,..n> 27th, 19igl \ WEST VAN NBWS iliiili 3 t h e v a n c o u v e i i b u s i n e s s s c h o o l S p e i r l a l ^ S i i i i i ^ R eduction o f Fees 'Ji^„,„ll Ulocli) BEy. 5711 and 3679 B i^ d w a y (a t Alma"Rd.) . BA y. 7747 njvid Halstead and 'D i ^ Powell 1>"' '> '"/* ^Mlo* M x ^ 'S A p in Toronto, while Edward fifappell »f Cau'fe'W has joined fhc R.C.A.I". in Brandon, Man- inlia Bob M atthew s, Jack Red den aiiiltlliarles and Claud Dan- " «l^>f Caulfeird are now pjombers of the R .C.E.. • / LIFE ami SPARKLE KINSMEN CLUB END'S IK ICONOMV o»«i> SIZE 5 3 # Z 7i 79* . " ' I t McNEIL & McCUE 14th and Marine West Vancouver A t the first meetinfif on 18th instant of the West Vancouver Kinsmen Club the charter mem bers elected the following of ficers: President Harold Mai- con; vice-president Bill Peake; secretiary, Greo. Grliiffiln; tixsas- urer„ W alter Tearoe; sergeant- at-arms, Dave M urray; directors, Cec. Edwards and Don Palmer. The culb assists underprivileged children and has made a dona tion to the School Board to as sist in the case of tonsil opera tions for such children. PUPILS' RECITAL ro R SALE Fuel and Trucking Business " for--price--of-; Chevrolet-- Truck. Hydraulic Hoist -E D ^B L A C K -- .:------ West 68 " . Pupfis o f Helen A. Vance, A.T. C.M., were heard recently in a piano recital., Those'contrbiuting to the programme were: Carol Hall, Josephine Chapel, Lillian Tancock, Joan- Corkill, Donald ' Redman, Peggy Tamboline, Gor don Gillies, Betty Tarnboline, Jean Reynolds, P a t Clark, No- reen Fallows, Beverley Ellis, Grace ^inipsbn. Miss Joan Shef- 7" field~gave"two--voc'hJ::/selectipns 1 and -Miss Doreen Addy ac companied the rhythm band. As sisting in serving a t the tea hour were the Misses Marjorie O'Don nell, Stella Bruce, Mary Wance, Jpan Sheffield and Doreen Addy. ^^ % ;-A g a ilia !s r Guild" o f St.- Jam es' Church, . in Vancouver, JM(La^ea_a;nd_sjjppiixJaeL^^^ urday a t Sunlit Lodge, West ::Bay. ' ■!. , -----Captain JFioQd, of .F isherm an's. Cove has had yellow chrysan themums blooming in his garden for the past two or three weeks. This appears to be very early for this spem esjjf plant. Major and. Mrs. H. E. Whif- fin, formerly of Cyprc\sa Park, have, taken up I'csidonce a t 30 ' Grove Ave., Ottawa. W. R. Wrape of Little Rock, Arkansas, a member of the first real e k a te Jirm in West Van couver, was here on Sunday, visiting John Lawson and P* T. Masterman. ' , Reeve J< B. Leyland left yesterday to attend the.official opening of the Big Bent) High way as the vice-president and official representative of the B. C. Automobile Club and also to engage in certain work a t Kam- Joops and Revelstoke for the W ar Savings Committee. Coun-t cillor W. Dickinson will act as' reeve' during his absence. ■ A son was born on Thursday a t Grace Hospital to Mr. and - Mrs. J. W. Spencer, 812 16th Street. ' ■ ' ' ; ,, 7 i English--Brealey On the evening of June 22nd in St. Stephen's Anglican Church, against, a Background of regal lilies, Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brealey, be came the-brid,e of Mr.