i ̂ t % * , ' i V' . f-"M " v< ■"' / r w-As*)' i»/,^v.yw >. v^^.r --J.1« «rf»-t-i "f •ti'«-»i>r^^«ff<J î f̂Bjtea«V=i'̂ f*rta4»(s\p"'- ̂ = - M I •mM̂AwHiww# iWMMMiiM yss"iFris" - ll'.l I 'I- ■:ilia: ?; :i I 5 ■ ■ r f - i ^ i i i f f r l | ; '. 1 4 '• t ; | . 1 1 ' / t 5M ■' t'i^ 'a i i i i l 'sS': •4$^ f :? I ;l Si i M s ^ ': ra lil^' i m » r VAN. UNITBO CHUHCH . , . « , '-'0 j|(.-'figt"& ̂ JSiqitinuift.-'A m ' «EV. W. VANCE. B.A.. Ifiiiltt«r 1068 Fulton Avenue ■■' - f'V'-'" ■' Flione 'IVeet ^44*E Sumlty Senrlĉ f̂ J 11 ».n». A 7:80 p.m. Sttm ngtn end VUitore are welcome Silhouette News BAI^'IST CHUttCH ri-- ••j'-i '•<"1""'. -'■wil'triM" jiiy(jyiiiyyiiii(4iifî ̂ Her. W. L McKay. EA.* BJD. Buttday Berrleea ,10:00 a.m.r-Ci»ufcb, School In^ . dudlnir Adult C bta 11 tt.m. & 7:30 p.m.--Preachlnir , Services. A hearty welcome to all If your pormiinorit hae dried your hair*--It 1h becauHc the chemlcale used In pormunent waving are imbedded in the hair and cannot bo removed with n Hlmmpoo . To keep your permanent strong and soft you must remove* those chcmicalH with a Silhouette Hair Treatment. Gwendolyn \s Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBDRH HALL 14tb and Duchess Sunday. June 23rd, at lo a.m. •Sunday School and Young JVojdo's lliblo Claas, Sunday Evening at 7:30 Goi^pd Service. , Sjn-aker: Mr. 'J'hoa._ Melville ()f Iviang'Hl, China. . Tuesday at 8 p.ra J'jayor and Bible Study. Subject: " th e Fourth PBulm" WEST VANCOUVER Ciimhait Science Society 20th k n d Eaquiroalt. liollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irat Church' of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Massachyselts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. S u n 4 ay , Ju n e 2.'lri3 SUBJECT: "Is the UnIver.HC, including Man, Evolved hy Atomic Force ?r ' Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Toatlmony Meeting Wednesday a t 8n 0 P*"'* The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. MBS. F. KNIGHT-HODGBL l.trjL..CJI. win present her students in R E C I T A L 1̂ ■V. ■--7>M=Ĥ W. at 8 T«n.. THURSDAY, JUNE,-27lh in St. Steii^en's Parish Hall 'roceeds to St. Stephen's Cubs and Scouts Auxiliary Admiasion, 26 cents; Children. 15 cents PIANO RECITAL By Pupils of Nellie Harrison, A.T.C.M. (Special Diploma) in the HOTEL GEORGIA, York Room MONDAY, JUNE 2 4 th , at 8 .1 5 p.m. Silver Collection ,, >emH >4M»04MS>neM»< »e«hO« II *m II Ml II --I II11II mm if imint ii iihm r mm ti mm n ■--jjMy n mm n iy_j WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE. Marine and 26th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch DRIVE OUi' IhWmIMi DINE OUT at CLIFF HOUSE ■ft Creators I of, Exclusive Permanents, 1546 Marine Drive West 117 THE UNITED CHURCH 21.St and Esquimau' Avenue K<iv. William Vance, Minister DR. G.D. H. S E A L E d |b .S,'. L.D.S. DENTIST X-Itay Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Office Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Kveninga by appointment. , . Phono West 72 Sunday June 231*3 li-., 10 ii.ni.-- The Sunday School. 11 dm.--Morning Worship. .Subject: "When Things Go 'J'o P i e c e s . , 7:3U ]).'m.--Evening Service.' .̂ Subject, "The P'ourth Rule of Ord-G a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m. and 7 **30 p.m. -- Sunday Services. Sunday Evening Subject, "We will win if we will." Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.--Prayer Fellowship. Horseshoe Bay & Vicinity Thursday Bible Fellowship, 7 :45. Evangelical Independent (MISS C'LUNIE, IlostCHB) W h y t e c l i l f P a r k ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH; 23rd I& Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van Overlooking beautiful Howe Sound, term inus of lovely West Marine Drive Delicious Luncheons -- 7'eas -- Dinners, with music available for after-dinner dancing Parking Facilities -- BiAliing Accommodation -- Boats for Hire DAILY FERRY SERVICE to BOWEN ISLAND from Whytediff Now Effective on M.V. "Comox" Awk for Cliff Houhc folder which includes schedule I Telephone WhytCcliff 75-M or TR inity 1321 for Party and Club reservations t'i '■ ■ • , . 1 ! ' • DR. McRAB D E N T j S T ■ formerly of 705 Medical-Dental BuildingHniirH! 