Established over 14 years.-- A, Weekly Newspaper Circulating in the -D istric t o f West Vancouver--Ambleside., H ollyburn , Weston, D u n d a ra ve $1 . 0 0 per yoar. Cypress P a rk , C a u lfe ild ,W h ytec liff, E tc. bc per copy Vol. XV H O LLY B U R N P .O ., W EST V A NCOUVER. B.C., T H U R SD A Y . JU N E 27th. 1940 No; 11 PEACE WITH DISHONOR TRANSPORTATION I.O.D.E. WAR SERVICES ........... ..Ml wniimBiiiii t jmn SWIMMING "Th(* armistice with honor" promised by Marshal Petain ho. iiirned out to be for all intents and purposes an uncon- ' iSti s rrender, in which the harshest ^terms. possible are ! i v X l from the defeated. Truly it is a "phoney" war, lliere has been more treachery and double dealing 11'" ' „'v conflict in history. Mr. Churchill has deprecated "iVJVici'sm of the Bordeaux Government, and, therefore, f h I'lnt oll'i^province to .pass'judgment. But there is this to *Li,l tliiit had l^Vance fought to the b itte r end she could lost more than all H itler and Mussolini hope to take wont However, the descendants of those who stormed B'lsti le wm be quite oapable of dealing, w ith Petain and h i frienil.s when they realiiie all. that has beeji done in their """'hS' oufof the fight, bu t the French colonial empire i, ,taying with us, and probably much of the rh.ench, fleet. A t ' tile Smo time Hitler has gained very much in prestige and ilouiw s by his victory, as is evidenced by the yecent/action of sonic of the smaller European neutrals and now tH p ro b r ahlAnlrance of Japan into the war. Undoubtedly also the French collapse Will prolong the war, and make » greater call ' on the Empire's -man' power necessary.. On. the -other hand the German dictator m ust ,feed the Frenoh lest pestilence a t tack them and so the.German army apd he has one -more coun- trv filled with hatred of him and his which he m ust police, and whose population will revolt the moment his power show s, any signs of weakening.. . Indeed, the Germans., have reached that point where,one m ajor defeat means the beginning of fo 'fa r as we of the-Britiph Em pire.are concerned therp 1̂7 mu6h.3iKd for individual . sacrifice 'and 'effort;, "but" none whatever for fear or worry .about final Victory. G reatB rita in ic, now a huge armed camp, surrounded by the- seas. •, 1 he Ger- --mans hkve heitheiH:h«"slnps--nor-the-^Tamed7pei?sopn€^ with the Frencli warships^.to destroy o iiriiav y which will render impossible any large ^hree.- ^ e y may set UP guns on the French coast capable of shelling England, but such guns^tjould-only be used a few times, 'and the parabola ot --t4q̂4ii-shellMv-ould-be_so.Jhigfi_as tp be useless to r t he purpos^ of closing the Channel to our w pships. ^ n ^ can never-bomb their, way by- air into the tig h t little .island, t h e y -'Ganvandv'will "do-great --damagc-^sto liie ..and; property. And possibly not only there. ' n v, - Hitler now has his .d a y f o r . which he and the G e ^ a n nation have been preparing fo r twenty long years. His, h w- «ver is not an enviable position. Behind him there is rising the spfectre.of famine, and in fron t a,commonwealth..of nations incomparably superior in fighting ability and resources, while at his RideJRJik Achilles heel, the Italians. Our day is The Council held a special meeting Monday night regard- Jn g the extension of the bus ser vice, 'having been granted per- , mission' by the Public Utilities Commission to run a full sched- 1 jT Classes for beginners and in Through the knulness of . advanced swimming and plain W, Kissick who has given oyer* diving are being held Monday, his premises to Duncan