,T' !| ,̂1'; n I }■ :Hk i ,'f,.i-' ! ̂I"-'I ' #• ^!l' ;-t Site. m §C ii .11 • I'koiie W rit 4« A. i lb r ¥ ^ Smith UMtM-v/mtm 9'rm 0 «Uv«if)r Sirfiiist Motithlj Aechuut FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 281h and 29th M E A T S " f'Fre# Bhlivcry, IJEEF' .V' m^d & Whlt45 MAYONNAISB SunHpiiii HALAl) OKIilBBlNG-- I Your Choice, B.o* Jar .................Iflc lied & WhIU* TOMATOES-- 2 No. 2Vt tln« ............................... ..25« Ik'd & White PEAS--Sieve 1, tin 12c Ked & White CAItKOTB and FBAB--. tin .............",*■..................... ........ .. Aylmer BONEII CIUCKEN-- 7'0*. tin ............................. ............ 25tlj k I# 1 1 f Kl UI*lI / * di a* »t «l { m im 4 { m R aJSAHDINEhi--Cumulian, tin ........... 5c lUd & White JELI4V POWIIEU8-- ' EiKhI fruit fiaypra, .'t pkia.......14c lUd & WhiUi IT>uk &. UEANB-- 2 IH-oz. tins ................................. 19c SANDVVICII SPREAD--Iledlund'M AHSorU'd kiiida. 2 ViH tina 15c WAX I'AI'ER--lOO-ft. roII«, each 18c i'lNEAPlMJi--Sliced Slnwiptwe, ,'tiii ............................ l i e TEA--A unt. Mury'a, lb............... 53c IIINSO--l.nrKf Pkt...........................23c West 370 PORK LAMB .yE A i. -* All Grade A & A te . ■ ' . D cliciiteB scn I'Vesh Fish Dully Viileticin ORANGES-- New SeaHon*H, tiozeii .............■......... ............ .............27c California GIO\l>EFRUIT-- I-arxe, i for ............................. ...,I9c ' I N I I Lunches ̂ Teas Dinners SMORGASBORD .p t Ilornhy St. TEin. 1520 s p e c i a l .Sawdust ............. $3.50 per unit Dry Slabfl ........ $5.00 per cord, In,Hide Kir:-- ■ from shed ........$0.00 per* cord from miJl ........$5.50 per cord Slabs with Uark,.$4.00_por_cord- Slabs & Edj|:lnif81$3.75 per cord PUITAM'S f u e l Phono North 620 Tile lovely home of Mr.s. A. Skerton* 2925 Marine Drive, was perfect for firj Party held by the ^ Saturday afternoon, to celebrate the lOUi birthday of the Society. Among the large numbers sent were visitors from all tne "Y" groups of the Lower Main land, the Proviiicitii Executive of the W.C.T.U. and the Local W.C.T.U. - On display in one eorner of the grounds was a lovely lay ette,, which^*will bf to a needy family in the Peace lt'ver District. Most of the knitted . work in the layette was done by Mrs. B. Cave, and her lellow members presented liei' w ith. a g ift of' appi*eclalion. Miss .Beatrice Short, I resi dent of the Union wa.s present ed with a Life Membership Pm by Mrs. A. Brown, who express ed in a few words the esteem in which she was held by all co workers. ' • During the afternoon, Mrs. O. Britton gave two readings which were much enjoyed and a trio composed of Miss W. Brealey, M iss.H . Colpitts aiul Mrs. N. Cole rendered, several very-pleas ing musical seleotion.s. Mrs. Williscroft, Mrs. Steven- SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS AgmOM, CANADA PA IN T COMPANY LTD, T"'f' 'PA IN T THERI515 s ra d JE R S ' SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING FOR QUALITY WALLBOARD W E S T V A N C O U V E R L U H » E R C O . LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 c l a s s i f i e d a d s .iM fur riiiHHiiied Advertlsemoiits i s 2 ceilto per word, miniinum* ... J n to t lhT crn. of t h « e taYiog ro*alar .aeoo«nto. all e ta i-'jri cE>ni8. JiXoeiH m uu-- ---------- --- iu Van. N ew s g e t immediate resresultu.. at W est Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. KOr ' r e n t --Cosy three room suite, fireplace, central, lovely view, w ith gara^fo,' West 586-R. . FOR' SA LE--^Four room bungalow. Close in. . 'Has large living room, cem ent basement, furnace, garaire. > etc. l^ ice $1850. Terms. LAW SON, W ALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive_______ ^West 55 m a r c e l SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only beat W ANTED -- Girl with happy dls- position for* business couple with year old girl.' Phofte W. 07-Y. used. * E x S r t o'peratws. , Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. RE-ROQPING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent WANTED-- By lady, Room and Board or housekeepinigf. Waterfront, be- yond 28rd A ugust IB. Two weeks. ' Particulars and terms. Box 5, West Van. N ew s. , Have xoof measured now; free eati- ..wANTEDTr-Housekeeper for last two -- n B nrifiDH. West bo-K. weeks in'July. Four adults. West 