West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jun 1940, p. 3

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V . ' ' i « k '.'mR^ ĵpĵ ER H o r ^ F estiv a l s a t d e o a t ; j iw e i s t h Infliewood High Sch<^, Aft|prnopB Ev<pning. ., „ Admission Free Entries open to W est Vanpouver residents only,' EEMEMBER FATHER'S DAY Sim dayt |« n e 1 6 th . Tics for Dad 60e to $1.00; Soekti for Dad 35e' to $1.00 . S hirts for Dad $1.65 and $2.00; Susp^aders 50c to $1.00 SEE THE NEW JANTZEN SWIM TRUNKS ' McLEOD'S MENS WEAR 1412 MARINE DRIVE WEST VANCOUVER . »nd.M r9,.G..W , M atthew, The gardens surrounding the of Toronto, parents of Mrs, M, home of Mr. and Mrs. JT, G, Kel- J. W nsberg, 2081 Esquimalt lam, 2990 Palmerston Ave., fu r- Ave., are receiving congratula- nished the setting on Saturday tions th is week on their sixtieth afternoon for the annual garden wedding anniversary. party of the University of To- * * * ronto Alumnae, Mrs. Pollock of Winnipeg and * a ♦ Miss C. Reid of New West- , Students from the W est Vah- m inster have each taken a suite oouver High School wer« among a t the Fortune Cup Inn for the the massed choir of 300 children season and are now occupying who rendered songs from ̂the same. i Denneii s HAKlcKi BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL '" 6 'R F A ^ R X M E ri5 c rd o T Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Plain Layers, largo 20c small 10c • Largo Flour Sacks lOc 1468 Marino Dr. Phono W, 27 THE LADIES OF ST. ANTHONY TEA and SALE OF HOME COOKING ' ' ' ' '"ll ■ " 4 Saturday, June 15th, from 3 to 5.30 ■p.m. . at the home of Mrs. J, W . Lang, , 2997 Marine Drive. All membors. and friends are cordially invited. Miss Lorna Thomson of the Hollyburn Post Offioe staff left to-day to spend her vacation a t Pender H arbor B.C:Hi 4) * Canadian Sdng Book a t the sec­ ond MacMillan Club Rally yester­ day a t the Malkin Bowl. A son was born on June 6th a t the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jack The Whytecliff Red Cross Unit Condon, 2095 Gordon Ave. are holding a garden tea Satur- * * ♦ day afternoon a t the home of , Miss Peggy Thomas of Van- Mrs. John Bruce for the Refugee couver is the guest of Miss Jean Red Cross Fund. Matheson of Caulfeild during * f the absence of her mother, Mrs; ' Mr., and Mrg. J. Dodd AHaii* C. E. Thomas, who is visiting in who have been away for a con- Victoria. siderable time in England and more recently in Vanidouver, Mrs. Johli Glover entertained I G E I ( Protect Your H ealtli and Save on Food W astage by using Modern Air-Conditioned Ice Refrigeration -iccrC hests-for-R entor-Sale GARVIN ICE & FUEL Vgest 70.0 \ have again taken up residence in; a t a post-nuptial shower honor- W est Bay. ing Mrs. Harold Grant, the for- * * * ' mei* Miss^ Elsie Robbins, ,at her Mr. an d Mrs., Wheeler, who home, 24th^ and King's Aye., on a short time ago arrived in Can- ■ Wednesday evening, Ji^ne 5th. "ada from China^ are occupying Peonies and Van F leet roses:, a suite a t "The Gables," West were used for floral de'cnoration. Bay. , ....... The tea table was covered with * * ' * I ^ handsome lace cloth centred; Captain Ridgeway-Wilson ar- with a bowl of violas, presided rived in the city from Victoria over by Mrs. E. Robbins and Thursday, and is the guest of Mrs. . NeWWian, m other and Mrs. Graham Watson and" Miss grandm other of the bride respec- M argaret Watson, Caulfeild. tively. , * ♦ ♦ 1 Tl:^ invited guests were Mrs. W. G. D raper has returned E, Robbins, Mra. New m an/Bto^ from a vacation spent in Kelow- Mrs. B. Williams, Mrs., jiaJraU ;.,S -C .,-and-E lnoi:e-and. P- Minions, Mrs.. S .