West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Jun 1940, p. 3

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,..n> 27th, 19igl \ WEST VAN NBWS iliiili 3 t h e v a n c o u v e i i b u s i n e s s s c h o o l S p e i r l a l ^ S i i i i i ^ R eduction o f Fees 'Ji^„,„ll Ulocli) BEy. 5711 and 3679 B i^ d w a y (a t Alma"Rd.) . BA y. 7747 njvid Halstead and 'D i ^ Powell 1>"' '> '"/* ^Mlo* M x ^ 'S A p in Toronto, while Edward fifappell »f Cau'fe'W has joined fhc R.C.A.I". in Brandon, Man- inlia Bob M atthew s, Jack Red­ den aiiiltlliarles and Claud Dan- " «l^>f Caulfeird are now pjombers of the R .C.E.. • / LIFE ami SPARKLE KINSMEN CLUB END'S IK ICONOMV o»«i> SIZE 5 3 # Z 7i 79* . " ' I t McNEIL & McCUE 14th and Marine West Vancouver A t the first meetinfif on 18th instant of the West Vancouver Kinsmen Club the charter mem­ bers elected the following of­ ficers: President Harold Mai- con; vice-president Bill Peake; secretiary, Greo. Grliiffiln; tixsas- urer„ W alter Tearoe; sergeant- at-arms, Dave M urray; directors, Cec. Edwards and Don Palmer. The culb assists underprivileged children and has made a dona­ tion to the School Board to as­ sist in the case of tonsil opera­ tions for such children. PUPILS' RECITAL ro R SALE Fuel and Trucking Business " for--price--of-; Chevrolet-- Truck. Hydraulic Hoist -E D ^B L A C K -- .:------ West 68 " . Pupfis o f Helen A. Vance, A.T. C.M., were heard recently in a piano recital., Those'contrbiuting to the programme were: Carol Hall, Josephine Chapel, Lillian Tancock, Joan- Corkill, Donald ' Redman, Peggy Tamboline, Gor­ don Gillies, Betty Tarnboline, Jean Reynolds, P a t Clark, No- reen Fallows, Beverley Ellis, Grace ^inipsbn. Miss Joan Shef- 7" field~gave"two--voc'hJ::/selectipns 1 and -Miss Doreen Addy ac­ companied the rhythm band. As­ sisting in serving a t the tea hour were the Misses Marjorie O'Don­ nell, Stella Bruce, Mary Wance, Jpan Sheffield and Doreen Addy. ^^ % ;-A g a ilia !s r Guild" o f St.- Jam es' Church, . in Vancouver, JM(La^ea_a;nd_sjjppiixJaeL^^^ urday a t Sunlit Lodge, West ::Bay. ' ■!. , -----Captain JFioQd, of .F isherm an's. Cove has had yellow chrysan­ themums blooming in his garden for the past two or three weeks. This appears to be very early for this spem esjjf plant. Major and. Mrs. H. E. Whif- fin, formerly of Cyprc\sa Park, have, taken up I'csidonce a t 30 ' Grove Ave., Ottawa. W. R. Wrape of Little Rock, Arkansas, a member of the first real e k a te Jirm in West Van­ couver, was here on Sunday, visiting John Lawson and P* T. Masterman. ' , Reeve J< B. Leyland left yesterday to attend the.official opening of the Big Bent) High­ way as the vice-president and official representative of the B. C. Automobile Club and also to engage in certain work a t Kam- Joops and Revelstoke for the W ar Savings Committee. Coun-t cillor W. Dickinson will act as' reeve' during his absence. ■ A son was born on Thursday a t Grace Hospital to Mr. and - Mrs. J. W. Spencer, 812 16th Street. ' ■ ' ' ; ,, 7 i English--Brealey On the evening of June 22nd in St. Stephen's Anglican Church, against, a Background of regal lilies, Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brealey, be­ came the-brid,e of Mr.