCIATED BDARD EXAMS The examination of the As sociated Board of ? § c h ^ Is of̂ ebuver centre, will studio of Mrs. F; K. Hodge, 1332 Duchess Ave., a t 12:30 noon F ri- bave Also been receivea. A fter the usual general m ee^ ' day. July 5th, fo rcand idates ^ t i r e n s a^e advised W est Vancouver.. Dr. P. C. Hull raffles are legal -unless sponsor- :;.piatt,-Reeretarv, -gave a ed bv the Red Cross Committee, ed and enlightening report on t vtjitotvt » at t of which Mrs. John Redden is the Dominion Convention recent- HOLLYBURN HALL -- chairman Any citizens who wish ly held in Montreal." The high- - - -- td sell raffle tickets of any kind light of ,the convp tion seemed Sunday School a n d Young are requested to subm it all de- to be the determination of the Peoples tails to Mrs. Redden and her . eight hundred and fifty delegates a t 10 next Sunday, July 7 Committee for approval. . ; - present to show the government m ovji wnririncr On hos- CnnuHa 't h a t the exrservice p.m. a Gospel Service-when tlie^ The estimate of E. R.. Russell for .reconditioning jaollyburh^ trail was referred back by the Council for a more moderate pro-, posal. SUMMER LUNCHEDN The Duncan Lawson Chapter, held its Annual Sum m er Luncheon on Tuesday, June 18th; in the garden of th e Re- . gent, Mrs* SmaUl F ifty-four members were present/ The tab'lfe centres were carried out -in the p a /r io tic ^ h e h ie of red, white and blue a ^ flags tiecor- ated"the/grounds. The luncheon w a s /a ire a t success, being under ih e ' capable ̂ ..convenorship of Mrs;V Gleam, assisted by Mes-- damfes Glover, Swanson, Froud and aioram . An am using paper w as/read by Mrs. G. Gray. R e-; ports were given re w ar work and Service. Meeting ended by siiiglng of "There'll Always be An England" and the National Anthem. A photo, was, taken of the ^ < ^ p . , ' CORPORATION OP? THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER. ke.sidents throughout the District are .hereby advised that sprinkling '" IS entirely prohibited as from this date-u^il further nO;tice, except be tween the hours of 7. and 9 p.m., each day.: No infraction of this order will be excused and any person not • conforming thereto will be .prosecuted without warning. ' - R. A. HARRISON, ^ • • ' Acting Municipal Clerk. Hojlybum. B. C., July 3rd, 1940. A R efugee W ork U om m ittee is m g p u r lo r in up to tu a t -being roganized under^thexh& r^^ThelusuaLordexof-busmeSs was------- --------------- manshin of Mrs. R. Wejr, th e ~ transposed to allow the follow- The was a large attendance committee to be made up of one ing momentous questions to be a t the leg ion Ftelic and Dra-mng Pflch unit dealt w ith on the opening days: last .night in the Orange Hall "^The Playfair Unit repor Canada's war effort, internal w ith Chick Qually's Orchestra garm ents for refugees were re- security, conscription of all re- ^ r f wtaneTs^ln the ceived a t the garden party re- sources. .. , , , . t 'an icu ia rs oi winners rentlv held a t ttie home of Mrs. . The above questions took best draOTng.are as follows . S e The C haim an o f-T ra n ^ p a rt of the. first two days,,.and Ticket No. 855 Clinker built niirtatiori Committee wishes to from the numerous resolutions ,^oat w ith motor, $185^ Vl̂ ai'irnnwledire the generosity of and rem arks passed by delegates by, 1705 Marine; ^ c k e t No. Ferguson's Transfer and Mr. from as fa r east as Newfound- 4 7 ^ , triangle tn p , ^ i n r e Ru- S r a m for their fine voluntary ■ land to as fa r W est as Vancou- ^ r t , J a ^ m , Vancouver, $3^50, in removing supplies yer Island, it was quite obvious R. L a m ^ r t , 25th and Pa from place to place. The Cana*- to, everyone th a t the ex-service stop; 4061, Ladfes or g ^ t s su , Wondmiartcrs' of the R ed-.m en of Canada were demanding $25, Al. Principe, 823 W. Hast- th a t no Immediate and drastic action by, ings S t r a t i 3878, ™ aero- •narcels be sent to individual the government in the prosecu- ^ c k , ^$12.50,. H* Knork, 2 4 ^ Canadian soldiers by any branch tion of the war. A wire was sent ppw Road, Burnaby; _ . to the Prem ier requesting the ghrom e metal smoker s s ^ ^ ^ ^ presence of a Cabinet Minister $7.50, M; E. Douglas, .^ 8 8 W. to hear the meeting's viewpoint 3rd Ave., City; 3811, Electric first-hand. This was abceded to, percolator, $6.50, t o . Beoto^ROLLER SKATING____ ^ . first-hand , r m s w a s aoceueu tv. Roller skating can now be en- A fter, th is a request was .n i^e . _849 Howe Street, C ity; 37, El^^^ invPfi a t the Roller Drome a t for a delegation to wait upon tr ie '__ # 5 ? 4 u r n ^ n r ib h 7 ~ w R i^ H a e -^ th e ' Prem ierT^ersonally-- b e completely , renovated, convention---which was done. City, 5 ^ , T music skates etc. w ithi A good crowd was on hand on value $5,00, E Wafld, 4220 Pros- ^ f i ^ ^ A ^ W ^ ^ ^ i L ^ n s t r u c - --Ii^iday-evem ng-including_visit-._pect .Road,- N orth .JVancouter; . i g ^ i L m e is open every ors from ttm 4 9 ^ S t an"d Saturday afternoons. ' Th.. West Van. Florist' has finished a t 11:15 p.m. a-hearty -ncket sellers' prizes for $6 from 18th and Marine vote of thanks to the Secretary were won by Sam Rh^es,.. into™ te hew store built for his,reportVas given by those. H. Ware, F. Williamson and G. . D ri7 fe t™ to " t h f H o i ^ ^ " meeting Monday, ; r P r iz ^ can ^be obtained at F h n e S Lrlors-:. ,: , July 8th, at 8 p.m. Sam's Barber Shop. ,