June 27th. iMft HOLLYBDRir HALL 14th and Duchess Htinclny, Juno 30th, a t 10 a.ro. Sunday School ond YounK I'eopIu'H Diblo CIohs. W E8X..VANC01^EB Christian Science Slftcifitvj.'vî*,Wifn'WW«y"" fWF 'SaUM* * W* " 1̂# CnU RCn KDIKICE 20th and Eaqulmalt. Hollyburtt This Society is a Brarich o£ The Mbther Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mossachufictts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. ' Sunday, June •'i0(h■»» ' ' SUBJECT: "CHRISTIAN SCIIONCi:" V\^EST VANCOUVER BRANCH "'* CANADIAN y», «LL0YDS P F LOBTOON . in Hollyburn Theatre * ̂ ^ O n S U N D A Y , JUNE 30tU, a t 9 p .m . ' This »lw»'inK and tha theatre have been kindly donated by Mr. Fletcher to the Vsmi-ouver Branch of tlie Canadian Bed Cross, Y'l West Vancouver Tickets 25c. ........... . II -- II -- II ■■ II lOTit II mw ir f 1- rffitfl- fuimm ir w ii i-- ti -- ii ■■ n wn., If your permunent has dried your hair--It is because the chemicals used in permanent wavlnjf are imbedded in the hair nml cunndt be removed with a shampoo . To keep your permanent stronKT and soft you must .remove these chemIculB with a , Silhouette Hair Treatment, Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.ni. . assiiik. sMiMMi ' .DRIVi; OUT-- DINE OUT af CLIFF HOUSE Sunday Kvenlnff a t 7:30 . Gospel Address. - Rich- The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and moctinfirs. (MISS CLUNIR, IIo.sles.s) W h ytecllff Park Speaker: Mr. Leslie mond. Tueaday a t 8 p.m, Gwendolyn's B eauty Shoppe Trayor ond Bible Study, Subject: "The Psalms." ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Iniflewood Ave. , Rev. FailKY Van Overlooking beautiful Howe Sound, terminus of lovely West Marino Drive Delicious L u n c h e o n s -- T<-'as -- Dinners, with music available for aitcr-dlnner dancing >1 Creators, of Exclusive PcrmancnUi, 1546. Marine Drive' West 117 b a p t is t CHljRCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1.344 Gordon Ave. 10:15 , . IHJi' f: a !' 'i;: D R . G. D. H. S E A L E .. D.D.S., L.D.S. ' ^ DENTIST X-Uay Hay Block, 11th and Marine Dr. Oirico Hours 1) to 0 p.m. Rvenings by appointment. Phone West 72 Sunday Services: 7:45 -2:06 f .:'i (̂ '1 ■ liii , DR. M cR A E____ D E N T I S T formerly oL 705 Medical-Dental Building Rvbhihgs byHours :/b, to 6 appointment. 1860 Marino Drive West 432 11 a.m .-- Subject: "The Moral ity of a Nation. . Story for the boys and girls. 7:30 p-»n- -- Subject: "T h e Powerful Meek." 'rile Church School and adult Bible class will meet a t 10 o'clock. W e d n e sd a y , '7 :4 5 - -p.m-.-- P ra y e r - Meeting. . -1 The July, meeting of, the W-f)Ricn-s-Miiisiom Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- a.m. ,1 : Rosary and Behbdiction - p.m. ' ' "• Catechism and Bible Class- p.m. Wieek-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. ■ Fridays--Rosary, -Benediction 7:45. , Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. , " Parking Facilities Bathing,-Accommodation -- Boats for Hire DAILY FIHHtY-SERVICE ito BOWEN ISLAND from WhytecHfif Now EITectivo on M.V. "Comox" Ask for CHIT House folder which includes schedule Telephone Whytecliff 75-M or TR inity 1321 for Party and Club reservations tL ST. STEPHEN'S A.Y.P.A. LEGION W.A. CHURCHES OF CHRIST -- -^S C IE N T IS T - Bll I^IC -Nellie-Haccison- A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Hcsidenco Studio: 1855 Inglewood Avenue,. " . West 1056-L held at the home of Mrs. Mo- Kay, 1344 Gordon Ave., on Thursday, July. 4th, a t ! p.m. A very cordial invitation is ex- "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" will -jhfr̂ t-h e-s ub j ec t~of-=the„r-Lesson- On Tuesday, June 11th, St. Stephen's Anglican Young Peo ple's Association held its fourth* annual' banquet : at the Cliff Houde, Whytecliff Park. Rev. and Mrs. F- A. Ramsey, Mr. and Miss Cyril Jones, Miss Louise Proulx,' and Mr.