West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jun 1940, p. 1

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Circulating m the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Ambleside, H olly burn, Weston, D undarave ^1.00 per year Cypress P ark, C aulfeild ,W hytecliff, E tc 6c per copy Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O.T WEST VANCOUVER, B.C, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1940 No. 9 ......... . THE DESECRATION AT VIMY Nothinir ever conceived in hell's lowest p it can surpass xvii/it iiccordirifif to eyewitnesses has been done a t Vimy. By the wanton destruction of the Vimy Memorial and the dese­ cration of the graves in the surrounding cemeteries the Ger­ mans have shown themselves to be lower than the most de­ graded tribes of D arkest Africa^ who a t least have the in­ herent decency not to disturb the sleep of the dead. The iniquity of it has shocked .Canada and, the whole world. It m atters not who ordered th a t desecration, whether Hitler or one of his officers. The whole point is th a t it was Germans who obeyed 'and executed the order. As if broken treaties, treachery of the worst description, and the whole­ sale slaughter of the weak and innocent were not sufficient, they must yet do one foul deed more. The count against them is already past forgiveness, and, unless Hitler wins, there will be no place anyw here 'in the . world for Germany or Germans. And they cannot win. The day will come when the hayonetstof the Empire and France close in op the fleeing m asses of the Hun. In th a t day "kam -' erad" will be of naiaVail, because bivilization simply dare not ■ • let them live. . ,. .a / ~ THE GROWTH OF WEST VANCOUVER West Vancouver still oontinues"̂ To grow in spite of the war. Many new homes have been constructed 'th is yeari many are in course of construction. There has been" very little speculative building, the new homes being occupied by their owners, most of whom canie from Vancouver, as soon - as they were ready fo r occupation. Official figures, from the Municipal Hall show th a t fo r the first five months of this year there were taken out $293,982 worth of perm its as com- --pai'ed-with-$27-77250^foiL-1939,--Of~this~the-sjum-of~$26Z,33-7_ represent^ perm its for residences, which was an increase of $2,187 over those fo r the corresponding period last year. We give below a detailed statem ent of the two periods, a study of which will show the progress which is being made by the municipality as a residential sector, a progress which m ust be regarded not only as remarkable under the circumstances of war, but as an earnest of the great fu ture. whicK awaits West Vancouver when peace again comes to the world. . > Summary-of--Building P erm its: . =■ ____ . : 1939 ,.,. ' - , ""'J Additions & " ' ' Dwellings Stores (^ rages Alterations Total January.... . $ 27,800 ' ■50 ' . 350 28,200 February .... 49,050 350 - 2,150 51,550 . March ...... . 47,100 • . 360 500 . 47,960 Anri) ■ 91.950 ^ 475 5,200 97,625 .....,..... 49,250 T65 $265,150 $1,400 $10,700 $277,250 1940 ̂ .... $ 17,550 $3^^000 $r 75 $ 440 $ 21,065 February ... 5i;870 . 200 ' * 1,455 53,525 March....... 42,680 : 595 3,180 46,455 A pril......... 59,580 ^,500 f 280 9,785 72,145 May .......... 95,657 ' .150 4,985 104'19,2 $267,337 $5,500 $i,300 $19,845 .$293,982 SWIMMING FLORAL FESTIVAL COMING EVENl^ Classes for beginners and in The Annual Floral Festival of Tuesday, 25th June, United advanced swimming and plain the West Vancouver Horticult- Church W.A. Gm-den Party. diving will be lield Monday, ural and Agricultural Associa^ 1:------ Tuesday,, Wednesday and Fri- tion will be held on Saturday of day afternoons at Dundarave this week, June 15th, in the In- Pier, starting 17th inst. Phone gjewood High School, both in Eileen Body, West 1127-L.*'** the afternoon and evening. Ad- CUB SPOR'l'S DAY Tho third annual WCst Van­ couver Wolf Cub Sports Tuy will mission is free and. entries are be hekton Saturday, Juno I5th, RED CROSS " .open to West Vancouver resi- I'laee, Irwin Park." Time 2:8() ENTERTAINMENTS dents only. There will be prizes ......................