West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jun 1940, p. 4

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frnwnmmmmmmmim a>tpirv.r^^j^e (•,isvWia, Hi -f̂ -J'î -osH-̂ ^ CTsr " P io w Wm C" 4»-- - A . - K J U . 'V ^ J T - S O l iC l l - « ^ .M M l* ^ W « t M»- Pro b«liT«r|f Sfnrbs - HaalU)' Accout THE WEST VAN NEWS GUUJ)TOWNSWOMEN I'RICES EFFECTIVE FRI. and SAT., June 14th and IBth M E A T S ' ; 'Fm': D«Ur«r7; :m 8IJNHIMJN BAI.AI) I)HES8IN(; 8»o*. |»r ........................ \a»H»h Fltiri'IH FOK 8AEAD-- No, t fin"<>'..............................JUk lied & Wlilti* TENDEIt PEAS-- 'liny, 8leve 3, tult tin .................14c Naijolj WHOLE llAHY BEA N 8-- ■ t«)l tin ....... |7t: Columbia CItAB MEAT-- B. C. FmcIkhI. No. «/i Un ...............23< Nabob Halad AHlMJtAOUS TIPS and ENI)8h-l<»'/j*«*- tin .....................10c Hc-d & Wlifto 80U P -- Veifotable or Tomato. !l Una .... 25c Hod & White B P A O H irm with (.'hcfWf and Tomato Bnuce. BIk I0*o/. ({n ............................ 9c Cold 8(>al IIEKHIN08 in Tomato Hrtuco. Lnriure Oval tin ...............lOc SiiiKapore HI>HJEi) PINKAJ'PLE-- tall tin ,,._....... 11c New Heaaon'H Htd & White Pure STUAWBEKUV JAM--4-lb. tin 55c TEA--Aunt Mury*H. Lb.....................63c Went 370 B E E F .TOKK L A M B ' lyBAL:... . All Grade A A A1 Bclleatessen Fresh Fish Daily Mm* J, B* Uylu«<i was chdsen as Honorary Prfsidt'nt, and Mrs. ,.A, ,X .Cushihi. ,rrf*s»dt'nt by a ^ clamation'at the mmual meetmij of the Townswomen's Guild at the Clachan on June 7th. Other officers elected: 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. D. McTav- ish; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. h. Bay- liss; Correspondinif Secretary, 'Miss I. Philip; Hecordini? Secre- tary, Mrs. G. W .Ki.ssick. Com- m itlee: Mesdamos K. Therrien, R. Ford, S. MacKay, W. K. Woodcock, T. Turner, D. W. , Graham, F. C. Pa«*e and R. B. Mundy. Mrs. D. W. Graham ex­ tended courtesy thanks to the retiring officers, guest speaker, Mr and Mrs. Fisher of t;ho Clach- Service -.'"LUJM9 IS 3R'~'"'̂ Hhlity" SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH s f i s M f E ■ ■ EOotSnO®' PAINT NO FOR QUAUTY W ^BO A EDTILE Aeewtst >1 CANADA PAINT C O M FA N Y /L T a ÊST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15lh & Marine Drive. Phone West 115 ( OKN F i.A K E ^ K c Ilo sg 'a O ia n t^ th e .p re .s .s . Good w ish c s '• '?"ch .......................;...10c - C LA SSIFIE D A D S The rate for CTomilflod AdTeetlacmenta ia 1 cents "per word, minimum 25 centa Except in the caae of tliMe having regular accounts, all claaii. n.uia arot nMvmble stricUy in advance. *^^KememhM*^CIaBBlfletb» in the West Van News get immediate results. l*Mvkagt* LlI'FHCOV SOAP--Cake ............ 7c Aiihtraliiui RAISINS-- 2. lbs ........19c HiiMlJi Clara SWEET PUUNEB-- 2 IbM........ ............................................23c K-i) IMaJNI fro mthe Duncan Lawson Chap­ ter, I.O.D.E. wore convoyed to the Guild by Mrs. Bayliss. . Mrs: E. H. Tonior, Barnsion GORDON ROBSON -- * FOR S A L E -5 acres, on 1500 ft. lovcLCIA TLHf T>T«(ifin<FH. fiOVa 4x99 0̂1 1 nrvt«ek( r«nir»rm»* Kneui*Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199 $1250; 1 acre corner; best view' ; o # l n i l c i , s^lrveiA . « « tt*OnAn 'iir* West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. NIFH Medium "a 'lb 'r ̂ Island, was guent .speaker a t the poB UENT-Co»y three f»«" ^ T rrTMedium, 2-Ib. ctn. 16c ^^jg^noon meelillK, her topic be- f lr e p la c c ,..central, l̂ovely view, with. PLOOB ̂ ......................... --------------- Inir " Pnnd r n n a e m it io n .durincf garage, Weat 686-B.