18. VERNON FEED STORE A. a 8EARLE Phono^West 9 Tertillzers orATI^inds^ ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Extra Special Fir Sijabs and iTraide^Firrmixed cord P h o n e n o r t h 8 6 --We-|)ay-for-the-phone-oalL-- A ttention Builders! S A N D , g r a v e l , N A V V V J A C K , A S P H A L T P R E M IX , ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED son, Mrs. Jas. G ra y ,'Mrs. Brit-' .ton and Mrs. Gillc.spie were re cipients of corsages, presenta tions being made by ■ Mrs. A. Shellard. Mrs. T. Hamilton was conven er for the delightful refresh ments, which were served' out side on the spacious lawns. The serviteurs were: Miss Helen Col- nitts.. Mrk. B. Cave and Mrs. A. Skerton. The . birthday cake •which'was m ade by Mrs. N. Cole was beautifully decorated. Ten,' candles forming the letter "Y" centredT^he--dafnidy--appointed- tea table, attractively arranged with'"spring flowers. Miss E: Grant cut the cake while Miss, B. Shore served the guests. A t the close the President on behalf of the Union, thanked the speak ers, entertainers and alk those responsible for the sucoess of the Garden Party. mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R K. V,. Findlay, West 494-R ._____ PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) ^ . 418 Howe St. TRm. 1271. 1 Local Agent, i . F BayUss (Notary Pub he). 2436 Bellevue. i | West 622-R 'H,""ArRbBERTS"nrD7 Complete ' Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 546 HANDY ANN SHOP -- 2442 Marine. Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup plies, Notions, Chihaware, Hard ware, Baby^Garme^^ W ANTED TO RENT-- A five or six ' room bungalow oh a year's lease. Beginning 1st A ugust or 1st Sep tember. S ta te location and term F irst class references. Box 2, West Vani News. XOM PEETE~NpTATHAlrSERVieES- •;FOR .R E N T -B ed -sittin g room, use of kitchen, ,near to beach. 1173' Duch- -- ess-Ave.i-.t;:,.rr.7:.-- -------------- ---,yUJ.ui JUIiXXJ ■iTIVZJI.rt.ivJi.n.iJ o.utkY , . ..I . ...!- .. , . .i. ' ."'V" ... , 411 forms of documents drawn and, SECOND' H AND Ladies' and Gents' Bicycles a s loyv as $15. Fred JoneB Bicycle Shop', 1439 Marine. New C.C.M. Bicycles. . _______ • executed. I Real Estate, Insurance, .Rentals -1405 R. P. BLOWER &: CO. LTD, J4arine-JDr.̂ jWest-YaJLCOUSe^ Phones: W est 21, 204-M, 913-L 'Phone North 1141 r -or- -AWMiltLISi-AVest-S23=Ii. SUNLIT L O D G E S u m m e r Guests, Transifent and Permanent. 367te Marine Drive. W est 889^L2. GOOD 8 ROOM FAMILY HOME on 60-ft. lot, fuH'plumbing, convenient, location. F u ll.p rice $1200.00. SHARPE REALTY . W. 719 j . EDWARD._SEARS,„BaTrister, Sol icitor, 140^ Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 553-R-l. FOR REN-T=r-Attractive upper half of new home. Lovely view. West 1009-R. JlED__CROgS CONCERT WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer-work, prompt service. W est 700. . ■ FLOOR SURFACINCi--J . Sutherland W est 483 or North 578 . r NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certillcd as adv«rllsed ta the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) j (7 C. FINNEY, West- Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. MD THE m c e IS 0KLP159 50 -BCC. KVcolric h lores Gihsoii refrigerator 1940 a ll a u n o u n c i^ a J .. ........ t h a t sm a sh e s __ reeord s. for refr ig era to r va lu e ." I t h a s a tw iii-e y lin d e r , h c r iu c tic a lly -se u lc d u n it . . . a ll- |* o ree la iii in te r io r . . . 3 ice c u b e I rays . . . in te r io r l ig h t . . . 10.62 sq u a r e fe e t s h e lf area . N ow o n sa le at y o u r H.C. Electric: s to r e . The concert arranged.' by J. D. A. Trip'p last Sunday evening in .Hollybum Theatre for the benefit of the local Red Cross was a real, musical trea t and deserved a. much larger atten dance, not only on account of the excellence of the programme but also the purpose for 'which it r was given. The small audience o f : music lovers present, however, up in enthusiasm' for what they lacked-in numbers, as was only to be expected with such brilliant artists on the pro- gi'amme. Those assisting were M p: Amy Adair,Dewar, soprano, Miss Vera Freeman (Garbovit- 17-skw School )-,-Adolinisterand-Har-- 7 old Brown, A.T.'C.M., pianist, of the J, D. A. Tripp School.' Mr. GORDON~ROBSON-^ Bari i8U;r-&- Solicitor, 510 W'. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at W est Vancouver any time" by appointment, West 403. __ ____ PAINTING A N D DECORATING - Estim ates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. GORDON G R A T~Insurance, all risks, .--one policy, a ll locations. SEy. 4991 ~ o r -W e s t 92-R 2.-^ ' ' 'x FOR SALE--Small Sea Scout row. or sail boat. 1339 Marine. " • FOR SALE--Pipe diep and vise, pair ladies^ hiking boots, size 6. { 2446 Haywood or West 215-Y. WESTERN WOODWORKERS^Store and = houke. fixtures, turning,- glass, glazing. W est 740, W est 443-R. FOR DUMP TRUCK WORK, sand, gravel, wood, coal, pleasê ^̂ ̂ p^^^ Steve Lowrie,--W.-256-Y. N.B. Now driving truck formerly owned by Dansey Bros. CASH FOR JU N K -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, M etals, Furniture, Stove ̂ Tools,r etc.; nothing too big of too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. FOR SALE--iHouse trailer' with stove. sink, breakfast nook. Accommodate 4. $200. Phone W. 550-Y. . CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Conn*- try w ay; .'guaranteed; ,brick and stone repairs. Palmer, *CapiIano, North 811-Rr2. ___ Tripp himself was called upon for an encore for-«ach of his two groups of numbers while Mrs. --Dewar was called upon also for _ W A N T E D :R e lia b le -g ir l, fond^of" , children, to help with ; general housework and children on beach. -Phone Monday evening, West 233-R3. ' . LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 -- Marine. _____---------- - WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL Sure protection; reasonable • rates. W est 927-R. -- an encore for her rendition of .. .'T here'll always be an England," which she repeated with the audience joining in the chorus . a t her request. She and. Miss Vera Fi'eeman were each the i*eoipient's of a bouquet- Presi- -- den t-j7 -R7-Mitchelteof-the~Red WANTED-^Young cook general, fond of children. Phone Monday even ing, West 233-R'3. •SUMMER CLASSES now in sessioiu-̂ estHollyburn Business College, 341. Gross made a brief speech during an interval. The theatre was loaned by Mr. .Fletcher and the • ^ a n d piano by courtesy of Mrs.' J. W. Lang, LACROSSE Tomahawks are strongly en- trenched in first place in the _^AMget-- Lacrosse--̂ League--by^ _j virtue of a 11-3 win over I West Vancouver. The game was hard . and f a s t" and w i^ featured by ^^^Ddid lacrosse by both sides. This was the fifth straight win for the Tomahawks. A win for them in their next game will give them the league chani- pionship and the right to meet outside clubs in the playdowns midget champion- er, Lynn Valley just wihning by a 6-5 score after trailing and only coming from behind in the { last fi've niinutes. Olympics de feated Aces 5-2 in another hard- _fought_game-while-bn-Monday- Valley were handed a •defeat by' the new entry, St." ;^ u l Indians by a 12-6 score. 1 his game was productive of some ' f̂irst class lacrosse:^ ^®*^mion Day schedule a t Mahon Fark fdlows: Bantams--9 a.m-, Lynn'Valley vs.. Aces; 10 a;m., West.Van. v s r O kS® 4£s^__M idgets-^U _a,m ^ Excelsior vs. West yan . (1st consolation series); 12:30 a.m., Tonmhawks vs. Indians.. Juvenile . Tomahawks vs. Burnaby (N.W.). JuvenUe A - o .ib p.m., Tomahawks vs West ' End (N.W.) W. H. V A SS, Chiropractor, Suite 4» Hollybium Block. 4B PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, at reason- , able rates. H. Gaines. West 962-R. FOR RENT--4 room modern bunga- low, __convenient _rloc^tion, vacant July 31st. Will lease $25.00 per month.. Phone W est 155-R._____ FOR SALE--^Fawcett foiir-hole camp stove, good condition, $7.50. vv. 79-L3. . • _ ACCOMMODATION f'or Guests, transient or permanent. W est 686-B . ____________ LOST Yellow gold ladies' watch between Hollyburn Ridge ana "ferry'rneward7~W^r~46r MEN & WOMEN W A N T E D --^ ^ ' lent DIRECT SELLING OPPOR}' -- UNITY--exclusive^erritory_rig^. for liv e -w ire , am bitiiSs. men In the bantam division the came • b e tw e en • T .v n n ;•XJall/i'ir . • ■■ "'■J" -Women, selling a line of quality products. Send for ourPm and catalogue " jlpD A Y . Produ^s Company, 570 St. Clemen . St., lifontreal; • ON . mISST® Lff BOOKLETT "Secrets of Wise R j , le ft On ferry some time ago. ̂ finder .-please phone' A. Kerr. « 1000. CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- burners installed ! .furnace r e p ^