- for flowers; floral displays, gar- p.m. The Ladies' Committees Because the W est Vancouver dens, rockeries and boulevards. Branch o f Canadian' RecL Cross Entries will be received a t the ne^ds about $2500 to, carry on Inglewood High School from 7 Red, Cross work to the end of to 9 p.fii. Friday, and exhibits the year, a newly formed Ways m ust be in place by 10:30 a.m. and Means or .Entertainment Saturday. are putting on a Bun Feed afte r the Sports arc over. BUITISH^ISRAEL Committee has been formed and is planning a busy time ahead. They are asking for the whole­ hearted support of the entire BUS HEARING Mr. C. Gladwin of North Van- cauver will be speaker a t Mon­ day night's meeting, June 17th, a t 25th and Marine Drive. You are very cordialy invited to .. - - . The Public Utilities Commis- these Monday evening meetings, conimunity in the various under- sion reserved judgm ent for 48 The addresses are suitable to the " takings they are planning. Triese hours yesterday in the m a tte r times. Bible study on Wedhes- ' of the" municipal bus hearing, flay at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting oh Councillor Sears claimed the;* Thursday evenings kjfc 8 p.m^*** C o m m issionby -- delays'^"" caused heavy losses ' to . W est RECITAL BY P0rH&„S > Vancouver' ratepayers w h i 1 © Reeve Leylahd claimed expense© would-be much reduCedi^^ ̂ use of smaller buses, A &uc© will be Of a varied nature and will appeal to everybody. This, of-course, will be entire­ ly distinct from .. the National Drive in September for funds. Because of heavy demands, which the public know have been, made and will continue to ' be OF MISS M cG ityV R A Y „The-pupils - o l __ __________ _____ _______ Gillivray ,a^ooiatd4 teacher of made these funds are, sorely Robertson, counsel for the Pacific the J. D. A. Tripp Piano School, needed ^ d because of t hia we Stages, said the municipality;, h ad ~ Avill be heard in r ecital a t ̂ Mrs, in . West-. Vancouver must* to a. overesfimafed llTe ^a^senge^ Grady's, 2 4 th , and W ateifront, traffic and underestim ated; the West^Vancoh:^er,'f B. G., on̂ F rir mileage operating cost, great extent finance our own Red Cross work. The.first event under the new plan is a Concert offered to the community by the well knovm pianist, J . D, A. Tripp. Mr: Tripp himself is arranging the pro­ gramme oh which such well NOTICE day, June 14th,yat 8:30 p.m,; Pupils of Dadye Rutherford's Dramatic School will assist. Col­ lection in aid of Red Cross' , )On Friday evening, June 14* 1940, closing exercises will be - X A held in the Auditorium a t W est well knoyn a r tis ts as Mrs. Amy, Vancouver High School. ; A dair Dewa^; ^s^oist,* "Under" th© "diiection of Mis© Miss Y 'e^ Frem an violinist, and Brelsford, there will be a dis- WEST & NORTH VANCOUVER -- COLLEGES"" C6m BINE SPORTS DAY . -X,.. x̂ xwox̂ Av*, TT«4 v.*«- MahoH Parlc, North Vancou- Harold Brown, pianist, will ap- -nlav of articles bv the crirls who its grahdstand well pear with hiim Mr^.Tripp has have been taking classes in the hJIed with enthusiastic students for ̂years been one of Vanbou- Home' Economics- Department. parent^and its shaded pic- ® j High S^Hnnl arpdnn̂ -̂ '̂ ̂ P̂ 'p- nic ground^offennir sheltenf.KQm htlie Kllll)llivr.jj.h 1)K H.SsiTreftTSf lomas W ilL ^ ll/itXff/n-nnnr, cirx «ror. flirx a musical trea t in-this prograntf. I t is to be held on' Sunday, June 23rd, in Hollybum Theatre a t 9 p.m. Mr. Fletcher has kindly donated the use of h is , theatre to the Red Cross. There will be late buses. TEA AND SALE OF HOME COOKING winner of the Ian -Brown Mem- orila Award will be announced. Ribbons and, other awards from the Inter-High School Track. Meet- will also be distributed. - A cordial invitation is extend­ ed-to parents and friends,to be present ak the School for this 'fu n c tio n . RED CROSS TREASURE HOUSE ^t-a__special m eeting of the. West Yancouver -Red Cross So­ ciety held on Wednesday last, it was unanimously decided to open what is to be known as "The. Red Cross Treasure House," to be run^Iohg similar lines to the Superfluity. Shop • inj Vancouver. _ No salaries of any -kind will ^be paid, the expenses'being liinit-> ^ to nominal amounts "for ren t, heat and light. The to tal pro- ceeds^of all articles will be used ' exclusively for Red Cross work, and the c i t i e s are '^ked^tcThe as generous as'possible in donat­ ing any articles which they ca,n ■ spare for this purposeiflt is sug­ gested that articles of practical .use or as gifts are most desired, such as silver and china ware, S u and pottery, pictures-^ -fancy goods, embroid- XEGION t n o t e s ~ _ ...The Ladies, of. ,St._Anthony are holding a Tea and Sale of Home Cooking on Saturday, June 15th, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. a t the home o f Mrs. J. W: L ^ g , 2997 Marine Drive. A oordjal invitation^, is extended to all NOTICE th^,Jiot^fternoon sun, was the ting, for the sports day ̂ be­ tween the two colleges. Mr. Dale, principal of North. Shore College, and Mr. Allen, principal of W est