"iistabll& lii^'"i^vif"18" y e a r s ? Circulatini in t^e District of West Vancoui)e^-rAmblesi ,̂ Holly burn, Weston̂ Dundarave tioo ,^ y.«-. - Cypress Park^ Caulfeild, Whyiecli/f; Etc. 6operc»py Vol. XV HQLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C.' THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1940 No. 10 THE WAR "The very dark days'" prophesied by Mr. Churchill are with us. As a result of a fatel mistake by her. own high com-, niand and a treacherous and cowardly Belgian king France has for the time being been defeated on her own soil,, We are beginning to realize now why the war must be a long one. But, if we oalmly review"'the situation, as we ought to do, wo shall find no ground or reason to despair of the long future. All that our Air Force needs to control the air^s )machines, and we have the wherewithal with the help of the Americans to make goojd this deficiency behind the Navy, whose suprem- acv<,«in scarcely be destroyed. And it is unthinkable that ' tanks or troops or parachutists in ahy numbers can be in sinuated into England. , At this time of writing the peace terms are not known. Indications point to their not being acceptable or impossible of fulfillment. For either the French fleet themselves or the" British Admiralty >vill see to it that the former does not fall into German hands, and, even if it did, .they have not the per sonnel to man it. The French air force is flying, to Noi^h Africa, while the large French army in the Near East refuses to surrender. All this spells' only partial victory for Hitler Mussolini is very urioomfortable, and knows that very shortly his,discomfort will be changed into acute pain..Stalin appears to have either decided to grab some more land with out fighting for it, or to have become uncomfortable, too, over Hitler's succes^s. He is aware that England and PVande "wiirnever attack him,-but-not so Hitler.- -And nobody knows " better than he that a threatening Russian army on a weaken ed Germany's borders now might Conceivably draw off suf ficient German forces to turn their French victory into dis aster. At~any~rate71lpart7frornTall"c'ô ^̂ ^̂ read the Russian riddle, Stalin is jdem^anding his price for standing by. - • ' • --̂---AndHitler-rrat-last-on-the-sbores-of~the"€hannel,~is-watch-- ing that England whicb grimly awaits bis attack. And, .as ĥ e thinks of their airmen and their all powerful navy andjja,, people who could put to sea en masse to rescue their armyf ' we think even his confidence is beginning to waver. Else why iiSasBWHniiM GARDEN PARTY & SALE OF HOME COOKING SWIMMING The United Church W.A. have arranged to hold their annual garden party on Tuesday after- boon, June 25th, when Mr. and Mrs. A. Chilton, 1089 15th Street havb kindly offered the use of then* beautiful garden. Teh is being convened by Miss E. M. Philip and the home cooking is in charge of the Vesper Group. This* garden party is always a- very happy event and it is hoped that as many members and friends as possible will avail themselves of the opportunity of enjoying a cup of tea in this lovely garden. Take Upper Level bus to." 16th and Inglewood. 150 MUSICIANS TO PLAY AT AMBLESIDE PARK Classes for beginners and in advanced swimming and plain diving arc being hold Monday, uesday, Wednesday and M - afternoons a t Dundarave 1 ler. Phono Eileen Body, former assistant to Molly Edwards, West 1127-L.