--Doug--.-Co1ti_. quhoun were guests bf. the As sociation. Sernion in, air'^ Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "The phophecy came not in old time TOCH The general meeting took place oh Monday afternoon in the Legion Hall being the last until the-end . of August unless an emergency arises. A tea will be.. held a t the home of IVfrs. D. W. Graham, 2122 Bellevue Ave-, on. .Friday.. af ternaon,.. July__5th, în... aid of the Soldiers'.Comforts Group. The Red Cross meeting July. 1st every Monday, afterwards. iendefl ..tQ all., the_.lad.ies pf^̂̂ --by-^he--will--of---nnu4j;-4)ut--hob Initial preparations for re storing the children's playground church and congregation. Please of God spake as they were note change of time and meet- moved by the Holy Ghost" (11 in^ place. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector - ? i i • f? l i i i i si'itL .,Y.: m".f-Spr., Bstablished. oa North Shore 25 Years iidy Aae^tant HAimON BROS. LTD. jfunreal Bicectors Hollyburn FuneraUIIome , 18th .and-Marino ..... -L West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 Sunday, June 30th 8 a.m.---Holy Communion. PeteTn,12I)" Among the' citations which comorise the Lesson-Sermon is the-following from the Bible: "And looking round about upon them all, he said unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand. And he did so: and his hand was restor- e as the other" (LuSe asking' for the public's support on August 2nd and 3rd a t their canrivaWroni. which the entire net proceeds-.will go towards the children's interest and satety while at the playground. '■ N ow 's the tim e when. a trout _s±i holl&w. V. O .N . A tth f -Of- 7:30 p.m,.--Evensong and Sei>^;^:l0). mon. The Lesson-Sermon also iri- Saturday, 29th--St-'Peter's Day, eludes the following passage 10:15 a.m.. Holy Communion, from the Christian Science text- St. Francis-in-lhe-Wood , book, "Science and Health, with Caulfeild Key to the Scriptfires," by Mary 9:45 a.m.--MjaUns and Sermon. Baker Eddy: "To-day therq is hardly a city, village, or hamlet. THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Avenue Rev; William Vance, Minister ■ S. H. SRIGLEY Palmer and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive Phone West 938 ^Sunday, June ;101K 10 a.m.--Sunday School. The last session of the school ' before holidays* 11 a.m. -- Midsummer Com munion Service."XVI m which are not to be found living witnesses' and monuments to the virtue and power of Truth, as applied" through" this^Christ^ ian system of healing disease." the V.p.N! at the home of Mrs- H, Osti'om on June 20th, routine business was transacted. Miss Riddell, the nurse, reported 63; patients nursed,, which included 12 new cases and 51 carried over from the previous month, in all 211, visits ibeing made. The visits included. 15 pre-natal, 29 to mothers and babies, 112 medical, 21 child welfare and 14 instruc tive. The first well baby confer- "ence'was held 'on May 23rd, total attendance 6 babies and 6-pre- Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds,' Tennis Cour^ Bathing, Boating; Fishing Tea-rooms; Home-Cooked: Meals Sandy Beaches or week jStithk (̂olumkid HENRY MCLEOD PASSES The passing of another Cana dian South, African veteran. school children. The next clinio will be held July 25th a t St., Stephen's Hall from 2 to 4 p.m- Y.W.C T.U. ANNUAL MEET. ' Burrard LaundlTy Ltd. w e ll k n ow n ! FAMILY LAUNDRY Phono North 1310 or West 6911̂ noceiit Suffer?" All, members 70, of Clearbrdok Road, Abbots'- should endeavor to be present; fo rd ,, took place June 14th' :̂ "He Visitors ^wlcome. was born near Orillia, Ont* in ' 7:30 