Vancouver College ,took charge o f the track eyents, which included long and high jum ps for various ages, one hundred, r tw o hundred and tw enty and four hundred anff fo rty yard races for various ages; fhrowing_the-crickeLball, and a relay race. At the con- A) big rally of members was held;-in the Legion Hall on F ri­ day,; June 7th, forty-two .mena- bers. being present, w ith Presi­ dent C. F. Smith in . the chair. Three new menibers were in i t ia l ­ ed. Six members are now serv­ ing in the C.A.S.F. , A; liiass meeting of G reater Vancouver ex-ser^ce inen will Townswomen's Guild will hold S a garden party and sale of home ^^icomed the^ r t i ^ ^ O n S r s d a T ^ n ^ M t h table, . w h e ^ a p a re n ts s s B ra iia r e igi» i 5 - » » p ^ « i« s r t e aae a.Mrs. U. UQdlonton will be co- Allen, and Mr.s. dlam.sey present- ed the winners,'with ribbons. I t is his Earnest desire, said the .N orth Sjlore College prin­ cipal, th a tx jri f u ^ re years the sent. STUDENTS OF MRS. KNIGHT- HODGE IN RECITAL The piano and violin pupils of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, I.U.L. C.M., will be heard 'in recital a t St. Steph'en's Parish" Hall a t 8 p.m. Thursday, June 27th. There will be violin solos and duets a vi'olin ensemble, piano! solos, d,'u- ets and trios, also 'cello solos, all hostess. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and spend ah enjoyable afternoon and at the same tim e -help . in this w orthy effort. Admission, 25 cents; LACROSSE LEAGUE in In the lacrosse games played the N orth and West Side two colleges may again meet iii sim ilar events to compe*te in sports and to enjoy a pleasant afternoon. ........ . , Juvenile Lacrosse League, the Midgfit-Leagufc4)m dd£d-tbeJiig, UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. novelty je w iry ^and-antiques-- T hestore-w iirbe- of Mrs. John Redden, ssisted by Mrs. Pepper and Mj:. mli- being located , im- th e:* Royal- ^nat the store will be ready fo r cupancy within a few days, b u t tnrYĤ P^oantime citizens may they wish -tp-donate-to the:Red:CrossTIe^r- be held a t Brockton Point to ­ night. The next drill by the W est Vancouver U nit, of . the Flying Column, and the^ Civilian Protective Corps, will be held a t Am bleside-ParklonJVednesday,- June 19th. . Members of these to Hie diplom grade. The as sisting a rtis t will be Bernard The regular monthly meeting ^n th e~ w :M :sr^n i'L e~ ^h € id ' onthrill when Tomahawks defeated - Smalley, the boy 'cellist, and the fbe fa st St. Paul s Indians by a meeting net proceeds will go to St. Steph- H -9 score to take a strong league will be a display of Hospital sup- en's Cubs' and Scouts' Auadliary, leadership in th is division.. This ply g ifts, towels, pillowcases, etc. Admission, 25̂ cen ts; children, game was a tre a t tol watch and Alrrangements are being made 15 cents. "^produced some fine thrills. In for a s p ^ a l speaker and Mrs. the"^bantam4eaguerthe-two-Tom-'yeHobden^4H^report--on-^Christ--- "units will assemble a t the Legion H all at- 7:30 p.m. and will pro- HOLLYBURN HALL ahawk teams, Aces and Olym- iam Stewardship.'.' Friends in the pics played a har d game which congregation ar<a cordially in- ceed. to'Ambleside P ark r I^os- pective memberr^. are asked to attend- The next regular meet- ~ing of Legion members wilLbe held^ on FViday, June 21st a t 8 p.m., when Secretary H. G., P la tt will report on th e work done a t the recent Dominion Legion Con­ vention a t Montreal, a t which There wiILbe Sunda.y School • was won by the Olympics by a vited, and- tea will be served. and Young People's Bible Class a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, June 16th, and a t,th e 7:30 p.m. ser­ vice John Reid will give a Gospel addiress. Tuesday . a t 3 p.m. 6-5 score. Iii the next game West Vancouver continued' to show. „ , daughter, Maureen Letha, ■marked improvement, holding' . was bom Sunday a t the Vaheou- the St. Paul Indians to a Jl-8 ver General Hospital t^^ ̂ . score. The'gam e Monday night Mrs. Norman Hyland (n e e prayer and Bible study, subject between Lynn Valley,' who won Gretchen Meilicke).. "'The Fourth Psalm.^' quarters in West. Vancouver. he a f t e f i ^ as delegate from the North Shore Branches, Clerk to make necessaiy arrange­ ments to use two polling booths a t fu rther Municipal elections. :the_ first half schedule, scored a 4-0 victory over Topiahawk •Aces. These games $re the firs t' of the second half of the bantam schedule. Maelor Martyn, 1949 Bellevue Ave. has joined the M.S. "E rria" assistan t engineer, sailing ©n Fridays last fo r the Orient. tv