*** co n tra ctin g ETC. The A.l, Fuel Company, 146 Lonsdale Ave., give notice in this issue that they are piNspared to do general contracting, black top, sidewalksj driveways, and to sup ply building materials, gravel, .sand, cement, and navvy jack. Estimates free. Day ' and,night Phone- North 298. HOLLYBURN HALL Dorothy Mae Armstrong, ^al- ._ented_ little, pupilioli^^^ rison, who won first place in the "Piano under 10"'class at the re cent B.C. Musical Festival,, and second place in the "Piano under 112" . class a t 'th e Cambrian Fes tival. ■ • ' ' -P IA N O S T U D E N T S ~ T O " ^ - ^ = ^ PRESENT PROGRAM should he even consider discussing an armistice,? Battles may be lost, but it is^the last battle which counts, and that'usually goes to tlie>4p e wdth the'm ost resources. As a Confederate general once ^aid in explaining why the South won all . the victories yet lost the war: - , "We just plumb wore ourseWes out licking those diimed Yankees," . On Monday, June 24,. pupils of -Nelli e-Harrison--A?F;6 ^ 7Hpee=:= ial Diploma, will hold their an nual redtal in ,the York ..Room of the Hotel Georgia. " - . Featured on the ..program will be --little Dorothy--Mae- Arm strong, whose picture appears on ,, • Probably the largest band ever assembled under one condi|cbor in Canada will givej.a.fullriength concert at Ambleside Park on Wdeiiesday evening, June 26., The Kitsilano, West Vancouver and Grandview Bands,' all place winners at" the recent B."C;, Mu sical Festival, will under the direction of their bbh- j d u c to fr -A -- W ^ B e la ib o iM ^ ^ entire proceeds of this monster performance will be turaed-eyer to the Canadian Red Cross. out and help the bovs mal The following s^ 'vices will be held next Sunday' Jube 2^ ^ . in Hollyburn Hall: - Sun day School and Young-People's Bible Class; 7:30 p.m., Gospel Seryipor^o speaker being Thos., -Melville--of--Kiang-si-,- -Ghinar Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and Bible . study; subject, , "The Fourth Psalm." ' RED CROSS CONCERT RECITAL BY STUDENTS OF M IGHT-HODGE ' A recital will be given by the; pupils of Mrs. F. Knight- Hodge at 8 . p.m. next Thursday, June 27th, in St. Stephen's Parish Hall. The assisting artist will be Bernard -Siualley, -the-boy-^eHistT-and-the-net- Cubs' apd S c o u ts ',.A u x il ia ry . A d ih ission ,. 2 5 _ c e n ts ; c h ild re n ,. IS .centsr T he p ro g ra m m e is a s fo llo w s: 1. PIANO--"Allegro '̂Red Rose" .....................J.; L. - G raham -- „ , Patricia Jamieson 2. VIOLIN--"Drifting'-" ' , ' ^ " Desmond Jones - ■ A t Piano--Carole' Brown 3. PIANO--(a) "Russian Folk Mjelody" „ (b) "Playtime". ................... :..... .....................Dorothy. Pilling , I Dawn Smith 4. PIANO--"The Jolly Rodger" .............................. .......Maxwell Eckstein _ " Roy Jordaiifr 0. PIANO-- " The Creeping TVoll" in E M inor.... ..................Spmmervlie ^ a vtattxt Charmaine Gnichy ' 0. VIOLIN-- Barcarole in F .................;............. [....................Ralph Hood n n r A XT___ H erbert Kettner 7. PIANO TRIO--Allegretto "Through |the Meadow" ....CJeo. Spalding e Alma and Bernice La. Fleche, Charmaine Gruchy "IANO--"Valse Lente" (from the Bhllet Coppelia) ..... Lpp Delibes 0 *David Huntingford ' 9- VIOLIN DUET-- - ̂ ■ Intermezzo "Cayalleria Rusticana" ....1......̂ ........ Preteo, Mascagni in Eula and Jacqueline Paterson ■ ^^ANO--Allegretto 2nd movt. from i^onata in 'C ..... !...........Kuhlan 11 M arguerite Powell PIANO-- River Magic" No. 3 Hills pf Fairyland....Dorothy'Pilling 19 vmTTi.T Bernice Barbour • VIOLIN e n s e m b l e --"̂Springtim e".'?..... ......... Frederic V. Norman YrPl!?' Enight-HoJge, Gepirge Brealey. ' ° o 7 Paterson, Lenore Beattie. BMith Powell, Brian Jones. - " 4tn Violin: Jacqueline Paterson,.Dorothy Purse. 