- Th0s. Hugh English, spn of-M r. and Mrs. T. A. English of Calgary, At " . --, , _ --. - ̂ -- I, --- -- «_/ • V f "A lt ar.7" ■ ■Tie vT"PrTiAT^Rams ey^ .ficiated. Given in m arriage by 'her father, the bride wore a jacket dress of dusty blue with m atching hat ' and white acces- sories. H er.corsage was white gardenias and stephanatis. She was attended by -Miss W inhifred Diamond , as bridesmaid, wear­ ing a navy blue redingote with white-accessories and a corsage- of i^sebuds. Mr- John Grahani was best man and the ushers were Jack Lyal and. Mr. Leslie Lvon. During the signing of the ™Marcus M. Burrowes of. M02 Marine Drive, W est Bay,! has joined the R.C.A.F. and left for Toronto June 18th,«i # ik , , , A t the afternoon of songs, dancing and dram atization of Pauline Johnson School on F ri­ day, Juno 21stj 1940, th e sum of $20.72 was realized. This money was a t once used towards the purchase of blankets for refugee cliildren. Peter Ajello, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Ajello, 1670 29th Street, saw a large bear on Rose- berry Ave„ Friday morning, while picking berries.1(1 * ■ * ■' Mr. and Mrs. H arry Robinson and family, of 1671 Duchess A VC., will spend July and August a t White Rook.it< 4< •(< Mr. and Mrs. James Eckman and their family of Vancouver moved las t week-end to their country home a t Caulfoild for the summerLmonths. • "Greystonea," the home of- Mr., and Mrs. Ronald Wilson a t Caulfeild, was open to the pub­ lic oii Saturday afternoon under the auspices-of-Greater-V-ancou-- ver Girl Guide Council, as another in the series of "Gar­ dens Beautiful" tours,. ' ' Engagement Mr^ and Mrs. T. M artin of 1488 2Qith Street, announce the engagement o f " th e ir younger daughter, Frances Hazel, to Charles Tweeda(o Baldwin, the G. Baldwin, of West Vancouver. The wedding will take place July 17th, 1940, a t '8:30 p.m. in- W est Vancouver United Church! I t akI I t A mmmwkrnpBennett s BAlvbKi BUTTERCRUST BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Plain Layers, large 20c snuill 10c . Larjro Flour Sacks 10c H68 Marine Dr. Rhone W. 27 f I | | . I ' rfii M ' Holly burn ineatre Till] USD AY mul FRIDAY .lunj' 27th mul 28th WALLACE RKEUY VTRCINLV im U C E "The Bad Man of Brimstone" uIho si'h'otoil short suhjociH . SATURDAY ami MONDAY .luiu! 2iUli aiul;,July ,l»t " Sixty Glorious Years " A - .Story of (iuocMi Victoria with ANNE NAGLE (All in color) ' ' rUESUAY and W EDNESDAY July 2acl and Hrd "Little Accident" .a ls o "ON DRESS RARADB" with tilie "Dead End" Kids J<octh-Shoce. register.'Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove sang "My World." - Following the ceremony a re­ ception was held a t the home of the bride's parents. : Receiving the guests were. Mrs. Brealey, mother of the bride,' wearing a rose lace dress w ith ,matching accessories, and Mrs. W. H arris, aunt of the groom who chose to wear a navy blue dress with rose accessories. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. H arris and Mr. and Mrs. J. Naf- tel of Chilliwack, also Miss Doris Brealey and Miss Muriel Bod- well of Seattle. Mr. G, Faulknor, friend of the family, proposed a toast to the bride. For travelling the bride donn- ed-a -beige^coat- over- her--wed­ ding* dress. On their return, irom a motor trip south Mr. and Mrs. English will reside a t 1489 Haywood Ave, REFUGEE COMMITTEE ^ Engagement r 7--: The engagement is announced of Jean Elizabeth, only daugh­ te r of Mrs. M argaret iWilson and the late Robert Wilson -to F rank Denis M o rtim ^ Dor­ chester, elder son of *Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Dorchester. The wed- -ding wlllT-take place quietly in ROLLER ARENA 1st Street, 1 block W est of Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER "Mlmday to BTitluy, s to iu:aU p.ni. 1 I Adults 35c Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 2. to 4:30.... 25c Matinee Saturday, mornings 10 to 12, children under 15.... 