- Th0s. Hugh English, spn of-M r. and Mrs. T. A. English of Calgary, At " . --, , _ --. - ̂ -- I, --- -- «_/ • V f "A lt ar.7" ■ ■Tie vT"PrTiAT^Rams ey^ .ficiated. Given in m arriage by 'her father, the bride wore a jacket dress of dusty blue with m atching hat ' and white acces- sories. H er.corsage was white gardenias and stephanatis. She was attended by -Miss W inhifred Diamond , as bridesmaid, wear ing a navy blue redingote with white-accessories and a corsage- of i^sebuds. Mr- John Grahani was best man and the ushers were Jack Lyal and. Mr. Leslie Lvon. During the signing of the ™Marcus M. Burrowes of. M02 Marine Drive, W est Bay,! has joined the R.C.A.F. and left for Toronto June 18th,«i # ik , , , A t the afternoon of songs, dancing and dram atization of Pauline Johnson School on F ri day, Juno 21stj 1940, th e sum of $20.72 was realized. This money was a t once used towards the purchase of blankets for refugee cliildren. Peter Ajello, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Ajello, 1670 29th Street, saw a large bear on Rose- berry Ave„ Friday morning, while picking berries.1(1 * ■ * ■' Mr. and Mrs. H arry Robinson and family, of 1671 Duchess A VC., will spend July and August a t White Rook.it< 4< •(< Mr. and Mrs. James Eckman and their family of Vancouver moved las t week-end to their country home a t Caulfoild for the summerLmonths. • "Greystonea," the home of- Mr., and Mrs. Ronald Wilson a t Caulfeild, was open to the pub lic oii Saturday afternoon under the auspices-of-Greater-V-ancou-- ver Girl Guide Council, as another in the series of "Gar dens Beautiful" tours,. ' ' Engagement Mr^ and Mrs. T. M artin of 1488 2Qith Street, announce the engagement o f " th e ir younger daughter, Frances Hazel, to Charles Tweeda(o Baldwin, the G. Baldwin, of West Vancouver. The wedding will take place July 17th, 1940, a t '8:30 p.m. in- W est Vancouver United Church! I t akI I t A mmmwkrnpBennett s BAlvbKi BUTTERCRUST BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Plain Layers, large 20c snuill 10c . Larjro Flour Sacks 10c H68 Marine Dr. Rhone W. 27 f I | | . I ' rfii M ' Holly burn ineatre Till] USD AY mul FRIDAY .lunj' 27th mul 28th WALLACE RKEUY VTRCINLV im U C E "The Bad Man of Brimstone" uIho si'h'otoil short suhjociH . SATURDAY ami MONDAY .luiu! 2iUli aiul;,July ,l»t " Sixty Glorious Years " A - .Story of (iuocMi Victoria with ANNE NAGLE (All in color) ' ' rUESUAY and W EDNESDAY July 2acl and Hrd "Little Accident" .a ls o "ON DRESS RARADB" with tilie "Dead End" Kids J<octh-Shoce. register.'Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove sang "My World." - Following the ceremony a re ception was held a t the home of the bride's parents. : Receiving the guests were. Mrs. Brealey, mother of the bride,' wearing a rose lace dress w ith ,matching accessories, and Mrs. W. H arris, aunt of the groom who chose to wear a navy blue dress with rose accessories. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. H arris and Mr. and Mrs. J. Naf- tel of Chilliwack, also Miss Doris Brealey and Miss Muriel Bod- well of Seattle. Mr. G, Faulknor, friend of the family, proposed a toast to the bride. For travelling the bride donn- ed-a -beige^coat- over- her--wed ding* dress. On their return, irom a motor trip south Mr. and Mrs. English will reside a t 1489 Haywood Ave, REFUGEE COMMITTEE ^ Engagement r 7--: The engagement is announced of Jean Elizabeth, only daugh te r of Mrs. M argaret iWilson and the late Robert Wilson -to F rank Denis M o rtim ^ Dor chester, elder son of *Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Dorchester. The wed- -ding wlllT-take place quietly in ROLLER ARENA 1st Street, 1 block W est of Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER "Mlmday to BTitluy, s to iu:aU p.ni. 1 I Adults 35c Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 2. to 4:30.... 25c Matinee Saturday, mornings 10 to 12, children under 15.... 10c Saturday N ight Sessions 8 to 11:00 .......... :........................ 