------------------------ ■ _ W " i $1200 ; 4% -acres icloso in, $3200. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West 55 Wiljson-- P itm a n mg '■'Food, Conservation .during l'?()j' her wedding trip, by Wa rTime." Tlie evening session motor ito Vancouver Island, the _was opened with a devotional and SURFACING--J. Suthcrlani 488. MARCEL SHOP -- Theririique Steam Permanents; only best materials -- used.-- Expert-- operators. "Phone West 804. Rnval Bank Building.. PAINTING A N D DECORATING - ' Estim ates free. J. H. Wedley: West : 1022-L. of Gertrude IHividson, daughter won. wine. On their return Mr. • speaker, outlined (n interesting of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pitman, and Mrs. Wilson will reside)at manner the "War Savings Cer- GDRDON GRAY-- Insurance, all rish. RE-ROOFING-- GENUINE DUROID ....one 'policy, a ll locations. jSEy. and granddaughter of Mr. and Slii'n-idon, Man Mrs,'John Lawson, to Mr. Ridge- .Mlicer with bolero jacket way W. Wilson, son of Mr! and white accessories. and '■tk- Mrs. R'. R. Wlison, Rev. W. R. Evan Fullerton was the officiat-' ing- clergyman. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of' white net over corded taffeta, ' featuring a.full'double skirt. The fitted jacket, high buttoned, was edged with pleated net and her veil wiis fingertip length. JVI.i:s:-L ojm<HUaiicr-Ava.s-matron- SOCCER im of honor and Miss Nancy P it­ man and Miss Margaret Forbes, bridesmaids.,Their gowns were styled similarly to the bride's. Mrs, Usher was in Pitman, .green and Miss Forbes blue, and their small flowered J.u.sf Saturday the Merchants . li'ain met South Vancouver in a Dominion Cup replay at Con J()M(',s f'ark. The. teams played good football all through the game, South Vancouver sicor- 4n^lTG-fii^stirwa-goalsr-J'ohnrPid=r des played at centre ■ forward tificate" plan; Reports on war work v^ere given by Mrs. Nightingale, for Red Cross, this group having completed and turned in 330 gar­ ments; 155 pairs of socks and .T sweater. Mrs. Mundy reported 78 pairs of socks, 30 scarves, 13, pairs wristlets, (?. pairs mitts and 2 helmets had been ..sent to the Soldiers' Comforts Gommiftee' of the Co-Ordinating Council for W ar Work,vancl Mrs. J. H. Smith -stated^lO(>"Hui'//if.s-- ĥad-- been-- Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free ̂esti­ mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F, V,;Findlay, West 494-R. or W est 92-R2. PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. (Established 60 years) . 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. Local Agent, W ESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store " and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, W est 443-R, CASH FOR JUNK -- Botpes, ragi; Sacks, M etals, Furnitur^ Stoves, F Bayliss-(Notary- P u b lic ).------- ------sm all._B,urrard»Junk Co.. West'SL 2486 Bellevue. ..West 522-R --.................... ....... • T WANTED LISTINGS of all descrip.tioxiii H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 546~ CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coon, try way; ..guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, . North 811-R-2. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - HANDY ANN SHOP -- 2442 Marine. Special machine; repairs, parts- Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup- W est Vancouver Machine Shop,/1449 pliesj--Notions,--Ghinaware,---Hard--- -- Marine.r- completed and sent to the Cotin- .....i ..... »o cll> with 50 others ready for for-Kot ono back o na nice pivot shot ami South Vancouver scored by Mrs. D. MoTavish, Mrs. Doll- t-ho-bixiat-lieir-mak- ,man Mfs. AlTT. Cushing Mfs: j.