West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jun 1940, p. 2

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, v : ^ ' V X ^ J . 1 >»| irf f ( V-J i, i- r , ,* - ,*-.■ •I"-- 4« «h'V-Rp-..v,«.n- --Wf, • f .r'7-- • "-I-" "=»i---̂ mt w w m v m m m ^ c H im a i EEV. W« VAHCU, M M f U b M m 1963 Fulton Avtniio ûSrt̂ l .Flioo#v,Wiit.«l4.Jt.. Sunday SmtIcwi! |U.nt. A ItWpM* Stmn««rt atui Vbltort ar« wtleom* Silhouette News BAFTtit OKimCK ^-.-.I-.,i,~fr > ' Eof*' 'W* E* '■ MdCnyii ■ itpAi<f ®U9* SnndM Strrlcit . 10:00. clttd liiif A d u lt CliMHi 11 A.IH. A "t.i30 C t jUMW«tf4 atA kaa■ ■ . OwrJMPiWî # ■ A bearty wileotxiA to all \M U yuur pcnnunent han dJriod your liiiif--it Ih boeuuHo the cheruiculB u»ed hi pcriminent wiivinu ure imbedded in the huir niid cunnot be removed with a Bhampdo . To keep your permanent Mtronif and Boff- you mu»t remove these chemicalH with ̂a Silhouette Hair Treatment, Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBDM HALL ̂ I4ih and Dueheaa Sunday, June 16th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening at 7:30 CoBpel AddresH. Speaker; Mr, John Reid. Tuesday at 8 p.m Prayer and Bible Study. > S'ubjcct: 'The Fourth Paalm" WEST VANCOUVBE Science 20th and Bwmlwalt, HoUybura This Society Is a Branch of The Mother Chpcb The FIrat Church oi Christ, Sdantlat, in Boiton, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11;30 a.m. Sunday, Juno 16th SUBJECT: "God the Preserver of Man." Sunday Sohool at lOiOO a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m, The public is cordially in« vited to attend our services and meetings. CORPOEATT0N 0P TOT B f S M C T OF "IIJgST? 'T jIJI'C O O TIE An ■ TH E A TTEN TIO N of the rwidents « called to the fact that owing to the cxccptionalbf kht fall of snow during last winter there is an imminent possibility of water shortage on the upper levels.levels. In the interests of all concerned, an appeal is made to residents in all parts of the Municipality to exercise cate arid a.void sprinkling unnecc ssarily and to report any leaks in the water mams; ^ R. A. HARRISON, Acting Municipal Clerk. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch A ttention B uilders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, a s p h a l t p r e m i x . ROAD MATpIEiALS LIMITED Phono North 1141 P**_______ ALF ELLTfl, West 828.L Croatora of Kxcluaive Permaacata, 1646 Marlua Oriva Wsat 117 THE UNITED CHURCH 21 strand Esquimau Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister ■f fi'*' D R. G. D :H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DEMT18T X-Kay Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Iloure 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment, * Phono West 72 Sunday, June 16th $ #■ F®' Vi "'V 'i ' I DR: McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medlcal>Dental Building JHoarii|i_9̂ .to-6_-==s-.Evanlnga_by-. appointment.. 1860 Marine Drive Weat 482 10 ii.ml--The Sunday School. Find out about the Sunday School picnic, June 22nd. U a.m.--;Morning Worship, Subject; "Do We Really Want God V Do we want Him on our own terms or on His ?" 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject, "The Third Rule for Living,--Be Sincere." . these are grave days. But it is a great time to Worship God. Attentl to that. 9:46 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m. and 7 :80 p.m. -- Sunday Services. Subject Sunday Evening "The Foolishness of God's Wi.sdom." Wednesday, 7 :30; p.m,--Prayer Fellowship. . > Horseshoe Bay & Vicinity Thursday Bible Fellowship, 7 :45. Evangelical Indej^ndent " • ... ' ST. ANTHONX'S CATHOLIC CHURCH „ X 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van "Castor Sunday Services Low M ass-- 8:15 a m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 W e st V a n c o u v e r C o llege announces its Ju ly Sum m er Camp fo r Boys at SECHpaLt., , . ' ' '1 ' . ' ̂ I _ ■ 'i ' i , . ' / h : , ' Swrimnilng, Boating, Organized Sport Fee $5.00 a week (inclusive) Phone West 637-M , W.A. Red Cross meeting ev^ry W^tje.sday at 10 a.m. All day sessimi. ' ■ ' arin: I 4 I 1 .1 N ellie Harrison vA.