10c Saturday N ight Sessions 8 to 11:00 .......... :........................ 40c Spectators-- All Sessions ..... 10c . Above prices include all. srevice, admission to rink, skates, checking,' DRAWING WIil those having completed books turn ,them in ,to the Legion Hall, to-morrow (Friday), a t 8 p.m. n-v:] "i Ii I I I : I t ; I % n I I M J. i i l E Protect Y<mr H ealth and Save on Food'W astage b y u sing Modern A ir-C o|idhioned "Ice" ' n d .on I % m. from $ 2 7 .5 0 up Ice Chests for R ent or Sale GARVIN ICE & FUEL . Go., Ltd. 2i1S7 Marine D rive kI § I W est 7 8 8 \d Anyone having suggestions regarding the placing of B rit­ ish' evacuees or foreign refugee children are asked to geb /in 'touch with . Mrs. F. A, Walker, W, 25-M3, or Mrs. Fiddes, W. 193-R., There has been a splendid response to the appeal for homes. WEST VANCOUVER SEA SCOUTS s e v e n R A r i F S D A I L Y jtJE Y ~ 6 pa r i-m utual sy stem Uaily D oubles - F irs t and Second Sixth and. S even th Races.. D O W N E P A R K Will ..the ladies who belong to the Naval Knitting Unit, please note, Mrs. H. - Robinson- will be ~away-for-July-and^A.ugust--All­ information may be had from Mrs.-Gillies;-1365 Clyde Ave., W. 621-R, who will be in charge of the wool. - A July. * V V , Hpekin--BorgaJ A t a quiet ceremony at the home of the -groom's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Chas. Hockin, on June 17th, Rey. T. S. Ilpckin.; united in 'm arriage Hazel Mild-; red, only daughter of Mr. A- G. BUrgal, W est V aheouv^ and the late, Mrs. B. Borgal, to Henry Martin, son of^ Mr. and Mrs. Hookin, Rosedale. W earing an afternoon frock of queen's blue; and carrying a bouquet "Uf pink rosebuds, the bride was given in marriage by her father. Thei groom's sister, Mrs. TI. Compeau, as matron of honor,7 wore blue sli^rT-and--carried a" bouquet of pink roses, Mr- Com­ peau was best man. < A fter their honeymoon to Cal­ gary, .Mr. and Mrs. Hockin will 'reside in Chilliwack.♦ ifi * The Weist Vancouver Women's Association is supporting the Vancouver A ir S u p r e m a c y Drive, and Mrs- W. B. Small, W est 638, is organizing a tag day for June 29th. Any women- desirous of helping are "asked to get in touch with her- The Bar­ barians' Auxiliary and the Hi-Y Girls are also taking an active part. 4c « :fc "Miss Estelle Tupper of West Bay is spending her vacation a t her home in Penticton, B. C. . Private lessons arranged on application For Private Instruction sec Floor - manager PHONE NORTH 173r> ASK YOUR NESOHBOR SHE WILL SAY PHONE TO MORROW FOR YOUR tO D A Y MORROW COAL & ICE COMPANY LIM ITED B O Y S B A N D A U X IL IA R Y •EXPERT W atch and^ Clock r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) . 4522 Marine Drive --1 T he-regu lar meeting, of._tbe. 'W est Vancouver .Boys' Band Auxiliary will be held a t the home of Mrs. Lester-Taylor, 781. 17th Street,-ori^ Wednesday, July 3rd a t 2:3Qp:m. All mothers of the boys are asked to a^ n d * The- Auxiliary's donation of $30 to the local Red Cross en­ abled them to purchase SVa pair of-*blankets. ' A man appeared a t the gate of a nudist colony, rang the bell and waited. . A voice frcrni inside said, "W hat do you want." ! "I w ant to join." - You-ean^irj oin-wi t h-t-h a t-bl ue- su it-on ." ~ "T h a t isn't a blue' suit, s ir , I'm ju s t bold." A n -o ld IrislolJfarmer w hpjkept a pig had a peculiar way of 'overfeed- , ing it one day and starving it the next. ' "W hy do you treat the poor heast so, P ad d y?" he was asked. "Shure," said Paddy, "when I kill m y p ig I like to have a strake o' fa t and-a>strake 0' lean."