Lawson 'ruesilay, Wednesday and Firi- Chapter, I.O.D.t). W ar Service day afternoons a t Dundarave Headquarters'are now establish ed a t 1451' Marine Drive. In ule of buses between the city, and charge are the iHigent, Mrs. W. West Vancouver. Aflcr consid- g. Small, Mrs. Percy Jennpr a n d . erable discussion, however, i t Buyliss with Mes- was decided not to put a by-law George E. Griffin and G.' for $40,000 to the people for the peakc forming a substitu te purchase of the four new buses gtaff. ' On Friday, June 28th will required until the situation set begin, the I.O .D .E . Paper Drive up by the new Federal taxes had under the. convenorship of Mrs.* "been clarified, and the reeve was j , Lang. K. A. Ray has kind- masked to wire the Department of y jbonsehted to the use of one of Finance on the m atter. On Tues- his stores as headquarters fpr day morning he despatched; the ^his drive and Boy Scout mem bers have volunteered their ser? I vices as collector^, Mrs. E. A. ^Ve8tlake^^and^'i«'Miss«J;».Gr . - . low supplying cars. Call West would strongly urge exemption I.O.D.E. H eadquarters, and of tax on buses;, for pumicipally your paper donations will be owned transportation system, called for. Pieces of fine leather Arrangem ents being considered c^n still be left* at^ Ferguson's or for purchase of 4 new passenger brought to headquarters a t buses for route between West 'above address. . ,, Vancouver and Vancouver City, chapter Red Cross Unit Piey. l^Jione Eileen Body, form er assistan t, to, Molly Edwards, West U27-L."**. UKCITAL BY PUIHLS OF MRS. KNIGHT-HODGE following telegram to the depart ment:. , , ' , / "Re^.war .tax on automobiles.;if provision not already, made Don't forget th e recital to be given by the violin and piano pupils of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge at 8 p.m. tonight (Thursday), in St. Stephen's Parish Hall. The assisting artist will be Bernard Smalley, the boy 'cellist, and the net proceeds will go to St. Steph en's Cubs' and Scouts' Auxilary. Admission, 25 cents; ohildren, 1.5 cents. • . THE BIG BEND HIGHWAY Sinoe^tie-'barliest days of B rit ish Coinmbia colonization,- the "Big.Behd" of the Columbia _____ . w*..- Rivei'yha^ been destined to be- but,-extr^ -tax-w ould-m ake. cost. , jg. busy making up supplies r-^em e-dne-ofi-the--great--travel-- too high, fo r'ra tepayers to ap- Red Cross H eadquarters, route's of the Province, prove and would be very detri- Mrs.-Leyland, local convenor, is On 29th June a .46-year-old mental to municipally owned naVjTio- fnr th^ use of th ree or #*eam will be realized---a vehicu- . transportation , system. - PleaSe sewing m ach in es, as ^ar road w i i n e opened per- the five in use now are not siif- niitting travel between the.rail- ficient to accomrnodate tl^e large.- ;way centres o f Golden, and̂ ^̂ R̂ ̂ number of workers who m eet in- :rtoke,;^m route of the ----------- ̂ ̂ the Dundaraves School every C om n^ias Big Bend. to-Ja^merfincla;ii7Hl\FrP7ri^eqn^^ -- Monday At 2 p.m. Refugee gar^ ^-TerCanada, the compMion and. ing his cooperation. m ent making is now linder way, opening of the Rig Bend High- ; Reply advices say, new taxes^ the ,LO,D.E,.supplying'their:QVjm trenaendous-import-p wiii'bi' your decision by return as by-law , for submission to ratei- payers now' pending." ^ He also sent a eppy of the wire . do not HOLLYBURN HALL . ing, and, when, it does arrive, it is; to be hoped, th a t the . Gcr- man nation "will be cruslied intp nothingness, not in 'any spirit of revenge, but because there can ^be' no decency in human or international relations so long , as they remain a people. N ext Sund'ay, June 30th, a t Hollyburn Hall there will be Sunday School and Young Peo- ple's Bible - G t e - a t - H) m'aterials. Dnnation collections fo r the Bolingbroke Bomber continue the balance of this week. In terest ed contributors may call in a t ance.. It will make possible Uri-' interrupted, afi-Canadian auto travel from the Pacific Coast, to the head of the Great Lakes and i t only remains for modern en- RED CROSS" SHOW ING_------- OF FILM "LLOYD'S OF LONDON a t 7.: 30 p.m. Leslie Richmond will give a Gospel address. Tues day a t 8 p.m'. prayer and Bible study, the subject , being "The^ Psalms." the I.O.D.E. Headquarters, 14lb gineering to solve the problems Marine Drive with same. granite and bog in W estern ■Ontario toJlidiija!vabout the en RECITAL BY PUPILS OF NELLIE HARRISON On Monday, June 24th, the --following-pupils-:OfLNe.llie_.HAlTi-., son,gave their annual'recital in visioned Highway from the- Pacific to the Atlantic. - Thousands of cars will carry American visitors over the Rig Bend Highway bringing new wealth and increased business - into th is province. The already LEGION NOTES LEGION ACTIVITIES. A general meeting of the branch will be held a t '^ to morrow (M day). in J h e Legion Hall, which wfiFalsb be attend ed by the North Shore execu tives and the executives of the Zone Council to. hear the secre tary's report on the- Convention and other business. ■ Will those having ^completed books for the Legion drawing please turn them in a t th is meet- as this will help the commit tee m charge. _____ _________ . English grand*? We burn wood, in a grate. We grate a coepanut. Some 0 ̂ are great;--others grî ate oh our nerves. En there's the irigrate. The W est Vancouver Branch of the CanadiancRed Cross an- nouhce_a showing at- 9 o clock on Sunday night of "L ^yds of London" at- Hollyburri 'Theatre. Thi^ is one of Hollywood's finest films and stars Tyrone Power and Madeleine Carroll. If you have, seen it, it 's worth seeing agaih If vbu 'haven't-seen- it, bomb Sunday night, and enjoy it.' i t 's all for our own m atenal fund* Tickets may be bought a t any • store_ displaying cards or from members of the Barbarian Girls' Auxiliary. ' Mr. Fletcher ..has on this occasion donated both the film and the lise ot Hollyburn "'pieatre. Exam Paper Asked to paraphrase the sentence, "The teacher was highly incensed," a scholar wrote, "The teacher was heavily perfumed." EVACUATED CHILDREN Hotel Georgia, Elsie ' . ' . Shirley Kitagawa, Maureen M ur-, R^velstoke, Yoho, Kootenay, The Eeeve^is calling a meet- pjjy, .F red Davis, Henry and Banff"and Jasper, ,may be pVe- mg of the Council and S ^ooJ phiijp Giroday, Dorothy Owen, p^red to see their' travel stat- Board a t the Council Chainb^^ Sylvia Harper, Diana Walters, ' istics gO sbarihg to hbw -̂'highs " a t 8 p.m-tomorrow (Friday), to Elsie Iwasaki, Apidry Good,-^at:^,. - -------- -- d isc u ss the question,of eyacuat- rick ■ Erridge, Donald Howes, Tif a qq p AT'RiATPir' p a t t v ed ch ildren, .at which m eeting Maybelle Grist, Kiruko Alda, MA&b i A i m u i lC RALLY he has asked to be present one jy ^e Simpson, Harold Hugh . representative froin each the H am er, Beverly Brown, Helen la s ^ F r id w n i?h t I t a S S following organizations: N orth . Richmond,. Phyllis TakenSka,. p S k Shore Local Council of Women, Raymond Hui-ry, Irene D'Aoust, the WeW W e s t Van Red C ros^ Duncan Dorothy Mae Armstrong, Sheila I ? th l F w f Lawson Chaptei I.O.D.E., Can- Dines, Jean McKellar, Louisa adian^ Legion, Legion W. A., * innes, Nobuko 'Matsubayashi, " Ruth Parnum, Edna