0 tn,.6 Evonlnga by -----iJatir.i' - -.............. ■ , ------ - ■ . "Not forsaking the Assembling or youi-selve.s logother," (Hcb. ' -Sunday Services jo.ofvi . Ldw Mass -- 8:15 a.m. , High MasH and Sermon -- 10:l5 " BAPTISTGHURCH.................... a.m::;':,. V- '• . ■ * *. " ■ .. 1.™ ' I'1 • •. . . V i L i .< 4-V 4 . ' ■ appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 . Rev. W; L. Mclfay . Rosary and Benediction--- 7:45 1;M4 Gftrdon Avfe. , o.nn n e l U e J H a c c l s o n - ■ Sunday Services: A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of ' PIANO and THEORY Residence Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avenue, --------------------------- Went 1-056-L l i a.m.--Subject, "The Courage oi* ilcJSUSi*̂ ■' 7:30 p.m.--Subject, "The Great Shepherd." ^ The Clnirch School and adult 7h'hl ̂ fJnsiN_will meet at 10. p.m. ---ir-- Week-day-Services Mass-- 8 n.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.ra. ' , C O N C E R T arranged by Mr. J. P. A. TRIPP in , HOLLYBURN THEATRE SUNDAY, JU N E 23rd, a t 9 p.m. Admission 35c Tickets from Barbarian Auxiliary or where signs are displayed . . Theatre kindness of Mr. Fletcher TREASURE HOUSE Grieve--B ^ k s A quiet wedding took place on Bstabliahed' on North Shore 25 Years (Lady ABsistant),. HARRON BROS. LTD. f u neral fltrcftara Holly burn Funeral Home 18th and Marino AVd8l"1̂ 4" North Vancouver Parlora 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue Eost . Phono Fair. 134 . o'clock. Monday, G:30 p.m.--The Young People's Society will close their . meetings for the season with a-l)anquet. Wednesday, "7.45--Prayer meet- illg: DEATH OF ERNEST A. WILLSHER WAfif VflTi/»oiivp.r .--Red Gross ................... Treasure House opened this June 11th at thd home of Mr. week to receive donations and and Mrs. Charles Gordon Banks, Ernest A. Willsher 3621 Marine, Drive passed' away last: Monday, aged 62 years. Funeral .services were held on T h u rsd a y ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector S. H. SRIGLEY - - A.Sunday June 23rd '8 a.m.--Holy Communion. '11 a.m.--Matins and l^ermon. 7 :S0„ p.m.--A.Y.P.A. Service. Monday, St .John ilaptist Day- 10:15, Holy Communion. -----Francisdn-th^Wood ' Caulfeiid 9:45 d.m.--Holy Communion, in the city, the Rev. J. P. Dingle officiating, and interment; vyas made in Victoria. Born in Kent, England; the deceased had~lived in. Canada for 30 years. already has many valuable, use- 1595 Esquimalt Ave., when their ful and interesting articles on daughter, Dora, became the the shelves. Thfe women . of West bride of James B. Grieve, eldest. Vancouver are working hard on son of Mrs. K.'W . Grieve and this their newest project, and the late S. B. Grieve of Vancoii ■ev̂ ryone- -is asked to -give--all articles 'o n their household shelves that are not being used. at the ceremony. ... - The bride,"who was given in Chma,„glass,„poltery.^ilyeiLan(L™marriage-by-her-fath€rrwore'-s™ brassware, etc,,, are all saleable dress of aloba blue; and a corsage DEATH 9F R. A. OGILVIE ■ -'.v-'"A-y ■:CS'i ■■'A A . ' - ■ ■: ■ V'," r Painter and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive E Fhono West 938 ii444M 4 '4; ■':4 '§¥§449:44^ 4.: ;4"4:4' :4'- '■ ■■:4̂--■ i ® i 4 i i ^ l i i i 8 l i S 4 4 - " V 1 ' STEVE LOWRIE L E ' ' " 1 General Hauling, Dump .Truck Work, Wood and Coal EvîE'E4'4E A•:'4-,,EV44;;:4-•.E'-"f'4::'i?'E,' ■"-■■■■ -4 ., E' , ■ •.."■'.4 ^̂4' Z4 >-v . -I' ES':44EE4il4^;EftME:^E"^^ '5 7 6 .17th St. West 256-Y CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Broathes there a man with soul so dead, Who's 'never stopped and-turiunl his ^ head And said, "Hmmra, not bad." THE West Van News Publiabed Every Thursday --Publisher--: F. F., L0VE6R0VE "Is the Universe, including man, evolved by atomic force?" will be the subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "Lo, he that formeth the mountains, and createth the wind and declareth unto man \vhat is his thought, that maketh the morning dark ness, and ti*eadelh upon the high places of the earth, The Lord, The God of hosts, is his name" <Amos 4:13). _ Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Semon is