13 Ptama Piano--Mrs. Cecil White, A.L.C.M. lANO--^Waltz from the Opera Faust ...........................Ch. Gounod 14 ptaxt/̂ , , Dorothy Dowling ANO-- Melody in Eb" ,No. 2 . ...... „"L......................... George Dyson 15 VTfSr t\ t ..XX Lashbrook ' • VIOLIN--"Dog Rose" in A Minor ...-............................... W. H. Reed 16. PTAMn T, , .. Brian "Jones; riAJSiO--Rondo from Sonata in D No. 6 .............. .............dem enti 17. PTAMr, All Kathleen Grace Collinson riAJNU--Allegro 1st movt. Sonata in G ........ .............:.....Beethoven 18. 'OPTTn / A , . Doreen KearnsLO (a) Adagio" ......... .......................... ...... W oldemar. Bargiel (b) PEtude Caprice"̂ ....... ............!......................Golderman --iBernard Smalley? Assisting-Artistr- this page, and' Jean McKellar, winner of second place . in the Bach Piano under 12, at the re cent B.C. Festival. Jean will play the first movement of Mo zart's D Major Concerto, the.or chestral accompaniment being -oiLa-sec:on.d..piano_by Miss the biggest event of the,Reason. There will he . ample pi^yision for parking. Reserved s.eats a t 25c may.be purchased at?any" of the loCî l stores, orjfrpm all. members of -the West Vahcoiiver Boys' Band. WEST VAN. HIGH SCHOOL CLOSING EXERCISES Home , Economics Display: Miss K; Brelsford, Mrs. D. Mc- Kitrick. Presentation of Inter- High School Athletic Awards , Music lovers of West Vancou- ver are MungTforward'to a real" treat on Sunday Inight when J, D. A. Tripp presents a carefully arranged programme of fine mu sic. Mr. Tripp, of course, is a well known Vancouver pianist, and Miss Vera Freeman, violin ist, and Harol(T Brown, pianist, are both well known in Vancou- ■ ver las stealing artists. Mrs. Dewar as Amy Adair, was one o f Vancouver's outstanding young sopranos before she went East and married, and was well Harrison. Assisting artists wilT be vocal, pupils of Claire Toben, A.T.C.M. Ribbon s: (a) lOfi-y^ e n i o i v - j ^ soloist-- in--Wesley CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO HOLD PICNIC r At the monthly dinfi^r meet- Glaire Richardsdn 4 th ; (b) 100 yd. Junior, Jessie Allen, 3rd; ' (c) "Small" Schools7""Boys'~Relay," 3rd, Dave Bird, Robt: Shackle- ton, Bob Wilson, Gerry Jones, Bud Huff, Gordon Morison, How ard Barbour, Victor Vaughan, Churbh., So g e t your tickets e a r ly from any o f- th e -B a rb a r ia n S '-bruw Jiert signs are d isp layed .' BRITISH-ISRAEL Mr. Brereton of. North Van-, spare, Billy Hill; (d) Small ^ + u .u i ain? of fho Chamber held at the .Schools, Girls' Relay,'1st, M atj^oouver is to be the speaker at ^Highlands Cafe last -Wednesday- ^eeri Stevenson" Audrey?Burk?'̂ ' ^ ""̂ ^̂ - ^ ® ; '̂ ^ it was decided to endorse a cam--, hart, Norah Kipgsl^y, Jessie A k P^ndaraye Branch on June 24 len, Rhodai Turvey, Elelive Cook,' Dot Sayers, Claire Richardson, spares,. Helena^ Clegg, Pat Gray. TYophy -- Cup, Small Schools, Girls' Relay, receiyed by Claire Richardson; Sweaters, Students? Association and Physical Edu cation Dept., (a) Girls', award, paign for keeping Marine Drive, throughout the business areas, in "a more attractive! condition ,by the .elimination of waste paper and ot|her (refuse, en deavoring to persuade th e merchants to keep the section in. front of their stores "free from _ this muisance. A delegation was l ^ k n e (5rei*;'(b) B o /s award? appointed to wait upon the Rqss Rathie. Essay ' Competi- Gouncil to ask for additional re- fuse ciontainers at selected points on the Drive and to arrange for the removal of. weeds on the at 25th and Marine Drive. Be sure and hear Mr. Brereton, whose address is always worth while. The Wednesday after noon class is being discontinued for ithe summer. The Thursday evening prayer, meeting is being combined with t h e . Monday evening meetings during July and August. Wafeh.local papers for further notices.