West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Jun 1940, p. 4

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,T' !| ,̂1'; n I }■ :Hk i ,'f,.i-' ! ̂I"-'I ' #• ^!l' ;-t Site. m §C ii .11 • I'koiie W rit 4« A. i lb r ¥ ^ Smith UMtM-v/mtm 9'rm 0 «Uv«if)r Sirfiiist Motithlj Aechuut FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 281h and 29th M E A T S " f'Fre# Bhlivcry, IJEEF' .V' m^d & Whlt45 MAYONNAISB SunHpiiii HALAl) OKIilBBlNG-- I Your Choice, B.o* Jar .................Iflc lied & WhIU* TOMATOES-- 2 No. 2Vt tln« ............................... ..25« Ik'd & White PEAS--Sieve 1, tin 12c Ked & White CAItKOTB and FBAB--. tin .............",*■..................... ........ .. Aylmer BONEII CIUCKEN-- 7'0*. tin ............................. ............ 25tlj k I# 1 1 f Kl UI*lI / * di a* »t «l { m im 4 { m R aJSAHDINEhi--Cumulian, tin ........... 5c lUd & White JELI4V POWIIEU8-- ' EiKhI fruit fiaypra, .'t pkia.......14c lUd & WhiUi IT>uk &. UEANB-- 2 IH-oz. tins ................................. 19c SANDVVICII SPREAD--Iledlund'M AHSorU'd kiiida. 2 ViH tina 15c WAX I'AI'ER--lOO-ft. roII«, each 18c i'lNEAPlMJi--Sliced Slnwiptwe, ,'tiii ............................ l i e TEA--A unt. Mury'a, lb............... 53c IIINSO--l.nrKf Pkt...........................23c West 370 PORK LAMB .yE A i. -* All Grade A & A te . ■ ' . D cliciiteB scn I'Vesh Fish Dully Viileticin ORANGES-- New SeaHon*H, tiozeii .............■......... ............ .............27c California GIO\l>EFRUIT-- I-arxe, i for ............................. ...,I9c ' I N I I Lunches ̂ Teas Dinners SMORGASBORD .p t Ilornhy St. TEin. 1520 s p e c i a l .Sawdust ............. $3.50 per unit Dry Slabfl ........ $5.00 per cord, In,Hide Kir:-- ■ from shed ........$0.00 per* cord from miJl ........$5.50 per cord Slabs with Uark,.$4.00_por_cord- Slabs & Edj|:lnif81$3.75 per cord PUITAM'S f u e l Phono North 620 Tile lovely home of Mr.s. A. Skerton* 2925 Marine Drive, was perfect for firj Party held by the ^ Saturday afternoon, to celebrate the lOUi birthday of the Society. Among the large numbers sent were visitors from all tne "Y" groups of the Lower Main­ land, the Proviiicitii Executive of the W.C.T.U. and the Local W.C.T.U. - On display in one eorner of the grounds was a lovely lay­ ette,, which^*will bf to a needy family in the Peace lt'ver District. Most of the knitted . work in the layette was done by Mrs. B. Cave, and her lellow members presented liei' w ith. a g ift of' appi*eclalion. Miss .Beatrice Short, I resi­ dent of the Union wa.s present­ ed with a Life Membership Pm by Mrs. A. Brown, who express­ ed in a few words the esteem in which she was held by all co­ workers. ' • During the afternoon, Mrs. O. Britton gave two readings which were much enjoyed and a trio composed of Miss W. Brealey, M iss.H . Colpitts aiul Mrs. N. Cole rendered, several very-pleas­ ing musical seleotion.s. Mrs. Williscroft, Mrs. Steven- SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS AgmOM, CANADA PA IN T COMPANY LTD, T"'f' 'PA IN T THERI515 s ra d JE R S ' SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING FOR QUALITY WALLBOARD W E S T V A N C O U V E R L U H » E R C O . LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 c l a s s i f i e d a d s .iM fur riiiHHiiied Advertlsemoiits i s 2 ceilto per word, miniinum* ... J n to t lhT crn. of t h « e taYiog ro*alar .aeoo«nto. all e ta i-'jri cE>ni8. JiXoeiH m uu-- ---------- --- iu Van. N ew s g e t immediate resresultu.. at W est Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. KOr ' r e n t --Cosy three room suite, fireplace, central, lovely view, w ith gara^fo,' West 586-R. . FOR' SA LE--^Four room bungalow. Close in. . 'Has large living room, cem ent basement, furnace, garaire. > etc. l^ ice $1850. Terms. LAW SON, W ALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive_______ ^West 55 m a r c e l SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only beat W ANTED -- Girl with happy dls- position for* business couple with year old girl.' Phofte W. 07-Y. used. * E x S r t o'peratws. , Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. RE-ROQPING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent WANTED-- By lady, Room and Board or housekeepinigf. Waterfront, be- yond 28rd A ugust IB. Two weeks. ' Particulars and terms. Box 5, West Van. N ew s. , Have xoof measured now; free