p.m,--Evemng Service. June, 1870. The family came to " -Subject: PThe F ifth Rule' of. Winnipeg in June 1879 and he Living: Honour, your Parents and two brothers, the late L t- and Others." Col. Wm. McLeod and Angus ;---------- ------- -̂-----: (Rory) McLeod of West Van- JOSEPil G. BENNETT PASSES C5>uver, served in the Boer War with the 2nd C.M.R. - He % sur- ' The News THE j West Van News Joseph Garnet Bennett passed vived by two sisters,^one in To- away on the 19th in s t. a t his ronto, and one in West" Vancou- home St Gisby and Roseberr^ ver, and three brothers, Angus Avenues, aged 59 years. He is R. in West Vancouver, and Don- .survived ,by one daughter, Elea- aid and James in Vancouver who nor ; four sons Leonard, Roland, wish to express their apprecia- Gordon and Jo h n ; two brothers tion tp the Legion for their and two sisters: Committal ser- kindness, consideration a n d vice was held a t 3 p.m. last sympathy. Monday at* Ocean View Burial ̂ ---- ------------------- Park. \ , Published Every Thursday W.CT;U. DEATH OF PILOT 6 f FICER J. F. E. ANDREWS " n»ublisher ~ F, P. LOVBGROVE . Phone West 363 B usinm and .Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 The-J unem eeting-of f he~W:C;' Sad news came Monday to MrsrP, Andi-ews of~2r93^^gvle T O . was held in the hbme-of Ave., who received a cable Miss Philip. Miss^^Stokes led the the air ministry;,in London say- devotional and Mrs. John Me- m n r u - i , -y The • annu^ 'm eeting of the local Y.W.C.T.U. was held re cently at the home of Miss B. Short, 1324 Clyde Ave. The fol lowing officers were ■; elected: President, Miss ,B* Short; vice- president, Mrs* D. Sm ith; record ing'secretary, Mrs. N. Cole; cor responding secretary, 'Mrs. A. Shellard; treasurer, Mrs. W. L. McICay. Mrs. T. Hamilton is social con vener; Mrs- B.'Cave, sewing con vener ; Miss Helen Stevenson in charge of press, and Mrs. .-A: Skertpn, devotional superinten- - dent. .. Thanks were extended by the president to the retiring officers. Imports for ̂the year were read by the various officers and all matters of business dealt with. , Following* the business ses sion .the hostess served dainty refreshment^-which~were~nni?»lr~ chjeyed-by all present. ■ ~ " Something old, something • h ew . '. ' This year British Columbia, presents the new Big Bend sec tion of the Trans-Canada Highway around the headwaters of the great Columbia River . . ■ Revelstoke to Golden, 193 miles of scenic wonderland. • h® Highway'^ is new but rich iti associations with the old, when the Big Bend of the Columc ŝ Was the thoroughfare of the r-- Brig^adesr - a n d -^-O il-- North Vartcouver Office: 123 Lunsdale Av«. U.OO « year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail J . . .1, - . W *>«•• son, John P. E. An-Pherson conducted the inatalla- drews, a pilot in the Eoval A ir- tion service. A verj'- interesting Force, was dead ^ " talk was also given by Mrs. Lind- Previously he had ^ m issing an^ S ieved " The winners in the medal, con- killed, and the cable iust ren̂ îv te s t delighted the audience with ed stated that h i s '^ o d n S ' a d ialopje and rea d in g . A de- been found., No phrticultfrs were hghtfu l tea WM,served by the p ven , but the m essage said I hostess. M iss Philip. * letter was followino* Miss Olive Gray of Victoria is staying a t Sunlit Lodge, ' WestBay. Eh^mpmeht the* fehdezvou - for ail the traffic of tr^' and waterway. . t o . Harris of Agasriz, B.C., g staying at the Black Cat Tea Rooms, West Bay THIS YEAR SEE BRITISH COLUM BIA The VacationlaVid that Has Everything.^' ii THE ] BRITISH COLUMBIA GOVERNMENTS • TRAVEL BUREAU, ^ ̂ Ottoartment of Trade and IndusW* Mr: and Mrs. J. Bl Fram e of West Bay have moved into their new home a t Cypress !Park. 'mmM