40c Spectators-- All Sessions ..... 10c . Above prices include all. srevice, admission to rink, skates, checking,' DRAWING WIil those having completed books turn ,them in ,to the Legion Hall, to-morrow (Friday), a t 8 p.m. n-v:] "i Ii I I I : I t ; I % n I I M J. i i l E Protect Y<mr H ealth and Save on Food'W astage b y u sing Modern A ir-C o|idhioned "Ice" ' n d .on I % m. from $ 2 7 .5 0 up Ice Chests for R ent or Sale GARVIN ICE & FUEL . Go., Ltd. 2i1S7 Marine D rive kI § I W est 7 8 8 \d Anyone having suggestions regarding the placing of B rit ish' evacuees or foreign refugee children are asked to geb /in 'touch with . Mrs. F. A, Walker, W, 25-M3, or Mrs. Fiddes, W. 193-R., There has been a splendid response to the appeal for homes. WEST VANCOUVER SEA SCOUTS s e v e n R A r i F S D A I L Y jtJE Y ~ 6 pa r i-m utual sy stem Uaily D oubles - F irs t and Second Sixth and. S even th Races.. D O W N E P A R K Will ..the ladies who belong to the Naval Knitting Unit, please note, Mrs. H. - Robinson- will be ~away-for-July-and^A.ugust--All information may be had from Mrs.-Gillies;-1365 Clyde Ave., W. 621-R, who will be in charge of the wool. - A July. * V V , Hpekin--BorgaJ A t a quiet ceremony at the home of the -groom's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Chas. Hockin, on June 17th, Rey. T. S. Ilpckin.; united in 'm arriage Hazel Mild-; red, only daughter of Mr. A- G. BUrgal, W est V aheouv^ and the late, Mrs. B. Borgal, to Henry Martin, son of^ Mr. and Mrs. Hookin, Rosedale. W earing an afternoon frock of queen's blue; and carrying a bouquet "Uf pink rosebuds, the bride was given in marriage by her father. Thei groom's sister, Mrs. TI. Compeau, as matron of honor,7 wore blue sli^rT-and--carried a" bouquet of pink roses, Mr- Com peau was best man. < A fter their honeymoon to Cal gary, .Mr. and Mrs. Hockin will 'reside in Chilliwack.♦ ifi * The Weist Vancouver Women's Association is supporting the Vancouver A ir S u p r e m a c y Drive, and Mrs- W. B. Small, W est 638, is organizing a tag day for June 29th. Any women- desirous of helping are "asked to get in touch with her- The Bar barians' Auxiliary and the Hi-Y Girls are also taking an active part. 4c « :fc "Miss Estelle Tupper of West Bay is spending her vacation a t her home in Penticton, B. C. . Private lessons arranged on application For Private Instruction sec Floor - manager PHONE NORTH 173r> ASK YOUR NESOHBOR SHE WILL SAY PHONE TO MORROW FOR YOUR tO D A Y MORROW COAL & ICE COMPANY LIM ITED B O Y S B A N D A U X IL IA R Y •EXPERT W atch and^ Clock r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) . 4522 Marine Drive --1 T he-regu lar meeting, of._tbe. 'W est Vancouver .Boys' Band Auxiliary will be held a t the home of Mrs. Lester-Taylor, 781. 17th Street,-ori^ Wednesday, July 3rd a t 2:3Qp:m. All mothers of the boys are asked to a^ n d * The- Auxiliary's donation of $30 to the local Red Cross en abled them to purchase SVa pair of-*blankets. ' A man appeared a t the gate of a nudist colony, rang the bell and waited. . A voice frcrni inside said, "W hat do you want." ! "I w ant to join." - You-ean^irj oin-wi t h-t-h a t-bl ue- su it-on ." ~ "T h a t isn't a blue' suit, s ir , I'm ju s t bold." A n -o ld IrislolJfarmer w hpjkept a pig had a peculiar way of 'overfeed- , ing it one day and starving it the next. ' "W hy do you treat the poor heast so, P ad d y?" he was asked. "Shure," said Paddy, "when I kill m y p ig I like to have a strake o' fa t and-a>strake 0' lean."