***tion Award (British Empire Contest, Eric Broderick. Ian Brown Memorial Award, Eric L. , , , .. .White. High School Graduation boulevards in the business area, -Diplomas--Address: Wm. Gray, also, to draw attention to fire Municipal Inspector. Presenta-- , ^ , ■ a. -a. . hazard- created by the various tio.n of Afghan "Refugees," by would appreciate it, if their cus- piles of inflammable debris a t the Mioo Dorothv ' Harron S O S toners ŷ ould continue to deal rear of some preniises. Decision Unit W-V.H S Red -Cro'ss, re- ?[^^^^^®7 ^.^^wn€, w hoiscarry- ceived'by'M r.' J-; R. »Mitchell; ' __ 19. Pupil of Mildred Johnson, L.R.S.M., A.T.C.M. riANO--^ "Prelude, in G" ............ ........................................ ,.Haridel ' (b) "Rain on the Roof" ..... f........................ Norman O'Neill 20. PIANO_.Nocturne No. C^op! .................................F. Chopin 'VIOLIN--Cpncerto'_ N o^^ lT ^A nS nS ^^"........................Ch. l S n o t _ 22- PIANO «<T -V . George Brealey Liebestraume" (Dreams of Jjove) ........... Franz Liszt» 23. OVERTTTRP ««T »TA. 1- Baldem ? . . , . L ltah an a -in* Algeria" .a.......................-•......:..G. Rossini Arranged fo r Piano (4 hands)U nd Two Violins -----------------------*1 acquehhe--Patersony George'"Brealey-------------=------------ ; ̂ ̂ ^®i;™ft;Mmions, - Alma'I Skerton ; on a auitahle club objective was laid over for further investiga tion by the committee in charge before -final action by the mem bership. ..T h e Entertainment - committee!; was authorized to proceed with plans for,a monster .pionic-b-y-on£-_Q£._the?ferries in .the near future when citizens can join with the members. Full ANNOUNCEMENT'" iD^cey- Brothers, g e n e r a l hauling and dump truck work, .ing on their business. PUPILS OP MRS. BURBRIDGE IN RECITAL details will be announce^ as soon as arrangements are completed. Mrs." Warram entertained the members with severaP"deligKi> President, We s t Vancouver Branch, Canadian Red Cross So ciety. Accompanist, , Miss E. McL. Sellar. Flowers, Div. VIII . -------- Girls ,Miss J. Paradis. Lighting, Mrs. Charles Burbridge will Industrial Arts Department, C- present a number of her piano «L-Merrick. pupils in r€cital"on" Wednesdayv V . 6 . N . W E L L B A B Y G I J N IC 3 .p .m „ a t t h e T h e fii-qt PlimV heM nn M av ®t" 4 jo r2 3 0 9 -M arin e"D r iv e r 'n n r s e " t h e i i r s t C lm ic p la .y in g w ill be B o b b y S eed s ,.30th was a highly event, twelve ^mothers with babies attend ing The =̂ babies Accompanist-- F̂ Knight-Hodge Ronnie Henrlksen, Mary Addi^ .son, Hugh Coleopy,-Sheila Gra-, f ull|v rendered; violin^olos-during --w e - m ^ s d ^ ^ ^ n d T ^ ^ o the evening Roy Hunter gave a generaUy checked o%er. The. a ' Jiumorous address which was en- mothers feel that the Clftiio on Po„ joyed by all pre^nt. Dr. ,Reid the last Thursday of each month was also a guest speaker , and in. St, Stephen's Hall a t 2 p.m. B e^ l W t I ? ' :humorous-and--will-be^help'^and-guide-in-the- | . matters o f^m - problems of their children's early assisting a?t/st;will be Mrs Ham- ̂ Hton-Smith. -- -spoke-in--both-'a-Iiumorous-arid serious vein on terest. m i