^ Dawson, r . , L t d . >7 M arine D rive Majorville, Alta., where he visit- Mrs. A. Chisholm, Mrs. C.- Jor ed with a daughter and grand- Mrs. T. T^raer, Mrs. W. children. He made the trip b y M r s ; J. W. B arnett, Mrs. F. Rivers, Mrs. A. Gleam, Mrs. A. A. Clarke, Mrs. J . Cruick- th e Misses Olive Robbin PawaoTi, Berothy- Harmp, K ath- leeh-Hirst.; Norm a M Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. Juno 18th, Mth and 15th GANTRY THE GREAT "Pride of the Blue Grass also "PANAMA PATROL" ti . SATURDAY EVE. ONLY , Juno IBth FRED MacMURRAY MADELIENB CARROLL 'Honeymoon in Bali' also', "INFORMATION PLEASE" MONDAY ONLY Juno 17th "6ER0NIM0" (Histoiujtjal story of Indian outlaw) TUESDAY and W EDNESDAY, Juno 18th and 19th WALTER PIDGEON VIRGINIA BRUCE "Society Lawyer" (once only at 8:15) ,only at --also-^ TELEVISION SPY ' busr 4i * 4« John Porter, son of Mr; and Mrs. D. G. Porter, of Vancouver, ■iXxMXX iA0 X l i w ^ X l O W v X . X i X X ,• X X • X V * X Y X V /^ . Leod, 1750 Haywood Ave., who h a s , ju s t ' received ;hi& degree in medicine from the ' University of 4c' * On Thursday evening, J u n e ' ON NY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON iU42 MARINB DRIVE WEST 960 ;U«>ml)0rM A.R.T, of B.C. " NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (C ertifi^ as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) 7" ^ --̂ " C. C. FINNEY, West.Vancouver Represmt6tlve Phone W est ; 7B2 and Driver will Alberta, is leaving. Very shortly Mrs. .L Glover was again for Ottawa, having been ap- hostess a t h e r home, 24th and pointed to the m esca l services -Kings -Ave., a t a m iscell^eous of the R.C.A.F. Dr. Porter dur- shower in honor of Mrs. B arne Unlversityi__Williams, the form er Miss Agnes was active with the C,O.T.C. and whose m a r r i a g e O T ^ ^ ^ WEST VANCOUVER 1 TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Garden Party and Sale of Home Cooking THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 20th, at the residence of Mrs. Joseph Martin, 2836 Marine Drive Proceeds for Wjar Work Admission, 25 cents A cordial invitation to alj to attend ' . \ holds the rank of captain. He is- also an accomplished mu­ sician, having directed the Uni­ versity band fo r the past four years. " .* ♦ Scanlan--iAiiderson in Vancouver on April 18th. The rooms were tastefully decorated for the occasion and the lace covered tea-table was centred w ith a bowl of pink carnations. ^ The guests included Mrs. E. King, Mrs. J. Morris, Mrs. E. Bujrard Laundry Ltd. well known' FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L The wedding took place iri St, Andrew's , Church, Victoria, by g a n o p , Mrs. A. E. Yonug, Mrs. PUPILS OF MISS MARJORIE R. McGILLIVRAY . f in at 8:30 p.m. Tomorrow' (Friday ̂ at Mrs. Griidy's 24th and ■ Waterfrpnt ' Collection in AJd oif Reid Cross the Rev. F ather Monahan on S ls t May of Robert Patrick ^Scanlan, Lonly son of Mr. and Mrs. Malurice. J. Scanlon, Van­ couver, to M argaret Jean- An­ derson, daughter of Lieut.-Col- onel apd Mrs.' Stanley J. Ander­ son, 860 Sinclair Ave. S. Dawson, Mrs„. - R." MeVean, Mrs. L. J. W risberg, Mrs. H. Huggins, Mrs. M. W right, Mrs.'i E. McMillan, ^Mrs; "GT^WedIey7-~ Mrs. J. W. Neill, M r̂s. T. Mc­ Gregor, Mrs. D. W. Graham, N orth Shore ROLLER ARENA 1st street, 1 block West of Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER . Mrs. H. L. Slater, Mrs.- H. Mc­ Gowan, Mrs. N. H. BullocTc, Mrs. Matinee every day, 2 to 4.30........ M. Winchcomb, Mrs. G. L . W M atinee Saturday mornings M onday to Friday, 8 to 10:80 p.m. Adults 35c Monday to Saturday, children, " . 6 to 8 p,m. 15c 26c ask your neighbor she w ill s a y PHONETO CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY -er,--Mrs.