eati- ..wANTEDTr-Housekeeper for last two -- n B nrifiDH. West bo-K. weeks in'July. Four adults. West 18. VERNON FEED STORE A. a 8EARLE Phono^West 9 Tertillzers orATI^inds^ ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Extra Special Fir Sijabs and iTraide^Firrmixed cord P h o n e n o r t h 8 6 --We-|)ay-for-the-phone-oalL-- A ttention Builders! S A N D , g r a v e l , N A V V V J A C K , A S P H A L T P R E M IX , ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED son, Mrs. Jas. G ra y ,'Mrs. Brit-' .ton and Mrs. Gillc.spie were re­ cipients of corsages, presenta­ tions being made by ■ Mrs. A. Shellard. Mrs. T. Hamilton was conven­ er for the delightful refresh­ ments, which were served' out­ side on the spacious lawns. The serviteurs were: Miss Helen Col- nitts.. Mrk. B. Cave and Mrs. A. Skerton. The . birthday cake •which'was m ade by Mrs. N. Cole was beautifully decorated. Ten,' candles forming the letter "Y" centredT^he--dafnidy--appointed- tea table, attractively arranged with'"spring flowers. Miss E: Grant cut the cake while Miss, B. Shore served the guests. A t the close the President on behalf of the Union, thanked the speak­ ers, entertainers and alk those responsible for the sucoess of the Garden Party. mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R K. V,. Findlay, West 494-R ._____ PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) ^ . 418 Howe St. TRm. 1271. 1 Local Agent, i . F BayUss (Notary Pub he). 2436 Bellevue. i | West 622-R 'H,""ArRbBERTS"nrD7 Complete ' Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 546 HANDY ANN SHOP -- 2442 Marine. Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup­ plies, Notions, Chihaware, Hard­ ware, Baby^Garme^^ W ANTED TO RENT-- A five or six ' room bungalow oh a year's lease. Beginning 1st A ugust or 1st Sep­ tember. S ta te location and term F irst class references. Box 2, West Vani News. XOM PEETE~NpTATHAlrSERVieES- •;FOR .R E N T -B ed -sittin g room, use of kitchen, ,near to beach. 1173' Duch- -- ess-Ave.i-.t;:,.rr.7:.-- -------------- ---,yUJ.ui JUIiXXJ ■iTIVZJI.rt.ivJi.n.iJ o.utkY , . ..I . ...!- .. , . .i. ' ."'V" ... , 411 forms of documents drawn and, SECOND' H AND Ladies' and Gents' Bicycles a s loyv as $15. Fred JoneB Bicycle Shop', 1439 Marine. New C.C.M. Bicycles. . _______ • executed. I Real Estate, Insurance, .Rentals -1405 R. P. BLOWER &: CO. LTD, J4arine-JDr.̂ jWest-YaJLCOUSe^ Phones: W est 21, 204-M, 913-L 'Phone North 1141 r -or- -AWMiltLISi-AVest-S23=Ii. SUNLIT L O D G E S u m m e r Guests, Transifent and Permanent. 367te Marine Drive. W est 889^L2. GOOD 8 ROOM FAMILY HOME on 60-ft. lot, fuH'plumbing, convenient, location. F u ll.p rice $1200.00. SHARPE REALTY . W. 719 j . EDWARD._SEARS,„BaTrister, Sol­ icitor, 140^ Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 553-R-l. FOR REN-T=r-Attractive upper half of new home. Lovely view. West 1009-R. JlED__CROgS CONCERT WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer-work, prompt service. W est 700. . ■ FLOOR SURFACINCi--J . Sutherland W est 483 or North 578 . r NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certillcd as adv«rllsed ta the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) j (7 C. FINNEY, West- Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. MD THE m c e IS 0KLP159 50 -BCC. KVcolric h lores Gihsoii refrigerator 1940 a ll a u n o u n c i^ a J .. ........ t h a t sm a sh e s __ reeord s. for refr ig era to r va lu e ." I t h a s a tw iii-e y lin d e r , h c r iu c tic a lly -se u lc d u n it . . . a ll- |* o ree la iii in te r io r . . . 3 ice c u b e I rays . . . in te r io r l ig h t . . . 10.62 sq u a r e fe e t s h e lf area . N ow o n sa le at y o u r H.C. Electric: s to r e . The concert arranged.' by J. D. A. Trip'p last Sunday evening in .Hollybum Theatre for the benefit of the local Red Cross was a real, musical trea t and deserved a. much larger atten­ dance, not only on account of the excellence of the programme but also the purpose for 'which it r was given. The small audience o f : music lovers present, however, up in enthusiasm' for what they lacked-in numbers, as was only to be expected with such brilliant artists on the pro- gi'amme. Those assisting were M p: Amy Adair,Dewar, soprano, Miss Vera Freeman (Garbovit- 17-skw School )-,-Adolinisterand-Har-- 7 old Brown, A.T.'C.M., pianist, of the J, D. A. Tripp School.' Mr. GORDON~ROBSON-^ Bari i8U;r-&- Solicitor, 510 W'. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at W est Vancouver any time" by appointment, West 403. __ ____ PAINTING A N D DECORATING - Estim ates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. GORDON G R A T~Insurance, all risks, .--one policy, a ll locations. SEy. 4991 ~ o r -W e s t 92-R 2.-^ ' ' 'x FOR SALE--Small Sea Scout row. or sail boat. 1339 Marine. " • FOR SALE--Pipe diep and vise, pair ladies^ hiking boots, size 6. { 2446 Haywood or West 215-Y. WESTERN WOODWORKERS^Store and = houke. fixtures, turning,- glass, glazing. W est 740, W est 443-R. FOR DUMP TRUCK WORK, sand, gravel, wood, coal, pleasê ^̂ ̂ p^^^ Steve Lowrie,--W.-256-Y. N.B. Now driving truck formerly owned by Dansey Bros. CASH FOR JU N K -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, M etals, Furniture, Stove ̂ Tools,r etc.; nothing too big of too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. FOR SALE--iHouse trailer' with stove. sink, breakfast nook. Accommodate 4. $200. Phone W. 550-Y. . CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Conn*- try w ay; .'guaranteed; ,brick and stone repairs. Palmer, *CapiIano, North 811-Rr2. ___ Tripp himself was called upon for an encore for-«ach of his two groups of numbers while Mrs. --Dewar was called upon also for _ W A N T E D :R e lia b le -g ir l, fond^of" , children, to help with ; general housework and children on beach. -Phone Monday evening, West 233-R3. ' . LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 -- Marine. _____---------- - WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL Sure protection; reasonable • rates. W est 927-R. -- an encore for her rendition of .. .'T here'll always be an England," which she repeated with the audience joining in the chorus . a t her request. She and. Miss Vera Fi'eeman were each the i*eoipient's of a bouquet- Presi- -- den t-j7 -R7-Mitchelteof-the~Red WANTED-^Young cook general, fond of children. Phone Monday even­ ing, West 233-R'3. •SUMMER CLASSES now in sessioiu-̂ estHollyburn Business College, 341. Gross made a brief speech during an interval. The theatre was loaned by Mr. .Fletcher and the • ^ a n d piano by courtesy of Mrs.' J. W. Lang, LACROSSE Tomahawks are strongly en- trenched in first place in the _^AMget-- Lacrosse--̂ League--by^ _j virtue of a 11-3 win over I West Vancouver. The game was hard . and f a s t" and w i^ featured by ^^^Ddid lacrosse by both sides. This was the fifth straight win for the Tomahawks. A win for them in their next game will give them the league chani- pionship and the right to meet outside clubs in the playdowns midget champion- er, Lynn Valley just wihning by a 6-5 score after trailing and only coming from behind in the { last fi've niinutes. Olympics de­ feated Aces 5-2 in another hard- _fought_game-while-bn-Monday- Valley were handed a •defeat by' the new entry, St." ;^ u l Indians by a 12-6 score. 1 his game was productive of some ' f̂irst class lacrosse:^ ^®*^mion Day schedule a t Mahon Fark fdlows: Bantams--9 a.m-, Lynn'Valley vs.. Aces; 10 a;m., West.Van. v s r O kS® 4£s^__M idgets-^U _a,m ^ Excelsior vs. West yan . (1st consolation series); 12:30 a.m., Tonmhawks vs. Indians.. Juvenile . Tomahawks vs. Burnaby (N.W.). JuvenUe A - o .ib p.m., Tomahawks vs West ' End (N.W.) W. H. V A SS, Chiropractor, Suite 4» Hollybium Block. 4B PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, at reason- , able rates. H. Gaines. West 962-R. FOR RENT--4 room modern bunga- low, __convenient _rloc^tion, vacant July 31st. Will lease $25.00 per month.. Phone W est 155-R._____ FOR SALE--^Fawcett foiir-hole camp stove, good condition, $7.50. vv. 79-L3. . • _ ACCOMMODATION f'or Guests, transient or permanent. W est 686-B . ____________ LOST Yellow gold ladies' watch between Hollyburn Ridge ana "ferry'rneward7~W^r~46r MEN & WOMEN W A N T E D --^ ^ ' lent DIRECT SELLING OPPOR}' -- UNITY--exclusive^erritory_rig^. for liv e -w ire , am bitiiSs. men In the bantam division the came • b e tw e en • T .v n n ;•XJall/i'ir . • ■■ "'■J" -Women, selling a line of quality products. Send for ourPm and catalogue " jlpD A Y . Produ^s Company, 570 St. Clemen . St., lifontreal; • ON . mISST® Lff BOOKLETT "Secrets of Wise R j , le ft On ferry some time ago. ̂ finder .-please phone' A. Kerr. « 1000. CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- burners installed ! .furnace r e p ^