Simpson. Amy Iwasald. ' , ' Vocal pupils of Claire Loben, A.T.'C.M., assisting on the pro-* gramme were Irene D'Aoust, lowing telegram on Tuesday to Patricia Palk, Jane t Golos, Do- Dr. Geo. Davidson, B-C. Director reen Scott, Reana Sharpies. of"Sociai Services, O ttawa; -- - - -A t the close of-the programme,; "Meeting being called here twelve pupils who had coni- PViday evening of all local or- peted in the B.C. Musical P'esti-; ganiz'ations to consider registra- ̂ received a g ift from their tion for care of"such'̂ vacuated teacher. Special prizes Townswomen's Guild,' Toe H,. all churches, Chamber ' of Com merce, Lions' Club„.. and Kins men Club. ' , The Reeve also sent the fol- Ju ly . 1st F eriy and ^ iis Schedule EERRIes--Leave West Vancouver: 6.30 a.m., 7:30 „ _ 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., then every Vt hour un tq 7:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., 9:30 i .̂m., 10:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m. T.«.ovr.. rr o A ™ 10. a.m., 11 a,m„ thenLeave City: 7 a.m., 8 a.m;, 9 a.m.", - _, liAirt*; iiriffil Q, « O ' n tin. . XO XX P* Wl»5; ®yery 54 hour until 8, 9 p.m., _ wccsav midnight. ST BAY BUSES--̂ Leaye Ambleside Wharf:' 7 a-m. 12 and every 54 hoiur until 12:30 midnight. - v ,, L ^v e West Bay: 7:15 a.m. ^ every 54 hour until IZ.iu BUSES--See tim e table .(holiday schedule). ^ITY BUSES--Leave W est Bay: 8:45 a.ih. And every hour until U.-jS P.m* Leave City: 9:45 ajn : and eveiy h o u r until 12:45^ midmghW (Please .cut th is out fop r e f e r e n c e ) ______ / _____ children as may 'Oome to the municipality: If you have any in formation for' our -guidance as to Government plans re home and! e'ducational eostsl. plfease wire were^ presented to Dorothy Mae Arm-,, strong, Doreen Scott, Jean Mc- Kellar, Beverley Brown and Irene D'Aoust, -winners of first, sec ond and third places in the re cent B. C. Musical Festival. Miss Harrison wishes to ex- EAGLE HARBOR -------- press,- -through the columns of | the "News" her earnest ap- ___ Y Vancouver .Unit of the Flying. Column. The la tte r marched do\vn from the Legion Hall, wearing medals and berets, to Ambleside- wharL where they m et a large contingent from the Vancouver units of the Cdlumn, and together the whole, body of veterans inarched to Ambleside Pafk. There a flag bedecked grand stand had been erected in the centre of the football grounds, from which Colonel M. ^Tristram took the salute, the grand stand opposite being fill-, ed . w ith ^people. P a t r i o t i c ^speeches were made by Colonel School Trustee Hugh Reeve Leyland, Reeoe Jwaig, Gus Ribertz, Mrs. W. B. Small, and Mrs. A. T. Cushing. Aubrey Clarke led t he com- sihgirig, fo r w'hich the W est Vancouver Boys' Band sup- 1- opened for the s u m m ^ a n d is Ramsey concluded the rally withhaving a busy season...There are pupjls an makmg^^^^ . y . S S n ic ? ir d u n d s , tennis courts, a success, and to thank all her bathing, boating, fishing, sandy pupils for the lovely flowers and b e a c h e s 'and tea rooms,., where gifts., ^ home cooked meals can be had, ^ ' a prayer, chairman. Alec Gleam acted as Mr. and l ^ s . G. D. Elgar haye ------ rniiTitpr " An auto Any young ladies wishing to received a cable from their son r o a V l i a d f off Marine Drive give I I hou? of their time to Desmond, who is. with the R.C. r ig h t to the beaches.. Cottages the A ir Supremacy Tag Day on can also be obtaififed for rent by Saturday are asked S h i o X o r Week. . " Mrs. Sheasgreen,, West 547-L. A.P., th a t he has landed in Eng* land." ̂ He hopes ^his-.chums will w rite to him.