~ iiig it 3-1 in their favor. After Richardson, Mrs. S. MacKay, Vare, Baby Garments. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed. --Real--Estatpr-InsuTanc^--R en ta ls^ - W EST VANCOUVER NIGHT ROL-- ̂ Sure protection; reasonable rates. W est 927-R. :V' ■ I huts were of matching forget^ me-nots. Mr. Keith Wjlson was .best man and u.s1ieis wete Miv Ml Duncan Pitman and Mr. ,Robin Porter. R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. the ch a n g e o f en d s M oon caijne- M rs. C. P a g e , M rs. R . F o rd a n d ^Phon^sY^Wes?*2l^^ on to o u ts id e r ig h t . T h e c h a n g e M rs. G. W. K issick . M r s .-T . ---------------------- =----------------------- -sure, g a v e J ,h e tea m con fid en ce T u rn er 's rep o r t on r e su lts o f th e SXJNLIT LODGE --S u m m er Guests, ~a>l(i J h h n ^M d < ie B -^n 4 i€ -- th ^ M ay J la y d a n ce s p ro v ed co n - tr ick w ith tw o m ore w ith o u t a cJu siv ely th a t th is ce leb ra tio n is rep ly fro m : S o u th V a n co u v er , b e c o m in g m ore p o p u la r y e a r by; -DO NT-FO R G ET-the-Big--Sale-start­ ing June 15th, at Crawley and Barker's Storej 1648 Marine Drive. Phone WJ '577. Transient and Permanent. -M^n©dDriver-West--^89-L2H- 3673 SUMMER CLASSES now in session; Hollyburn Business College, West, 341. ' its Mr ̂ : i i ^ "i. At the reception,'held af -the About five minutes from time .1 year.'^•A vote of thanks was pass- homo of the bride'.s parents,. South Vancouver got a 'lucky ed to Mrs. Turner and family Mrs, Pitman in a ra.spherry .lone goal, thus going into the next for their work in transforming di-ess of fine knitted silk witli round. This' was the final game the High School Auditorium into 'pin tucked botlice and knjfc for the locals. The wind-up meet- a veritable,fairyland'for th is oc- ipleated " skirt, and wine accos- Trig; will be v lield J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marinq Drive; Phone W est 21, or W est 553.-R-1. WANTED-- By batchelor, room with kitchenette.; Ambleside district pre­ ferred. Phone W. 1046-L. II ^ rat the ferry casion, and lorthe-Gom m ittec for sopies was a.ssi.stcd in receiving room, Thursday, June 20tl]i, at their assistance -with refresh- by Mrs. Wilson, mother of the - which it is hoped all players and 'ments, tickets,. etcf̂ T. grboni, who chose poudro blue supporters will be on hand. I ------ ---------- WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West __ 700. WORK W ANTED--Rock Pits, Septic Tanks, Lawns, General Repairs, etc. Phone W. 50-Y. ' LACROSSE NOTES GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 Wl. H astings, Sey. 4199 at W est Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 403. WANTED-- ^Two used French doors. *------ nion:e-WT-94&-L;---- ^ if , , MAKE YOUR KITCHEN MODERN Im w m There was a big thrill given the lacrosse fans at the Foriiih last Tuesday week during the interval between the Burrard- Indian game, when over 180 youngsters of 10-15 years of age from the North-West Side Juv­ enile Lacrosse League paraded, led by the West yanoouver Boys Band conducted ,by Jack Con- donk All the boys wore their club unit orms and a t theirJiead-W-eite- CHIMNBY SWEEPING • _______ burners installed; furnace repain. BU SINESS LADY would like room and board fo r month of August in r^fineiF home. W aterfront preferred ------Hbut riot essential Box.Al._ West Van. ; Sawdust " News. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. _ f . - W» 'H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. , FOR s a l e ;.:--F aw cett Range, McClary Oil Stove, B eatty Whitecap Electric Washer. Cabinet - Radio. Call at No. 2 Cabin, C3achan. , PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, at reason- ablfe rates. H. Gaines. W est 962-R. FOR s a l e ;--Compact 4-hoIe Fawcett Rang'e, complete with Imperial Oil Burner and fittings, $15. W. 662-7. YOUNG WOMAN W ANTS WORK by the hour. West-686-R.- ------ FOR .s a l e ;--Production machinery; _ .Circular Saw, Jointer, one horse power Century Motor. W. 556 R3. «apied three banners "bearing suitable inscriptions from the STORE FOR RENT- zrtu)Tî ~T_(ra:soirabIe7̂ rSplendid loca- "Juiy.'WesT 886-R. possession 1st' three districts, Lynp Valley, ^.^HGET the Big Sale start- West Vancouver and North Van- and couver, also three Union Jacks' the first carried by Ralph »H^l! The League wishes to extend their appreciation to the Boys Band and Jack Condon for their assistance, to Jim Thomson for famishing transportation, and to the North Vancouver Junior BoiU'd of Trade for their dona- Barker's Store, 1648 Marine Drive Phone W. 577. FOR SALE -- H igh location, stucco 3 years old; through hall, liv­ ing- room, small dining room, kitchen, laundry, Pembroke bath room, 2 bedrooms' O w n e r , West 183-R.- " , 6th B. C. SEA SCOUTS AND WOLF CUB i»ACK 4? T-?® monthly meeting Auxiliary of the Sixth Wolf Cub Pack and Sea Scouts will be' held a t the home FOR RENT-- G ood-6 room semi-bun­ galow, nice garden, lovely view, m ost convenient'location,- $30.00'"per month. W ill lease. Adults only, , S H A R ^ ' REALTY 1395; Maririe«T5nve West 7Jf FOR SALE--AU enamel range and oil burner, complete. W . 412-L. tion of feiTy tickets. The at- Taylor, ,981 17th' tention of West Vancouver ^treet, a t 2:30 p.m., on Thurs- oitizens is dra.^vn to the need of June 20th. a lacrosse box here, and plans T----- ------------- --̂ are under way to erect one. U- Council insrtucted the .H O U S E W A N T E D -- 3 bedrooms, "$2009. Cash about $250. Balance monthly. Masterman Real Estate, 2446 Marine. W. 1 0 7 7 . _______- iS : lft'rc*s ircal news for West Vancouver housewives' jn y feel , able and wish to assist Police to discuss with to promote Canada's National North Vancouver pound- I* ■ a "co tta g e'* iyt>e e le c tr ic ran ge th a t has LADY WIDOW wouW like to meet with another lady to share borne. Box 40, W est , Van. N e w s ._____ everything! Standard size oven. 5 cooking speedsy? ~autom:a1j<ftemi>eTature controI~ . . yet it~takcsronly~ :rr\ half the floor space of a coriyentidnal size range. And' the price is only _$ji6.SO.-a_s_a\ingjo.f_nearlx.jal- third. 4Vsk about this sm art new range a t your B. C, Electric showroom. game, and so, give the loc^ club and to ascertain if it the opportunity to play games be possible to keep stray ^ l^pw n , their donations'cW be u^>8s-on-prem^is-es in W ikrVari- gven to Hamy Jones a t F. Jones ^^uver preferably a t Dr. Nelson's B i c y d ^ h m -- _____ ___ _ .A m m aL H ospltaLJ^ f o r S A L E -^ room house with ba ̂ and furnace. Good location, ___LAWSON:- W ALKER & PRiP f . . Opp; Post Office!^ JAPAN RESCUE MSSION arrangements could be made satisfaGtory-- RENT--AttractWe, 1 ̂ V ' AT' rkOTxr nnwin . T'.r̂ nrjQlTr .1' i,: The mronthly prayer meeting on behalf of the Japan . Rescue Mission will be held (D.V.) on Saturday, June i k h , a t 8 p.m., in the home of L. Hibberd, 1136 4^tesuii_A.ye.--Mrs.-Smith-will- be the speaker. All interested are cordially invited, . ~ o f new home. Lovely, view, 1009-R. upper -̂ '̂ 7West~ MRS. F. KNlGHT-flODG^ LU.L.C.M. w ilfpresent her students- m -3l R E C I T A I , 1̂ at 8 pm THURSDAY, JU N E 27tti Jtt_^_Stephen!s- Parish H a ll l i and Scouts Auxiliary . Adriussioi^ 25 cents; Children, 15 cents