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher o f PIANO and T h e o r y Residence Studio: 1966 Inglewood Avenue,. Weet 1056-L BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. W. L. McBLay 1344 Gordon Ave. Rosary and Benediction -- J :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2 :00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. ' Miss Aileen Nyblett of Cal- varv i.ci the guest of her brother- Mrs. W. R. Critchley of Gaul-, feild. r ' . Exrrarî peEiai ) rSunday Services: l i 'k i\ ■ Kf- U. ■? Vh ' '-r. BstablUhed on North Shore --26 Yoara __- ------- (Lady AsatoUroU) " HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Sirertars HoUybnm Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlora 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134., Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 ll*a.m.--Subject, "The Ministiy. <!>f.Joy." $tory and hymn for the young worshippers. 7 :3Q p.mi--Bev-R--E. S. Hunt. Of South Hill Baptist (iihurch. 7:45. Saturdays -r~ Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. ■ CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST -^TOTTTHE-PRESEWER OF I.O .D . E. Duncan Lawson Chapter, Im- ' perial Order Daughteiisu of the Rm pire will in the very near- future, launch a drive for paper and used clean woollen mat­ erials, knitting yams, etc. The organization asks-the support of all our citizens in this^'worthy cause. Details will be given in thi^.'ipaper-next ..issua-------------- Fir Slabs and Inside Fir, mixed f o HA cord, C .O .D .^ 3 ;^ LONE- N o r t h 8 6 We pay for the. phone call. will preach. The Church School and Adult Bible Class meets a t 10 o'clock. Monday, 8 pjn.-VYoung People's Society.' " Wednesday, 7 :45--^Prayer meet­ ing. Come and p ray ! SIfSs S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator -1706-Marine Drive- Phono West 938 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH : Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, June 16th 8 a.m.--^Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Children's Flower Ser­ vice.-- , -- 11 a.m.--Special Service for those overseas. - : . , 7 :30--Evensong and Sermon. 2:80 p.m., Wednesday -- Ingle­ wood W.A. meeting. ____ S_LJ^ancis-in-the-Wood ^ Caulfeild 3 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. i ,!■ :: 1-rV .W anted Capllono Golf Club, Men and Boys to caddy; Trans- portation provided f r o m Taylor Way. Phone West 718, or i® Iy a t Profesaionars Shop I: ' \ THB . West Van News UNITED CHURCH W.A, Tlie Church Hall was well fill­ ed on; Tuesday, June 4th. for the annual Talent Tea, when the funds w ere" considerably in ­ creased bj ̂ talent money and donations. The giiest speaker was Mi[s. Paul Smith, M.L.A., who spoke on the necessity of various forms of insurance and gaveian inspir­ in g talk on world (jonditions and the need foF calmness, faith and vigilance. .. Several pleasing vocal selec­ tions were rendered by Mrs. J. C. L. H unt and Mrs. J. D. Dono- MAN" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist,, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: 'The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer;, my God my strength, in whom I will trusT; my buckler, and the hom of my salvation; and my high tower" (Psalms 18:2). " Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: ."He that dwelleth in the sep'et. place' of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalms 91:1). The Lesson-Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage fix)ni the Christian Science text- ~book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. "To those leaning on the Sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." "Thli y^at S e e Stiilik (2olu.ntkik MUNICIPALITY OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE OF. PUBLIC HEARING UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. Published Every Thursday : 1 PublisherF. F. LOVEGROVE K:-'] Thone West 363 van. , , behalf of the Association -Mibs. J . T. "W att~thanked tK^ -speaker, soloists and all those -who were responsabte for :̂h<> Business and. Editorial Office: ̂1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 i T:V ■ North Vaneouver Office 121 Lonsdale Ave. success of the Talent Tea. Arrangem ents were made for a garden party to be held on Tuesday, June 25th ,at the home of. Mrs._A. Chilton, 1089 15th- street. . ' ' On May 27, the Society held its Annual Banquet a t the United Church Hall. The results of the election of officers for the foHo\ving year were as follows : Hon._ President, Rev. V a n e e v President, M a ^ i e Banks; Vice - President, John Hilton; Secretary, Doreen Addy; IVeasurer, Joy Tearoe. Commit­ tee leaders: Fellowship, Jack G i '^ t ; Citizenship, Doug. Col- quhoun; Missionary, Margaret i^yLiChristian^CuIturef=StelIa^ Bruce. Conveners: Recreation, I^rraine Wheelwright and Keith CoIquhoun-t-Membership;"M arg^ Let the Coast-dweller take a trip into the Interior; let the people of the Interior visit the Qoast; they will both find plenty to surprise and delight' them. BritiVh Colurhti|a presents scores of different aspects. Its highways are entrancing, travelogues, colourfuLpageaDts- of' picturesque activities and matchless sceneiy.. E B E D a n d , JrinaUy adopted-^ by C ouncil. the SIG N E D b y th e R eeve and Clerk ai^ SE A X E D w ith th e ' C orporate Seal w z$he=said^=GorporaitIon--a ll--on--the--------- day o f , AJO: 1940. ery Gee; Refreshments, Muriel Press Moira Jones. Although the business meet- mgs have come to a dose, the ,Society will continue with ten­ nis, during the summer. THIS YIAR SEE BRITISH COLUMBIA " The Vacation land that has Everything.* B eeva Clerk. --I~hei:6by~"c^tlfy:"tHeraax>ve~tq-'Ŵ true c o p y ,of-^'Zonlng;"B y -la w No.' Re Proposed Amendment to the Zoning By-law N o tic e i s h ereb y -g iv en th a t pursuant to th e piTovisions o f th e T ow n Plannini • - A ct a m eeting' o f th e C ouncil of the C orporation, o f th e D istr ic t of West V ancouver; w ill be h eld in th e GouncU ■ C ham ber' a t t ^ M uiU ciiF^ 17th S treet and- E sq u im a lt A venu e, on Mon­ day, June 17th, 1940, com m encing at 7 p.m . to con sid er proposed'ahiendiaeats to Z oning B y -la w N o. 478, a s j e t out lu the copy o f th e -proposed Amendment B y -la w N o. 809, quoted- below . West Vancouver "Zoning By-law No. 478,1931." Amendment By-law-No. 869, 1940' W H E R E A S a fte r - consid ering the - recom m endaU ons of-.the W est Vanoou- ^-ver-rTown--Plfln h ln g fiOim.TifilHslon--lt- SP--- p earsad v isab le^ an d expedien t: tx> amend "Z oning B y -la w N o . 478, 1931.'* sd fo.llow s; N O W T H E R B E O R E th e R eeve and C ouncil o f th e C orporation o f the Dist­ r ic t o f W est V an oouver in open meetin^f assem b led E N A C T S A S FOLLOWS: law N o. 869, 1940." 1. T h is b y -la w m ay b er6 rt^ "TOT all purposes a s "W est -^S^mcouverVZwng v B y -la w N o. 478,.-193T A m en d m ^ -'B y- 2. ̂T he fo llo w in g lo ts to be added to and m ade p a rt o f th e "Light ^ - d u str ia l D istr ic ts." L o ts i to 16 in c lu siv e , o f B lock 14 of D istr ic t L o t 237. . ' ' i L o ts 16 to 30 in c lu siv e , - o f B lock 13. of D istr ic t L o t 237." -- P A S S E D by th e Ck>iihicll e n the 3rd dhy o f Ju n e, A .D . 1940: RESCONSID- 478. 1931, A m endm ent B y -la w N o . 869, 1940* . \k . •1.00 s j e ta t by carrier:. $2.00 a year by maB Mr. and Mrs. Jordan have moved from Vancouver into a suite a t the Fortune Cup Hm for the season. Mr, and Mrs. Newmaji, who have been occupying a suite at the Fortune Cup- Inn, have r e ­ turned to their home in the city. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT TRAVEL BUREAU,, bepartmenr «f Tra4« and Indtutry, ,' P'rii^nf Bulldlngt, Victoria. ................... R ., A. HARMSON, A cting: M unicipal Clerk. AH ipersona w h o deem * them selrtf a ffected by- th e p r o p o s e ameudm®®" w ill be a fford ed a n opportunity to W heard by th e CounqU on a n y matter® re la tin g theireto. ̂ D ated a t W ^ . V an couver, B . C , *hid 5th d ay o f Ju n e, 1940.' R ., A . H A R R ISO N , A c tin g M unicipal Glew-