-E--Robbins,- Mrs--New­ man, Mrs. H. Grant, Mrs. A. Chisholm, Mrs. W. Russiell, Mrs. J . ' Jefferies, Mrs. Aj S. New- march and the MiSses Royce Dawson, Olive Robbins, Joan Jefferies. SCOUT NEWS FOR YaUB TODAY Pinance Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 19th, a t Headquarters, a t 7:30 p^m., and the Executive Oommit- -tee^ieeting on Wednesday, June I9 tb ,\ a t 8:30 p.m. a t Head­ quarters. " REFUGEiE COMMITTEE Mrs. F. A. Walker, convener 6f-the" Noith"'Sh"qre"I^^^^ ̂ oil Refugee Committee w is h e s ^ s ta te that, although the refugee Z 7 Eiftle--Sanders The marriage took place quiet­ ly, May 22, a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Lojicks, 3033 Mathers Ave., of Miss Clara Sanders of North Vancouver to Mr. William Thomas Little, only son. of Mrs. Loucks and the late Dr. William T. Little, form er resident of Ontario, Rev. George . Johnstone officiated a t the cere-. mony in the presepefe of immedi­ ate friends and relatives. A 'dusky pink redingote, with matching straw hat, was the choice of the bride fo r the oc­ casion and a corsage of oama- tions completed her ensemble. Miss Helen Sanders attended her sister as bridesmaid, her grey . i -a 4.* • ^ c j^ J _ ^ ) l^ b ] e n d p g _ e a ^ lilO to-12,-children underJ5v,. 10c Saturday Night Sessions 8 to 11.00,........................ 40c Spectators--All Sessions,.iOc. Above prices include all service, , admission to rink, skates, checking, etc. Private lessoha arranged on application For Private Instruction see Floor manager. - * Phone North 1735 "" The W est Vancouver district Scouters have arranged for their annual service to take place a t 3 p.m. nex t Sunday a t Amble- side, and invitations ha.ve gone out to every Troop and Pack in the G reater Vancouver area. All Scouts and Cubs should, be on the Ambleside grounds - by a t least 2:30 p.m. in full uniform. e s L 4 5 morrow coal & ICE COMPANY LIMITED work regarding the bringing of B ritish children to Canada is in - W charge of the ir coifiihittee they^ are pnly the channel through r which the work will be done. All organizations, as well as those in affliiation with the Local Coun­ cil, a re asked to send in names of homes willing to receive F rit- ish evacuees for the duration of th e war. Secretary Mrs. R._ Fid- . des. „1345 Gordon Ave., Holly- Jbum. n ] ^ : ^ h Z h e i ^ l h '̂ e g r b Iu rh a r-^ « > -^ -P » f and Accessories. Mr; L om e Tracy V f r t .m th th eir boys The sigM TOs best man. ^ . f bunch o f lads t^ e th e r is --Y O r-inform kl" rec^ tiD n--was-- Quite-- ^iinpressiVe--and--i-t„L S- later servejd. Mr. and Mrs. Little are residing in North Vancou-; • -- -------- -̂------------------- SPECIAL .Sawdust ....;.........$3.60 per unit Dry Slabs..........$5.00 per cord xinside Fir:-i- ' * from shed...... $6.00 per cord from mill ...... $6.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4;00 per cord Slabs & Edgiags $8.76 per cord --------- PRITAM'S-FUEL Phone North 620 Hjf)ught the public will enjoy the church service in the'ScQuty _open_air. E X P E R T ^ .. W atch and C lock BBiPAiBmq T. CHRISTENSON * (formerly with Birks Ltd., , Monbreal) 1622 Marine Drive Cub Sports.; l l ie annual West Vancouver Sports f or Wolf Cubs is taking place a t Irwin Park on Saturday, afternoon next a t 2 p.m. Come down and have some fun. 'liie re m il be eats after- wards, as usual, provided by the M other's Auxiliaries of th e dif­ feren t packs. VERNON FEED STORE A , C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilisers of All Kinds, ^ ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies. m