the' following from the Bible ; "The law of the Lord is perfect, coverting the soul :the^testimony of the Lprd is'sure, making wise the simple" (Psalms 19-7L . The Lesson-Sermon' also, in-, eludes the following passage fi*om the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with K^y to the Scriptures," by Mary R. A. Ogilvie of 3277 Marine Drive was laid to rest,, on .Sat urday, June l'5th after a long illness patient^ borne. He leaves to mourn his passing his sor rowing, wife at home, a brother- in-law in' Vernon, B. C., 2 nieces and a nephew. Mr, Ogilvie came to Vancouver 52 years ago and had lived in West Vancouver 14 years. Funeral services were., held in the city., at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Acacia Lodge No. 22 . and interment was made in the Masonic Cemetery, Burnaby. wxaoowa.j.'c, cuv.,,. Qress OP HiODa DiUB anu a corsage - and should brihg a goodly sum of yellgw'roses. Her sister, Marj- into the Red Cross treasury, orie, who attended her as brides- Money is badly needed here for maid, also wore a corsage of the purchase of .necessary mat- yellow roses with her dress of -erials to carry on the making of dusky pink. An Tinforiiial buffet . hospital ^arments-and bandages.--supper was- served'latVr~in"the Every article w ill^e priced by. . evening. Mr. and Mrs. Grieve a committee and-alLmoney takem will reside in Vancouver, in at the Treasure House will be turned over to the treasurer and auditor of'the local Red Cross branch. PAULINE JOHNSON JUNIOR SPORTS LEGION W.A. The general meeting will be held on Monday, June 24th, at 2 p.m. sharp in the Legion Hall. All mentbers . are asked to at tend, as this is the last meet ing before'closing down for the two supinier months. An execu tive meeting will be held at 1 p.m. A large turnout is request ed for the Decoration Day Ser- "vice next Sunday. On Friday last the juniors of Pauline Johnson School held their sports -on the school g-rounds, and the little tots, all of whom were encouraged to take part, had a grand' time. Ice cream ,was supplied by the School Board, and this treat brought the day to a very suc cessful end... - ■ For section---now! ----call by----- "long distance" North sh o r e l o c a l COUNCIL OF WOMEN ■VESPER GROUP ,. The regular monthly meeting of the Vesper Group of the '. United Church will be held oh Tuesday, June 25th, a t 8 p.m., 4-^ <̂wne of Mrs. M. Hall, . yvest Bay. Members planning to attend please meet at 20th and Marine Drive at 7 :45 p.m: Visit ors welcome. '3: Phone W ^t 363 * Business and Editorial Office: -- '-1704lMatine Drive_ Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. B ^ e r Eddy: "God creates and governs the universe, including man. The universe is filled with spirituaHdeasvwhich He evo lv^ 'and they are obedient to the Mind that make's them." '-.V's jVt: f":.■-■vSi'fe'-: • 1.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year by mail Mr^^nd Mrs. Bosquet have imov^ from 1454 Argjde Aye. aiid are now occupying a- house at 1370 Clyde Aye. The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Local Coun- XT will be held in the ^ q r t h \ ^ c q u y e r G l u b J ^ on Monday afternoon, June '"4th, . at 2 p.m. Prizes will-be • aw'arded in the recenit essay competition qpen to Grades 7 and 8 in all schools on thb North Shore. A cordial invi^tidn to be present is extended to all those interested. LENA M. HOPE PASSES J^s. Lena Mae Hope, -,2459 Mothers Aye. ̂ passed away Thursda^nn her 50th year at the Hos- J J® pov, Andrew Roddan ' theLuneral services ' which were held at. 1:30 p.m' *0" the Hollybuni T^neral Hoine of Harron :6 ros. L ^^ and interment was made iP' Capilano ..View Cemetery, i Men of action like the long-distance telephone ̂ be cause it gets quick results. When they,want word in a hurry from , a far-away point, they telephone,, be cause in one telephone con versation they can ask queSf- tions and get replies. They avoid the, delay of an ex change-of letters. Time lojst r ^ y -be.̂ busi ness, lost. They know 's that tomorrow may be too late so they call today by Ion" distance telephone. . BRITISH,COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. 1̂ - V